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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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For those asking about Lucy Allan, I actually loved her first stint. I watched all of Kirkwood's first stint into Allan's tenure. To me this was the best Hollyoaks EVER was. Lucy Allan got a lot of criticism for her focus on teen/young adult stories, but at that point I feel like Hollyoaks was always a younger show. Yes they had families, but the focus was always primarily on the younger characters. Kirkwood started ushering in family units like the McQueen's and Valentine's, but it still felt like a younger show compared to the other British soaps. In general she just kept what was working and didn't really change much or overhaul the show which is why I liked her.

When she left, Paul Marquess completely gutted the show. He fired a bunch of people and brought on a TON of new characters and families to make it a more traditional family based soap. He changed the look and feel of it and to me the show has never been worse than when he was writing. It still annoys me when I see characters he created (like Diane) still around. The only good thing I can look at now is that I do like that the show is more family focused now, but I wish yall could go back and watch his episodes. It was truly horrible and a bad time to be a Hollyoaks fan, IMO. 

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When I heard of the criticism surrounding Paul Marquess and his short tenure as executive producer, I did look up some scenes from his time, and it definitely felt like a different soap. He did to Hollyoaks what certain American producers try to do with certain soaps they've overseen. Even Marquess' sets and production model looks darker and more traditional of a British soap than it currently does, which is why I enjoy Hollyoaks over other British soaps. Based on what I've read and seen, I'm excited for Lucy Allan's regime.

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He was also a big “issue” storyteller but he didn’t know how to make it interesting. It was very after school special. 

I feel like with Lucy the show is in good hands. Kirkwood had gotten burnt out but the show isn’t in bad shape. She’ll keep the show familiar but energized. I’m excited for what she brings. 

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Paul Marquess, in my opinion, is one of the most destructive show runners in the history of modern British soaps.

From the Brian Park school of turning shows upside down and mass axings, (indeed he was story editor briefly under him at Coronation Street), he took over at Brookside and gave the first inkling that he had indeed learned at the feet of the master.

Though acting to a network brief, I blame him for destroying the essence of one of my all time favourite shows, The Bill, by axing 8 characters on his first day on the job (by storylining a race war that claimed the life of one of the longest tenured and senior-ranked characters at the time, and a series of events that killed 6 other characters by blowing up the police station). Over the next 3 years, the sex, sleaze, murder committed by police officers, etc wrecked the show for me. When he left, the successive production team tried in vain to restore the original formula of the show but it was too late for The Bill.

Though I found Lucy Allan’s original tenure very boring compared to most of Kirkwood’s 1st go around, I was surprised when they brought in Paul Marquess. And sure enough, the same things he did before he did here. It’s been said before how the show became under him but he was mentioned, so I thought I’d chime in.

As for Lucy Allan, I think she will be given the benefit of the doubt, at least for a while, as she’s over a decade more experienced, and I think she’ll have learned from her 1st tenure, especially the pitched story, inspired by the James Bulger murder case (following by backlash led by his mother) that was scrapped and basically did for her.

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Great point. I think the difference this time is Lucy Allan will likely be given more time.

Plus, I think the show has a more baked-in formula and model, similar to machines like Eastenders and Coronation Street, so I anticipate it will be more difficult to radically overhaul things.

I also believe the next Executive Producer is going to be promoted from within, thus reenforcing continuity.

So the likes of Brian Park and Paul Marquess (who both did similar things to Family Affairs 4 years apart to varying degrees of success) won’t be able to wreck things.

If we remember, under Marquess, there was a major (but unspecified) production snafu, that almost brought the whole operation down, expedited his exit and ushered in the much superior- but sadly too brief- era under Gareth Phillips (who was originally brought in to clean up Paul Marquess mess) 

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Good to hear about Lucy Allan. I do think the younger crew could use better focus so that should help. I like the balance they have right now; it's not too dark but not fluffy either and you feel like you have a sense of what's driving these people. I do think some of the 'bite' Kirkwood has is gone so I do worry about the 'boring' aspect of Allan's past tenure coming out. Right now they have a good balance.


Meanwhile, seems they're doubling down on Luke's impending demise. Shame. Love the actor and the character. But if I had to pick one to off, it would be him. He ties so many of the 'old guard' together and his death could be felt forever so I get it. Still sucks.

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The guy that plays Timmy, Peri's stalker, is so adorable, it's a shame he's a pervert. Plus, he won the Laurence Olivier award for Best Actor for playing Evan Hansen on the West End last year so you know he's wickedly talented.

Still enjoying the story though and all the Fergus strands. I forget if I posted my theory here, but I think Donna-Marie will somehow find out about his dirty dealings, blackmail him, and in return he'll kill her and make it look like an overdose so no one suspects any wrongdoing.

I really hope they're building towards Fergus framing Warren for all his crimes. The guy is a serial killer (5 times), so he more than deserves it. The only part of the story that doesn't really work for me is the reunion of Maxine and Warren, who have no chemistry. It reminds me of how much they tried to force her and Dodger to be a great love, when him and Texas were one of the best couples this show ever had (yes, I still stan them and yes I'm still bitter!). I wonder if Maxine's crush on Sami will come back into play now that they stupidly had Verity cheat on him with Shaq, with the flimsiest of reasons. Affair storylines are so slip-shod and lame. I can't remember the last time one was written on any show that seemed earned. 

I realized watching today's episode that Juliet is kind of like the female version of Ste, except I love her and every time she furrows her brow and yells at everyone, and Ste is older and still acts like that with an added dose of hypocrisy.

I can't believe it's been well over a year since Toby murdered Lisa. It's great that they have subtle mentions of her and what he did, but it'll never not be stupid that Simone and Zack apparently couldn't care less that she never contacts them. However, I want Martine to slap Celeste to hell and back for her part as well. Still, seeing both of them with the constant fashion is just so aesthetically pleasing. Same for Theresa still being a sex bomb.

Sorry for the ramble, but HO is the only soap I watch so I had some thoughts I wanted to get out of my head.


And no one has slipped so thank you very much, but just in case, NO SPOILERS (including casting) PLEASE! 

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Yay! Glad to have more Hollyoaks discussion! I've fallen a tad behind so I hope to catch up this weekend. 


I love the adorable actor playing Timmy. He does such a good job. It is a shame the role is clearly limited. He's a good find.


I'll add more thoughts as I catch up but yeah, I feel that's where they may be headed with Donna-Marie ...

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God Bless Hollyoaks for not wasting much time in getting Nate in nothing but his underwear!

Not watching that trailer full of spoilers. The show is so much more enjoyable without having any idea what is going to happen next.

If Zara doesn't stay long-term, I wouldn't be upset if she took Oli with her when Luke dies since Gabriel Clark will never match up to the greatness of Aedan Duckworth for me.

I kind of miss Leela, though I completely understand why Kirsty Leigh-Porter would want to take a long maternity leave after everything she's been through.

For those that were paying closer attention before the COVID hiatus, is Romeo the only person Celeste has been with since being in the village? 

Edited by Bright Eyes
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