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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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What a legend she was. Yet always so down to earth, so warm, on Corrie. She could do so much with raising an eyebrow or harrumphing at somebody. You'd think she had been there from the first day. It's never easy to just bring in someone's sister, I'd actually say it usually fails, but Betty just fit in. I loved the old lineup with Annie, Bet, and, as Annie called her, "Elizabeth." Driver also brought a great deal of tenderness to many of her scenes. One of the best was when Jerry Booth died and Len Fairclough, strong man that he was, was stewing, mourning, unable to deal with it. Betty just told him this would pass. She'd lost her own husband the year before, and she communicated that loss without a single word of dialogue. Len understood, and he left, feeling a little more at peace.

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I guess it's a good time to post this, thought I assume most of you have seen it already:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OHF98QyFOgc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5ua7wlaz9vk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DaquLq8aPaE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3aUooTngp5U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Wow, I didn't realize how rushed they were with this entire thing. I hate that phenomenon with young gay couples on soaps -- marriage is supposed to be the next logical step? WTF? They're 17!

I also didn't realize that they've already released the 2000-2009 DVD set. I can't find a complete list of episodes, though. Does anyone know what's included?

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I think this is what you're looking for... (all from a DS poster)


Episode 4745

The residents enjoy a fancy-dress party, and Fred finds a use for the reindeer meat. Steve tries to swindle Emily, and Alison rejects Kevin’s marriage proposal. Leanne desperately tries to stop Jez going ahead with the Rovers’ robbery; her attempts fail.

Episode 4775

As Martin prepares to tell Gail he is leaving her, she tells him of Sarah’s pregnancy; he assures Sarah she will be supported. Mark asks Leanne to go to Brussels with him, and Geena is made permanent at the Rovers.

Episode 4838

Alison and Jake’s cremation takes place. Sally supports Kevin through the funeral. Martin rushes to the airport to plead with Rebecca not to leave for Dubai; she tells him that she loves him, but will not tear his family apart.

Episode 4855

Gary urges Tyrone to show Maria what she means to him; he takes the advice to heart arranging a spectacular location to propose. Linda tells Mark that she can’t cope with their being apart.

Episode 4890

Mike is amazed when Linda confirms she’s been seeing Mark; she insists it was a mistake and that Mark had pursued her relentlessly. Eventually, he believes her, and throws Mark out. Meanwhile, Jez is admitted to hospital.

Episode 4921

Audrey has second thoughts about marrying Fred after Maxine warns her about his sexual appetite, while Curly decides to track down Emma to prove that she’s the one he really loves. On a boat trip down the Seine, he proposes...

Episode 4936

Gail gets the receptionist job at the Medical Centre. Andy returns, and is horrified to learn that Jim killed a man. Ken rallies the residents to fight the tarmaccing of the cobbles, and Roy and Hayley win the ‘Mr and Mrs’ contest in the Rovers.

Episode 4939

Andy spends the night with Toyah. Deirdre, Ken, Natalie, Steve, Andy and Kevin attend Jim and Liz’s wedding in the prison. Vera’s tests show she is a match for Paul - as do Terry’s; he agrees on the sum of £25,000 for donating his kidney.


Episode 4967

Eileen moves into No. 11, Alex stirs up trouble with Roy, and Ken meets his grandson. Susan warns Deirdre that if she tells Mike about Adam, she and Ken will never see either of them again.

Episode 5020

Jason discovers Toyah lying in the ginnel; she has been raped. Eileen fears that Jason will be the main suspect. Sally tells Danny that she had sex with Kevin the night before his wedding to Alison.

Episode 5044

Everyone’s preparing for the Rovers Drag Night. Dev and Geena decide to try to sort things out, but to no avail. Curly is coming to terms with the fact that he is now a councillor, while Janice and Bobbi can’t believe that Karen is marrying for a bet.

Episode 5060

It is the day of Alma’s funeral. Mike is unhappy that Linda is accompanying him, and is appalled when Curly tells him that Alma’s cancer had advanced as a result of a bungled smear test. Hayley returns to find out why Roy did not attend the funeral.

Episode 5092

Wayne tells his mum and Alex that he intends to tell the police the truth about his ‘kidnapping’ by Roy and Hayley, but Alex dissuades him. Roy and Hayley are questioned by the police, and bailed.

Episode 5114

Ashley’s operation is successful. Sally calls in to see Martin at the hospital, and they share a passionate kiss while he’s on duty. Peter tries to find a way to raise the money to buy the betting shop, and Karen has a slanging match with Rita.

Episode 5136

Martin has suffered a broken arm in the crash, and Eileen blames Dennis for giving Jason a bike. The police question Mike, and find Linda’s passport in his flat. Having admitted lying about Linda’s visit to the flat, he is arrested on suspicion of murder.

Episode 5161

Janice tells Les that she’s leaving him to live with Dennis. Dennis breaks the news to Eileen, and Les banishes Toyah when he learns that she already knew of the affair.


Episode 5188

With Dennis in intensive care, Janice is furious to hear of Les’s suicide attempt. Fred and Eve move their belongings into the Rovers, Dev show Geena the tickets he’s booked for their Tobago wedding, and Matt and Maxine call a truce.

Episode 5215

Candice persuades Sarah to borrow the keys and let them use the Ramsdens’ house, and Ken and Deirdre throw a surprise birthday party for Mike’s 60th birthday; he is delighted that Adam is the surprise guest.

Episode 5270

Jason and Kirk have little success when they go in search of girls in Blackpool, while Toyah has another date with Goran. Patricia turns up at No. 8 when Richard refuses to acknowledge her calls, and Fred offers to sponsor Roy’s re-enactment.

Episode 5283

Betty pulls her last pint at the Rovers - she is moving to Wimbledon with Gordon and Caroline. Ken gives a speech at her leaving party, and Bet and Rita exchange pleasantries. Geena agrees to give Joe a second chance - to Dev’s annoyance.

Episode 5301

Blanch tells Deirdre that Archie has finished with her. Rita offers Sally a welcome two weeks’ work at the Kabin, Fred feels that Lillian is taking over the Rovers, and Todd is depressed and missing Sarah.

Episode 5365

Sarah Platt is trapped in the car and seriously injured. Gail is furious with Richard for paying for the Meltons’ holiday, but he assures her that Chris Melton will stop the bail hostel application from going through.

Episode 5383

Archie initially disbelieves Audrey when she says that Richard has been trying to kill her; eventually, however, both come to the conclusion that Gail is in danger. Gail and Richard, meanwhile, pledge their devotion to each other…

Episode 5406

Gail refuses to let Audrey give the children their presents in person. An accident befalls Norris, and Les learns that Toyah’s boyfriend is her lecturer. Richard’s murderous nature is revealed when he calls on Emily and finds her alone.


Episode 5419

Richard bludgeons Maxine to death with the crowbar, taking steps to ensure the crime scene looks like that of a failed burglary. Ashley, having discovered Maxine’s body, is arrested and taken in for questioning, while Richard learns that Emily is still alive.

Episode 5459

Richard ties up Gail, Sarah, David and Bethany and puts them in the car in the garage, leaving a written confession in an envelope. Gail realises that Richard is intent on a suicide pact and struggles as Richard switches on the engine...

Episode 5483

While Karen and Steve fight over their belongings, Andy and Nick Morgan hold Katy hostage, and lie in wait for Angela; Kevin raises the alarm after Sally tells him of two strangers she saw earlier. As police surround the house, two shots are heard.

Episode 5529

Mike agrees not to involve the police after Karen confesses to forging cheques, and he tells Joe he never wants to see him again. Sunita is starting to enjoy having two men fighting over her, and Tod gets an interview for a hospital cleaning job.

Episode 5546

Peter begs Shelley for another chance, and she agrees to marry him. At the reception, a drunken Ciaran tries to provoke Dev, angering Sunita. Bev reminds Tracey of their bet, and two knock-out pills are duly dropped into Roy’s champagne…

Episode 5583

Lucy and Shelley discuss Peters double life, and both women banish him from their lives. Norris and Emily discover the secret ingredient of Vera’s cakes, and Roy tells Tracey he’ll be accompanying her when she has her scan.

Episode 5596

A shared night of passion has left Bev feeling embarrassed and Ciaran feeling guilty. Fred sets off on his Scottish coach trip, and Todd and Nick spend the evening talking. Instinctively, Todd leans over to kiss Nick - leaving him shocked and angry.

Episode 5630

Liz, Bet and Fred meet up in Blackpool. Tommy tells a devastated Craig he isn’t coming home, and Angela is furious. Roy learns that he would lose all rights to his child if his marriage to Tracey were annulled, and Steve gets a call from Jim.


Episode 5667

Nick tries to talk Sarah out of marrying Todd, and Ken apologises to Charlie about reporting the asbestos Norris’s ‘only two children in the shop at once’ policy is no deterrent against Bradley and Chesney, but Rita’s intervention proves disastrous.

Episode 5695

Steve begs Karen to marry him despite his deception. Liz asks Ken to leave the wedding, taking his family with him. Ken urges Tracey to give the Croppers time, but she can’t contain herself and goes to their house, demanding they return the baby.

Episode 5716

Steve admits to lying to Karen. Fred warns Shelley about her sloppy book-keeping, and a misprint has Sally seeing red. A murderous Karen interrupts the christening, and knocks Tracey to the floor.

Episode 5765

Fred’s delighted when Orchid turns up. Sarah returns home sobbing, and Gail is horrified to learn that Eileen already knew Todd was gay. A slanging match ensues between Gail and Eileen, resulting in a violent fight in the street.

Episode 5778

Baby Billy’s funeral takes place; Todd is determined to say a proper goodbye to his son. Les celebrates Patrick’s birthday at a lap-dancing club, but gets a nasty shock when he discovers the identity of one of the dancers.

Episode 5835

Maya snoops around Sunita’s flat and steals her birth certificate. Mike and Deirdre have a candid chat, and Eileen invites Sean to sleep on her sofa - a prospect which horrifies Jason.

Episode 5899

Maya has put her murderous plan into action. Dev’s attempts to placate her fail and, having left him and Sunita bound and gagged in the flat, she sets light to the shop.

Episode 5923

Steve tries to get to the burning car to rescue Amy, but is beaten back by the flames. A crazed Tracey, convinced that Karen has killed Amy, takes Steve’s car and runs her over. Karen escapes but Tracey pursues, threatening to kill her.


Episode 5974

Tracey is angry when Ray turns up after 27 years. Angela tells Katy that Martin didn’t cheat on her; Katy pleads with Martin for another chance, but he refuses. Katy violently vents her fury on Tommy, and Angela arrives to witness the act.

Episode 6THO

Ken and Deirdre remarry. Lena discovers Tyrone and Maria having sex, and seizes the chance to blackmail them. After her slanging match with Louise, Steve calls Tracey a laughing stock. The joy of the reception turns to shock when Ray dies.

Episode 6044

No-one believes Shelley when she insists that she walked into a door - least of all Bev. Sally accepts a job in Dev’s shop, Leanne and Danny share a passionate kiss, and Norris tells Ken all about the book he’s writing.

Episode 6059

Tensions run high at the Baldwins’. After drunkenly accusing Frankie of stealing Danny from her, Carol is thrown out. Jason declares his love for Violet, and Leanne and Danny narrowly avoid getting caught in bed together.

Episode 6121

Having seen Charlie for what he is, Shelley refuses to marry him, and as she hurries back down the aisle the congregations claps in support. In the race between the Cockerel and the Fox, the Fox wins - but only by cheating.

Episode 6146

Danny is left reeling by the news that Mike’s his father. Rita is furious with Norris’s new sign for the Kabin, and Blanch doesn’t take kindly to Kirk asking her what size girdle she wears.

Episode 6150

Yana helps Cilla prepare for her wedding by giving her three kiss curls in the shape of ‘666’, and Billy returns from the army to be Les’s best man. Les, having crashed his car into Status Quo’s van, has to wear a neck brace to his wedding.

Episode 6191

The Battersbys have a turkey, but nowhere to cook it. Danny’s depressed about the state of his family, while Deirdre is pleased to see Tracey. Steve is angry when Ronnie gives him £5,000 of Jimmy’s money as a present.


Episode 6228

Ed tries to convince Emily of his remorse over the killing of her husband, claiming he’s a changed man; distraught, she insists he leaves. A drunken kiss causes problems for Deirdre, Amber learns she has a sister, and Charlie very publicly dumps Tracey.

Episode 6265

Mike, in hospital and breathing with the aid of an oxygen mask, becomes increasingly frail and confused. He wanders out onto the streets in his pyjamas, and Ken finds him standing outside the factory.

Episode 6358

Eileen and Gail attend Sarah and Jason’s wedding, but as the ceremony begins, Jason flees through a toilet window. Gail tries to comfort a devastated Sarah. Danny offers to buy out Adam’s share of the factory.

Episode 6398

Fred visits Audrey to tell her that he and Bev are about to marry. She puts on a brave face and wishes him well. But as the congregation awaits him Fred collapses in the hallway of Audrey’s house; he has suffered a massive stroke.

Episode 6403

Kevin, Sally, Sophie and Bill search for Rosie in Paris. On seeing Charlie’s reaction, Maria regrets meeting Liam for a drink, while Bev tries to drown her sorrow at the bar. The Websters are finally reunited.

Episode 6414

Rita remains in hospital in Budapest. A crowd gathers to watch the spectacle of Tracey and Maria’s fight over Charlie; Deirdre fears for Tracey’s state of mind. Bill Webster returns to the street, and Hayley offers to do voluntary work for the church.

Episode 6431

Gail becomes concerned about the level of violence in David’s Playstation games. Frankie says an emotional goodbye to Warren. Les suspects Cilla of having an affair, and Vera warns Hayley about Becky’s stealing.

Episode 6455

At Christmas dinner, David produces Ivy’s diary and reads aloud the part about Gail wanting an abortion. A distraught Gail tries to convince him she loves him. Maureen unexpectedly returns from Germany, and a girl arrives at No. 11 with a baby…


Episode 6467

Becky’s date with Rob goes badly. Charlie returns from court, having only been given community service. As their argument becomes more heated, Charlie packs Tracey’s bags for her. But she forms a desperate plan that will lead to Charlie’s murder.

Episode 6519

On the eve of the trial, Tracey cracks and tells Deirdre that she’d planned Charlie’s murder months before, and staged the entire performance. Although stunned and disgusted, Deirdre promises to stand by her daughter.

Episode 6559

Claire lies at the bottom of the stairs as fire rages in the Peacocks’ house. Jamie and Kirk kick down the door to rescue her, but Eileen explains that Freddie is also inside. Deirdre tells Ken she wants him back; they start to argue.

Episode 6570

Carla announces that she and Paul are finished. Paul, meanwhile, drives like a maniac with Leanne in the boot. He crashes into a lorry, leaving Leanne with minor injuries; he is in a critical condition. At the hospital, Carla reveals the truth about Leanne.

Episode 6612

Steve and Eileen are in Malta, where Eileen relishes numerous opportunities to wind him up. Claire believes she is suspected of starting the fire, and Sarah lays down the law to Jason. Ashley’s guilt-ridden over his betrayal of Claire.

Episode 6667

Fiz is annoyed about John’s English lessons with Sally. Liam tells Sally about Rosie’s crush on him, and Roy and Hayley arrive back from their camping trip, having sorted out their differences.

Episode 6676

Gail reports David missing, while Sarah insists that he will not spoil the wedding. Midway through the ceremony, however, the police arrive with shocking news…

Episode 6721

At a packed registry office, Deirdre announces the wedding’s off. Steve then bursts in to announce that it’s back on; guests are suitably confused. Eileen forces Jason out for a New Year’s drink, and Carla brags about her holiday with Tony.


Episode 6734

Jack is devastated and cannot come to terms with Vera’s death. Michelle and Steve frantically search for Ryan, and Wiki’s knicker party takes place; Roger attends but makes a swift exit when the girls suggest he models the underwear.

Episode 6751

Carla continuing presence casts a cloud over Maria and Liam’s wedding; Maria ends up slapping Carla in the toilets. Alex tries to introduce himself to his real grandparents, but Steve leads him away.

Episode 6773

Ryan tells Michelle that he intends to get in touch with his real dad. Kelly is forced to admit that she stole the knickers, and David confronts Gail about Tina’s abortion. She is forced to tell him the truth and he flies into a rage.

Episode 6816

Maria leaves Liam and moves in with Fiz. Carla conceals her delight. Audrey tries to flirt with Ted, and Leanne gets a job at the Rovers.

Episode 6895

Vernon’s mind is constantly on his song-writing, to Roy’s annoyance. Dev agrees to become chairman of Prem’s Asian Business Group, while Gail fears that her relationship with Joe may ruin David and Tina’s.

Episode 6927

Carla explains to Leanne why she’s ended the relationship with Liam, who suddenly realises that Tony knows about their affair. As Maria tries to find Liam to tell him about the baby, the stag night ends in tragedy.

Episode 6940

Norris is busy annoying the Kabin’s customers. John confesses to Fiz that Rosie is locked in the attic, and Fiz realises that she’s living with a madman. Maria is reassured by Tony that Liam and Carla were not having an affair.

Episode 6959

Steve is pleased that his plan is starting to work. At Tony and Carla’s reception, Carla insults Kevin and Sally; Sally vows to take revenge, gets her chance when she finds Maria sitting alone, crying over Liam.


Episode 7007

As Carla struggles to understand Tony, he reveals that he killed Liam out of love for her. The revelation that she had already chosen him leaves him reeling, and he promises to confess if she’ll stand by him.

Episode 7064

Rita accepts Colin’s marriage proposal, Julie confronts Jason, and Norris tells Rita that all he wants is her happiness. A row breaks out in the Rovers after Paula spots Julie and Jason together; Paula admits she is not jealous, but scared…

Episode 7069

Julie visits her dad in hospital. Peter’s furious with Ken for the way he’s treating Deirdre, and Ken finds himself torn between the promise of a new life with Martha and the one he has shared for so long with Deirdre.

Episode 7075

Joe is trying to keep a loan shark off his back. Colin threatens to discharge himself from hospital, and Poppy apologises to Dev for telling Tara about his fling with Lisa.

Episode 7124

Ashley and Claire agree never to argue again, but she makes an alarming demand when he takes Joshua to see her. Blanche and the Barlows attend the Alcoholics’ Anonymous meeting, and Helen confronts Maria about her relationship with Tony.

Episode 7141

Lloyd helps Steve prepare for his wedding, and Michelle collects her things from No. 7. As Hayley and Natasha help Becky with her wedding dress, hair and make up, Slug sneaks into the pub and plants drugs in Becky’s handbag…

Episode 7152

Rita breaks the news of Ramsey’s death to Emily, while Ashley and Claire learn that Joshua is going to be fine. Umed and Teresa agree to a curry challenge, and Kevin and Molly have sex in a hotel room.

Episode 7237/8

Ken ruins Christmas Day for Deirdre. As Kevin is on the verge of telling Sally that he is leaving her for Molly, she shocks him with the news that she has cancer. Molly is heartbroken when Kevin tells her it’s over.

Edited by Ben
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Thank you so much, Ben! That's exactly what I was looking for. I'm shocked at how relatively cheap the various sets are, considering each one has 80 episodes. I did some price conversion, and Amazon generally has them for what equals 40-60 USD. That's 400 DVD-quality episodes for under $300! I only wish we could get something similar for our soaps (and for the other UK soaps!).

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Corrie rarely does these specials when a character leaves, but they did one for Becky.

Despite the character being trash for a while, I must admit that in her exit there was some charisma there and barring the horrible story surrounding it, it was well done.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qwIAUksEXqk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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