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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Yep! Michael Bruno said that both he and Debbi Morgan voted for Kelly, but he went with Mikey anyway. That truly showed what a hack he is. Mikey even bragged about not having ANY experience or desire to be an actor. He was one of those people who just show up when they see a reality show audition.

IMO, that blind item has to be AMC. Nothing OLTL did was as controversial as Erica's unabortion. This has ruined the legacy of AMC and will be near impossible to get out of. But I don't understand why it was ever greenlit. Something this major should've been axed!

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I remain skeptical.

If they fired a quarter of the writing team and this is Megan's last week I'm surprised there was nothing official or reported in the magazines last week. If there's nothing on either front this week I'm writing it off.

Even if ABC isn't ready to make an announcement about who is taking over, I don't see why the magazines would not report Megan is out, replacement TBA.

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The leaving of the staff writers wouldn't make Soap Mag news. Staff writers are journeymen. If they were to report every single change that happens among the staff then, well, Toups would be first in line for the job. :P

As for Megan, something that big needs confirmation. The soap mags would not risk their credibility by putting something that big as "news" only to be forced to retract it.

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At this point Megan can stay for all I care, I just want this power struggle between her, Carruthers, and Frons to end.

What we are seeing now is so bad because it's a mish-mash of three people's very different ideas of what the show should be doing. And unfortunately, all three persons in questions are dumb as bricks. At least in the past we had (for the most part) a somewhat single vision: Megan's. It was junk but it was cohesive junk.

Now it's all over the map. These three "professionals" need to get their act together and quit bickering before it's too late.

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I am going to disagree nicely, because there has been something wrong with the writting for a long time... and if the plot holes are so big that little ole me, can see them..

then that makes them pretty big and poorly done.

I dont care whos is bigger, all i care about is the show.

The start is getting rid of MMT.. and all the trash that went with her.. from the characters being destoryed, to history making a change that should of or could of never really change..

AMC has always been a showed that lead other shows, that when there was something that needed to be address seriously, then AMC lead the pack on what I could call a soap box.. They had serious issues such as rape, drugs, SIDS, and AIDS and the list could go on. AMC lead the pack..with alot of class.

Now also on MMT .. I do not for one moment like the way she open her mouth and told the fans of AMC that we dont know what we want .. until she tells us..

She should of been let go then.. the s/l were bad at that time.. but the words MMT spoke then, is just how she feels and is also how she writes.. AMC today .. is for the bottom line MMT personal home movies..

So lets start with MMT .. and then see if that isnt the MAJOR problem..

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I will sit by you. I agree with every word you just posted, except that I believe that when McTavish is good...she's good and when she's bad...she's bad. Sometimes I can't let it go that this woman gave me some of the most romantic scenes from two of my favorite couples.

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I don't really even care about McT anymore, she has messed up AMC so bad it is not watchable anymore, I tuned out a few months ago, I could not bear it anymore, and I would be glad for AMC fans if McT left, then mabye I would start watching again, but for now, until I see some new writers in there, I will not watch a minute of AMC.

I agree that this power struggle should end once and for all, I don't just think McT should go, EVERYONE should. To save ABC Daytimne, all of the writing teams, producers and everything should just go, because I can barely stand ABC Daytime anymore, and I am getting pretty close to tuning out on GH and OLTL too.

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Well she was the one writing for Nikolas and Gia on General Hospital and they are my #2 couple of all time (followed by Ryan and Gillian). Their relationship was pretty darn good and she gave them some great moments. The Endgame storyline was all kinds of wacky, but looking at the Nia relationship through all of that...it was kind of nice.

The 2nd being Danielle and Reggie...until she basically torpedoed them (and for some reason, I see Frons' hands all over that anyway) they had some nice moments as well.

McTavish can write romance if she wants to and if she's allowed to, I will admit that.

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