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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Is someone smoking crack in the writer's room? Seriously. I'm about thisclose to tuning out EE. 


  • Steven is helping Jane and Ian, who demonized him for so many years. 
  • Lauren is helping Ian and Jane, who practically had a hand in Max being in jail all this time. 
  • Abi acts like Max owes her something when he doesn't owe her sh*t. 
  • Donna is begging her damn brother for semen. 
  • Jane is lying up in a bed playing victim. 


Who the f*ck is writing this drivel?!


  • Why aren't people calling Ian and Jane out on their sh*t?! They should be damn pariahs after covering up Bobby's crime. 
  • Why aren't Jane and Ian being prosecuted? They are criminals and accessories to a murder. 
  • Why is Abi not p*ssed for being fed lies about Max? Jack too. They should be angry at everyone involved in the coverup. 
  • Why is Steven not rubbing salt in Jane and Ian's wounds? 


I feel like I am watching some alternate universe of EE. None of the characters are having real reactions to the situations at hand. Ugh! 

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Me at any poor Bobby, poor Jane, or poor Ian. 


Disgusting that the only one who thought of Lucy at all today was some guy who nailed her a day before she was killed. 


"Poor Bobby."


"More like poor Lucy."


I knew there was a reason, beyond his incredible ass, why Lee is my favorite Carter. 


It's absolutely sickening how they have tried to act like Jane and Ian have suffered enough for what they've done (let's just forget about Phil, who of course is always a victim). I imagine Steven will go nuts again and that will be another source of pity, but he can drop them into a spike pit and I won't care at this point. Jane in particular is odious and vile. I saw someone saying that it was hypocritical of viewers to root for Janine and hate Jane, but the show never asked viewers to pity Janine. Far from it. Imagine if Janine had lugged her "daughter's" corpse to the street and dumped her like trash. Would we be asked to pity her? Hell no. 


I do not pity Jane. I never ever ever will. And I guess I should pity Ian for being with her, but that's his choice. He gets what he deserves. 


And that annoying Shakil and all the efforts to try to make us side with him because Martin is a caveman - Martin is a caveman in many ways, but Shakil ls just annoying and ridiculous and I wish Martin would just put a foot up his ass. 

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Do you like Sonia? I think she's unintentionally hilarious.

I'm finding it hard to watch Ian and Jane. They are ridiculous. I actually do feel sorry for Bobby though. It is the lack of self-awareness both characters have which makes them now irredeemable, which is kind of highlighted by your point with Janine. At least with characters like Phil and Janine, they know themselves that they're terrible people.

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Martin's reaction to Carmel mentioning that Shakhil played the trumpet was priceless. The rest of the episode was dire. This show is totally spinning its wheels until Sean O'Connor starts.


ETA Friday's episode seemed ENDLESS. And what a shame that it seems they won't be including London Pride what with Ben and Paul together and Johnny being back.


They must have filmed a scene to insert in tomorrow or Tuesday's episode about Brexit, right?

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The scenes trying to make Sharon the "new Peggy" (essentially barking nonsense at people and overinvolving herself in the lives of Ronnie and Roxy for no apparent reason) were bad, but even worse was the nauseating realization that the show is now saying Sharon is staying with Phil because he was abused as a child and he needs her as a mother, not as any type of wife or partner. It's shocking and disturbing how much DTC has infantilized Phil and glorified his toxic relationship with Sharon.

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Well, DTC just couldn't resist it, could he? He used the exact same music for Peggy's funeral mass in the church that he used for Jean and Ollie's wedding last summer...and this happened to be the exact same music that was used for the infamous royal wedding massacre in Moldavia on Dynasty. Naughty boy! Heh heh.



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Caught with the climax of Gavin and I was NOT impressed. Sh-tty ending for a sh-tty character. Glad this is the end of him. Hope the character gets shanked in prison and we never hear of him again. 


Only good thing about these episodes were Buster and Kathy. However, I am sure Phil will jealously become an obstacle for the two. :rolleyes:

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