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Dynasty Discussion Thread


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I've heard some claims that it was the Krystal's double story which hurt the show more than Moldavia. I've never actually seen that story -- all I remember is Linda Evans doing this very creepy voice that sounded like a dirty old Southern woman who had a few too many -- but apparently that was one of the reasons why that season was so widely disliked there was talk of the producers publicly apologizing to fans.

The people who made a mess of the last seasons are the ones who did the miniseries right?

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Im not sure who did the mini series. I dont beleive Ive ever seen the entire thing as Soapnet didnt air it.

As for Rita, I think the problem was that it wenton for far too long. I just looked at the summaries and she's still around nearly 20 episodes into the season which is about 2/3s of it. It dumbed down the other characters to fall for act. It really should have lasted a few weeks, not months like it did

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I've heard it was done by the same people who did the poor seasons. I know some were annoyed with the writing in the miniseries, especially in regards to Steven's and Blake's relationship (where they suddenly went back to 1984), and also they said some key roles were poorly recast.

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Season 9 was horrible. I actually skipped whole weeks at a time. First they ruined the credits, and even the font became chintzy. They ditched the melodramatic music too that used to accompany every scene. Then they brought on that italian cop from Brooklyn, and I am sorry, that just isn't Dynasty. It was awful and deserved its collapsing ratings.

I don't know what moving out of the 80s and into the 90s means except "it became dull". Your statement sort of implies that to enter the 90s there needed to be no merit to the show and everything fun had to be stripped away. I see that in the daytime threads too, "OLTL entered the 90s"...in other words it became dull!

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For Dynasty yea. The show was heavily structured in 80s culture and style. From the lavish gowns, musical cues, outrageous hairstyles, it was an exagerated look at a specific lifestyle most identifiable with that time period. Season 9 came at the very tale end of that and the style, fashion, hair, music, etc... was noticeably different from what came before. Those were more toned down bc it was no longer relevant with how the country and atmosphere had chagned in that decade. Dynasty adjusted with the changing times and I thoguht it was done rather well.

Edited by Cheap21
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George Hamilton held Krstal prisoner and tried to rape her. Then Rita fed Blake poisoned soup and he went nuts and tried to rape her. Schemering's book said, "Linda Evans's bodice was being ripped at every turn!"

I can see where season 9 was a big departure but they really didn't have much of a choice. The show could no longer realistically afford the glitz and glamour and they had overdosed on that anyway. I remember the big party they had in season 8 for Alexis announcing her run for governor, and in the end, it led to nothing.

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Im at the christmas episode. Such a sad scene, Little Blake saw a picture of Fallon and said "i love you mommy" then asked if she could hear him in heaven.

Amanda just found out about Balke being her dad, a very underwhelming resolution to be honest. (Shes was all "i m so happy" blake was all "I knew it" adam and steven were all "oh, ok" and krys didnt even have a reaction. the eff?!) But Cath Oxen is simply wonderful to watch.

I love that Amanda effed Dex. Also, who is this man> Cuz they look HOT together!


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That was a great twist wasn't it? And the way Alexis reacts, it's epic.

Michael Nader and Joan Collins had the best chemistry between two people I've ever seen. I would have liked it if they'd actually gotten together in real life.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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It was so unexpected.

And fantastic. I really seen where Amanda came from in it. Needing love, wanting to hurt Alexis, etc...

I cant wait for Alexis' reaction.

Question, does Amanda & Sammy Jo share scenes? I would assume it would be epic.

So far over my head. LOL.

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