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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I've always liked Tamwar and I will be sad to see him go. He's the main one that held the Masoods together for me - and now they're all pretty much gone. I loved his relationship with Nancy. I never cared about her with the Carters, and claims that he dragged her down always made me laugh. Maddy and Himesh worked very well together.


This looks like it's going to be a big year of change for EE. I just hope they make the right changes, as the show truly needs help. 


I hope we start hearing about some bottom-feeding Mitchell departures soon...

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Looking back it's amazing they were pushed as much as they were, given that the only hype came for "movie star" (lol) Danny Dyer, and for Shirley, a character who has actually become quite a bit less popular due to her association with the family. 


I don't mind Lee, but he and most of the others could disappear tomorrow and I doubt viewers would even notice. This after two years of major storylines. 


I wish the new Johnny a lot of luck, especially given DTC's horrible writing for gay men.

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Tamwar is leaving?! I wish Himesh Patel the best. Damn. I hope this doesn't write Masood into a corner. Losing Nitin Ganatra would be horrible. 


I couldn't give a damn about Nancy b/c I never cared for her. I do wish Maddy Hill all the best b/c she was too talented to be strapped with a dud character. 


With the Carters being constantly flops, I hope the new regime realizes that they need to drop this family and move a real family (Sharon/Denny) into the Queen Vic. 

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I predicted here and elsewhere back in November that Maddy Hill could quit EE to play Jane Tennison in ITV's 1970s set prequel to Prime Suspect. I wouldn't be surprised if ITV made an announcement this week that Hill will be playing the role. She'd be great as the young version of Helen Mirren's Jane.

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I wasn't moved by the woes of the Carters tonight. I thought the acting from the many of them was horrid. Danny Dyer does not need heavy, emotional scenes b/c he falls flat. His range is very limited.


Shirley sobbing over Oliver made me roll my eyes. DTC kills me how he's been adamant in making Shirley some doting grandmother when we all know it is farce. 


With Nancy leaving, I hope they have her exit be unresolved as she leaves bitter at Mick, but knowing DTC, that won't happen. He'll have Mick forgive her and vice versa. I'd actually prefer Nancy leave with Tamwar telling Mick to go eat a d*ck and die but I doubt it'll happen. 

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Why is Kush still on the show? I can't bear to look at him much anymore. Sucks because I actually adored him when he first came on and pursued Shabnam. He's just so weak and spineless that many of the other men on this show. 


Speaking of weak men, I knew Martin would bend and go to Stacey. It irks my nerves how Stacey can do the unthinkable and all is forgiven. She never pays for her sins. Bradley, Max, Ryan, Kush, and now Martin excuse her actions. It's annoying. That's why I always preferred Janine and Chelsea b/c they were the few that called Stacey out on her sh-t. 


I cracked up laughing when Shirley had the gall to give Mick parental advice and not having anger towards one's child. I guess she forgot about Deano despite his unthinkable sin. I seriously hate the Carter clan and wish they'd go. 


I thought the scenes with Claudette, Vincent, and Donna were good, but it is obvious that Claudette will return down the line. Especially, when Gavin brings his withered faced ass back. 

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I really do wonder if this Hubbard story is what got DTC out the door. Surely they didn't plan for the big "death" to only last a week? It smells of rewrites. 


Nothing is ever Stacey's fault. The same mental illness that allows her to murder people and let her husband commit suicide for it also causes her to drop her panties for her friend's boyfriend. Martin has to forgive her because if he doesn't, viewers might not get the memo. I'd also guess that this is to set up Stacey again cheating on him with Kush or Ryan, because Stacey is now all but forced to stay with a man she does not like or love. Now that she's done with her thrilling "Are You There God? It's Me, Stacey Slater" saga, she has to find some type of pole to smoke. Wait until Kush or Ryan are dating another woman - then it's time to light 'em up. 


Martin is now Bradley 2.0 in every way. 


I can't bother with the Carter stuff as long as Shirley is involved. 

Edited by DRW50
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Do you think there was a rewrite b/c burying Claudette in the basement was so similar to the Calum plot on Corrie? I never got why DTC thought it was bright to emulate a similar plot that is currently occurring on another soap. 


Oh you already know that Stacey will be written as a saint for now until like you said, Kush or Ryan (once he is released from prison) find another woman. She'll then toss her equipment around to get all the attention b/c all the men must pine and love Stacey Slater. :rolleyes: I swear they act like this character is some Helen of Troy when she is far from it. 


So agree that Martin is now the new Bradley. His whole existence is being Stacey's lapdog. So sad because Martin is a character that has so many ties to so many people on the Square and we hardly see him interact with those people. He's so isolated that it is sad. 


Shirley isn't the only annoying party in the daily woes of the Carters. Mick, Buster, and Linda are just as annoying too. I normally can't stand Nancy either but I actually find her endearing with this plot. Like I've said before, I hope the character leaves with her giving Mick her ass to kiss, but we know that won't happen. DTC will make St. Mick forgive Nancy, and Nancy gratefully accept it.

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The groundwork has well and truly been laid for poor Kushie "just wanting to be a dad." Never mind that he only wants to "be a dad" because he's lost everything else (when he had something to lose he couldn't avoid that child fast enough) and because his mother practically tasers him into compliance. No, he's so long-suffering and just wants to see his boy. Sonia acts as voice of the writers to remind them - and us - who the victim is here. Martin is, of course, snappish and controlling, and Stacey is already uncomfortable with a house of open lies. The whole thing is unwatchable. I just can't stomach Kush, or his hand-holders, or that poor me face he does all the time. I wish Janine would run him over.

I rolled my eyes when they had to also add on the Kyle element, because it isn't DTC if it isn't overstuffed. They've done a poor job establishing Kyle - every time he's been seen, he's been portrayed as menacing and as a nuisance, with the actor who plays him either unable or incapable of adding more layers. While I'm sure he and Stacey will become close in no time (as close as anyone can get to Stacey...), it's a shockingly retrograde extended intro, full of negative stereotypes that portray trans people as dangerous "others." 

Phil and Shirley - I proudly skipped every scene. 

The Ben scenes were much better than they had a right to be, given how much this story is in stall mode. One thing Eastenders still remembers that soaps like Emmerdale have forgotten is the power of friendship - those simple bantering scenes between Jay and Ben go a long way to humanize Ben's character. I must say I also prefer Paul as Ben's friend to his lover. They work very well in this type of scene. And I was very pleasantly surprised at how much we got of Kathy's angst and struggle over how to celebrate the day with him, what to say to him or not say to him. This is the type of thing I want to see so much more of. 

The Ben stuff singlehandedly kept me from junking this episode.

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I haven't checked anywhere else to see what others think, but am I the only one that became offended when Stacey compared her mental illnesses to Kyle being transgendered? "I guess we're both messed up." That's just great. Stacey was at her level worst in the whole episode. Someone really needs to batter her.

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