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GH's 24...

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Don't worry, Dru. I think you and I are the only two people in society that have VCRs.

Self-impressed people and their little TiVos and DVRs really get on my nerves. <_< I call for a regression to simpler times, DAMMIT!!

I love Liz and I love Jason and I'm GLAD she finally told him. I have her back from here on out, because I really don't give a damn about Lucky. He and Lulu did not give my girl an inch during this whole thing with their "30 Days of Rehab Fixes Everything" bullsh!t, expecting Liz to just get back together with Lucky.

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Hell has froze over! I am enjoying GH!!! AWES and SHOCK!!!!

- Monica and Alan!!! Be still my heart. My best friend has been in love with GH forever and she hates them, I don't think she is a real soap fan! Tracy seemed so soft and caring today a side that we don't see much of and it is great to see her in this capacity. Feature it after this week GH don't screw it up....

- Alexis hugging Sam was heartbreaking!! That was so nice to see!!!!

- I love the nurse!! She's a riot!! Luke and Dillion, "You little bastard!" and then later after Dillion helps, "I take back the little bastard remark." That is great. I'm beginning to have a new respect for Tony Geary!

- Number 3 is so freaking hot!! And Maxie was actually watchable.

- Laura Wright had the crazy look today and it was good!!!

- GH is so good!

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Today was a really good show. The beginning was great and the fallout played out well.

I even enjoyed Sonny/Carly today and Liz/Jason.

Now I hope GH can carry the use of the vets and the nice cast balance it has had past sweeps. That and keeping the momentum going is the only thing that will keep me watching GH after SD leaves.

The Alan stuff, with the exception of when Alan was a hostage and we had to watch him suffer in the MetroCourt and then during his exit from the hotel and the shootout which was tough to watch, has been great. Loving Tracy and Monica.

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It was a great show on Monday!

Even though I love Lucky and Liz together (my fav GH couple), I do like Jason and Liz too! Becky was great in these scenes! And it was nice when he touched her belly and she admitted it to him! Oh, and I think this is the first time I saw Jason smile when she held his hand on her tummy... :D

Scenes with Monica, Alan and Tracy were great. I just LOVE Tracy! Hope to see her WAY more after this storyline!

That guy that helped Lucky get Emily... was that Kiko E. from PC?

I'm glad Cooper aka Three managed to get himself out. I hope this means he's sticking around and he and Maxie could really become a good couple!

I feel so bad for Lucky... he's going to be crushed when he learns the truth... :(

Oh, and I got a HUGE smile on my face when Robin woke up... did not like that she was completely awake later on after suffering through what she suffered, but oh well...

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I cant beleive Liz has the nerve to blame Sonny for her lies! The jig is up and yet she still can not own up to her mistake. I how this current version of her can NEVER take responsibility for anything she does. She's always accusing someone else or placing blame on someone other than herself. I've lost all respect for her

I hate Jason. After today's show the bastard is officially dead to me. I was hoping the elevator would come crashing down on him. A-HOLE!

LOL, Milo, Spinelli and Dillon are all together. All 3 of Lulu's potential love interests.

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