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DTC clearly wanted Johnny/Ben (even thought Strike and Harry Reid had no chemistry), so I imagine Paul will be written out and we'll get a revival of the story he was seemingly plotting before Strike wisely quit - gay guru Johnny "saving" Ben from himself.

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With Johnny's return, we see the return of pre-rape Linda, when the show made halting attempts to write her as a character that they never finished because the story was never really about her and because I don't think Kellie Bright was ever entirely playing the person they thought she was supposed to be playing. And that Linda is a real mess. 


I'd forgotten how much her relationship with Johnny makes me rear back. Not only the infantilization, but the long-running struggles with his sexuality, complete with essentially saying she would rather he be celibate because men will just hurt him like she knew all along. Given that men have ruined her life, it would make sense to me if this was explored more (as I think it could have been explored if Nancy had been with a man more aggressive than Tamwar). 


The Carters have never come across as a happy or coherent family to me, underneath their singing and easy banter - they've never really connected for me the way that families like the Fowlers or the Slaters once did. I'm sorry Nancy is going as that means there's little time to explore the dynamics, but then, the last time there were 3 Carter kids on the show, there was no effort made to write for them...


It's nice that the choice to have a duff-duff focused on Mick watching from the window continues DTC's mission statement for the rape story and the Carters in general - their pain is, in the end, all about Mick (and sometimes Shirley).


It's still too soon to tell for me with Ted Reilly. He seems like good casting as Johnny - frankly, he's much better casting for the clear character outline of Johnny (the baby of the family, weak and frail, insecure, good-hearted but fumbling his way through life) than Sam Strike ever was. Do I think he's ever going to be a big actor on EE? I don't know. But I do think he's fine for what Johnny is. 


The best scene for me was Johnny and Shirley addressing the absolute absurdity of her being his grandmother. I always like Shirley in moments like those. 


I had to laugh when Johnny said that Luca's mother wanted him to stay. It's nice to know that DTC's mother issues know no town or country. 


You know, I've always liked Bonnie Langford (I'm one of the proud Melanie Bush fan club of about 10 people...), but I never had any idea of whether or not her acting style would fit into Eastenders. As it turns out, it does - she's not perfect, but she's impressed me on more than one occasion. She did fine tonight with some material that could have crashed over the hill of sheer campery. But the character - the character...


Why is this woman shouting the street down for Stacey's honor? Of course it's not even about Stacey - it's all about her (as everything is). If SHE has forgiven Stacey, then Masood must do the same, and it also means he will forgive her, but she doesn't have to confront how much of this crusade is about him not forgiving her. And that's why she kept going, even when he repeatedly asked her to stop and hid away in his house to get away from her. This led to that nasty scene that I enjoyed (Bonnie and Nitin do very well together) where she belittled him for assuming she wanted sex (never mind that she'd once used him for sex while keeping the Arthur secret from him) and his shooting back that she wasn't that attractive. I do think there is some element of the show wanting to make sure everyone forgives Stacey, and I imagine he will fall into line at some point, as everyone always does. But most of it tonight was about Carmel's rampant insecurities. 


Speaking of Stacey, once again no one seems to be able to stop her from cashing into the furniture. I never wanted Martin to be a caveman to Stacey, but it's disturbing to me that she is so clearly not handling...anything well and he and Kyle mostly just have to react to it.


Thank God for Jay, pretty much singlehandedly keeping those Mitchell family scenes alive, being assertive and aggressive in the way that I once thought Sharon was going to be, when I had fleeting hopes for about a week in March 2015 that they were going to bother writing her as anyone of value to the Mitchells (that scene of her staring longingly at the Mitchells as they went back home was possibly the most pathetic Sharon scene yet, which is saying something after the last few years). Jamie was wonderful, especially in his moments with Ben. Jamie and Harry Reid have some of the best chemistry of any duo on the show. It's unfortunate that I still worry this story is to set up Jay's exit, because without Jay, I will not give a flying fuc! about the current Mitchell setup. Yes, Steve McFadden is a good actor, but that isn't enough. 


Then there's Louise, as pointless as ever. I had to laugh when she lunged for Jay, both because Ben did the same last year, in the exact same spot (their positions were reversed but otherwise it was the same), and because I knew the "14" and "child" stuff was going to start when Tilly Keeper looks older than Jamie Borthwick. I refuse to believe that Lisa, a character I always had a soft spot for, had anything to do with this Identikit nobody. Send her back to the factory please. 


Could they have been any more obvious that they couldn't have Jack in the scene with Abi and Dot because he wouldn't let Phil take Abi? Why not just say he was in the toilet or something instead of saying he spent 90% of the episode holding Ronnie's hand? It's a shame, because I thought his scene with Abi was one of her best in some time, and he's one of the few to address the basic question - who ARE you? what have you become? 


If DTC is still there when she returns from seeing Tanya, I wonder if we will get one last "greatest hit" where she buries Ben alive...

Edited by DRW50
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Personally, I fell in love with Sam Strike. Ted Reilly will never match him, but I'm all for giving him a chance to impress me. However, maybe it's me projecting, but it felt like he was falling over himself to the get the words out, like his nerves got the better of him. As for the family itself, I found myself mentally tuning out. I physically can't with them anymore.


I have no problem with Louise crushing on Jay. She would have no reason to see him as a brother figure at all, and not only is he cute, but she also just saw him stand up to Phil and Ben's complete f*ckery. It's the smartest thing she's done so far. But, like you, I hate that they went with such a lazy route regarding her character. She's a Mitchell, so she has to act like one. Shouty, obnoxious, aggrandizing. Pass.


My least favourite part about the Stacey's cowardice and betrayal being rewarded, at least in this episode, was when Nancy asked Tamwar what Masood had to be mad at Carmel about, and he said nothing, like Masood's feelings were completely unfounded. Even James E. Reilly at his worst always had someone calling out characters on their crap, no matter who it was.


Where exactly was Phil going to go with Abi, anyway? That was so odd to me. It's also a bad decision to have Abi leave town, if that's what happens. Seeing Jack take care of her and help her rehabilitate herself after her humiliation could have been great for both characters.

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Reilly seems a bit awkward and wooden to me (then again so do most of the family), but I can see him as the character. Strike was always a bit too hot and Hollywood for me to believe the cowardice and weakness they wanted to make central to Johnny. I think DTC wanted a hot piece of ass to play his avatar on the screen. Now that he got that out of the way, he was more realistic. 

Abi is just a plot device. They don't even bother pretending otherwise. It's sad. I kind of wish they'd just write her out, as I don't care about her at this point, but then that would mean even more likelihood of Jay going as well, and at least she gives Max more to do.

Edited by DRW50
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Belinda's a great character. I hope we never see her on a regular basis, as she would lose something. Her reactions to Kyle made me roll my eyes, but Carli Norris played everything with the right flippant, casual touch. Way too much of the Kyle stuff here felt like checking off a box, but I'm glad it is out, and I'm glad that DTC's grotesque caricature of Jean was halted long enough for her to realize her mistakes and leave quietly. Of course we end with more misery and money woes for Stacey and Martin, because that's all they ever know how to do with characters...


I know it won't last, but boy did I enjoy Johnny reacting to a year of sustained, all-encompassing lies, and telling Mick he blames him. They even had Mick lying to him earlier that day just to drive it home. The Carters are a family built on sickness and lies, and while I don't think Ted Reilly is the best actor, he conveyed the complete emotional collapse of learning all of these "secrets." He's very believable at the weakness of Johnny, mixed with some moments of strength. I already have a feeling this Johnny recast will not be around all that long, between the family being burnt out and the Sam Strike fans reminding me of Chandler Massey fans in their tantrums on social media, but I like him a lot more than I thought I would.  


I wish that Paul had upbraided Ben for his treatment of Abi on that stage, but I doubt the relationship will last long anyway and Paul is just a plot device. I really like Paul, and I like him with Ben. I hope the show will try to do something with this rather than discard them. I also liked the scene where Ben tried to express some remorse to Abi but they're both just too far gone. 


Jack putting that vile Babe in her place was very satisfying. I generally am not minding Jack this time around. 


I really think the girl who plays Linzi has real potential, and she and Jamie Borthwick work well together. Unfortunately it's obvious where this is going, and that will be to a very bad place. 


I don't know who wrote this episode but overall I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

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I am glad that Kyle's secret is out, so the character can finally assimilate into the Square and do other things. But why make Jean a bigot in the process? I didn't like that and didn't find it necessary. I think her hating Kyle b/c he was a child of an affair was enough. Having Jean call Kyle a freak was too much. It borderline makes me wish that she would've ran into the street and got hit by a car. 


I agree that Belinda is a ray of sunshine that needs to stay long-term. God knows this show needs a tart with some hart, which Kat used to be. I think Belinda can easily fill that void. 


Paul and Ben's scenes were but I (too) don't see them lasting long. Same with Jay and Linzi. I feel like that relationship will hit the skids thanks to Louise somehow. 


Johnny putting Mick in his place was the only joy from the Carter scenes. I just didn't care about Johnny learning the truth or the stupid family photo, which I found to be farce. I hate how DTC tries to play like this family is so damn close when they aren't. Ever since this family darkened our screens, they've been a fractured mess. 

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I was more bothered by the digs from Belinda, as they were presented as "fun," and at least Jean was humbled and called out, but yeah. The show's general approach to this issue has felt clunky. I guess at least I've started to like Kyle rather than see him as a waste of airtime.

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So wait? Saint Johnny takes the family out for swimming and that gets Mick to finally forgive Nancy? :rolleyes:


Such bull. I still say it would've been more honest and real for Nancy to leave the Square giving Mick the finger and leaving issues resolved. But of course DTC wouldn't allow that to happen with his precious Carters. They have to be the perfect family unit on this show. <_<


Tonight reminded me too how much Ian's presence on the show has been decreased. Even though Kathy and Martin are back, the Fowler/Beale clan is basically nothing. Nonexistent. They are just like the Bauers were on the last decade of GL--just unimportant. 


Ben and Paul's date was the only interesting thing. I did find it cute that Ben doesn't know how to date and take things slowly. It also shows he is a typical Mitchell as everything is all about sex, which was the only concept he seemed to grasp about dating. Glad that Paul is making him work for it.

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I actually thought the forgiveness scenes would be worse - I thought she would have to beg and cry forgiveness and he would finally get over it. Lowered expectations probably helped me. I don't really know why the drama was so rushed (Johnny was angry for about 3 scenes!), but at least Mick finally admitted it was his fault. Of course, he was immediately told that wasn't true, but I'll take what I can get. 


I've never "gotten" the Carter family the way I did the most believable EE families, like the Fowlers, and the Slaters (1.0, anyway), because there's so much misery and forced merriment, but I actually did end up enjoying most of their scenes today. Generally I don't care for anything with Linda or Mick, but the pool scenes and the dinner scenes weren't bad - maybe because they were mostly setting up Nancy's exit. The most believable relationships for me are with the siblings, and I also like when Buster gets to spend time with them rather than being Shirley's Phil replacement. 


I do wish they'd boot Babe from their home. I find her tiresome - they must be gluttons for punishment to put up with her. She should be a guest character at most.


I also liked the scenes with Ben and Paul. I just wish they could last. And I loved the "flirting" with Ben and Jay. Such fun. I hope they won't ruin Jay with this upcoming story. 


I've even come around to liking Stacey and Martin, which of course means we get my #1 EE hatred - money woe stories. Yippee.


I must say that other than a few quibbles this was one of the better weeks I can remember on EE in a while. Most of the stories were decent, the characters were relatively two-to-three-dimensional, and characters were called out on their sh!t. It gave me a bit of hope that my old, long gone EE ain't completely dead yet. I should hold onto that for the coming crap I know I'll have no time for...

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