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DAYS: Joe Mascolo FIRED

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Oh my GOD Mascolo must be flipping. This is ridiculous... They probably had to bend over backwards to get him back.

If I was anywhere close to LA, I'd be out waving signs just like they were flipping when Jeff Trachta left the B&B and Winsor Harmon took over which was the biggest overreaction ever.

I say bring Joe back to B&B, he'll be misused but at least he'll have a job, maybe even bring Lesley Anne Down out of oblivion.

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im sooo sooo angry, i havent watched days in weeks but when i get home im just going to delete them and never turn it on again...seriously what a stupid mistake i dont see this show surviving another year....what a disapointment this is....what is Ken Corday thinking, the show doesnt have any villians...we all know who Highackers going to write for and who shes going to back burn....Hello KIDS THAT GREW UP WAY TO FAST DAYS OF OUR LIVES.....

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Taking this with a grain of salt but I also can see it.

His contract is up soon after all.

I'm not upset about him being released. I feel like Stefano was becoming watered down again as 2008 began but I wanted him to have one more hurrah before leaving. That pisses me off more then anything else. Ending the run of one of daytime's best villains by having him languish in a coma. That angers me and, if this is true, the way they told him angers me. However, the fact he is being released doesn't because he does make alot and I do feel it was time to give Stefano a send off.

Joe, Martha, Julie, etc going sucks but Days also brought back Renee Jones, gave John Aniston more to do, added Tamara Braun and Shawn Christian (short-term or not)...I mean they are just as talented still.

I can understand the reason in getting rid of Joe and Julie (they were doing nothing with Billie and they showed they never would). Like I said, if this is true then I hate how I did it and I hate that they won't give him some big exit but getting rid of Stefano IMO is a good idea. It's past time and, like some have said, the act is getting old. That is why I hope the Vitali's are here to stay. The show needs new blood to mix in with the old. It needs that more then anything. It's relied on the same old, tired Dimera stuff for too long. I always thought the Vendetta last year was supposed to be the end of the feud and Stefano's swan song. I wish they had given us a better end for Stefano but I'll get over it. It's a missed opportunity and I would've loved Joe and Drake having more scenes but, in a way, it's nice that Marlena took him out. It's fitting in a way IMO.

It's sad. He should've gotten better to end his run and that is what angers me but I can't disagree with the decision. Shows just can't keep people around because of talent, history, etc. You have to know when to cut the chord and Days should've done that ages ago on the Dimera stuff. It's made a joke out of the show over time and the Dimera's, other then what Hogan did for them last year, were made into a joke themselves. I think the angle is played out and I hope Days considers keeping the Vitali's around. Tamara sounded at least open to it.

That is all I will say on that. Now everyone can go back to their outrage although I can't believe people are shocked by this...

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I'm not shocked. I expected this. That whole Marlena paralysis thing seemed like an exit to me.

And no, it's not acceptable. Just because the DiMera endgame petered out due to backstage wrangling and rewrites did not mean they had any right or excuse not to write a proper, final conclusion. Ron Carlivati at least gave the Tommy story he inherited from Higs a huge payoff, even if not everyone liked it or appreciated it. He took it all the way and ended things properly. This was supposed to be it for Stefano and the DiMera family as we knew them. Instead he got nothing. To me that's crap, and this Vitali nonsense (I swear that sounds like a vitamin shake) will not be a replacement. It's just Higs building a family around her own creator-owned Margaret Cochran from OLTL - a pathetic caricature she adored and had hoped to make viable though she was an unrepentant rapist and murderer.

I think Higley only has use for one DiMera - Tony, who she will use in her specific way and no other. EJ she will keep making into a suburban dad for Sami, draining that couple of any potential not already wrecked by the rape. Meanwhile, Lucas will bang whoever, and Nick will get Kevin Buchanan'ed...

I'm so glad I don't watch this.

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No one has to have permission to do anything. It's a free country. I knew my opinion in some ways was a dissenting one so I just jokingly said what I said because it was kind of like a "Back to your regularly scheduled program" type moment. Sorry for trying to have some fun with it.

If true, I hate how it was done and I hate he doesn't get a proper send off but I do think he's played out. I thought this before he even returned last year. I wanted this to be his last act, if you will. The show needs new blood. It's relied too long on the Dimera's. What else can they do, especially since even Hogan couldn't erase some of the damage done to them. From my standpoint, it's just time to cut the chord. JMO.

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It sounds like Dena is now doing what she did at OLTL. I have to wonder if Corday and Frons both hired her as long-term sabotage.

Writing off Belle and Shawn. Writing off Stefano DiMera virtually offscreen. Turning EJ into a misunderstood anti-hero. Even the character of Ava sounds so very familiar to this OLTL survivor. Writing off Stefano without any fanfare seems like flying in the face of DOOL fans, much in the way trying to graft her creation Spencer onto Asa was to OLTL fans. RC had a reason to kill Asa offscreen (a terrible production dictate he had to work with) -- but as far as we know, Joe M is healthy and wanting to work.

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