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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 30th-July 4th

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Today's show was okay. I'm siding with Cole on this whole baby issue...Starrhead boils my blood and anything that's gonna knock her down a few pegs is fine and dandy with me. Today was one of Brandon Buddy's better performances, I think.

That ending with Talia and Carlo would have been SO much better if I wasn't a spoiler-loving bitch. That pan up from his shoes to his face was amazing! And her calling him Daddy was even better!

I'm not interested in the hijinks with Blair, John, Todd, and Marty. Todd is getting worse and worse, and yes, he's an [!@#$%^&*], but daaaaaaamn, does he have to be so nonchalant about it? On a shallow note, Trevor St. John in those Llanview University jogging pants, especially when he went to open the door for Cole at the end.........*fans self*

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Trevor was rocking those sweat pants. I just can't figure out what Todd is thinking. I think he needs to get the parrot back so we can see what's going on in his mind. Does he not see that everyone is going to hate him the second they find out what he's done to Marty? I just wish there was a little more depth to his motivations here, but whatever. Over all, I'm very happy with the show.

I do wish they would introduce a new guy for Starr about now. This would be the perfect time for a white knight to show up and start a triangle for summer.

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Shamelessly borrowed/plageurized from Dandesun at another board but too perfect not to share.

Cheap, I have to disagree.

1) I loathe Nora precisely because she's so obsessed with destroying Lindsay's happiness and so sanctimonious about her motivation. Worried about Matthew my azzzzz! Matthew doesn't even buy that. Nor does Lint. Furthermore, Nora doesn't care who gets hurt, or how deeply they're hurt in the process. Lindsay hates Nora as much as Nora hates Lindsay, but Lindsay doesn't wander around Llanview trying to convince its good citizens that Nora is the evilest evil to evah evil, and masterminding schemes to stick it to Nora. In that way Lindsay has most definitely changed. If Nora ever took the high road and gave Lindsay a pass, she would become even more self righteous than she already is and I just don't think I could bear it.

2) I don't want Lindsay's secret dangling out there forever. There would always be the potential for it to blow up in her face somehow. I want to clear the decks. I think a lot of the problems some fans have with Bo and Lindsay dates back to Bo's lack of forgiveness for Nora's betrayal and I understand that makes it difficult for them to understand how Bo can so easily forgive Lindsay's transgressions which are admittedly more dastardly than Nora's by comparison. But what I would love to see is a convo between Bo and Nora where he makes it clear to her that he HAS forgiven her. That the reason he wants to be with Lindsay and not her is not about forgiveness, it's simply about who he likes better. That he's witnessed Nora's sanctimonious self righteousness over the years since they split, and he just doesn't find that attractive. That would make me snicker and the whole forgiveness thing would be settled.

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Too bad someone spoiled it for me. Ugh. I was robbed of being surprised/shocked. :( Anyway....I love that Carlo is Talia's father! That totally should've been the cliffhanger for today.

So what's Cain's backstory?

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Here's the Cain Rogan character history: http://groups.msn.com/OneLifeToLiveFans/cainrogan.msnw

And, just to add to that.....I believe that back a few years ago, when Sarah was still referring to herself as Flash, she said that Tina had hooked back up with Cain. My mind is a little fuzzy on that. Plus I'm unsure if they broke up after that and got back together (as we saw today), or if they were together the whole time. All this happened off screen of course.

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Just a reminder to everyone.....since Friday is the 4th of July holiday, ABC is re-airing the OLTL episode from May 9th of this year, where Snoop Dogg preformed at Adriana's bacheloretter party. This means we will get to hear the Snoop Dogg opening once more, and that we will have to wait until Monday to see what happens after today's cliffhangers.

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Actually, this is one case where it does work, because they've said on air after Walker was revealed as Todd that he had extensive plastic surgery. So this is one of the few times, flashbacks of the original actor can be done and still be believable.

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