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Paul Raven, the cast lists are incorrect. Meg Mundy started on The Doctors as Mona late in 1972. She stayed until around November or December 1973, when she and Winston Croft eloped and settled in Boston. Mona returned to Madison two years later in November 1975.

The role of Robert Wilson was played by Peter Lombard.

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Many times in the past, I've seen an actor/actress on screen for what I think is the first time and I'll have a very positive feeling for them -- warm and almost familiar. It's only later that I realize or discover that they had some part on a soap that I've completely forgotten. Kathy Bates is one of these; Lois Smith and Valerie Mahaffey are others. I think Anna Stuart, too -- I loved her immediately on AW, not realizing 'til later I had watched her as Toni Powers on The Doctors. Julia Duffy, Alec Baldwin, Kathleen Turner, Kim Zimmer ... now them I associated immediately with The Doctors when they showed up on Newhart, Knot's Landing, Body Heat and Guiding Light!

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Thanks for posting! I remember some of these stories, and some not. I believe the "strange disease" Ann came down with rendered her unable to have sex! I don't remember Althea being involved with Robert Wilson. Definitely remember John Morrison and Penny going on trial for his murder. He was deliciously evil!

Edited by jam6242
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Reading a SOD synopsis from early 76 Dr Wilson was mentioned several times as the doctor attending to Eleanor Conrad,providing advice to Steve re his and Carolee's sexual problems and to neurotic Stacey about her relationship with Rico Bellini,so it seems he was quite prominent in a supporting capacity.

I wonder if there was a writer change around that time and plans for him and Althea were scuttled.

This synopsis also states that Rico was Nick's nephew,I thought he was his brother?

Also,Wynn arrives from Boston and tells Mona,she either returns or the marriage is over.I assume she chose Madison over marriage.

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I have just re-read (skimmed) the whole DRs thread and realized that we go over some of the same topics because we've forgotten by Pg 16 what was established on Pg 2!!

Anyway,one thing I would like to ask is how long Nick and Althea were married and what caused their break-up? Summaries about this are always general eg their difference in temperament,but does anyone know exactly what events caused them to divorce?

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Althea never dated Dr. Robert Wilson. The blurb is obviously a misprint. The man with the "missing wife" was Scott Conrad. Also, the previous line mentions Erich Aldrich undergoing therapy. Robert Wilson was Erich's psychiatrist following his ordeal of being kidnapped in the fall of 1975. Wilson did treat Stacey Wells and advised Carolee and Steve, but Eleanor Conrad's attending physician was Dr. Kevin McIntyre instead of Dr. Wilson. Yes, there was a change in writers. Dr. Wilson was created in late 1975 during Margaret DePriest's regime and phased out under Doug Marland in 1976. I do not recall any departure for Wilson. No doubt he simply ceased appearances. Peter Lombard, the actor who played Wilson, had previously appeared on Dark Shadows as Oberon during the derided Leviathan story.

No, Ricco was Nick's nephew, the son of his late brother. Nick's brother Ricardo had been involved in organized crime in order to make enough money to put Nick through med school. He was the victim of a gangland hit, and Nick could not save him, which led to enormous guilt and self-destruction. Nick vowed to take care of Ricco, whom he treated like a brother.

Yes. She was successfully driving a wedge between Steve and Carolee by subtly encouraging Carolee to pursue a job in New York, knowing full well that it would infuriate Steve. Mona noticed the growing attraction between Steve and Ann Larimer and decided the time was ripe to get Carolee out of the picture once and for all. Winston was angry at Mona's manipulations and forced her to choose between her home in Boston with him or meddling in her family's lives. She chose the Aldrich family.

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Saynotoursoap I hope you don't mind me asking, but what can you tell us about Penny Davis? I know as a child the character had been bitten by her pet rabbit and was treated for rabies, was involved in a murder mystery later on after she had matured, and gotten involved with Dr. Jerry Dancy. Do you mind filling in the blanks for me? What was her relationship with Althea? What was her occupation? Her romances, such as with Jerry? Thanks, I appreciate the time that you put into clarifying us about TD, you really help to shed some light on the history of TD.

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saynotoursoap has a better memory than I do but I am fairly certain that it was Greta Powers who was bitten by the rabbit when she was a child. I thought it was a rabbit that her brother Michael had brought home from the hospital lab.

Penny was Althea's daughter. Penny was wrongly accused of murdering Dr. John Morrison (a psychiatrist.

Edited by jam6242
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