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AMC: Tuesday

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I understand the Ryan/Annie stuff, it was a way to balance out the drama.

And then Zoe/Zarf has to say, "Whatever you do, make sure Babe doesn't get hurt." Or something along those lines. That is horrible propping.

I think AMC did a good job with the death stuff, but it should have been more. Why rush this? Unless she's coming back... ;) (Think DAYS, Jack Deveraux and the "wink." It could happen!)

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I just watched it on tape - just most of the Dixie and family parts thanks to my trusty FF-wd button.

I'm still crying and even feeling a little nausea from the crying, so good thing I'm home - damn imagine they really milked this well, I'd be a total mess. I did not expect to get so emotional because I didn't get reinvested this time around thanks to the writing/stories for Dixie, but I guess I underestimated the Tad/Dixie, Dixie love back in the storage room of my heart, heh. The flashbacks were just awesome. Sigh.

I'm going to think AMC PTB's and Cady are big, huge jacka**es if they faked this all by some chance, cause I think it's disrespectful to mess with fans like that - but I have to admit it got me past the crap of 2006 (w/Dixie) faster than I would have gotten over it otherwise.


I did see Josh saying that could have been Babe...you little unaborted bitch, it should have been Babe. And I'm glad I missed Zoe adding his hail Babe's.

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The Dixie stuff got to me today. The last time I cried while watching a soap was when Cassie died on Y&R, but today I cried again. JR broke my heart. :( When Di broke down talkign to Aidan got to me too. I loved the flashbacks. This just sucks so much ass that AMC killed off Dixie. And for her to realize Kathy was in fact Kate after she died was just awful, but I did love that Kathy could see Dieix adn she waved to her and Dixie blew a kiss to her.

If Josh says Babe name one more god damn time, I'm gonna want to kill him and that whore myself. He needs to move the hell on. I mean, how many different [!@#$%^&*] ways can he prop her ass up. And Zoe ain't no better.

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I stopped watching regularly too.

I've hated Dixie for the past year, but she started becoming likeable again. And then they kill her off! :angry:

I thought AMC was rebounding back but it's the same retread of last year.

It's time to change the channel for good.

As for Josh, I wish he'd choke on his tongue the next time he utters Babe's name. It's almost a curse word at this point.

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I am covered in snot. And I just took AMC off my season pass. DAYS is going on instead. Just to support James Scott... another AMC person who unfairly got the shaft. I am not watching a show that so cruelly takes away a storyline I've been wating 18 years for and then rubs my nose in what should have been with the flashbacks and with Kathy waving to Dixie.

Julia will never be a mother to Kate. She better get her mits off the kid when they realize who she is. Grrrrr.

Father Clarence sucks donkey balls. Lying SOB telling Dixie for Christmas that her and Tad's journey "Is far from over." Really dipshit? A non-eventful 3 weeks later she's dead. My loathing knows no bounds.

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I haven't even watched it yet and I'm already upset :( Yesterday was bad enough. As one who has watched and loved these two since the first day they were onscreen together, I can't even describe my anger and frustration at what we are being forced to watch right now. One of the most beloved couples in AMC history (if not daytime) being shot to hell because of reasons that don't make (and will never) sense to me. If it weren't for Jack and Erica, I'd be gone too. When/If that is destroyed than I also will leave this show that I have been loyal to for the last 37 years. And once I go I will not be back. I won't read boards, and I won't be posting anymore either.

TIIC have made a mockery out of what was once an enjoyable escape from everyday life. Now I'd rather deal with that real life than be angry and upset over something that people don't seem to care about anymore. Its just not worth it.

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