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Y&R: Week of July 14, 2008

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I don't say they should never go there but toying with heavy flirtation would be great - redux Jill & Ryan so to speak. Their scenes always oozed sex, yet they rarely talked about things different than the latest sales figures and Jess Walton was at least one head taller than Scott Reeves. :lol: They were still sooo hot together.

Brenda Dickson's Jill and the young Brad Carlton were a hoot. I think some scenes are even up at YouTube on the MandyKimper channel...

I don't expect seeing those long conversations which spanned over whole episodes ever again but I expect meaningful scenes and that characters don't visit 6 sets in 6 different scenes in all 6 six arcs an episode...

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Today was good. Again, Graz was on fire IMO.

Not that I want Sabrina v. Victoria to go on forever, but I hope they aren't going to bury the hatchet anytime soon. I really feel chemistry between these two when they're arguing. And if the writers ever give Victoria back her bitchy side, I would love to see these two go at it. THEN they can forgive and forget. But I want to see a juicy brawl between them first.

And so far 2 days of Gloria. I don't mind her - she actually makes me laugh - but I hope the rest of the week is less Gloria, more Adam/Heather. JMO. There was Hogan's name on the credits today, but I didn't see any dramatic shift in the stories. Granted, it's the first day but sometimes these things are noticable right away.

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Hogan's name was in the credits, and the world didn't come crashing to a halt. :D

I'm a little worried about this Funding for the Arts stuff. I get an LML Blood Diamond vibe off of it. But I'm willing to give it a shot. It's not like it's a bad cause to address (neither is the diamond trade), but I just hope it doesn't take over.

And I liked the Victoria/Sabrina scenes.

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The 2003 David Shaughnessy produced and Jack Smith written gala benefited the arts too I believe.

Of course that gala was amazing and won Y&R the Outstanding Drama Series Emmy in 2004, I don't have high expectations for this one and don't expect it to come close, but it should be exciting nonetheless.

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Why oh why are Jeff and Gloria still at the Abbott mansion? i know that they would neeed a new set and all but at least put them in a room at the hotel! It's absurd to see them there.

Today's show was was meh to me cause Nikki putting David in charge of FUNDRAISING is ludicrous. Does she really think that having a gambling addict in charge of anything monetary is a good idea? And for what purpose? He should be in a rehab center far away from work or other stresses. She should know better than this and I hate it when soaps make smart characters do insane things that aren't beleivable or backed up by reason.

Am i the only one who wants to see Nick broke without a red cent and have to go begging to his Mom and Dad for a job? His smugness and "I don't care" attitude are beyond irritating. He has nothing and would be nothing without his trust fund. He only gets to do anything from his fatrher's success not his own.

Amber/Daniel is good. AF and graz are so great together. I actully can believe that Amber would tell Daniel the truth (even though she's NEVER told anyone the truth and on B&B was famous for keeping secrets from her husband Rick).

and Sabrina and Victoria - move this along please. Bickering does not a s/l make.

All in all....meh today.

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