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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 30th-July 4th

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Maybe so....but at least OLTL is using so many older and verteran cast members. Tina, Carlo, Cain, Nora, Viki, Dorian, Bo, and others either have been or will be seeing quite a bit of airtime. In these days of "the younger the better" it's refreshing to see so many actors being prominently featured that are over 40.

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Carlo's back? Meh, lol.

I don't look at whether Cole and Starr could support their expectant child financially; as far as that goes, alot of teenage moms and dads out there (IRL) should be so fortunate, lol. I'm more concerned, therefore, with how these two will raise the child emotionally. Cole and Starr are still in high school, right? And, I would assume, both have it in mind to continue their studies next fall (or whenever) in college. I'm no statistician, but I suspect there are at least as many teenage parents in the "real world" who can't juggle parenting with college successfully as there are those who can. To me, the balance between pursuing an education and being present in all aspects of a newborn's life, regardless of income, must be a hard one to strike. Are Cole and Starr really up for that challenge?

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I knew Cain was the prince! I wonder what the scam is and how he was able to pull this off. LOVING the Tina story at the moment

Ugh Nora! Once again ruining Bo and Lindsay's wedding. BITCH needs to get a life already and move on.

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First off I have to say, I don't remember Christopher Cousins being THAT good-looking. But DAYUM!!! :P

Why can't Bo and Lindsay FINALLY get married? I really would much rather watch them get married, and then Bo finds out a little bit at a time that Lindsay is a murderer, twice over. I wanted someone to push Nora out of the room and slam the doors.

Can't wait to see more of Carlo. Just his voice alone gives me goosebumps.

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Nora never has to get over hating a woman who nearly singlehandedly destroyed her marriage to Bo (with Nora's help, admittedly - but the fertility results which made Nora turn to Sam to give Bo a child would never have been an issue if not for Lindsey) and was the major factor in keeping Bo from his son for the early years of his life. She never has to get over Bo dating a woman who kept her prisoner while her back was broken for months on end and used a life-threatening drug to wipe out the memories of years of her life, including her son's existence...all because Lindsey thought Nora was better off dead.

I like Lindsey. I like many things about her, I think she has decency in her. I think she and Bo are horrible together, however, I think Bo would never rationally be with her again, and the one thing I almost never, ever do is side with Lindsey over Nora. Because more than anyone else, ever, Nora has every right in the universe to despise Lindsey Rappaport.

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Lindsay was not the reason why Bo was kept from Matthew in the early years of his life. She tried to change the DNA results on him but changed her mind at the last minute. She didnt know if they technician went through with that. She eventually confessed that to Bo and another DNA test was done that she was not involved in. We only found out years later after Sam's death that there was a lab mixup that only he knew about via a letter that he kept secret.

Nora doesnt have to stop hating Lindsay but she should move on. Its been 10 years since that stuff started and she is STILL bringing it up and using it motive to go after Lindsay and make jabs at Bo. Do we see Lindsay dwell on Nora? No. We know she hates her but she's moved on. Nora is OBSESSED with Lindsay. Her life isnt complete without Lindsay. I dont know what happened bc Nora wasnt like this before but she's constantly harassing Lindsay, in her business, on her case, throwing petty comments, making it an issue to attack and go after her.

Lindsay has changed. She isnt the same nasty manipulator who goes around causing pain, acting petty and jealous and out to destroy lives. She's grown up and done well with herself and her life. And this isnt something that just started as she's been different for years, mainly after Jen's death. Thats why Bo is with her bc he sees that. Her biggest crime here is that she didnt trust Bo enough to tell him that she faked her insanity. But you know what? Thats Bo's issue to deal with. Had that been anyone else, Nora would have let it go. She was doing her best to go easy on Marty, when it looked like she killed Spencer, but she was jumping at the oppurtunity to go for blood when Lindsay was revealed as the killer. She and Lindsay resolved their issues to a certian degree years ago and this feud has kicked up again bc of Nora. She wont let go of the past and just live her life. She has a good man and Lindsay isnt a factor in her relationship. She's not a threat and she's not going after Nora. Nora should just leave her alone and stop trying to cause drama where there isnt any

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I marvelled at the sheer size of the new sets today. That Mendorran Royal Palace is HUGE, and so is the dungeon. With all the high priced vets and returns, where does OLTL get the money for these sets? Todd's new place is also huge.

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