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Thankfully, Maggie said the words to Matt we have all been longing to hear. On the other hand, he still doesn't get it. *shakes head* But Karen knows that now Althea is on to her. Karen the Kooky Kraut may be a lot of things, but stupid she is not.

My favorite moment from today's episodes? Dr. John Rice, the shy "little boy doctor", finally gets a kiss. What a sweet moment that was. wub.png

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Indeed it was, and don't be surprised if more develops between the two-maybe that's what Polly planned all along! "Little Boy Doctor" and her favorite niece winding up together. Kudos to Kathleen Murray for her forceful scene with Jim Pritchett- she ably pinch-hitted for Bethel Leslie in expressing Maggie's frustration and rage over The Kooky Kraut! BTW- has one noticed how there are at this point three future OLTL stars on the show at this point? Sally Gracie, Lynn Benish, and Kathleen Maguire (who replaced Doris Belack as Anna Wolek Craig before Phyllis Behar took over a year later).

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Getting back to John and Bonnie, they were the ones who were at Polly's side when she passed on - and the old gal probably had already known they would be a perfect match. I was also glad that Matt had the brilliant idea of escorting the distraught intern into Nathan Bunker's room to witness his miracle. I swear I almost burst into tears watching that scene, and House Jameson's performance was nothing less than perfect. Awe, joy and thankfulness as the different things were happening.

Getting back to John Rice, I'm glad Bonnie already knows what a special man he is. Plus, John has already proven that he is a fiercely loyal and honest man with a huge heart - and she was the one to make the first move with the kiss that clearly caught him by surprise. He's not a cad like his cousin Steve!!!

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Bunker's scenes got to me too. House Jameson has been so wonderful in this role. I'm really going to miss him when he's gone. I hope he sticks around a while longer, at least to let us see Bunker finally walking.

And I also hope something develops between John and Bonnie. He's such a good guy and I'd like to see him be appreciated. It's been nice seeing Lynn Benish again too. I remember her from OLTL and always liked her.

Nothing against Kathleen Murray or her acting but she seems too soft in comparison to Bethel Leslie's Maggie, and that's been a disappointment in these key scenes regarding Matt, Maggie, and Karen. I could definitely see why Murray would have been a popular ingenue in her younger days though.

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I know what you mean. I miss Bethel Leslie's fierceness in these scenes, but I don't fault Kathleen Murray at all since she was an emergency temp recast. (I think Bethel had caught the measles and couldn't work at that point.) I wonder if the whole Karen conflict will still be going on when Bethel returns.

Also, I hope that we get to see Bill, Ruth and Danny as they adjust to becoming an official family. We all knew how that story was going to turn out, but Bill and Ruth always seemed a bit long in the tooth for me to buy them as parents - even adoptive parents - of a baby. I wonder how much longer they will be on as Bill's sessions with Althea seem to be over and Ruth will most likely give up her job at the hospital to be a full-time mom to Danny.

I already like John and Bonnie together, and they are not even a couple (yet). I have a feeling she will be the one to make him forget about one Liz Wilson!!

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Nothing that thrilling here, but June 1967 TV PIcture Life

Bethel Leslie (Dr. Maggie Van Allen) has been separated from her husband, Andrew McCullough, for seven years. (They were married in 1953.)

Meg Myles (Harriet Wilson) used to be a nightclub singer, and even made two albums, one for Mercury and the other for Liberty. She lives alone in New York.

James Pritchett (Dr. Matt Powers) looking forward to summer because he has a new motorized charcoal grill he wants to try out at this country farm.

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Steve and Liz, you two are absolute crumbums!!! Especially you, Dr. Horndog. As for Liz, Carolee opened up her home (twice!) and heart to you and this is how you repay her? Thank goodness Dr. Rice witnessed both of Steve's exploits in today's first episode - and good for what he said to Liz. I have a feeling he'll give it to Steve much worse later on.

How sweet was the scene with John and Bonnie at Polly's apartment, acting out scenes with her old scripts and props? When John wore that huge blue feather boa, he looked like Cookie Monster. LOL How about what Polly wrote in that letter she gave Bonnie shortly before passing away? Not only was she encouraging two people she loved very much to enjoy life, but she knew she was playing Cupid as well. It was sweet to hear her in voiceover as John and Bonnie read the letter.

Since I suck at math, I have a question. What would $5000 in 1968 be worth today with inflation?

As for the second episode, how nice is it to see Ruth and Danny so happy together now that the adoption is official? They are quite a pair! On a more solemn note, poor Maggie is going to have it even worse in light of the news she'll get AFTER giving Karen the ultimatum. I have a feeling we are going to have a BIG powwow coming up with the Drs. Powers.

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Yes, it was Bud Cort as the telegram delivery boy. By coincidence Sweet Charity played last night on Turner Classic Movies, and Bud had a bit role in it- in fact, his scene was filmed in NY in the spring of 1968, just around the time this episode aired!

Bravo, Polly! John Rice was right to call out Liz on her stupidity- once again she's falling for a guy who's two-timing her with someone else! As for Steve, he will get his just desserts- let's just say it will be his worst nightmare! Maggie sure has lousy timing, doesn't she? Now The Kooky Kraut can use her recent tragedy to reel Matt in! I only wish Althea and/or Nick would confront Matt with their suspicions regarding Karen. Of course, Nick and Althea have to get together first.....

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