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Brothers & Sisters: Discussion Thread

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GREAT show tonight! Loved all the holiday talk.

I just love this show - I can't say enough good things about it.

I agree with you DruRicks - I love the actress and even though I don't like the character, I'm happy she's there anyway.

I was shocked that Justin lost in court - but then he got 6 months anyway. So I guess we'll be seeing this story play out again probably in the season finale or next season? I wonder if Justin is going to ever get back with his boss (can't remember her name)? I liked her and she was a great match for him.

I love Warren - I'm still rooting for a Kitty/Warren pairing - even though I think Kitty and Rob Lowe's character might get together :(

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Really shocked about the Kitty's own show offer. So where does this put Warren? Anyway, if Rob Lowe's character and Kitty get together, it's for the best. I just can't imagine a true conservative getting along in a marriage with a far-left liberal. Rob Lowe's character is the better match, and there's chemistry!

Anyway, here's the reason why Warren/Kitty will never make it: as a conservative, when Nora started spouting that crap about organized religion and getting the whole family to become members of the ACLU, my blood boiled. I love Sally Field's portrayal of this character but my GOSH, do I hate Nora's politics. I must admit, too, sometimes, with shows like this one, you have to wonder if the actor is playing the character or if the actor is playing him or herself. I mean, is Sally playing Nora during this anti-organized religion/ACLU stuff or is Sally being Sally? Sometimes, I get the vibe of the latter. That's why these politically themed shows can get tricky. Meredith Baxter on "Family Ties," anyone? With her Planned Parenthood/Dukakis supporting character? Yeah, yeah...

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B&S received an additional episode order by ABC and will be availble online as of NOW. The first season of B&S will now last 24 episodes and air through May, with special re-airings at Friday nights.

A quick outlook for the next shows...

- On the January 7 episode "Family Day", the Walker family airs its dirty laundry in Justin's rehab group therapy session, and Kitty considers a tantalizing proposition from Senator McCallister (Rob Lowe).

The episode airs following an all-new episode of "Desperate Housewives"; Tyler Posey returns as Gabriel Whedon.

- We have seen two men (or women) fighting over a woman (or a man) many times on network television. Now, a man and a woman may clash over a man as "Brothers and Sisters" begins a new storyline on the January 14 episode "Sexual Politics".

Jason Lewis begins his four-episode-ark as Chad, the closed and confused about his sexuality soap-hunk.

Casting Up-date

- In the meantime, it was revealed that contrary to rumors, Emily Van Camp (Everwood) will not be joining the drama as William Walker's illegitimate daughter Rebecca.

Roxy Olin, the daughter of show producer Ken Olin and star Patricia Wetting (Holly, who would have been her mother on the show as well) was also dismissed. The actress will however appear on the show playing the girlfriend of Chad!

- Marion Ross who starred in "Happy Days" joins the drama in February for one episode only as Sally Field's character's mom. TV Guide reports that the character is described as "tough, obstinate, judgmental, direct and uncompromising".

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ITA. I just love everything about B&S by now. Even their previews are great: you get enough material to be excited about upcoming shows but not enough to know about everything already. Great teasing!

If "Lost" continues its slump in Febuary (or whenever they come back) B&S is officially my new favorite show on TV... :)

Too bad it airs against "Without A Trace" which is another personal favorite of mine - both two great quality dramas.

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I love this show SO much!

Holly is evil! I hate how she's imposing herslef into Ojai. She may think of it as being close to WalkerDad (blanking on name), I find it kind of tasteless. Nora and the kids obviously don't want her there and she's making things uncomfortable for everyone. I did have a slight change of heart towards the end of the episode.

Highlight for me was the family talk at Justin's therapy. LMAO at Kevin's Princess Leia action figure.

Looooooooove Nora being upset at Tommy and his constant "Mom-e-ing".

The Kevin/Kitty drama worked perfectly. Loved the little twist with Senator Lowe also having a gay brother.

I enjoyed Sarah's story with husband and stepson.

Overall, fantastic episode. Love how the show is giving each Walker family member a storyline.

I do wish Tommy's paternity stuff would move along.

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I thought the same thing, Soapsuds! Dang, the writers really did a disservice showing that the series' token gay character intends to be promiscuous until he's 50.

That aside,

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Kitty and the senator.

Give me sex between these two NOW, writers.

Ooooh,,, HOTTTTTT. Republican sex is sosoooooo hot.

Anyway, poor Nora. I think she should have somehow stayed working at that business. Her children made her feel incredibly useless. :(

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I'm really really liking this show. Really really liking it (sorry Sally, but you asked for it)

Love Sally Field, Like Callista but hate her conservative idiot character. However, I worry they'll turn her into a liberal now that conservatism is no longer fashionable and "liberal" is no longer a bad word..

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Speak for yourself! I still say "liberal" is a naughty word. :P And why bash Cal's character because she's conservative? That's what makes her h-o-t.

Again, PLEASE hook up, Kitty and "the Senator" (dang, how hot di that sound..."Kitty and the Senator") REPUBLICAN SEX IS HOTTTTT!!!!!

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