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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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You mean writing him out? Was he fired?

I always assumed Alimi Ballard chose to leave because, at the time, TPTB seemed to have big plans for Frankie. They had brought in Monti Sharp on contract (I think?) to play his friend James. And they had put some girl on contract to be his love interest. But all I really remember happening is some drama over Frankie wanting to change his name.

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I'm pretty sure Nixon still owns it, I guess.

You know with ME-TV, RTV, Antenna-TV, Bounce-TV all of these over the air broadcast networks that showcase old shows, I'd like to see one pop up for soaps ... wouldn't that be great?

Edited by KMan101
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The Cranston episode is Marland / Nixon together. I believe they were credited as co-head-writers, if not onscreen, then in the press at the time of the episode.

I think the cough syrup storyline is urban legend. 'Generations' did two separate storylines involving cough syrup in 1990. Football star Eric Royal ran down a vagrant with his car and stood trial where Chantal Marshall prosecuted the case. Chantal built the case around Eric being durnk at the time of the accident, while Eric claimed he had not been drinking at the time of the incident. It was Randy Brooks' entrance story. During the trial, Chantal learned Eric had actually drunk cough syrup, which explained his blood alcohol content. He still served prison time with Kyle Masters' brother, Sean, who was there on a separate charge.

Earlier in the year, it was revealed Helen Mullens' daughter had died because Helen had given her an over the counter cough syrup that was defective. Somehow this all tied into Richard Roundtree' Dr. Daniel Reubens plot. I think his wife was killed trying to expose the truth about the dangerous cough syrup or something. It all seemed very convoluted to be honest.

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saynotoursoap uploaded the Loving 1991 opening. I prefer this to OLTL's similar opening that ran from 91-95. It seems more sleek and less tacky.

I didn't know Lewis Arlt or Kathleen Tolan wrote for Loving. I don't know if it's the same Kathleen Tolan who traumatized me on Ryan's Hope (as Mary Ryan #3) or not.

Is that Genie Francis in the court scene, with Jeremy? Such bad hair/clothes.


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I really grew to love The City, but the first six months were really fairly rough, in hindsight. Lots of way too short stories done for controversy's sake (liek the transgender one) and then the Masquerader serial killer story which just felt WAY too soon after the Loving murders. As much as I loved Morgan Fairchild it only REALLY came into its own when Tracy came on instead--I still say the last six months were pretty great--and I eventually swear I'll upload the last three months I have on tape...

Gotta disagree with Khan, I don't feel they dumped on Loving--as much as I loved the last two years of Loving, reallyI'm amazed ABC gave it as many chances as they did--and The City was a nice compromise. I do think its reportedly high cost and the fact ABC didn't own it led to ABC dropping it WAY too quickly after just 18 months.

And have to agree re Roscoe Born as Nick--it really proves he can do more than just play scenery chewing baddies.

Yes, this was a Nov 1991 episodes that WOST aired, I have it saved--it was when Jeremy and Ceara were in Corinth pacthing up their marriage, and Ceara became involved in Matt's story (I think his name was Matt?) the druggie runaway who was up on rape charges and it finally came out that his sbusive dad was the rapist, in these court scenes. It seemed like they were tieing him to Ally at the time, but I think he was just quickly written out instead.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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Sorry if this was already mentioned. It's an early episode, dubbed. This must be pretty early as one of the stories is the Merrill/Roger affair.

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A few of the scenes in here are the same as a scene Ann Williams' family put on Youtube:


Edited by CarlD2
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Thanks. So how long was she at Loving? I see mentions of her as a "playwright" but not much about her writing on soaps. Apparently she wrote some play about getting waxed? Well, good for her, she's a paid writer and that's something I will probably never be...

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It's strange. I remember this episode on WoST and remember the fact that Genie wasn't credited as Ciara (a crossover character from AMC.) I think this episode was taped from O&O WPVI/6ABC in Philadelphia. I remember WPVI getting rid of announcer cues and play on soaps the full version of the theme. As a kid watching Saturday Morning cartoons, they would play that annoyingly catchy "All The Kids Are Saying Watch A. B. C." I miss the days of closing credits.

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