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In a reboot I just don't see Val having sold the house that she loved to someone who wasn't family. I can see one of her children living there. Maybe Gary got the ranch back in the years after the 1997 reunion and that's where they live now.

I wonder if one of the twins would inherit Gary's demons with the bottle ? I think it would be interesting it was Betsy who did instead of the too obvious male child Bobby. Maybe Betsy is a writer like Val, but she works in the TV industry writing screenplays or maybe for daytime soaps. Her personal life is a mess with a failed marriage behind her and raising 2 children on her own. She starts off as a closet drinker that gradually spirals out of control. She is jealous of her brother Bobby who seems to have it all together with a long standing marriage and seemingly perfect family life and home (the home where she grew up and is resentful Bobby now owns it). 



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In this day and age, kids are moving back in with their parents along with their kids.

It would be interesting to see Val as a grandmother and in the Lillimae position.  And perhaps Betsy is somewhat well adjusted..but maybe one of her kids reminds Val of their grandpa Gary.  And instead of alcohol, maybe the addiction would be perscription pills.  

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Flamingo Road would make more sense than Sisters, given that FR was also a Lorimar-produced soap. I still say they should have all four on in daily blocks.

Re: a Knots reboot. The only thing I'd worry about is that today's 30/40-somethings don't really socialize with their suburban neighbors. I feel like portraying a cul-de-sac with regular dinner parties, barbecues, and coffee klatsches would be seen as old-fashioned. My generation is just antisocial af.

I have to say, the 90s episodes haven't been as bad as I thought I'd be. I guess I didn't really think they'd be bad - moreso boring, but I've found myself caring enough to keep watching.

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When rewatching the first half of season 13...I saw so much potential and wished that Ann Marcus had come on to help the new team.

Tidal Energy vs Sumner Group could have been a good umbrella story.  I liked that this move allowed Paige to interact with Gary, and to a lesser extent Val.  But execution was off and it needed someone with soap writing experience to help flesh out these ideas.

Gary/Val disagreeing about Tidel energy harkened back to the Methanel enngine era in season 3.  Their conflict was organic and in character for both.

Seeing Val being maternal with Kate was in character...and Kate/Gary having a nice rapport in their scenes are building blocks to the final season.

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You aren't alone.  John Pleshette told knotslanding.net pretty much the same thing years ago: that it isn't realistic for neighbors to become so involved in each others' lives.  That's why, for example, they had Gary (and later, Abby) work with Sid at Knots Landing Motors, so that they would have more ways for the residents to interact.

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As best as I could, I compiled a list of shows, all owned by WB, that realistically could run on their "Primetime Soaps" streaming channel.  It's probably not a complete list - and no, I'm not including "Dallas," b/c something tells me that show would get a channel of its' own, lol.

Bare Essence


Falcon Crest

Flamingo Road


King’s Crossing/Secrets of Midland Heights

Knots Landing

The O.C.




The Yellow Rose

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Bob Barker would WEEP because the chokehold that the classic TPIR channel has had me in for the last 1-2 years would finally loosen. This would be my go-to channel all the time.

I'm surprised DALLAS isn't already on a 24/7 channel as it is available on demand through Freevee. It's really shocking that we had, essentially, a 24/7 Knots channel for two weeks (and FC for a week and a half?) before a Dallas channel.

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That's one thing I really liked about early Knots was how all the neighbors had ways of being involved in each others lives. Gary & Val were instantly welcomed and became part of the group.

If the show were done today they would have one of the women be catty towards Val because of the way she talked/dressed/was southern.

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I would agree today's single/child-free 30/40-somethings don't socialize with their suburban neighbors, but if you live on a street and/or cul de sac with families that have kids around the same age... they all still socialize.   And I know several peers of mine that live in the Chicago burbs with kids.. that talk all about their bar beques, neighborhood block parties, etc.

So it would have to be families with school age children around the same age for it to sort of work.

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