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GH's 24...

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The girl seems sweet -- which is what makes it painful for me to totally agree. She's truly not the best representation of GH's stronger actors. The whole Emmy win was a fluke. It had to be. That grimmacing face she has which comes off as idiotic smiling totally undermines any sincerity she's trying to portray. And the scene in Denver when Nikolas and Emily were questioning the day care teacher after Colleen pulled the fire alarm, NL couldn't keep a straight face. Granted, the woman playing the day care teacher was gawd awful, but Tyler stayed in character while NL was -- surprise -- smiling her ass off.

And then here comes the scene when Helena and Emily struggle with Spencer and the knife. I KNOW I'm not the only one who looked like :blink: when NL started LAUGHING in the middle of the damn -- forget it! The woman can't act. She's gorgeous and "safe" (meaning she's always good for TIIC to use when they need to have someone sing about all the wonderful, joyous, harmonious days on the GH set), but I'm still questioning how she won that Emmy. :unsure:

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Well I'm still enjoying the show. Now that Sonny is loose and jason is in it should be winding down because there are only 6 hours left. So this should conclude in the next 6 episodes and then they will deal with the aftermath of the situation.

I'm glad that Skye told Luke, but she will be dead to the Quartermaines. Not that she cares.

I feel bad for Lucky. Who can he be with now, it won't be skank Maxie or hypocrite Liz. I wonder if they will bring in someone new for him?

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You mean they are still dragging it? Nearly 10 “hours” have aired so far - haven’t they? And I havent’s seen more than 3 or so and was already not too overjoyed. Hmm, I guess I'll give them another chance and flex my FF-muscle. LOL!

I downloaded GH at places which shall remain unnamed here. ;-)

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What concern? Telling Lorenzo he's her family now and her concern? Lying to Mac? Telling Mac that Monica was lying? Keeping all the truth hidden from the cops so they have no idea about the real motive of the gunmen? Attacking Patrick for going to MC to save Robin's life? Helping Lorenzo put the briefcase in a public hotel to begin with?

Her daughter is safe and sound. Keeping Lorenzo out of jail is the only thing she cares about, if everyone dies at the hotel. It doesn't matter to her. Lorenzo's in a hospital with the best possible care, Robin's stuck together with duct tape. Yet she went screaming at Patrick about malpractice.

So the hostages didn't matter, Robin bleeding to death with a bullet in her didn't matter, Alan in there, Emily in there, Lulu in there, all didn't matter. Instead she chose to threaten to take Patrick to court for malpractice. Cause yeah, that was real real important at the time? You think any of them waiting outside the MC care about a malpractice suit? The fact Skye does, shows how little she cares about anyone else.

She's sunk slower than any character on this show. She makes Ric look good.

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