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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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At the time I originally watched that I thought he was serious, but he was joking...not too well :lol: I think it would have been interesting if he'd been gay, and in love with Daz (they were very close friends), but he wasn't. He desperately chased after Jo, then he dated Jasmine for a while.

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Good to know I wasn't the only one fooled. Maybe it was just (very) wishful thinking. LoL

Did you like Jo and the actress that played her? It seems to me she had a pretty big fanbase.

Just finished Daniel's death episode. I need a hug and some ice cream.

On a superficial note, Nicola sure did used to be a skinny bitch, eh? How did she and Laurel become best friends?

Edited by Amello
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Jo was seen as a bit of a tart and a homewrecker for several years. She seemed to become more popular in her last year on the show. Roxanne Pallett isn't the greatest actress but she did some wonderful work in the wife-beating story with Andy. I also loved seeing her become friends with Debbie, which helped Debbie decide to take a more active role in her daughter's life.

I'm not sure why Nicola and Laurel became friends. They've been friends for quite a few years, probably not too long after Laurel joined the show in 2002 or 2003. Laurel was a lot like Paddy's wife Emily (one of my favorite characters in the older episodes), very fidgety and nervous. I think the show saw it as a good contrast for the nervous Laurel to be friends with headstrong Nicola.

Daniel's death episode was around the time they were writing Nicola as trying to kill her husband; thankfully that story didn't last long.

Probably the character who has changed the most over the years is Jimmy.

Edited by CarlD2
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Nicola never knew either of her siblings until about 5-9 years ago. She grew up as an only child. When she and Bernice met 9 years ago, they were initially somewhat close, but this was spoiled as Bernice had had an affair with Nicola's boyfriend, Carlos, and was marrying Ashley while possibly pregnant with Carlos's child (Ashley turned out to be the father). Nicola was insecure about Carlos's love for her so she faked a pregnancy. Bernice learned the truth and told Carlos. Meanwhile, Nicola had just learned the truth about them and went into the church and busted Bernice to everyone involved. They were never on good terms after this.

In 2004 Val's son Paul showed up and he and Nicola hit it off immediately. She was thrilled when Val confessed that Paul was Rodney's son -- her half-brother. This went to pieces a few years later when Nicola began chasing Paul's boyfriend, Ivan. Ivan wasn't interested, but some in the village thought they were involved, and Nicola lied that Ivan had made advances at her. When Paul learned the truth he was furious with Nicola and they fell out very badly. Later on they became closer but were never as tight as they were before that.

I don't think we'll see either of them on the show ever again, although I'd like to see Paul again, just to be a contrast to Adam. Bernice would be nice to see again too, she was a very popular character, but that actress has never seemed interested in a return, beyond a few days to visit Diane after the Woolpack was heavily damaged in a storm and Tricia Dingle died.

Edited by CarlD2
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All right, so it sounds like I'll just pick right up with where things are now. I'm interested in seeing a UK soap that's not like Corrie and EE where everything and everyone gravitates to a single street/neighborhood, so I don't know what to expect. And is it really true what they say, that half of the characters are over 65 years old? Not that I'd mind LOL Though the sets do remind me of Last of the Summer Wine!

I'll check out the Lamb/Wylde stuff when I ever have some time to sit down and watch an episode or two of it. I'm liking what I see of J. Sutton on 'Oaks (I'm firmly planted in 2006 for that one), so I definitely want to see him here too.

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At one time the cast was probably close to half over 65 but I don't think that's as true these days. The show does have old demos though, which sadly seems to be seen as a bane, although not as much as in the US I guess.

James was wonderful on Hollyoaks for most of his first year. After that they sort of gave up on writing for him, and James didn't seem as interested. At his best JP was a much better character than Ryan, but James has had his moments on Emmerdale. He works best with onscreen sister Maisie.

If you ever want a starting point, these clips start from May 2009, not long before Ryan showed up.


I don't know if the earlier stuff, like Maisie's relationship with Andy, is online.

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I don't know if anyone cares enough about Ryan these days to be inflamed one way or the other. At one time there were threads claiming he was one of the worst actors on soaps, along with some of the others in the Wylde/Lamb story, but that seems to have died down too. Right now I think people just either don't pay a lot of attention to him or like him quietly. He definitely should have had more material than what he's had, especially with the hype from Blyth when Sutton was hired. Part of it is down to Katie, who is just not interesting in any heroine or romantic situations. And part of it is that most of his time is spent waiting and waiting. He spent months waiting to learn Mark was his father. Then Mark was almost immediately killed. Now he's waiting to learn Mark is dead! It doesn't help that Faye also seems lost as a character.

Blyth promised a "dark side" to Ryan not long after Ryan showed up but that never happened. I almost wonder if that went to Nathan instead.

The problem is that James Sutton really needs very strong material. You can often tell that he's acting, and his voice isn't right for big dramatic moments; he's better at quieter stuff. After his first year as JP, that started cropping up and has never gone away. He does have a certain charm, which unfortunately isn't used very often. Whenever I see interviews from him he has a lot of charm and humor. Sadly the only time this has been used on Emmerdale is with Maisie.

It's sort of a slippery slope when you play a popular gay character because you are adored by many, yet hated by others. There was eventually a noisy backlash at DS against McDean, real love/hate, as there is now with "Chryed". And then when you go to your next role, there's bound to be disappointment. A number of McDean fans immediately swore off Emmerdale before he showed up because they knew it wasn't going to be the same type of material as he had at HO. I guess I can see their point.

One of the things with Emmerdale now is that with some exceptions, most characters cycle in and out of stories, they will generally just go about their business and then have huge drama for a few months, before going back to their business. That's also true for Ryan. Ironically, I think he works very well in this semi-supporting role, in part because he's having fun and being cheeky and not shackled with dreary Katie. But I do hope he gets some good stuff soon.

If it were me I would reveal that Maisie was switch at birth with Mark's and Natasha's biological daughter, and have Ryan and Maisie get together. Their chemistry was off the charts good.

Sorry, don't know how that got so long... :unsure:

Edited by CarlD2
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Ciao Eli. I can't say I'll miss you too much.

Adam and Eve! They should pair these two up for their name alone! Just like in the bible Eve will be the reason he gives in to temptation. LoL Love it!

I wish they would show David's jealousy of Sam more. At least, I think he's jealous of Sam's relationship with Eric.

Marlon always coming to the aid of Sam is freaking annoying. He needs to STFU, it's none of his business.

Lastly, that dinner date was hilarious. Could Nikhil be paired with Maisie? Then Debbie returns and they could have a nice rivalry going there. Carl, do you think Debbie and Maisie could be good as rivals?

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They haven't had any real purpose for Eli in years and years, I would say never, so I was surprised he got a nice exit. The closeups of his sad little face as he left Emmerdale for good, and that beautifully written scene where he told Marlon that like when they were separated as kids, he would always stay in Marlon's head.

I do wish they'd do more with the jealousy David feels towards Sam. There's a lot they can do with the David/Eric relationship.

Maisie and Debbie are so different, they'd be great as rivals. They'd probably be good as lovers too, although I can't see that happening.

Those scenes where Adam was gawping at Eve were hilarious. I don't know what Moira was thinking, letting Eve work on the farm when John and Adam are likely to be tempted by her. Did they say that John once cheated on Moira? I read that somewhere.

The dinner party scene with Jai, Nikhil, Maisie, Faye, Declan, was good. I wish it had gone on longer and we'd seen more of their reactions. I love Jai and Nikhil. They're so believable as brothers and they are always joking and laughing, yet not in a bad sitcom way.

The stuff with Diane and Rodney's friend and Douglas just seems like filler.

I guess they've forgotten Victoria and Aaron are friends...

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I liked Nikhil pretty quickly, but Jai is the one I had trouble liking at all, especially after the reveal that he owned the company instead, etc ...

But yes, they're brotherly relationship is very well written.

VICTORIA, IMO, should be the 1st person Aaron comes out to of his own accord.

The reason I brought Maisie/Debbie up is because I've seen a few of their scenes where they battled against each other when Andy was dating Maisie and I felt they both gave as good as the other. A fair fight.

I hope we get to see more of Faye/Ryan soon. I realize they just had a huge story, but I hope the writers have something good coming up for them. Especially Faye. Though with Nathan returning soon, maybe I spoke too soon?

Of course, I'd also like to see Viv and Liz more, but that seems like a pipe dream. Which is weird concerning Liz, since Blyth created her.

Edited by Amello
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I missed some of Jai's early stuff, I know that some had issues with them initially, Nikhil being too stiff (not that way!), and their sister, who apparently must have been seen as a dead end and was quickly written out. The way they are now I think they work well, the whole candy factory thing is a bit silly but it's harmless, and I like seeing Jai and Faye. I wish they'd do a bit more with that relationship. The guy who plays Jai is a good actor, he did well on Shameless and way back when as Steve's best friend Vikram on Coronation Street, a friendship that ended so horribly.

Surely they must have something else to do for Faye and Ryan. I wouldn't mind seeing Nathan/Faye or Natasha/Ryan. I think that's the type of seedy thing that would give this story a kick and stop it being so genteel, as Maisie/Ryan helped give the story a kick. I don't know if Eve is going to get together with Ryan or if that was dropped. Blyth said Ryan would have a dark side but that seems to be by the wayside. Back when Mark was murdered I had assumed the body would be found and Ryan would go on trial, as he had a big fight with Mark that various people saw, not long before Mark "disappeared", but now I'm not sure.

Lizzie is not a very memorable character, yet when they do show more of her, she can be grating. It's hard to find a balance. I'm not sure where they were going with her, or still are. At one time didn't they imply she and Marlon were going to get together? Poor Lizzie, those flying arms would pulverize her.

Yes, I forgot that Debbie and Maisie argued some when Maisie was with Andy. Maisie seemed more interested in winding Debbie up than she was in Andy.

I wish the show hadn't dropped everything with Cain and the Wyldes once Charity returned. Cain and Faye were becoming close and Cain and Natasha hated each other, so did Cain and Mark. Then they stopped all that, very abruptly. I think there's still some drama to be mind there.

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Does anyone know when the producer season interviews will be posted online?

On a random note, I hope with all this talk of Jimmy & Nicola's wedding that the show is planning something big for it. For some reason, I just do not seeing it actually happening.

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I think they'll get married but it will be something smaller and cheaper.

They both deserve some luck with marriages. He was married to an ice queen and she was married to the Valeyard.

I know some fans say Jimmy was much better with Kelly Windsor, but that character got on my nerves, she was too fake with the baby voices.

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