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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Oh I'm sure it will. I've seen people talking about how brave and courageous she was - courage is what we saw from Ruby and Val.


Whatever. I know you don't want to hear me rant for 10 paragraphs. At this point it's not even about Robert for me, as I know they've given up on that character, as they've given up on quite a few, sadly. It's seeing those women, especially poor Ruby, used as fodder for more Chrissie/Lawrence/Lachlan pity parties.

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If the producers are smart, Ross will indeed turn up alive. It's certainly possible, considering how we saw him "die," and how Pete disposed of the body in such a shallow grave. Heaven knows, other villains like James Stenbeck (ATWT) and Roger Thorpe (TGL) have made triumphant returns from the dead.

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Sorry guys but I do blame Robert....

He's driven her absolutely nuts. All he had to do was sign some damn papers and yet he couldn't even muster the decency to do that. Small wonder Chrissy snapped. And I know you guys will drag my a$$ across the coals but I do think it was brave of Chrissy to confess...


Lord knows my butt would have high tailed it out of town.

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And all she had to do was leave instead of set fire to a car around toxic chemicals and gas (and it's a scrapyard so obviously things like that would be there). She's a grown woman. She's such a dumbass that even when he tried to put it out, she just cackled at him. This is the second time she's done something heinous and has been wrapped in cotton wool for it (the first was what she did to Alicia). And any bravery went out the window for me when she hurt all those innocent people by making their pain all about her.  

Edited by DRW50
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Sorry but it is not Robert's fault that Chrissie's dumb ass set that car on fire. All he asked her to do was to give him the money first then he'd sign the papers. She didn't comply so he didn't sign the papers. He had good reason not to sign the papers first b/c he knew she would've cancelled the check before he even cashed it. 

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I see both your points. Its just a sick sad situation. I think a lot of people would be utterly frustrated by Robert. She doesn't owe him anything. For a kiss? GMAB.

Emma Barton and the whole Barton clan are really turning in some solid work. I love every scene when they're together. I love how James went to Pete and told him about Finn knowing and to "not have a go" at his brother since Finn already feels terrible enough.


Meawhile Pete continues to torture himself.

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Loved the Eric/Ghost Val scenes. I also liked that they were left ambiguous so viewers could decide for themselves if it was indeed Val's ghost or just Eric imagination.


I did think it took guts for Chrissie to confess like that, as I guess the guilt was too much to handle. However, it was all on her and not Robert. It was her reckless actions that caused two deaths; I guess it makes her feel better to also blame Robert, too. The acting has been awesome from everyone, especially the actors who play Eric, Diane, David, Dan, Kerry, Pete and Finn (who looked kinda hot today with the stubble). 


The only thing I haven't liked is this ridiculous Bob story and the evil journo (such a soap cliché where every journalist has to screw you over at any opportunity). I know where this is going, and I don't really have much interest in it. 



I'll be surprised if it has any real lasting impact like the 90s plane crash did. I'll be even more surprised if it gets mentioned by the end of the year, considering it was an ITV last minute decision, never originally planned kinda thing. 


Edited by Ben
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I actually think it would be fun if a TV reality show blew in there to film something called The Emmerdale Curse. They'd cover the two aerial disasters and also stumble upon other calamities like Tricia's demise. 

I always thought that at least a few of the family members of the passengers from that Kurskov jet would visit to see where their loved ones perished.



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This has probably already been around, but I downloaded this HO episode as I wanted to put Mike Parr’s very brief scenes on my YT channel. They were blocked in the UK, so I figured why bother, and I’m just going to link to the above video.

Not sure if he ever appeared on Hollyoaks again or not. 

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More bewildering plot-heavy writing choices for Emmerdale. 


They are obviously reinforcing that Chas hates Robert (in case anyone forgot her saying it 50000 times), but it made her look terrible that the only reason she offered Chrissie support was because she hates Robert. Can you imagine that? She basically gave Chrissie the impression that she doesn't give a damn about her or about the 3 people that died (one of whom had a little girl, one of whom worked beside her in the pub for years) and she will just blindly line up to someone who hates Robert, and don't forget to hate Robert, and bye-bye, I'm going to leave you out here alone even though I'm supposedly your friend and you're in a bad way. The biggest joke is I've seen some fans saying Chas was the only decent one. Yes, how decent to bitch at your "friend" about Robert and then leave her to suffer in the street. 


Just wretched writing.


Then we have more of Chrissie galavanting around the village to yet again show everyone how she is suffering and how she wants to "help," so that other characters can get angry with her and we can pity her yet again. I saw fans going on about how uncaring Ashley was - what is he supposed to do? Tell her yes, of course, come along and work with us so that the people you gatecrashed yesterday can see your poor-me faces again?  She already has a father to enable her at every turn. 


And then there's the bewildering scenes of Finn fighting Bob in the street - at least they tried to build up to how angry he was and how angry Eric and David were, and Bob was just an easy target, but if they wanted to justify Bob going to prison, then he should have at least knocked Finn out, or punched him, or SOMETHING. As it was Finn was a Ross-in-training and Bob meekly defended himself. 


The Sandy scene was lovely and there were a few other scenes I enjoyed, but overall it was just nonsensical plot and a hollow core. And no matter how many times they use various characters to tell me Robert is the evil one and poor Saint Chrissie is beyond reproach, I'm not going to buy it. If she was that good, they wouldn't need to tear other characters down to prop her up. 

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I kind of remember that. He played a recast of Leah's biological father, Billy Parker. Unfortunately, he was a Smithwick hire during the time her stories were transitioning to Kirkwood's. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be a regular, or at least more prominent, wanting to be a true father to Leah. I think they just said Amy talked him down or merely dropped it altogether.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Yeah Carl. Look at what all your fear mongering about Leyla did to us. We must come up with some sort of punishment.


NBA, the best thing about Michael Parr is that while he was trying to become an actor his day job was as a Learning Support Assistant in the Special Educational Needs department at a school. No wonder he had such fantastic rapport with the kid who plays April.

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