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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 30th-July 4th

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I agree, to an extent. I dont think she is a chem magnet... but really no one on OLTL is. They are (almost) all great actors, but the chem doesnt flow between everyone.

I think Bree has great chem with ES. I think Bree & FM had amazing chem.

Anotnio and Nat? None. But Antonio has ZERO chem with anyone ever. And Nat... she idnt exactly exploding with chem either.

However Bree has the most chem with TSJ.

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I think this perfectly embodies what makes soap writing very difficult. How do you write for the fans of the characters without "turning off" the non-fans of the characters? I am not sure it can be done, but it definitely CAN'T be done with slanted writing. It's a fine line some soaps walk, and a line some soaps don't walk at all (GH). I think the best way to make ALL the audience feel included and valued is to tell a story like this one where EVERY party bears some responsibility for a tragic event, and that all those responsibilities are touched on over time.

Is it Dorian for exposing all the fraud at the BE Shareholders meeting? Is it Jared who scammed the Buchanans into thinking he was one? Is it Natalie who slept with Jared and supported his fraud against her own family? Is it Charlie, who also supported Jared's fraud against the Buchanans and lied to Viki? Is it Clint, who dumped Dorian and made her so bitter as to launch her vendetta in this way? Is it Nora who came between Clint and Dorian? Is it Nash who threw the first punch in the fight that led to his death? Is it Tess for sending Jared to prison, which led him to come to Llanview in the first place? Was it Niki Smith who took young Jessica to bars that led to Tess's creation? It goes back to Victor Lord, or the generation before him that screwed him up. If Asa had never had a child (David Vickers) in the first place, Jared wouldn't have been able to pretend to be that child. It could potentially be pinned on ANY of the people connected to this mess, and that is a successful umbrella story layered with months/years/decades of history.

I personally am bored with watching Natalie and Jared moan about how they feel so guilty, BUT I think it's necessary in order to tell a balanced story. If they were only remorseful around Jessica, and other scenes they were entirely consumed with getting B.E. back from Dorian, they would look two-faced and completely phony when it came to their guilt over Nash and Jessica. They NEED to be all about Jessica right now. It lets the viewers who hate Natalie and/or Jared see that they didn't really set out to do this and they DO have human feelings, leading those viewers to POSSIBLY like Natalie/Jared in the future, and it gives the fans of Natalie/Jared more room to defend their beloved characters' actions because they ARE showing remorse for the unintended fallout.

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LOL. I think we're in complete agreement. I just think they're going a bit overboard with the remorse. Again, short of shaving their heads and donning hair shirts, they will never be remorseful enough for those who dislike them to feel they're worthy of forgiveness or redemption, and in the meantime they're boring those of us who do like them.

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