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Tonight's wedding episodes were OK but what the hell were Tracy and her dad doing in that car all night? I guess she passed out from drinking too much but what about him? I couldn't help but think if Michael Praed might have been better on EE as Gavin than Paul Nicholas-what say you, Carl? He'd be on the young side to play him but otherwise OK.

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He would have been a whole lot better. I'm not sure he could have played the cold manipulative villain part, but the charm and manipulation, yes. He was too young looking to be Sharon's father, but Kathy's husband, yes. Paul Nicholas was just dreadful in the role. Nothing against him but he looked like a corpse. 

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McLeod really needs to realize that he should go full steam ahead with Ross/Charity. They work so well together. I ship it.


Laura Norton isn't wasting any time at knocking it out of the park with her performances. She's going to break my heart.


It's so nice to see a character like Frank around the Dales. He's so suave and charming, and not at all offensive or polarizing. The fun cad/lovable rogue is really a missed soap trope not used often enough anymore.


All I hear in the Jai and Holly scenes is the sound of a ticking time bomb, and I'm all for it. You know something is going to go horribly wrong, and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see it happen.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I agree with all of that, really. I'm seeing people say Charity should be with Frank, but he's too laid-back for her. I wish they'd do Ross/Charity, although after this controversy over the dognapping storyline, that's even less likely. 


I wish Jai and Holly could have started months ago. They're very sweet together. Jai works better this way than as the villain.

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Not really sure how I feel about the abusive tone of the Cain/Charity relationships. I don't agree with the fans who claim the show is "trying" to make them look bad (their relationship has always been like this), but I'm wary of whether we'll get any exploration of Charity's feelings and I'm wary that with the inevitable Cain and Moira reunion this will be swept under the rug as she is "good" and Charity is "bad."



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This won't even make Charity flinch the amount of times he's attacked her in the past. She'll just consider it foreplay.


Hopefully whenever Debbie Downer returns, she'll do at least one good thing and, with her head on straight from her time away, try and steer Charity in the right direction. Her imminent return under the last few regimes would have me spitting glass, but Ian McLeod seems pretty good at keeping people well rounded, so hopefully he'll fix her. Aaron, for instance, has calmed down a whole hell of a lot since he took over. At this point in time, Robert actually has more story than he does. Long may it last.



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It's a shame how fast Jimmy/Nicola went from being in a serious story to returning back to the comedy stuff. I feel sometimes, like today, that Nicola Wheeler plays those scenes where she's angry at doofus Jimmy a little too hard. She looks like she really could murder him. Hopefully she's allowed to be as unsettling when the Rakesh stuff comes out.


After today, I have to assume Ross/Charity really are a possibility. Charity herself pointed out how much he wanted her, and we saw how touched she was when he was pouring out his heart to her about how much he loves their son, a side of Ross we haven't seen for a long time. Plus, neither Hordley nor Atkins want them together long term anyway. And hopefully it could also be the final nail in Debbie dating a man for the foreseeable. Vanessa is single ... even if I thought Webb and Atkinson had loads of chemistry during the brief time they were story dictated friends. The most likable Debbie had been in ages.


On a random note, there is no way that rottweiler was going to hurt a soul. It looked so peaceful and happy. I was hoping we'd get a scene of the dog catching up to Ross, only to lick his face off. Also, Emma Atkins going down a slide and booking it can be put in a category of things that give me glee for reasons I can't quite describe.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I think Jimmy and Nicola have been put into such a comedy slot the show is reluctant to ever take them out. I guess at least they had some dramatic material for about 2-3 weeks. In this case I could understand her anger as he was pretending she was dead. The scenes did make me laugh, although I kind of wish she hadn't let on so quickly. The woman annoyed me though, the Corrie reject. Did you notice her name was Lydia Hart? A Hollyoaks in-joke? 


I'm glad they've allowed Nicola to continue to have the aftereffects of her injuries for 3-4 months now. That's fairly rare on soaps these days. 


I wish they would go for Ross/Charity but it seems like it may have just been a feint for Cain's return. Clearly that won't end well, and she will be at a loose end after that. I don't know if they will just go back to Ross/Debbie though. 


I guess you heard about all the furor from some fans and animal charities over the dog stuff. I don't think it's that big a deal (no one is going to kidnap a dog because of Emmerdale), but I can understand why some aren't thrilled. I just hope it won't lead to even more censorship and fear and OFCOM hysteria, especially after people wet their panties over Nicola and Dan joking about palsy. I even saw someone infuriated that Kerry joked about a diabetic coma. Anyway, I don't really know if anyone writing this has any experience with dogs. Or they were just in full comedy mode. I've heard some fans insist the show wants them to hate Ross and that's why they had him talking about how he was holding 5 dogs up at Wylie's Farm (the most cursed farm on this show - which is saying a lot), but I don't think it's even that deep. Someone just got stupid. 


Jai and Holly are so sweet. I wish it could actually end happily. 


Laura Norton and Denise Black really are doing a good job with this pregnancy story. I assume she will back out at the last minute, but if she doesn't and it really does blow up her relationship with Dan that would be good drama and something different. Liam Fox said as much. 


I tend to laugh at the DS types whining about how Dan and Kerry are unworthy of leading status and should only be given B comedy stories. I'm a lot more invested in this story than I am in most of the "A" material at the moment. 

Edited by DRW50
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I don't think I've ever read about an OFCOM complaint that I didn't think was completely pathetic. Never underestimate people's stupidity. In the same vein, those DS types are vacuous. I only go to the forum now for Red Rock.


Who did the annoying woman play on Corrie? I never recognized her. I didn't even connect her name to the HO character. Has that horrible witch been on your mind lately?


Kerry has been great having some spotlight. I like that she has enough of a conscience not to go through with lying to Dan abut him being the father. She showed so much growth in that scene. I like to think it's because Amy's poisonous existence has been expunged, but either way, that 'I would know' was a strong moment for her, I think.


I meant to say, regarding Charity, that I wish they'd give her a friend that isn't Chas. If loathsome Shirley Carter can have friends, Charity could connect with at least one other character.

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She's never been on there (I don't think), she's just a Corrie "type." They've been popping up lately - the arson inspector (I liked him), the guard at the prison when David visited Frank. People keep saying Macleod wants this to be Hollyoaks or Neighbours or whatever, but I get more Corrie vibes in these types of moments. 


I hadn't thought of Lydia in a while but I always remember the name. I guess you bringing up Zoe Lister in the HO thread reminded me as well. 


I kind of wish they'd bring up Amy's attempts at an abortion but I guess no one in the village now even remembers that, and it wouldn't make any sense for Kerry or Joanie to know about it or mention it. 


Speaking of HO, what do you think of the James abuse story? You can just reply in that thread if you want. I've seen a bit and it seems rushed to me and I'm so tired of gay men needing to have a history of abuse. 

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I had a feeling she would die - her entire return has been about impending death - but I thought she'd die in the October stunt, maybe some dealer or Emma would accidentally kill her or something. I'm glad that it didn't go that way and it was raw and solemn. Natalie J Robb just tore me up, and Adam Thomas was also good. I used to love the little Barton family so seeing them broken always breaks my heart. It was even worse because we did get to see Holly trying to rebuild her life and finding happiness. And I wonder if she even relapsed or if it's an old wrapper brought out by the wind. Then I also wonder if Jai will get the blame when people find out about their relationship. People will probably think they were using in secret. 


I'm so glad the show remembered Moira's friendships with people like Diane and Vanessa that have gone by the wayside in the last few years. Having them there helped show more of the loss and grieving of a community.


Kudos to Karin Young, who wrote the first episode, and also wrote the episode years ago where Ashley and Laurel's son Daniel died. 

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Adam and Moira's reactions tore me to shreds. 


I prefer her death being something subtle too instead of some major sweeps story. Some people are speculating that she was murdered and I hope she wasn't. I hope after an autopsy that it is revealed she simply died of heart failure of something from the long-term usage of drugs. 


I don't mind Jai being accused but (again) I hope her death is natural. I don't want Emma being tied to it at all.

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I don't think she was murdered. I can understand why people think that, with the open window, but I don't think she was. I have a feeling it's going to be heart failure, and then there may be some anger or regret over drug accusations (I could see Moira lashing out at Cain over that). 


The scene where Moira said John would be waiting for Holly was just about too much for me. And then knowing that Moira and Holly had sat in the same bed the day before. And the scene yesterday where Holly clapped to wake Moira up, and today Moira did the same. And the bit where Moira realized she was dead but so slowly walked over toward the bed because she couldn't face it :(

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