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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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All I've seen of Cindy is her being insane and taking care of children. If you could point me in the direction of some scenes where she is doing something else I'd gladly be willing to change my opinion. (I think the actress playing the role is good, but I don't think characters written as crazy are interesting just because they are crazy...)

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Didn't know bout Phoebe's backstory but it makes her reaction all the more understandable. Don't really get the fascination with Darren. He's always seemed an idiot to me and heartless until he realizes that Nancy could really leave him. That's the only time he manages to pretend to care.

John Paul.....lol. I've never seen such a pathetic character in all of soaps. If not for nancy he would have stayed quiet. In short Nancy summed it all up when she stated how she had to be "man enough" for the two or em. I don't have any sympathy for him. I hope Nancy never forgives him.

And of course Nana will probably die as a result of his confession. This guy just ruins everything and everyone.

Off Topic: How do you block certain posters? I don't need to read garbage/fake analysis from someone who's never watched the show before and is only doing so to provoke me.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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What a fantastic episode.

I loved the beat they played with nancy and John oaul. That's touchy and hard to pull off because it can easily become victim blaming, but everything nancy said is correct and I totally get where she was coming from. A lot of people were hurt because he didn't step up and come forward - even though I get why he didn't.

The actor who plays Finn is really good. So is the actress who plays his mom. I get why she's in denial about it but I'm so glad tony is trying to get her to see this could be true. I don't like her and tony together, but the actors play well off eachother.

Nana McQueen, I just love. Her story was so sad and I hope she's ok.

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I hope this has nothing to do with the naive, because TPOS was posting about me as they think my life revolves around them when I've actually had the, on ignore for the better part of the year now - at least.

For the record I started watching because two of my real life friends started watching on Hulu and I noticed hair my twitter feed was talking about it. I loved Mercedes who I briefly watched years ago when she was sleeping with her fathers husband. I don't front like it's anything more than that. It has zero to do with you and I only undid your post to see what DR could be revering to. Please block me and stop letting my life have an impact on yours because that just sad.

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Her father's husband? LoL. Now that would have been something. I can't believe you only know Mercedes from as late as the Riley and Carl Costello days. You missed so, so much. RIP MALACHY!

Oh Carl, you should never edit yourself in these foreign threads. I may disagree with you sometimes, as is bound to happen with me enjoying the shoy and you, obviously not, but NEVER stop posting what you want to here. I love your posts. Rants a plenty that they may be.

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It was Nancy bashing, as I have always, always hated her, and I find the remark the writers gave her to be borderline homophobic (but this show has a host of anti-gay writing choices), but I don't have a right to comment if I don't watch on a regular basis, and I know everyone else who watches the show loves her.

Edited by DRW50
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Lol now THAT would be a story!

Yes that's the first time I really watched the show. I had seen bits of it here and there with John Paul and his first boyfriend, but I just didn't care enough to find torrents and edits and whatnot.

Hulu made it very easy and I'm so happy for that. I'm sampling some other overseas soaps they have.

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Trust me at best you're an annoyance but like most things in life fakeness and going with the crowd will get you far more ahead than being real and honest and non PC.

And once I find out how to actually block someone I will gladly do so with your profile so I don't have to read your all over field, hypocritical posts on any show that I happen to enjoy.

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I don't know why BK even tries it with

*Sienna's one of the best villains this show has ever had. Wish there was a comparable character on American soaps. She's so twisted, yet, I can't help but pity her and Nico. Patrick can die a long & painful death, though. He set all of this in motion.

*I ship Leela and Cameron. So much resentment and past heartache goin' on.

*When was the last time Esther had this much screentime? She needs a love interest. Perhaps

*Not enough good teen characters on this show. George and Phoebe are both played out. I miss Maddie and Tilly.

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