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YRBB I liked your assessment of Season 4. I liked the season overall because there were a lot of great moments and entertaining stories, but at the same time, the whole dymanic of many stories and characters shifted and in a sense, the "classic years" had ended. As it is, so many people remember the original years and the dynamics between the characters then. Seasons 1-3 defined the characters and the show. Season 4 is like trying to squeeze out the last bit o' goodness.

I think season 5 is when it gets ridiculous with the all the bedhopping (although they certainly played musical beds in S4) and moving around apartments every other day. And yes, the music does get cheesy. I remember one particular episode where it was one sex romp after another, which meant one rock jam after another to heighten the dramatic mood. To me, it that's when it became a parody of itself. (and whoever decided to make Sydney into a dippy airheaded 60's go-go girl in season 4 should've been fired)

Having just re-watched Season 1, from the point where Amanda joins until the season finale, I gotta say, I think Jo was best written and most entertaining in season one. She had such a sense of independence, street smarts, and stubborn ways. I liked her back 'n forth through the years with Jake (it really showed that they were meant to be) but once she hooked up with Richard, good Lord it all over for her.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Just finished season five. So far, the glory days were definitely seasons 2-4, but 5 hasn't been horrible. And I do have to say that I miss epic season finales like this. EVERY finale has major things happen in it with an awesome cliffhanger. All dramas should have this...even today.

I have to say that I'm a little bit scared to dive into season 6 now with the horrible things people have said about it. Please tell me that there are SOME things to look forward to in it!

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Not sure. Is that the one where Michael is at the medical conference and she gives him the "door that will save his marriage" illustration. If so, hilarious!

I especially loved this bit:

Taylor: Michael, the most amazing thing has happened. I'm pregnant.

Michael: It is medically impossible for you to know that this soon.

Taylor: A woman knows these things. I felt it at the moment of conception.

She is a riot!

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I am now halfway through season 6 and have to say it's not as bad as I was expecting. I don't find it unwatchable. It's certainly the weakest season thus far, but I am entertained and I actually am enjoying most of the stories. I like Sam and Billy and love Taylor's madness. Not a fan of Lexi, but I like Coop and Jennifer for the most part.

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Lexie does a complete 180 in Season 7. If you like psychos, stick around... :)

Hubby and I just finished the last of Season 7, and you know what, overall I don't think the final season is very good. Everything is rushed, just like they rushed season 4-6. They trimmed down the cast to 8 (7 in the opening credits, plus Rena Sofer as Eve) but it's still a dizzying game of musical beds. The finale is complete let-down. So rushed; no time for people to REACT to traumatic events. It's quite ridiculous. And it's really too bad some of the originals were asking for too much money to do a cameo appearance at the finale, because if they had done that, the last 10 minutes would have been so much more impactful, and maybe they would've SLOWED DOWN for some time to reflect and reminisce.

Oh well. Still love my Melrose :)

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LOL....Lexi in season 7 is a completely different character. She goes from heroine with a heart of gold to resident bitch and main villianess of the season. I think she worked better like that but yeah the change was quite jarring

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