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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I forgot all about the Ben stuff - there really wasn't much of it. But what I did realize, is that there seems to be a parallel line between Phil Mitchell's and Paul Robinson's (Neighbours) lives. Both were absent fathers. Both have had children return, only to be beset with issues/problems that make them so unlikeable, nasty or annoying. Both have ex-wives who seem(ed) incapable of raising good kids, even though they had the makings of a good parent. Weird.

Danny had potential to be pretty good, but they've ruined him. I'm still surprised that they chose to have Glenda play such an inconsequential role in this story; she could've been used to a much greater effect. :lol: @ Danny's pathetic attempts to list Roxy's erratic spending - shoes, clothes, bags, a car, and a cell phone - yeah, that really demonstrates her frittering away millions of pounds.

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The poor writing for Danny didn't help but I think this character was doomed when they cast Liam Bergin. He's a terrible actor, he always looks like he is constipated, his lips are all you remember about him, along with his silly hair. He seemed to be cast because he looked like Santer. Santer has cast so many duds in male roles and this seemed to be some sort of homage to them.

I think they may have always planned for Glenda to have such a small role because a much older woman was originally playing her, but they should have rewritten their plans when they had to recast. They could do so much more with Glynis Barber, she would have fit into the show like a glove, she was great when she showed up after Archie died. It is especially annoying that they have done nothing connecting her to Archie raping Ronnie, something which is apparently forgotten for good.

The ratings for the show have fallen this past week, even on days when there was nothing tough against them on the schedule. I guess it's down to summer days approaching but I wonder if they will blame the Masood stories. I hope not. When they actually came up with decent stuff for the Masoods they were an asset to the show.

Edited by CarlD2
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If you hire a dud actor for a role and give him a dud story then there aren't any real reasons to keep him around. I think that initially they may have hoped he might become a good all-purpose villain for the Mitchells. Early on various characters kept saying, "He's so much like Archie," which I haven't heard them repeat in months.

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Aw, he's not famous/important enough for them to mention.

End of last week--

The Zainab stuff is getting out of hand, really. Burning [!@#$%^&*]? Really? Over-the-top. I did enjoy her and Christian's little bitchfight in the middle of the square, though. Of course Christian had to be dramatic ("Ahve suffered ENOUGH vahlence at the hahnds of your fahmily!").

Billy seems like an all-around loser, really. I don't mean "loser" as in jerk or lowlife but as in someone who just can't get a break. I feel bad for the guy.

I really don't have much to say about the rest, oddly. The Ben/Jordan stuff was kinda random, especially considering Louise didn't tell Phil.

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Apparently Glenda was supposed to be in today's episode.

I don't know what to say about the mess that took up most of the episode (although it's nice to see that Ryan and Janine have regressed)...oh, I want Stacey and Max to get together again. That's about it.

Anyway, in honor of the Ben story, here's a tribute video to Phil and Stella. Isn't it romantic?


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I thought the little girl who plays Louise was better than usual in Tuesday's episode. Most of the time she kind of disturbs me, as she looks much older than her age (the anti-Ben Mitchell I guess) and she often does this weird smirking which suggests the show has no idea whether to make her evil or make her a victim. The scene where she told Phil what Ben had done to her was one of her better scenes.

I liked the scene where Lucas stood up to Phil and was about to whoop some ass before Phil backed off. Phil was out of touch, and out of breath, as always. Too bad Lucas is a serial killer, I'd love to see him stay around and put Phil in his place.

Jordan should not speak, the actor struggles with dialogue.

Janine and Ryan were fun, I guess (although they keep smashing their mouths together...). I'm still not sure if Janine should be so isolated from the canvas.

I liked the Max/Stacey/Jean scenes so much. I really wish Stacey and Max could get back together. Instead I have a feeling he's going to freak when or if Stacey tells Ryan he's the father.

Danny/Roxy, who cares. Roxy is a moron and an unpleasant person yet constantly pushed at viewers.

Zainab suddenly wanting Syed back in the house seemed abrupt. The coldness and smugness from Tamwar and Masood after she told them this bothered me. I think EE broke a record in how quickly they made me stop liking this family. The best family on the show trashed for the whiny coward and his perpetually teary eyes.

Edited by CarlD2
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Some people still think that - more so about Ronnie.

I like Roxy. I did post a long explanation over at DS several months ago about why I love her character... Maybe I'll go see if I did it up, as I can't be bothered to explain it here. I will say though, that they have/are slowly ruining her character, which I think started around the time they introduced Archie.

As for Ronnie - I like the idea of who she's supposed to be, but she's been bogged down in too much misery, which has drowned her character.

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The problem with the characters of the past few years is that they never, ever change. If they do they just become more miserable. Yet they don't become more miserable in a way which suggests character development. It's just lazy writing. Ronnie suffers and suffers and scowls and suffers some more. Jack spent years on the show bedding every Mitchell woman and of course the mentally disturbed Tanya, until finally they had to shoot him in the head to try to make him interesting. Even that didn't work.

The show has become so zoned out that even things like sexual abuse and child molestation are no longer used for anything beyond a moment of shock value. Suicide attempts, gay-bashings, bipolar, it all somehow becomes no big deal.

They don't want to address the strong likelihood that Roxy disowned her sister because her sister was repeatedly raped as a child, so instead they just go on painting Roxy as this loud mouth with a heart of gold, the misunderstood princess, and hope that her possibly getting her money taken (money that wasn't even hers in the first place) will make people love her.

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