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OLTL week of August 25, 2008

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I thorougly enjoyed the Jared/Natalie scenes today. I'm glad they fought then made up at the end. They are my favorite couple on this show (but I need for Viki to come back so she and Charlie can try again).

I am also glad that Tina is living at Llanfair. Finally her return (for me) is paying off. She should have been in Llanview this whole time instead of crappy Mendorra. I'm looking forward to the Tina/Viki dymanic when Viki returns.

Hate.Tess. When is she going away? <_< Sorry, I prefer Jessica not this loony tune.

I'm not watching the Todd/Marty stuff so I have no comment on them.

I like Langston so much more than Starr. That's kinda sad in a way since I watched Starr grow up.

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I doubt Broderick will ever return while Frons is in charge--that's the gossip about her last tenure (whichw as kinda strange--I still would love otknow what she wrote nad what whitesall wrote though I ewxpect he wrote the campier stuff). Rumour was she was offerewd a return to AMC (where I dearly want her) and wouldn't because of that

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AMC was good during that time in spite of Elizabeth Page. Elizabeth had a good working relationship with Agnes for several years (she used to write scripts for AMC), but her work as HW was a disaster. Her ideas (most of them never made it to the screen, thankfully) were terrible and most of her work was rewritten. That's why she was canned after three months.

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Do you know any of these scrapped ideas? I admit I was assuming cuz the show got VERY schizo when Jean Passanante replaced her--suddenly the show waqs like half great and half cartoony crap! You didn't have that duality under Page (I still would liek to know who hired Passanante to AMC anyway after her brief awful period HW OLTL when Malone left the first time, pre Labines--although I knwo she did get a good reputation for working as a brakdown writer under Malone and Girffith)

SYlph I didn't even know you even watched AMC when Page was a HW--or said anythign about her time at AMC... B)

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