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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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When is this going to come out? I read there the staff was informed last week (and some of them fired). Wouldn't that suggest the news was about to break?

Jackie with Taylor, Cohen, and Bugler done writing do you know who will be writing scripts until Armus comes on and gets his team in place?

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I agree. As long as he's connected to Erica, he will ALWAYS be a reminder. He needs to be De-Kaned altogether to salvage the character, imo. But then I see utterly no reason to salvage him and sending Dr. Wonder Fetus, Coffinmaker, Pilot to Switzerland or Oakhaven while still purportedly The UnAborted One will not get it for me.

OT: What the hell gives on the board today, everything I try to post comes out as double post or duplicated the text within the post. *screwy*

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That's not what I am saying. Making it a dream would be stupid, just like the writers did for Dallas. That is my point. Dallas was a top rated show that took a servere hit when Patrick Duffy left the show. They realized the mistake and need to rectify the situation. By killing Bobby they were in a difficult position when they needed to bring him back. Bobby's return would thereby increasing the ratings. So they made an entire year disappear not only for Dallas but for Knots Landing because of the "Pam's Dream". And to this day, when critics talk about Dallas the one issue that makes the soap look bad is "Pam's Dream".

The point is there are numerous ways to fix the problem without making a bad situation into a stupid one.

Josh could be Erica's stolen embryo and not a Martin since the Martin DNA was not confirmed on TV. That is just one idea.

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Has anyone seen this blind item in SOW this weeK?

After getting burned in the Nielsens by a controversial storyline, TPTB at this soap have become fiercely divided over the future direction of the show The headwriter, veteran staff writers, executive producer and network chief all have different takes on which characters and stories should be frontburner (and which ones should be shelved) to spark a ratings rebound.

This has to be AMC. The ratings drop and the network chief add-on tells us it's an ABC show. OLTL does not really fit. GH's staff team (Conforti/Wolf/Korte) all see eye-to-eye with Guza as far as I've heard. So AMC is the only one left. Also everyone on GH is relatively front-burner (except Alan, Bobbie, Edward and Monica).

But if Megan has been terminated recently (or notified) why would she have any say in this debate? Something doesn't add up.

And if this is AMC, who do you think is supporting whom?

Megan- Ryan, Babe, Josh, Kendall, Dixie

Julie- Zach

Brian- Ryan, Babe, Josh, Kendall, Dixie, Colby, Sydney, Sean, Lily, Amanda

Addie and friends- Brooke, Adam, Erica, Jack, Tad, David, Opal, Livia etc

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Burton could be who they are referring too. It would make sense. McTavish is a Frons lapdog she'd go along with whatever he wanted. Burton most certainly wouldn't. I don't really think it takes away from jackie's scoops but it supports the rumblings of turmoil behind the scenes. Thank god some changes are being implemented.

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Because they think we can be manipulated into believing and accepting anything they do. They rewrite character history daily to prop their idiotic storyline ideas. They cast some guy they think is a hunk with dark hair and eyes and assume we'll accept him as Erica's son and that rewriting a part of daytime's history is okay because of that. They will NEVER manipulate THIS fan that's for sure.

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What she said.


If this BI is AMC and there's a lot of reasons to believe it is, no matter if the HW is McT or BA or New HW X, we're all still FUCKED. Why? Because if McT, Fronsie and JHC are just now arguing about the direction of the show, it tells us they're slow-witted in that they've just now figured out there is a endemic problem with their little soap. It would also mean McT is still around and still planning her next sexual predation or violent/verbal abuse of women And that would just be pathetic.

If the HW is BA or New HW X and there's already arguments about the direction of the show (having recently been signed--if that's the case) we're FUCKED because it means one or more of these camps cannot see clearly the direction in which the show needs to go.

Or New HW X sees the new direction clearly (and face it, it ain't that hard to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it...it just may not agree with Fronsie's Teen Blonde Takeover Strategy, JHC's Production Gimmicks and Cheap-Looking=Good...And Cheap Vision) and Fronsie and/or JHC disagrees and/or tries to provide obstacles to the new directions...we're what? Fucked, because New HW X won't have the kind of freedom necessary to make desperately needed changes.

This and now VI. *grumble**grumble*

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rsmith, LMAO :D

You are so right!! If the blind item is about AMC, we could be screwed no matter what happens. If Frons has a certain horrible-teen-blonde-can't act vision for the show, it doesn't matter who the headwriter is. Frons is going to push what he wants no matter who is charge. And if BA is fighting for the direction he wants to go, Frons could get angry and get rid of him if he disagrees too much. I think one reason Frons kept Mctavish around is because she did whatever Frons wanted. He may have a problem with someone who stands up to him.

But I think that the new HW needs to stand up to him and do what he is paid to do. Frons needs to remove his ass from all the soaps and let the writers do their jobs.

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I go back and forth as to if this is AMC or OL. There was some discussion on one of the GH boards last night about this and one of the posters revealed that OL had some key advertisers pull out because of the subject matter of May sweeps.

As bad as AMC is at present they still have more vision than OL does. In fact OL is almost random at this point and there supposedly was a fight between FV and Frons over ME's new contract. Even viewing there seems to be a very large divide as to how the legacy charactrers fit in the show and what to do with the direction of couples. OL may not be as obvious but I could see this referring to them.

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It could be OLTL, possibly. I wouldn't think they're as far along the trail toward regime change as AMC. If so, then the blind item would make sense that all camps are squabbling now over the future direction of OLTL, But I don't know enough about the inner workings of OLTL to say for sure.

I hadn't heard about this and just assumed Fronsie and Frankie wanted him to stay. What's the scuttlebutt?

BTW, I saw all I needed to from Valenti on his little appearance on Soap Star to know all I need to know. He sucks mightily. How's Mikey Jerome workin' for ya, Mr. My Vote Cancels Out The Votes of The Two Judges Who've Been Actually Participating? Bite. Me. :)

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