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Been watching more and just order some more that should take me through October I believe. Loving the show. The Serena kidnapping has wrapped up, but introduced a Wayne Northrop character and a connection to Danielle. Right now we're still getting to know everyone and testing out these romantic pairings. Everything is working so far.

One person I had to comment on is Mark. Love him. One thing that confuses me is the wheelchair. I understand it's true to life, but I had no idea. He's your typical soap hunk that they give this type of story to, then quickly give a miracle cure. The actor is great and it really isn't an issue for the character. I hope he stick around for a while (don't tell me! no spoilers!). One episode he was laying down on a couch taking a nap and his legs moved. Maybe I'm just totally dumb with this subject and maybe he moved his legs out of camera focus, but he seemed so casual and I totally forgot about his wheelchair.

One thing I'd love to see is them integrate the interns better with Scott, Lucy and Kevin. Those characters seem a little segregated and we don't need three perspectives of this city (GH, PC: Interns & PC: Kevin, Lucy & Scott). Maybe Ellen could become involved in their story. Continuing to love her btw. Debbi Morgan is great at differentiating her soap roles. Only one I haven't seen is Chantal on Generations. Only seen one or two episodes of Angie on The City as well.

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I admit, I was never big into GH, and I was so mad that my loved The City had been canceled (for the first half of 1997 I honestly thought it was the best of the ABC soaps I watched), that I never gave PC much of a chance. I remember watching the premier movie and, over the top-ness aside, liking it overall and then watching a few eps, but that was it. Then I tried to get into the telenovelas but never invested enough time or found them appealing enough (and I'm not opposed to supernatural on soaps, in fact I kinda dig it but nothing about what I saw of vampires running amuck seemed interesting).

A few questions though--Debbi Morgan's character was shortlived and then recast, so I assume she left the show. Anyone know why? (I know around that time her name was briefly on the rise again, due to her tremendous role in Eve's Bayou, etc)

Also, does anyone have a rough list of headwriters and EPs with dates? The wikipedia entry for the show is one of the worse for ANY soap in terms of that kinda basic information I so get off on ;)

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This is how I feel about Loving stealing Ryan's Hope's timeslot, thus killing the show. But Bill Bell also did that to Capitol in order to get B&B on the air.

Right now I have episodes through October 1997, but I've just finished June 30th. Debbi's character is a total bitch, but the role seems very supporting so far. I wonder how they'll tie the older characters in with the interns. It works because both sides are strong, but I'd like more integration. In the June 30th episode Ellen (Morgan) had a drink with Mark, the paralyzed hunk so I guess they'll be pursuing that.

From what I read in this thread and elsewhere, she left because they began softening the role and I know when the recast took over the character was recurring and didn't do much of anything.

Well I don't have enough to do that, but right now the Culliton's are writing. Richard and Carolyn, as HWs. I know LML and Scott Hamner came next, then Hamner took over sometime in 1999 and Karen Harris in 2000, then B&E after that. Wendy Riche is the EP right now.

One thing I really need to say is how much I love Lucy. I know her only as a vampire slayer, but she is absolutely delightful in these early episodes. She also wasn't as tanned as she was on ATWT, which is a good thing. The character of Scott is another that absolutely works on this new show. It's a shame he left this for GH and they wrote him so poorly.

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I'm starting to see why The Culliton's were replaced so soon. BTW, Eric I think you wanted to know more specifically when they left. I saw in one of those articles you posted (I think it was you) that they were canned after three months. I'm towards the end of July and I have episodes through October, so I'll let you know when Lynn Latham arrives. But these early days are full of potential that's going nowhere.

Two major problems

1. You have Debbi Morgan playing this great new bitchy character and give her nothing to do? Just ridiculous. She needs to be interacting with Lucy, Kevin, etc. who are her age and could relate to her.

1. Why the hell is there a frontburner story with the end of Karen and Jaggar's marriage if he's not even on the show? They should've began the show with those two divorced. I'm so sick of hearing where Jaggar is and how busy he is to appear on screen. I also think it's disrespectful to fans of the couple to break them up in such a harsh way. I've never seen Jaggar, but he seems like an ass based on this.

I'm also not crazy about Wayne Northrop's character, but then again I never have liked him. Overall the show is well produced, I just want it to start moving. They've developed interesting characters and potential couplings, now get with it. I hope they give Matt a story soon.

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1. Ellen and Lucy become BFF. They start to share alot of scenes together in the 2nd year of PC.

2. I thought the way they handled it was well and effective. It was best this way than to recast Jagger. Keeping him and Karen married was to add to the angst of her new relationship with Joe and I thought it worked. It also gave Mary a reason to dislike Karen from the getgo.

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This Karen/Jagger story gets worse and worse. I just can't accept a frontburner divorce story which gets so much screentime and the husband NEVER appears? Can someone explain to me how their relationship was on GH? Is he a good guy or the evil bastard he's portrayed as here? In the episode I'm watching now, Karen has gone to visit Jaggar (who works in another city) and discovered that he has a live in girlfriend. And this is after he stood her up the previous week when he was supposed to visit. This whole story trashes his character and I don't think that's fair if he's not there to defend himself.

Other than that the show is picking up. Ellen is finally getting involved in the action. The relationship with Mark is slow burning, but you can tell it's coming. I love how frank they are with each other in regards to race and his disability. The mystery with Serena's kidnapper and his unfolding plans is nice. I accidently spoiled myself and see Danielle dies so I'm curious how that happens and how this all plays out.

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Jagger was generally a good guy on GH, from the little I saw of him. Rough around the edges, dark, but a decent guy. At this time Antonio Sabato Jr still had a semblance of a career so he wasn't going to go to PC. He did show up on Night Shift 2 a few years ago, as Jagger.

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That's so weird. Karen goes to her own home and finds Jagger's live-in girlfriend and of course they had a big argument. It just seems like they're going so far with this story and building sympathy for Karen while destroying Jagger. It would've been so easy to say they divorced off screen and just move on. Or recast Jagger. As a viewer who didn't watch GH it confuses the hell out of me.

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i loved this show too. i was but 8 yrs old wen it first aired!! LOL but i love[d] the edgy-bitchy EVE Lambert played by the gorgeous Julie Pinson <3. I find myself watching old clips of this show on youtube sometimes :). Eve was my fave. I loved Chris & Eves relationship [woo Martini's lmao]. my fave relationship was Ian and Eve

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I thought it was good until they decided to revolve the show around Caleb. I HATED Kevin & Eve together.

Same here! I was pissed when the show was cancelled, especially since it got IMO pretty good ratings for being in less markets than the other soaps on the air at that time.

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