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Finally got around to watching the Emmerdale X-Mas special and I was touched. Definitely the best out of the UK soaps hands down. So character driven and emotional and all fronts. The star of the night was Chris Chittell. I hate how this man has not and will not get the recognition he deserves. I love my boo, Michael Parr, but Mr. Chittell is clearly the star of the show this past year. I love how it took Diane to start singing for Eric the Scrooge to break down his defenses and finally let them in. That's what a Christmas episode is all about--emotion and the human spirit. 


I don't care for Zak/Joanie's affair but there's worse on the air at the moment. I can at least somewhat understand Zak wanting to stray. Plus, it allows Jane Cox and Steve Halliwell the chance to be in the forefront again. 

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I tend to assume the show just doesn't remember her. Nellie caused a big ruckus when she returned in 2000, driving a wedge between Butch and Zak and Lisa and Zak. Sam returned not long after Butch's death and then Nellie went back to Ireland, I think (?). I know that Sam was going to go on the lam to Ireland in 2004 but I don't remember Nellie being mentioned.


I do wish they'd bring up more of Zak's past when people insist he would never cheat. Hell I think he even cheated on Lisa before. It's the same with Paddy. Hate the story (and it is a lousy story) if you want, but Paddy is just a big ole whore. Nothing OOC about that.

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Emmerdale 30th December 2015 by hotdailyvedios--


I fell out of my Emmerdale groove for a second and now I am finding my way back to it. I hope I am able to maintain it despite there being a new EP coming on soon. 


Glad to see that Robert has finally pieced together that Ross was the one that shot him. I love Ross to death but I am over him running amok and doing one heinous act after another. Debbie is a moron to lie. She should've just shut her mouth and remained clueless. Now she's put herself in danger by lying to the police. 


I didn't think I'd care for the Joanie/Zak affair but I am actually liking it. Joanie is a good fit for Zak. Not saying that Lisa isn't but it is nice to see a softer side to Zak than normal. I didn't care for Cain demanding that everyone excommunicating Zak including Sam, who was obviously not thrilled to abide by Cain's demand. I hope somehow that Moira is able to reign him in. 


When did Bernice start caring about people thinking she's a gold-digger? Hell, who cares? She should enjoy the riches he has to offer seeing as he's using her as his beard. I do think that it is jacked up that Jimmy didn't even bother to help her come up with the money to fix a vase that he broke. 


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I agree that the Christmas episode was wonderful and heartfelt. I enjoyed Belle's role in the reveal, and her line to Joanie after: "Oh, and the bracelet? It didn't make my skin itch. It made it crawl." Ouch.

That said, I'm loving Zak and Joanie together, as I really like both characters and can't bear Lisa.

Am gagging for more Charity v Emma scenes. #TeamEmma

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Emmerdale 31th December 2015 by hotdailyvedios--


Whoa! What a perfect New Years Eve episode of Emmerdale!


I think that I am totally indebted to Robert for the remainder of my life. How he single-handedly blew up so many people's lives in the village tonight was wonderful. Everyone knows that I love me some Ross but it felt good watching him get the rug pulled from underneath him. Debbie's wh*re ass too. I loved when Robert said coldly that he felt no guilt over killing Katie. Stone cold. Stone. Cold.


Watching Belle spit on Joanie made my blood boil. I wanted to reach my hand in the screen and dog-walk her little ass. That was the most disrespectful thing ever. By them treating Joanie like trash, the further pushed Zak into her orbit. I don't even feel sorry for Lisa at this moment. Poor Joanie.


I do have to say that this show has too many affairs going on and they need to cut down. We have Paddy cheating on Rhona. It's obvious that Rakesh or Kirin are the baby's father. Zak cheating on Lisa. Ross cheated on Debbie with her mom. Plus, they were hinting Pete's attraction to Moira. I need for it to all come to an end. It's too much.


Bernice was a hoot tonight. I am glad that she has finally gotten over what the villagers think. Girl, be a good beard and spend that man's money while boning Andy on the side. There's nothing she should be ashamed of at all.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Emmerdale has churned out yet another stellar episode. 


How did Robert finding out the truth about a crime that Ross and Andy conspired to commit his fault? Such bull. I didn't appreciate Andy placing the blame on Robert for Debbie taking off with the kids. Had Andy used his brain instead of running off his emotions constantly, Debbie wouldn't be leaving the village (which I am thrilled about BTW :D). I didn't even pity Ross running up to the car begging for Debbie either. For once, I felt a little glimmer of pity and respect for Debbie. I'm sure that'll change once she returns....


It pains me to watch Ashley's time wind down. It was endearing to see Laurel be offended and hurt that Ashley would rather go into a home instead of Laurel taking care of him. So moving. So real. So selfless of Ashley. So refreshing to see a character that isn't selfish and actually puts others before him. I am gonna miss Ashley once he leaves....


I don't care for Paddy's affair story but I did like him standing up for Zak. Aaron (or any of the Dingles) shouldn't dare twist their mouths to spew venom or judge Zak. Not after the long list of heinous acts they've all committed within the last year. Wasn't Aaron just f-cking Chrissie's hubby, Robert, not too long ago? Yeah. I wish Zak would toss that in his face. Along with him calling out Debbie screwing Ross while married to Pete. Or Marlon having screwed Laurel while she was married to Ashley. Or Chas having screwed Cameron while he was obviously still in love with Debbie. And Cain should just not speak at all given his history. Only Sam, Lisa, and Belle allowed should judge and even Sam takes the high road and doesn't wanna exile Zak. 


Only scene that made me roll my eyes were Charity/Debbie. They truly are trying to push Ross/Debbie when I don't see them as this great, tortured love story. Hell, I didn't see Cain and Charity that way either. In both case, I prefer the characters to never interact romantically. Charity is so much better when she's paired with a man opposite Cain. I love Cain with Moira. Ross' best romance was with Donna, and Debbie ... well maybe she should back to dabbling with women b/c all her male pairing have sucked. 

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Zak was just as willing to exile people for their sins. That's what Dingles do. It's not just about adultery, but also what he did to Lisa and Belle. And Paddy is mostly projecting because he can't keep it in his pants. For all the talk of what a "father" he is to Aaron, he's a very selfish and weak man, and can't even see that Aaron is a huge mess at the moment. 

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Happy new year to you, too!

I thought the NYE/NYD eps were fantastic, so much going on. Aaron in his gladiator outfit was rather appealing.

I enjoyed Debbie's exit - although I can't bear her, she's great when wounded and trapped in a corner. As for Ross, never has a character gone from one of my absolute favourites to my most despised within a year, I've had enough of him, he refuses to take responsibility for anything, and is clearly a sociopath. Were we meant to feel sorry for him when Robert ruined his proposal? Yuck.

Zak and Joanie are brilliant, the Dingle Court can do one, who the hell does Cain think he is? I love that Kerry stands up to him, while Dan remains as spineless as ever. As for the wonderful Emma, her line about "I can't say I was ecstatic about the prospect of Debbie becoming my daughter-in-law. Again." had me howling.

Charity worries me, am not sure they'll know what to do with her when she gets out. But I will keep the faith.

And I was yelling at the TV when the nurse mentioned the 'mixed race baby' thing to Vanessa. So nearly there!

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Given that it's Dan's job on the line, not Kerry's, I can understand why he was concerned. Cain's likely angry because he feels Zak manipulated him and all his talk of Cain taking over and being so great was just a lie.


I was not happy with that Charity scene. Charity has always loved Debbie and wanted her to be happy, even if she was also selfish - she would never encourage Debbie to stay in a relationship that was obviously making her unhappy, just because "You're just like me and he's just like Cain so you have to be together." That's not Charity. Kate Oates clearly was not happy with the fans never buying into Debbie/Ross as heavily as she wanted them to, so she had to lay the hard sell one last time. It does make me very wary of where they are taking Charity when she returns. 


The whole episode was rushed and full of unpleasant selfishness - I'm not sure whether I was more disgusted by Paddy trying to guilt Aaron into supporting Zak's affair because of his own affair, or Chas being so turned on by her son being badly beaten as a child that she ended up kissing Gordon.


Not even getting into the whole boo hoo Ross boo hiss Robert stuff at the end...

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I enjoyed Robert and his games with Ross, and the scene with Laurel and Ashley, and I thought Debbie's goodbye scenes were fine. The rest - just too much (rushed) plot, and not very character-driven. I am trying not to be too negative because I'm aware the new producer will likely be worse and I will look back on this time as something I miss, but I just wish they were not so breakneck in their plotting and everything was more organic to the characters involved. I think it overeggs the pudding (like Laurel/Ashley reuniting overshadowing the dementia story).


I also can't shake the feeling that Kate Oates or someone resents that Robert isn't as unpopular as they may have thought he'd be...

Edited by DRW50
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