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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Just laughably bad:

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He's cute, but it still doesn't make sense why they got rid of Logan, from the Later special. He was sexy, had chemistry with Jorgie Porter right away, could act well, and came off very likeable quite instantly.

Someone needs to to Vye that he,s on Hollyoaks. Lighten up and get a personality.

Edited by Amello
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Apparently Gemma Atkinson (Lisa Hunter) says she was asked to come back to Hollyoaks for a year but said no, as she wants to go to Hollywood.

I'm not sorry to see her skip Hollyoaks, as she was just miserable, but I do wonder if this is why they brought Lee back. Without her around they may ditch him.

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She was popular, yes, although some have said that those spinoffs were just fulfilling contractual obligations.

I don't know if anyone would care that much about seeing her again though as I don't know if her last years were very popular, when she became a bitter whore.

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I'm back people and i have recently been watching Hollyoaks.

First of all, 2011 is sort of been a real step up from late 2010. While Warren's return was both silly and dissapointing, he is still a great character to watch. And Brenden has improved and is more of a lost soul than a bad boy. However Ste's role in the show has dimmished a lot and is more Brenden & Warren's little boy on a leesh than more of his own hardman.

Nothing else more to say, other than The Serial Killer story isn't as engaging as i thought it would be.

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I've missed your posts.

It was obvious from the time the show moved away from their original plans to write Brendan out that Ste would pay the price. Ste is now irrelevant and it's all about hyping Brendan at any cost. They are going to turn Ste back into a one-note monster just to make us weep for Brendan. No thanks.

The serial killer story has been horribly structured in every way. Few deaths, people in the village not giving a crap that someone was murdered, even the girl's own sister and mother not caring. The painfully random reasons for him to go after his victims, while women who are incredibly slutty, like Mercedes, he doesn't even look at.

This is the way it is for most of the show's stories. All hype and little attempt to apply this to the story. Claiming the rape story was going to be about a question of consent, then dragging in other stuff from their pasts that has nothing to do with the issue. The fiasco with the O'Connors, with Diane losing her baby rabies at the same time as she became an agoraphobic. Huge chunks of story that should have run for years with this family being dumped in about five minutes of airtime, literally.

And my personal favorite, the transgender story, which, aside from Jasmine/Jason looking constipated, bugging out his eyes, going through a Lisa Hunter knockoff story that lasted about a month, and drooling over a creepy looking 30 year old passed off as a teenager, seems to have never had any purpose. I think the best part was when Heidi mistook for a real woman someone who was about as believable as Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari on Bosom Buddies.

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I didn't watch most of her era but I guess if ratings are any indication, Lucy Allan, at least towards the end of her run. I think that in terms of quality both she and Marquess were bad. She had no ideas - his ideas were generally poor, or poorly executed. Even the new family hyped as a success, the Costellos, are generally awkward characters in awkward stories.

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