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I was so blown away by the cliffhanger...realizing they had fast-forwarded to Jack and Kate in L.A., with him insisting they return to the island, that I couldn't fall asleep til 2am, that episode had my head-spinning. Incredible writing and performances.

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* the full truth of Alex/Ben's relationship - she is not his daughter as was always speculated

* why Ben had Karl brainwashed - over protective birth control, kinda sweet really.

* Jack is in love with Kate

* Naomi is not who she says she is (I predict she is with the Dharma group, back to take the Island from the hostiles)

* Penny has been busy looking and transmitting for Desmond

* The Island has been found

* Survivors eventually (at least by Oct '06, Lost time) get off the island

* The others lost faith in Ben, hense failing to follow his orders on many occations.

* Locke has taken on the role of island spiritual leader, knowing the same "everything I do I do for the Island" mantra that misguided Ben wore for so many years.

* All of Desmonds "flashs" came true (this means that in addition to Kate and Jack, Claire and Aaron will be airlifted off the island in a helicopter to fufill Desmond's flash).


But I knew all of this stuff except the naomi stuff before the finale. Most of it was implied already. So for me the only thing that got answered is that Naomi isn't who we think she is.

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I think its Locke, because I think Jack will realize that he was right about not calling for help, which is why his character in the future went down a downward spiral. Also the parallel between locke saying don't make that call to jack's flashforward of saying we should of never left that island may have been a clue. An also I think because that call Jack made really did harm everyone than help them. Plus Locke has no family and really know friends according to his flashbacks. An if Locke does indeed take over the others, the bad/or seemed to be bad guys always stay till the end. My other choice would be jacob, but we don't know much about him. I don't think Michael is that big of a character to have that much of an effect on Jack unless he makes a huge comeback in the next couple of seasons.

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OMG! I fear that I am turning into one of the people who make a website dedicated to the show and everything about it!

That link that JinkiesP provided has a lot of good screencaps! Here is what I was able to make from the newspaper clipping:

- City: LA

- Headline: "Man Found Dead" "Downtown Loft"

- The body of "J" ___antham of New York was found shortly after 4 a.m. in the ____ of Grand Avenue.

- There's also something about "A beam in the" and "tower"

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I was one of those people who was disappointed with season 2 and the first half of season 3. I've been taping LOST and watching it when I get around to it, but I'm glad I watched this episode last night because this was easily the best season finale of any show since "Who Shot JR?" on Dallas!

The twist that Jack and Kate made it home was brilliant.

If Naomi's boat isn't connected to Penny, is it still how they get off the island?

I think the dead man is Locke.

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oh lost.. you just knew with the first flashback that it was a future flashback and not in the past.

Poor Charlie.. omg that Russian guy will just not die..lol

great season finales.

thanks guys for your de-coding :)

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Thought as well that the finale was amazing. It sent my pulse racing, loved it. The Charlie/Desmond under the water-stuff was beautiful - I can also live with Charlie's death. I feared they kill off Bernard and from the overall original Lost cast, Charlie was my least favorite although I liked him.

That said, unpopular opinion ahead I thought the ending was WTF.

I felt the whole time that this was no flashback. Those Jack scene just felt wayyy off - I also don't know how this future-outlook should have an impact on the series as whole unless they change flashback for flashforwards entirely beginning next season!?

The twist as a whole is good but I thought to end with a Jack/Kate-scene was a huge let-down for such an amazing finale. I prefered if they'd edited the Naomi-stuff at the end.

I guess that's what season 4 will be about? Are the Losties rescued (no real question) or who was Naomi in cahoots with - and they should someone want to find the island - for not rescuing the cast ways???

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I'm really confused on why jack was talking about his dad in his flash-forward, because it makes no sense for him to be talking about him after he's been dead for like 3 years(doesn't the flash-forward take place 3 years later or something like that?).

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My guess is that Desmond will come and stop the "rescue." And as Andre pointed out to me, it's going to probably be the LOST peeps and the Others vs. these new, weird people all next season.

So, they'll be staying on the island until the end of the show in 2009, IMO. The show may be flashforwards from now on. As long as the flashforwards answer all the questions I still have about the flashbacks, then I don't care. I'm open to it!

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Maybe the mysterious "Jacob" guy? My guess is it's a new character. Since many characters are named after famous philosophers (ie: John Locke), myabe "Jeremy Bentham," whoever that may turn out to be.

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I LOVED the finale. It was worth the whole season for that. I loved the twist at the end with the "flash forward" when Jack meet up with Kate. I really can't wait until next season, maybe then we'll find out how did everyone got off the island. I thought Charlie's death was so heroic and SO sad. I didn't want him to die!! The kiss between Juliet and Jack was a bit odd, unexpected, but at least we know Jack still loves Kate (on the island)

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