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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 30th-July 4th

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As of yesterday, ABC axed the previews at the end of AMC, OLTL, and GH. SOW says it was a cost-cutting move, but didn't reveal which soaps it would affect. Yesterday the question was answered when we saw that ABC was the one SOW was talking about.

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Todd's behavior doesn't make me think he has any romantic feelings for Marty. His discomfort over touching her was good today. Hate that Natalie is so stupidly willing to believe that Jessica is reaching out to her. Loved Delphina.

Had to laugh though when I visited another board where they've begun to refer to whatever it is that's developing between Todd and Marty as "The Grossening".

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I dont think its stupid. Shes just so desperate for forgiveness and her sister's acceptance that she'll take anythign Jess can give her. Her own guilt is whats driving her here

Todd and Marty have always had chemistry and Im seeing it here too. Too bad he's a kidnapper rapist and its beyond sick what he's doing to her

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It made sense to me though. People believe what they want to believe and Natalie wants to believe her relationship with jess can be repaired. It also makes Natalie look vulnerable, which I think it good. I like that Ron is being fair in this story. It's pretty easy to sympathize with both Nat and Tessica, if you are inclined to.

I do hope that someone points out to Tess, that all of this is her fault as much as anyone's. Jared probably wouldn't have come to town if Tess hadn't sent him to prison.

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Madame Delphina is awesome. I'd love for her just to stick around and weave in and out of storylines as someone that the other characters can turn to for guidance.

I still want someone to kick Tess's ass just because I don't like her. The nerve of her acting all upset, as if she's this pure being. Bitch, puh-lease. I love that my Jar-bear didn't really warm up to her, he seemed very suspicious of it the whole time.

Once again, Langston and Markko prove that they have gallons of good sense whilst Cole and Starr have none. Starr continues to be so ridiculously childish..."WHY DIDN'T COLE CALL ME BACK!? WHY DIDN'T HE ANSWER MY CALL!?" Man up, bitch! Go confront his ass! And Cole is becoming Todd, which is interesting. It's more than understandable that Starr would fall in love with a guy who reminds her of her father, and I'm glad that we're starting to see some of those overprotective Todd qualities surface in Cole. It might make the character more entertaining. Markko and Langston are awesome as always. Markko looks particularly good in that apron and with his new hair.

Blair/Delphina = comedy gold.

I'm glad that they've gotten rid of the previews, but there's one thing I'll miss about them. I've always loved it when AMC or OLTL would have a particularly good cliffhanger and the show would end, and while I'm wearing my best WTF face, all I hear is "Stay tuned for scenes from the next..." Hell, I'd keep that bumper and just not have previews lol.

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Give me a break, of course my Nat would believe that. Is she supposed to be all-knowing? She wants her sister to forgive her.

Also, I disagree with any talk of Jared's character being "retconned." The seeds were planted for Jared's rocky history and need for father figures and family very early on, when Charlie and Jared were first revealed to be related last year. Over time, it became evident to Jared that what Pamela said was true: That despite what he'd thought, his need to be a Buchanan was not just about money and power and revenge, but about his desire for loving family ties. Like it or not, that stuff was all there long before the strike.

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