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The Doctors

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Interestingly enough, we finally get the announcer saying, "due to illness, the role of Dr. Maggie Powers is being played by Kathleen Murray", but it is over the closing credits - not over the opening credits like they would do on RH or in the actor's opening scene as is usually the case. I liked the pink dress that Ms. Murray wore in the first episode.

We also get a treat in the first episode in the form of little Greta!! She wants Mommy to tell her a story because the storm is scaring her.

However, the literal storm will be nowhere near as bad as the figurative storm once Matt and Maggie finally talk!! Please, Nick and/or Althea - do something to make Matt wake up!!!

Meanwhile, they've only known each other a couple of days, but a full-blown romance is clearly underway with John and Bonnie. They are so adorable together!! Remember when Polly was first a patient and Dr. Rice fought against having to take her case? Who would have guessed she'd be responsible for not only changing his outlook on life but introducing him to the love of his life?

Sadly, they are not in the second episode - and it's not a very interesting one at that. The only good part is the visit Althea pays to the Powers house. I didn't realize Liz Hubbard had such long hair in this casual scene away from the hospital.

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Our first sighting of Greta. She was born on screen ? So has been sorased to 6 or 7 year old? Hopefully she'll be mentioned in a cast crawl. The first regular Greta seems to be Eileen Kearney.

Cast lists have John Rice staying till 69,so it will be interesting to see what happens next.

And Matt, as chief of staff needs to upgrade his car.Judging by the dash mounted rearview mirror and curved windcreen that was a late 50's Chrysler!

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Actually, it's our second sighting of Greta. She was seen briefly just after the New Year when she and Maggie came back home after visiting Maggie's relatives.

1969 was also the year Lynn Benish took over the role of Meredith Lord on OLTL, so maybe in fact John and Bonnie do ride off into the sunset together. I don't know, I haven't been able to find ANYTHING about what happens with them in any of the old soap books - the couples who get the most ink are Matt and Maggie, Nick and Althea, and Steve and Carolee. Not really surprising, as all three couples were on the show so long.

I have come up with some fun rejected titles for the show. Feel free to add more:

Chicken Soup and John Rice

You Ain't Nothin' But a Horndog: The Steve Aldrich Story

Smart Women, REALLY Foolish Choices: The Liz Wilson Story

Nathan Bunker's Place

We Got the Powers

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I came across an old newspaper clipping on newspapers.com, dated August 2, 1968, that indicated Terry Kiser had already left the show to do a play. I thought he might have come back later but I could be confusing that with him being on "The Secret Storm."

amybrickwallace, I would watch Nathan Bunker's Place in a heartbeat, lol.

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Matt's Big Ole Chrysler looked a little out of date for a Chief Of Staff. Most people of his social stature would have a new 1968 or least a 1967 model at this point.

Is it just me, but doesn't it look like there is a little too much furniture in the Powers livingroom ? If they uncluttered it a bit it would be more spacious

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Oh, Bethel's hair was the first thing I noticed about her. I have no way of knowing for sure if it is natural, but I don't think her hair could have grown out that fast.

Matt, now that your eyes have finally been opened, do you REALLY think it's a good idea for the Witchy Woman to remain under the same roof as you and Maggie? Did you see the icy glare that was exchanged between her and Althea? Golden!!

I'm also glad that Althea and Nick were able to clear the air a bit regarding the Liz issue. Of course, only John knows right now that Liz is already involved with another guy - I can't wait until everyone else finds out (except for poor Carolee, of course).

Booooo - no John and Bonnie or Carolee in either episode today. Hopefully they'll be back tomorrow.

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This stuff's been on Youtube for a while, here and there, but some of it was just as pieces or partial material, and not in the best quality.
It's a 1962 ATWT episode with James Pritchett as the adulterous shoe salesman.
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I hope John's not gone for good (at least, yet!) - but if he is, then I hope we at least get updates from him - like Carolee announcing that he and Bonnie were wed on a gondola in Venice at sunset or something. Yes, he did bring a lot of energy to the proceedings, and I always enjoyed his and Carolee's friendship.

His cousin Steve had better shape up and take his work more seriously!! Dr. Powers did not sound too happy with him in their meeting - I'm guessing most of the complaints Matt had gotten about Steve were from some of the nurses (excluding Carolee) and candy stripers!!

On paper, Nathan Bunker's transformation could easily be one cliché after another - but boy, House Jameson went above and beyond the call of duty making it work. Now that he is going home to convalesce (but will be back for physical therapy in a few weeks), his goodbyes with Matt, Nick and Carolee were very touching - as was John Rice's farewell. I swear I almost cried both times!!!

As for the second episode, the talk between Maggie and Karen was very interesting. I'll look forward to seeing what happens from here on out. As much as I am looking forward to seeing Lydia Bruce, I feel sad knowing that the next time Bethel leaves (which won't be long) it will be for good.

I'm also looking forward to seeing how the story of Paul Stark's son will play out. I think this is the first time the Vietnam War has been mentioned on the show (and understandably so, because soaps were an escape in that turbulent year of 1968). Was Paul Stark in the board meeting scenes from earlier episodes? I think I did see him before.

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Thank you!! It will be interesting to see a character of a doctor who is also a veteran. Of course, Matt is a veteran as well, having served in WWII after graduating from med school (and James Pritchett himself was a WWII vet IRL).

Carl, thanks also for sharing the ATWT clips with James Pritchett. "Adulterous shoe salesman" - for some reason that strikes me as hilarious. Maybe it's because whenever I think of TV shoe salesmen, I think of Al Bundy. LOL!!

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