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DAYS: Jack/Jennifer/Peter

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For those of you who read spoilers, right now would be a great time to bring back Jack and Jennifer and have them be menanced by Peter Blake, EJ's foster brother.

I don't mean for anything long term, perhaps just a short stint to integrate Jack and Jennifer with all the DiMera stuff. Jack spent almost a year in jail for supposedly killing Peter. Peter went crazy for Jennifer, and I could see him kidnapping her.

In fact, if they wanted to bring Matt Ashford back full time as Jack without Jennifer, I'd have them say Jennifer died in an explosion, and then later reveal that Peter's holding her hostage, awaiting the day for Melissa Reeves to return and Jack to save her.

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I can't see Matt Ashford's "Jack" battling Peter. It would be odd.

But yeah, I wouldn't be against it.

You'd be surprised how many people at SoapCity hate Peter and Kristen. Even the DiMera fans refer to Peter and Kristen as if they never really existed -- the "faux" DiMera era. I think it's because the J/J fans hated Cameron/Valley as Jack and Jennifer, so that era doesn't exist for them, and the Tony fans hated Kristen because she threw him over for John, and since they're all up in LeAnn Hunley's ass, they also see her as having been an Anna 'replacement' in Tony's life.

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That is true. Especially with DAYS. Just look for example how they have kept doing Island stories over and over again these latest seven years.

2000-Half of Salem are on a plane to Paris to save Hope. They crash on a tropical Island.

2001-That horrible Tropical Temptation storyline where Tom Langan made the whole third quarter of the year focus on the teens going to Puerto Rico.

2002-John and Marlena goes to one of Tony`s Islands.

2003-John and Marlena goes back to the same Island again.

2004-Half the cast spends half the year adventuring on Melaswen Island.

2005-Once again several Salemites travel to another one of Tony`s Islands.

2006-Time for honeymoon on Morgan Island.

2007-The "parents of the year" travels with their daughter to Tinda Lau.

I mean seriously, would it kill DAYS to try something else? Im tired of all the Islands.

When it comes to the character of Jack, he would probably be useful in the Steve/Kayla story. And Peter Blake, didnt he use to be a businessman? Maybe he could help EJ out with his company? Or maybe they could just pair him with Kate or something.

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I certainly wont stone you. I like Matthew Ashford and Melissa Reeves as Jack and Jennifer. But I didnt have anything against Mark Valley or Stephanie Cameron either. I think Mark Valley did a decent job as a more mature version of Jack, and I enjoyed James E Reilly`s Jack/Jennifer/Peter triangle during 1994-1998. That story was also often very nicely written to interact with events in the John/Marlena/Kristen story. Steve Wilder on the other hand was horrible as Jack.

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Ew at Steve Wilder.

I liked Mark Valley as Jack. I prefer Matt Ashford, but I had nothing against Valley.

Stephanie Cameron was alright as Jennifer, but again, I'd prefer Melissa Reeves.

I'm going a tad OT, but I want Laura Horton back!

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Valley is a decent actor but his Jack had no identity. He was the "bland romantic hero X" that JER uses in all of his triangles (along with "damsel in distess Y" and "psycho Z"). Reilly erased all of Jack's history and individual traits, such that MV might have been playing a new role.

IA that it would be weird having Matt's Jack battling Peter. His Jack has never even mentioned Peter's name and Langan erased the triangle from J&J's history when they returned in 01. Besides, the Steve/Kayla story is perfectly set-up for Jack's involvement.

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I enjoyed Marc Valley as Jack. He was written as romatic hero only, but he did have that Jack spark when bickering with Melissa Reeves. I love Matt, but Valley was a great recast. I liked Peter too, in early Reilly. He wasn't a monster yet, just in love with Jennifer, and willing to to go to the edge to keep her. He was bad, but it wasn't quite the cartoon it became.

I never did warm to the Jennifer recast. Missy owns that role. I watched her in from the beginning with Frankie, and bland Jennifer was horrible to me.

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I think Mark Valley was almost as good as Jack Deveraux as Matt Ashford. Stephanie Cameron was alright as Jenn, but a better re-cast could be found if (or when, which I think is what will happen) if DAYS decides to bring back Jenn & Jack permanently. As much as I love Melissa Reeves, the role of Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux is definitely recastable. Stephanie Cameron was acceptable as Jenn, a better actress would be even more so. That said, if I were the show, I'd first try and get Melissa Reeves back first.

I definitely DO NOT want Peter Blake back. He was ok for awhile, but I was glad when DAYS killed Peter off.

I wouldn't mind Kristen and maybe Susan coming back, but prefer Eileen Davidson back in the role. Right now with all of the returns, I don't see room in the show for them right now.

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I don't think we'll ever hear from Peter Blake again. Have you not noticed that they never mention him at all? When Missy and Matt returned, and Jack and Jennifer were at odds, they would fight about all the people that came into their relationship and ruined it. Peter was probably the biggest plague to their relationship, and he wasn't mentioned. It could be because Missy was in that role and the whole "affair scandal." If you're waiting for Peter to return, don't hold your breath.

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