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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Since the emphasis was on creating a son for Erica, keep Josh Erica's child. Act like the whole Madden [!@#$%^&*] never happened. Keep the abortion in place, and move on. Have Josh wake up from a dream. He dreamt that he found out Erica had him aborted as a fetus and she can reassure him that he was getting mixed up with her telling him she had an abortion before he was born. He can be like "Oh!" and then everything can be right as rain. Never mention Josh and Abortion in the same sentence again. It never happened.

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How could anything in this story be worse then what it is now? Honestly. I'm pretty sure the fans would take just about anything, dream included to get rid of the fetus at this point. I'm not a big advocate of the dream senario but if it were to get Josh as the fetus off my screen, I'd give Burton the thumbs up.

There's a LOT of other ways to change this and leave Josh Erica's son. Though, at this point, I'm so numb to him that I don't care anymore. :( My dream of a son for Erica is so shattered now, that I'd take a big mix up in the lab and lying Greg if AMC wante to go that simple. I don't care anymore if Josh is Erica's son but if AMC can keep him her son and not the fetus, I'd be fine.

Bottom line: Josh as the fetus needs to go. Period. Nothing at this point would be to much for me to swallow, considering what AMC has already asked us to for this storyline as it is.

There are sooooo many ways to do this. To do this and keep Josh as Erica's son. To keep Josh as Jeff' son. Hell a few strings could be pulled and Josh coud still be Erica and Jeff's. They could make him Erica's nephew, and Jeff's son. Etc. We have NEVER seen Martin DNA. AMC left themselves an out, and the last bit of hope I have is that BA will take it. :)

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They didn't just not give us on screen proof of Martin DNA for no reason. It was left there on purpose. I find it so silly everyone in PV is just assuming Jeff is the father LOL. I agree with Kylie, there are alot of ways to fix this, EASY ways and still keep Josh a Kane (which I'd prefer by the way) I've always wanted him to be a Kane, I've just hated his route to existence. Have it be revealed Greg made the whole thing up.... you know what I orginally would have done (if I was the writer) is have made Josh Kendall's twin. I mean Erica blocked out the whole thing its not that big of a stretch that she wouldn't remember giving birth to two children. That way McT could still be the revisionist she is and tie back to her original groundbreaking rewrite of history but at the same time not spitting on a groundbreaking piece of AMC like she has done with the unabortion.

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I can't stand Josh and I'd do anything not for him to be a Kane but I'd rather see him be the twin of Kendall by that disgusting Richard Fields than the unaborted fetus. There would be a lot more emotional dynamics for all 3 (Kendall, Josh, and Erica) if he were. I'd rather see Josh NOT be Erica's kid at all though. That's my first choice :)

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That's my first choice, too! It simply isn't feasible to me for him to be Erica's son at all and it's not necessary for her to have a son. Let Kendall have the first male Kane child.

I hope it turns out Greg was insane and imagined that he stole Erica's embryo when Josh was really his & Emily's kid.

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I would be VERY HAPPY to have Josh not be Erica's son. If/when the new writer comes on board, fixing this horrible story should be their first priority. I don't really care how it's done at this point. Ideally, I'd love to see Josh and Jeff gone and Erica rebonding with her husband and the rest of the Kane/Montgomery family. What a waste of the opportunity for great family scenes since Jack and Erica's wedding. Maybe I'd watch on a regular basis again if they'd give that back to us.

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I think that the new writers will have to come up with some way to say that Josh is not Erica's son at all to repair the damage. Also, Josh will have to go IMHO. He will always be a reminder of the walking fetus storyline. The show has to get rid of him for damage control.

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I've believed for a while now that Fetus Boy was the one who put daddy in the coffin and because Greg died he feels guilt and he is blocking it out ( we all know how MMT recycles and if Bianca could block out Mikey than Fetus boy can block out Daddy :lol: ) Maybe they can have him go nuts and put him away for the rest of his life? Then later Erica finds documents stating that the entire thing was a lie and because Greg coudn't have her for himself, he created the lie to keep her tied to him. Then Joshie is not Erica's kid. See, I could write this show :D

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I think turning Josh into a psycho would be the way to go!!! He could have some kind of weird obsession with the Kanes like his father did. He could have tampered with the DNA making it so he was related to Erica. He could be stalking Erica, Kendall and Bianca and then they could kill him off!!! Problem solved!!

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Ok. If you want to spend another year watching this storyline unwrite itself instead of just eliminating it and moving on to something that is SO much more interesting, then go ahead. I just want Josh to wake up, have it be a dream, and move the hell on from all of this nonsense. I don't WANT to spend any more time on this Walking Fetus Boy storyline.

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AMC has already decided that we're idiots, at this point I'm willing to place nice, and let them do whatever the hell they want to to get Josh as the fetus off my screen.

They've already asked me to believe that this [!@#$%^&*] is possible. That Greg was some sort of Saint. That Josh is an f'ing miracle. Erica was only violated in a few eyes but to the Martin's, she's still the evil !@#$%^&*] (except Jeff, but that's just plot point BS to pair him with Erica. Gag me.). They want me to ring my hands and not bat an eyelash at Erica Kane running around, begging her unaborted fetus, to love her. And worst of all of that, is they're trying to wash over this whole entire vile violation by setting it up for Erica and Jeff and to "play house" with their miracle fetus.

So ya, at this point, I'd take anything, and I do mean ANYTHING to get Josh as the fetus off my screen.

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