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Y&R: Week of July 14, 2008

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It was a hymn or some religious song, right? She sang a hymn in the nightclub before. Why does MAB/HS think that this a good idea or even entertaining? Why is she hanging out in a nightclub in the first place? It is all so freaking strange. They need to shut that kid up or have her sing in a more appropriate places. She should go sing at the coffee house or the athletic club.

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Phyllis is being written with a spine again, I see. She's doesn't appear to be the school girl who only says, "Oh, OK" these days. They still need to break Nick and Phyllis up though, because that pairing sucks the life out of both of those characters.

I too notice that most scenes are ending with cliffhangers, which was needed.

And here we go again with Nick disinheriting Nick and Victoria. :lol:

And isn't Sabrina one smug bitch acting like she knows Victor more than Victoria and Nick. I wanted Victoria to smack her today.

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I've watched a few of this week's Y&R episodes, and I'm really enjoying it. It's a lot less boring than the times I've watched it in the past. I also have to agree with everyone about the little girl singing, the two episodes I watched both had her singing in them, and I don't see the need.

I don't get why people are saying the show needs changes, it's really well written, well acted and well produced. It has a diverse cast of all ages and a strong black cast as well. Eva from ANTM is really good in the role of the single mother, I hope they give her something to do that doesn't involve Neil...maybe a romance with another guy on the canvas?

I'm enjoying the fallout from the article about Sabrina and how it's trickling into lots of storylines, and I'm also loving CHLOE! I hope they don't ruin the character with all this business with Cane.

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This isn't the time or the place to talk about it, but when the heck will Y&R finally get a new opening. Or at least change ONE picture in it? For a #1 show, it definitely doesn't take care of that part...

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Considering GL updates its opening on a near daily basis, and B&B updates theirs on a whim, you wouldn't think it would be that hard for Y&R to keep theirs up to date. I mean, seriously, it would take a few minutes on any video editing program to import two overlaying clips, make them black and white with a high level of brightness and contrast against a white background, and do a little text animation with the actor's names...and voila! One shot. Repeat for every cast member currently missing from the opening and you'd maybe take an hour, including time to edit them into the current sequences. I honestly don't know why Y&R is so bad at keeping their opens up to date.

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Not to put an end to everyone parading but I didn't find last week that extraordinary.

Monday - Wednesday were pretty awful and the followingd ays were fallout which in itself was done well but it moves all too quickly.

Liked Amber/Chloe bonding, Jack vs Victor. The rest = could have been better.

I think it was Sylph who issued the reminder that one flashy line of dialogue doesn't make for 40 minutes of good drama. I totally agree with him here and that'S why I'm still waiting to be impressed from the new, new, new Y&R... I like it much better some months ago during the strike.

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