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2007: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Au contraire, mon freire -- Barbara Bloom was a network exec at ABC Daytime (program exec for GH and PC) long before she wrote for PC. In fact, I think she started at ABC in ad sales. Check her bio at the CBS website.

Well, with that I'm back from my long (self-imposed) absence. Lots of work and personal stuff (mostly good) kept me swamped and unable to post...

Anyway, let me try to catch up...

Courtney Bugler: I have it on very good authority that she's MMT's niece (two sources, in fact), but that everyone tried to keep it a secret... as to why she's still there -- anyone's guess. Maybe she's in the middle of a contract cycle and it's cheaper just to kept her for now (and she probably works for only a little above scale in the first place...). Remember, when wondering WHY a decision was made in daytime, always think $$$$$$$ now. (And I never said she's leaving in August -- that must've been someone else...)

I'm surprised Marla Kanelos took a maternity leave -- most soap writer moms just take two or three weeks and are BACK! And these are women who actually gave birth. (Not a dis to adoption -- I have lots of adoption in my family -- I'm just saying there's a certain physical recovery when a woman gives birth). Maternity leaves have always been (unoffically) frowned upon (sad for an industry full of women) -- and most writers just don't feel they have enough job security to stay away too long...

Mary Ryan, the director at OLTL vs. Mary Ryan Munisteri -- Mary Ryan the director has never wrote (for GH or any other show) -- before being an AD at OLTL, she was assistant to the producers and a PA at AW. Mary Ryan Munisteri is the writer (yes, I think she dropped the Munisteri...)

Jenelle Lindsay -- wow, LONG time since we've seen that name... I guess out-of-work soap writers don't die, just stay unemployed for years! But seriously, she was Wendy Fishman's assistant at CBS Daytime (when Wendy was program exec), so I guess she's still got connections.

Jill Lorie Hurst: What's a story producer? (It's not script editor...) Maybe it's like "story coordinator" (story/script tracking and research), which seems like a demotion to me... But she didn't do too bad for someone who had NO interest in become a writer (acting was her dream...)

Too bad about Brett Staneart-- former writers' assistants turned scriptwriters have been hit hard lately. Eh, probably better to find a new career while you're still young.

And the Cullitons Xmas card thing -- totally never heard that. I'm not sure how loved they are in daytime -- I know a few people who really can't stand them (I like them though, especially him...)

I probably missed a bunch of other stuff. I will TRY to respond more -- TRY being the operative word!

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Hopefully when it makes economic sense Bugler will be removed. I am sure B&E want to mold the team with some of their friends. Beall was writing scripts under then at Port Charles was she not so she is for sure safe as safe.

Where are some of the the other Port Charles people these days? Or the people from their days at GL?

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Nice to finally meet you, GladGirl... by the way, it was the infamous Hackie -- I mean, um, Jackie who said Buger, Chip Hayes, Joanna Cohen and Rebecca Taylor had already been gone by August 2006.

Ugh! :rolleyes: Don't remind me! As soon as I heard B&E were taking over, that was the first thought that popped into my head. Not only does she have JHC in her corner (we all know how she feels about hiring her "friends"), but she has her former supervisors coming to the fold.

Yeah, I remember Jodie Scholz, Mike Cohen, Hannah Shearer, Michelle Poteet Lisanti (last seen writing scripts for OLTL), Marla Kanelos (currently AMC) & Casandra Morgan all being in the credits during the B&E days.

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