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Blog Entries posted by Days22

  1. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    Ben is at his house getting dressed.


    Someone is at the door. He walks out of his room and to the front door.


    It is Luke


    LUKE: Surprised?

    BEN: I have to say I am.

    LUKE: I know you are the one usually doing the surprising, but I thought I would for once.

    BEN: This is a pleasant one.

    LUKE: I just wanted to come and say that I really enjoyed your visit last night.

    BEN: I had a great time too.

    LUKE: But I also wanted to say that well…not to be needy, but I really hope you won’t pull away again like recently.

    BEN: I apologized for that.

    LUKE: I know, but still…




    Elijah is also home.


    And he also gets a surprise visit at the door.


    It is Eartha!


    ELIJAH: I’ll be damned. Look who is showing her face here.

    EARTHA: Don’t act too astonished.

    ELIJAH: It’s always touch and go with you on if you want to see me or not.

    EARTHA: Well right now I do.

    ELIJAH: May I ask why?

    EARTHA: Because I have been thinking about you a lot lately.


    Elijah cannot help, but smile wide when she says this…




    Blair is calling Todd


    Todd is on his Bluetooth in the car.


    TODD: You again Blair?

    BLAIR: Don’t sound so angry about it.

    TODD: I am not angry, but you are getting bothersome.

    BLAIR: I just want to make sure you get to New Mexico okay.

    TODD: Your concern is cute and all, but I will be fine.

    BLAIR: Just text me when you get to Paradise.

    TODD: I will.

    BLAIR: Thank you. I love you.

    TODD: I love you too.


    Blair hangs up.


    She then grabs the file that she has with info on Reva Shayne.


    BLAIR: Guess I will read more info on Reva Beast.


    She smirks as she goes back to reading the file…




    James Stenbeck is with Gary


    GARY: I’m nervous.

    JAMES: Why the hell are you nervous?

    GARY: We need Todd Manning to be successful on this.

    JAMES: Yes I do need him to be successful.

    GARY: Are you not nervous?

    JAMES: I’ve lived through so much, my nerves are shot.


    GARY: Well this plan has not been smooth sailing but it has reached this important point.

    JAMES: My son Paul will not get away trying to take money that belongs to me.

    GARY: I sometimes wonder about your relationship with your family.

    JAMES: Don’t. That money is rightfully mine, not Paul’s. He thinks he is getting the last laugh, but I always do.



    Holden Snyder is at the City Hall.


    He is starting his new job.


    Holden is surprised to see a door with his name on it.


    HOLDEN: My own office even. Pretty fancy.


    He opens the door and walks inside.


    HOLDEN: And it looks like plenty of work already too.


    He walks to his desk where there is a stack of papers.


    HOLDEN: This is quite a load.


    He picks some of them up and glances over them.


    Just then Mayor Woods walks in.


    MAYOR WOODS: Welcome to day 1.

    HOLDEN: Thank you sir.

    MAYOR WOODS: I hope you will find your office very accommodating.

    HOLDEN: I do. Thank you.

    MAYOR WOODS: You have a lot of numbers to crunch for this city.

    HOLDEN: (Glances back at his desk) I see that.




    Cut to Ben and Luke


    BEN: Let me apologize again.

    LUKE: You don’t have to. I was half joking.

    BEN: No, I am sorry I got distant and kind of rude. I have been preparing for a ski trip in the future.

    LUKE: Back to the slopes?

    BEN: Yes. Going to be fun. Maybe you can tag along. It is where we met after all.

    LUKE: I would happily go if I can get the time off.

    BEN: Hey, how about I make things up to you by taking you out to breakfast?

    LUKE: I am not going to turn that down.




    Eartha is With Elijah.


    ELIJAH: So…you have been thinking about me huh?

    EARTHA: First off you can wipe that sh*t eating grin off of your face.

    ELIJAH: That was subconscious.

    EARTHA: But yes I have…I…I miss you. I wish we could just be closer. Like way back in our youth.

    ELIJAH: You know I have wanted that for a long time now. To be closer to you…

    EARTHA: We can be great friends.

    ELIJAH: Then what is stopping us from being closer friends? You have been back in Union Creek for damn near fifteen years now.


    EARTHA: Frankly because I am afraid.

    ELIJAH: Afraid of me? I am a cop now, not an almost gangster like when we dated.

    EARTHA: I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of those intense feeling we use to have for each other. I am afraid of them coming back.


    Elijah grabs her hand and that causes her to react nervously.


    EARTHA: I am running late for work. I should go.


    She pulls her hand away.


    ELIJAH: No wait. We were actually getting somewhere.

    EARTHA: Sorry, but I have to go.




    JAMES: I need to put an end to whatever plans Paul and Barbara have.

    GARY: They reopened their company.

    JAMES: Yes I know. Using some of my money! They always think they know what they are doing…


    James has a flashback:



    GARY: What are you thinking about, boss?

    JAMES: Just how stupid the people I’ve called my family can be. All of my sons and their mothers have different ticks. My youngest…I am sure his mother Christy will keep him in line for now. However Paul and Barbara never know what is good for them. I have tried to love my family, but I always have to stay one step ahead of them, because I am the one that know what is good for them.

    GARY: I am sure you do.

    JAMES: And don’t worry, Gary. When I put a stop to Paul’s theft, you and I can continue what we started when we came here to Union Creek in the first place…




    Blair is sipping on a glass of wine.


    BLAIR: This is quite the read on Reva beast.


    She is giggling with some glee.


    BLAIR: Reva was Amish for many years?


    She cracks up laughing.


    BLAIR: And treated like royalty on some island? What were they smoking? Must have been good!


    She laughs again and finishes off her wine.


    BLAIR: Reva Shayne sounds nuts. I think I can use that to my advantage.


    She smiles…




    Eartha is now at the hospital arriving for work.


    Morris approaches her and pulls her aside into an empty hospital room.


    MORRIS: So my dear…why did you take the morning off?


    Morris eyes her suspiciously.


    EARTHA: I just needed more rest.

    MORRIS: More rest?

    EARTHA: Yup.

    MORRIS: So you are saying you stayed in bed late?

    EARTHA: Yup.

    MORRIS: That’s funny, because even though we may have separate rooms now….I know you were not home this morning before I left.


    EARTHA: Oh at that time I must have been out clearing my head.

    MORRIS: Changing your story already?

    EARTHA: What is this 3rd degree all about?

    MORRIS: What were you clearing from your head?

    EARTHA: It is none of your business!

    MORRIS: I am your husband, of course it is my business.

    EARTHA: Starting to become husband in name only…


    Eartha walks out leaving Morris alone in the empty room.


    He shakes his head.




    Holden is in his office.


    HOLDEN: This town has a mess going on with their budget.


    He seems to be getting frustrated.


    HOLDEN: I think I have been hosed into this job.


    He is going over the paperwork trying to crunch some numbers.


    HOLDEN: Man where are we going to start to get this budget back on track?




    Luke and Ben are at breakfast.


    They are having fun as Luke is laughing about something.


    LUKE: You are shady with that waitress.

    BEN: Sorry, but her limp is cracking me up!


    Ben’s phone rings.


    Ben pulls it out.


    BEN: Sorry but I do have to take this.


    It is Gary on the other line.


    BEN: How can I help you?

    GARY: Actually we won’t need your help any longer.

    BEN: What do you mean?

    GARY: We have completed our task which means you have completed yours. Your service of keeping Luke distracted is no longer needed and you have received your last check for it. Whatever you do now is up to you.


    Ben looks across the table at Luke who smiles back at him…






    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics. 

  2. Days22
    Written by Nick M.


    Luke is at his place typing up a story on his laptop.


    He has a visitor at the door. It is Ben


    BEN: Surprised to see me?

    LUKE: Yes I am actually.

    BEN: I know I have been a bit busy and distant the last few days.

    LUKE: Yes and you kind of blew me off today.

    BEN: I didn’t blow you off. I was busy.

    LUKE: I know. I know.


    BEN: I’m sorry if I seemed to brush you off.

    LUKE: It is alright, really.

    BEN: Alright enough for you to invite me in?

    LUKE: Of course. Come on in.


    Ben enters.




    At the Manning house:


    Blair walks up to Todd


    BLAIR: Something is bothering you. What’s up Todd?

    TODD: You look a little nervous yourself.

    BLAIR: Yeah, because Sam is out very late.

    TODD: I’m sure he is at his new friend’s house.

    BLAIR: Zack?

    TODD: Yeah, the goofy looking kid.

    BLAIR: I should call his mom and find out.

    TODD: You are going to call his mom this late and probably wake her up?


    BLAIR: I guess I shouldn’t.

    TODD: He’s fine. He knows how to take care of himself.

    BLAIR: Now can we talk about what has you bothered.

    TODD: I just have to go out of town for a story.

    BLAIR: What story?

    TODD: I don’t want to get into that right now.

    BLAIR: Where are you going?

    TODD: To Paradise, New Mexico.

    BLAIR: A wild city. Can’t you send someone who works under you?

    TODD: Not for this story.


    Blair looks at him suspiciously.




    Danielle and Malik are making out and Danielle’s couch.


    He starts to run his fingers through her hair as they are kissing lustfully.


    However there is a knock at the door.


    DANI: Oh not now.


    They have to stop making out.


    MALIK: Who could that be so late?


    Dani gets up and looks through the peek hole.


    DANI: My mother.

    MALIK: Oh wow.


    Malik shoots up off the couch.


    Danielle tries to fix her hair before opening the door.


    Tea walks in.


    TEA: I saw the lights on so I knew you were still up, Danielle.

    DANI: Yes, I am..


    Tea then spots Malik before looking back at Danielle.


    TEA: Oh…I didn’t interrupt something did I?


    Malik smiles while Dani is miffed.




    Meanwhile at the big teen bash:


    Greg and Dee arrive at the party.


    They walk inside the house.


    GREG: This is one big party.

    DEE: Yes. The more the merrier.

    GREG: If you say so.


    Greg is clearly nervous to be there.


    DEE: Let’s mingle so you can meet people here in Union Creek.




    Zack is dancing with Anne


    Cory is looking around for her.


    Cory sees Anne and Zack dancing together and does not look happy.


    CORY: What the hell is this?!


    Anne stops dancing which causes Zack to stop dancing.


    ANNE: Hey Cory, Something wrong?

    CORY: Yeah who is this twerp?


    Cory puts his hand on Zacks shoulder.


    ZACK: Don’t touch me!


    Zack slaps his arm away!




    Outside of the party:


    Sam is with Trinity


    SAM: It is nice out here.

    TRINITY: It is and the sky is beautiful tonight with a nice summer breeze.

    SAM: True. Not the only thing that is beautiful out here though.


    Trinity is taken off guard by that comment.


    SAM: Sorry that just kind of came out.

    TRINITY: Don’t apologize. Thanks for the compliment…


    Both are smiling and looking into the others eyes.


    Sam and Trinity start to lean in for a kiss…


    They close their eyes as their pair of lips are about to touch…


    However right before they kiss they hear rowdiness and shouting from inside!


    This causes them both to open their eyes and turn to look towards inside.


    TRINITY: What is going on inside?


    They hear a voice shouting “I said don’t touch me dammit!”


    SAM: Oh lord that’s Zack. What is he up to now?


    Sam rushes inside and Trinity follows…


    BLAIR: I wish you would just tell me what story is so important that the owner of the newspaper has to travel out of time.

    TODD: Such is the life of a journalist….anyway, did you like the research I did on Reva Shayne?

    BLAIR: I have only been able to go over some of it, but thank you.

    TODD: I found a nice source.

    BLAIR: I can see that. I hope I can find something to use against her to get her off of my back.

    TODD: Just don’t do anything stupid.

    BLAIR: I won’t.


    TODD: I know you didn’t run over her and I do not like how she keeps coming at you. So that is why I dug up all of this info.

    BLAIR: I’ll take care of Reva Beast.

    TODD: Good to hear.


    Blair picks up the folder with all the info on Reva and smirks.




    At Danielle’s place:


    TEA: I really am sorry if I interrupted something!

    DANI: It is fine mom. I just was not expecting you. Especially this late.

    TEA: I was going to get a hotel, but I decided to see if you were still awake first.

    DANI: Well let me introduce you to my coworker, Malik.


    MALIK: Hello Mam.


    They shake hands.


    TEA: Ah you are her co worke?. A model too I take it?

    DANI: Can’t you tell?

    TEA: I can.

    MALIK: Trying to make me blush doesn’t always work but I can feel my cheeks burnin’.


    DANI: What brings you to town tho, mom?

    TEA: Well your father—

    DANI: --We do not refer to him as my father in this house, remember?

    TEA: Todd… needs my help.

    DANI: Of course.

    TEA: But I was thinking that maybe I’ll actually be staying in town.

    DANI: Oh…




    At Luke’s:


    BEN: I am sorry to distract you from your work there on your laptop. I guess that kind of makes me a hypocrite being too busy earlier.

    LUKE: It is okay. I can finish writing it tomorrow. I am happy to see you and get to hang out with you.

    BEN: It was a rough few days without you.

    LUKE: That feeling is mutual. I was just going to pour myself another glass of wine. Want one?

    BEN: Would love one.




    Sam has ran inside the party house to see Zack and Cory getting into each other’s face.


    ANNE: Is this really necessary?


    Rourke and Jasper get in-between Cory and Zack.


    ROURKE: That is enough Zack.

    ZACK: Shut up bro, this Neanderthal started it.

    CORY: He doesn’t want a piece of me.

    JASPER: You need to stop. This is meant to be a fun party.


    Sam walks up to Zack.


    SAM: Come on let’s walk this off.

    ZACK: Fine.


    Sam pulls Zack away.


    Anne doesn’t know how to take what just happened.


    CORY: Sorry, Anne.

    ANNE: Yeah, whatever.


    Anne walks off.


    ANNE: I am so embarrassed.


    Mandy hears her say that and rolls her eyes.




    Cut to Greg and Dee in another part of the house.


    GREG: I think maybe I should leave and try and find a cheap motel or something.

    DEE: No come on, stay!

    GREG: This is the kind of scene I left my hometown to get away from.

    DEE: Those two guys were just being dumb. Fighting over a girl.

    GREG: I wish some people showed more fight towards those they want…


    DEE: Take a shot with me.


    She pours herself a shot and downs it.


    DEE: Ah gotta love tequila.


    She pours another shot and hands it to Greg.


    GREG: No thanks.


    He sets it down.


    DEE: Fine more for me then.


    She downs that shot too.




    Back to Zack and Sam.


    ZACK: I need to go find Anne.

    SAM: I don’t think that is such a good idea right now.

    ZACK: Yeah it is.


    Zack walks off to Anne across the room.


    ZACK: I’m sorry our fun got interrupted.

    ANNE: Me too. I think I am just going to go.

    ZACK: No please, don’t.

    ANNE: It’s for the best. This party seems to be winding down anyway. See you in school.


    She exits.


    Zack is upset.


    He and Cory turn towards each other across the room and exchange glares…




    At Dani’s apartment:


    MALIK: I should head home, but thank you Dani for a good time tonight.

    DANI: Thank you for chillin with me. We’ll have to do it again.

    MALIK: Definitely.


    Malik exits.


    Tea gives Dani a smile…


    DANI: What mom?

    TEA: I am so sorry for interrupting you two.

    DANI: You didn’t interrupt anything.

    TEA: Oh Danielle, we both know that I did!


    Dani breaks a smile



    Cut to Ben finishing up his glass of wine.


    Luke is rubbing Ben’s shoulders.


    LUKE: You are very tense you know.

    BEN: It’s from being so active with skiing and all probably.

    LUKE: I think I can work all those kinks out.

    BEN: I am just a tense individual too, but I know that you help for sure.

    LUKE: And you are a tense individual for sure.


    Luke continues to massage him.


    Ben looks up at Luke and they kiss.




    At the party:

    ROURKE: I know just how to calm everyone down here!


    He pulls out his bag of weed!


    JASPER: That just might work.

    MANDY: I am down for some more.

    ROURKE: Where is my brother? He is the one that can use a hit.

    JASPER: I don’t know where he went.


    …Dee is now drunk as she takes yet another shot.


    GREG: You love that stuff a little too much.

    DEE: (slurring) It’s tha be-best.

    GREG: I think I better take you home.

    DEE: You’ll have to sneak me in, but hey I’ll sneak you in my basement. There is a room down there you can stay in.

    GREG: Really?

    DEE: Yeah.

    GREG: That would be cool.


    They start to walk off, but Dee almost falls over so Greg has to help her walk.


    …Sam and Trinity are sitting together again.


    Camella is giving them both side eyes.


    TRINITY: Can we leave yet?

    CAMELLA: I think we probably should.

    SAM: I don’t know if I should leave Zack but hopefully his step brother or Jasper will make sure he is still not upset.

    CAMELLA: I don’t know why I come to white parties with ya’ll always actin’ a fool.

    TRINITY: Oh stop.

    CAMELLA: Can I get a ride home too?

    SAM: Sure.


    The three exit.




    Meanwhile, an upset Zack is behind the house.


    He downs a beer.


    ZACK: Dammit! I am so tired of all of my plans getting ruined.


    He sighs.


    ZACK: It was going so well and fun before Cory had to ruin it. Damn, damn, damn.


    He throws his bottle against the wall in anger shattering it.


    Zack stares on upset…




    Credits roll


    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.

  3. Days22
    Written by: Nick M

    Greg has arrived in Union Creek Colorado after running away from Paradise New Mexico.


    He has parked his car near a creek. There are a group of young people sitting near the creek hanging out.


    GREG: I don’t know if this place is far enough away from Paradise, but I don’t have enough cash to drive away too far.


    He gets out of the car and looks around.


    He flashes back

    [Just Paradise #17]


    Outside, Greg is about to get in the car with Chavo but hears Ali scream.


    He hears Ali say “No! Please!”


    Greg turns around and goes to the house.


    He looks inside to see Vin about to hit Ali.


    He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye.


    GREG: Dammit Vin!


    Greg rushes inside.


    GREG: Don’t!

    VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg!

    GREG: Oh yes it does.


    Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!!


    Vin hits the ground.


    Back in the present:


    GREG: If Vin finds me that wannabe hardcore gangster will want to kill me. …but where am I going to stay? I guess I can just sleep in my car tonight.


    All of a sudden someone taps him on the shoulder from behind.


    A stark look of fear flushes Greg’s face…



    Malik is at Danielle’s place.


    MALIK: You have a nice place.

    DANI: Thank you.

    MALIK: Thank you for inviting me over.

    DANI: Well you know, just wanted to get to know my coworker better.

    MALIK: We probably should keep getting to know each other. Will make the photo shoots we do together that much better.

    DANI: So true. Want anything to drink?


    MALIK: Just a glass of water will be fine.

    DANI: Coming right up.


    Danielle pours two glasses of water and then hands one to Malik and sits next to him.


    DANI: So go ahead. Tell me all about yourself.

    MALIK: Putting me on the spot I see…




    Trinity and Sam arrive together at the big teen end of summer bash going on at Zack’s friend Jaspers house.


    TRINITY: I don’t like being around this many people.

    SAM: You’re around this many people at school.

    TRINITY: Yeah and they are annoying enough there. Here they will probably be on drugs and alcohol and ten times more annoying.

    SAM: We can always join them with the drugs and alcohol.

    TRINITY: No thank you.


    Trinity feels a little relieved when she sees that Camella is also there.


    TRINITY:  Thank god for a familiar face.

    CAMELLA: Hey girl!


    Camella and Trinity hug.


    CAMELLA: You came with Sam?

    SAM: Yes. Yes she did.


    Camella gives Sam a bit of a dirty look.


    SAM: We are neighbors you know. It is natural to come together.

    CAMELLA: Must be nice. I just have to drag her to these parties it seems.

    TRINITY: Can I drag you all to find somewhere to sit.


    The three start to try and get through the large group of people.


    Elsewhere at the party:


    Mandy and Zack are chatting.


    MANDY: I hear you helped throw this party with Jasper?

    ZACK: Yes I did. Not surprised that you found out that bit of information.

    MANDY: I find out everything going on with my peers.

    ZACK: Because you are always yappin!

    MANDY: Yes I know that’s why they call me motor mouth. You really enjoy calling me that don’t you.

    ZACK: It fits so well.


    Zack becomes completely distracted as Anne arrives at the party.


    MANDY: We should go dance like last time.


    Mandy takes notice of him being distracted.


    MANDY: Here we go. Earth to Zack.


    Mandy rolls her eyes.


    Zack turns back to look at Mandy.


    ZACK: Sorry. What?

    MANDY: Nothing.




    Todd and Gary are in the abandoned warehouse.


    Suddenly the person from the other room walk inside this room!


    The person stands in the shadows of the room.


    TODD: Now what is this?!


    The person speaks with a deep voice: “Find him. And if you see his mother Barbara…tell her hello for me…”


    Todd looks on towards the person in the shadows…


    TODD: Who even are you trying to be all mysterious over there?


    Out from the shadows walks James Stenbeck!! 


    JAMES: That isn’t important.

    TODD: I happen to think it is very important. Gary what games are you playing>

    GARY: This is the old owner of the paper. The one that needs the document.

    TODD: Why is this document so important?

    JAMES: It’s all about the money. It seems likes you of all people can appreciate that.

    TODD: Okay duly noted on that. So this Paul Ryan is involved with your money?


    JAMES: You see, Paul and I go way back. Back to his birth you can say. He has somehow found out about my secret stash of money and is now trying to steal it all for himself.

    TODD: Can’t you all, you know, call the freakin’ police?

    JAMES: It is not that simple.

    TODD: I can tell it’s not simple if it involves the ISA and it sure must not be that simple to involve the new owner of the newspaper yours truly.

    JAMES: You are more than just the owner of the newspaper. I know all about you.


    TODD: I don’t like this Gary. This may cost you your job!

    JAMES: All I need is for you to find the document that Paul is going to use. So get it done.

    TODD: I do not take demands well, mister wannabe mystery.

    JAMES: Well get used to it!


    James glares at Todd.



    A young girl (Dee) is the one that tapped on Greg shoulder.


    DEE: I didn’t mean to scare you.

    GREG: You, you didn’t.

    DEE: Oh, well I am Dee by the way.

    GREG: Hi I’m Greg.

    DEE: It seems like my friends ditched me. I went to go pee in the woods and now they are gone.

    GREG: Pee in the woods?


    Greg can’t help but laugh


    DEE: I know that is probably kind of gross, but—

    GREG: --no I just already like how this place seems way more free than where I am from.

    DEE: Oh well cool, but I was going to ask a favor…if you could give me a ride to a party that is going on.

    GREG: Oh. I don’t know if I can I just want to find a place to stay for the night.




    Cut to Malik and Danielle


    MALIK: I don’t know if there is much to say about me. I was raised by doctors, but now not going to college myself. Aren’t I great?

    DANI: We all must do our own thing. So both of your parents are doctors? Sweet.

    MALIK: Yeah they are. It is not as great as it sounds.

    DANI: I don’t know it sounds pretty great to me.

    MALIK: They’re good doctors and love their jobs…if they still love each other is a whole different question though.


    DANI: Oh. Sorry to hear that. Beats my parents. My mom is a lawyer and my dad is a professional d*uchebag.

    MALIK: Ouch

    DANI: It’s true.

    MALIK: Tell me more about yourself.

    DANI: I think all there is to know about me right now is that I so want to do this…


    Danielle kisses Malik!




    At the party:


    Zack and Mandy walk up to Rourke


    ZACK: Hey I wanted to introduce you two.


    Zack looks around to see where Anne went.


    ROURKE: Yeah?

    ZACK: Yes, Rourke this is Mandy. Mandy this is my step brother.

    MANDY: Didn’t even know you had one. Guess I don’t know everything.

    ROURKE: I use to go to a different school until now.

    ZACK: Excuse me I have to find…Jasper.


    Zack walks off.


    MANDY: You know your brother has issues.

    ROURKE: You’re telling me.


    Zack is looking around.


    ZACK: I have to get to Anne before Cory does.


    Zack spots Anne and walks to her.


    ZACK: Anne!

    ANNE: Hey Zack.

    ZACK: So glad you could make it to our party!

    ANNE: I love it. This is a big one.


    Zack smiles


    …Sam meanwhile is at one of the coolers getting a beer.


    JASPER: Enjoying the party Sam?

    SAM: Trying to.

    JASPER: I saw who you arrived with.

    SAM: Yeah…and…

    JASPER: I hope you are not with her…you know?

    SAM: No… I don’t know what you mean actually.

    JASPER: Forget it.


    Sam gives him a questioning look as Jasper walks off.


    …Rourke pulls out bowl of weed that he is smoking.


    ROURKE: It’s pretty much done but do you want a hit?

    MANDY: I think that is just what I need.


    Mandy smokes some of it and coughs.


    Rourke throws the resin into the trash.


    MANDY: That all you have?

    ROURKE: I have more, but I think we should hit the dance floor first.

    MANDY: I would love to.


    Rourke grabs her hand and they go and dance.


    …Sam heads back to where Trinity and Camella are sitting with his beer.


    Camella is also drinking a beer.


    SAM: Are you sure you don’t want one Trinity?

    TRINITY: Maybe if it was just us three I would drink.

    CAMELLA: You look miserable.

    TRINITY: I am not.

    SAM: You are not having fun at all.

    TRINITY: I think I just need to go outside for some air.


    She gets up and heads outside.


    Sam gets up and follows her out as Camella shakes her head.


    SAM: I don’t think you should be outside here alone.


    Trinity smiles



    Cut to Todd, Gary and James


    JAMES: I am not trying to get bossy with you.

    TODD: Yeah you are.

    JAMES: It just comes natural to me.

    TODD: I get it. Some of us are natural leaders. Others are Gary.

    GARY: I am the best kind of help.

    JAMES: He is good help. Don’t take him for granted at the paper. Now can we focus on Todd going to Paradise and finding Paul?


    TODD: And when I find him?

    JAMES: Bring him to me.

    GARY: But don’t let him know why you want him here. Make it seem like something for the paper.

    JAMES: Honestly, I don’t care how you get him here. Just get him here and soon!

    TODD: I am only doing this for my next cut of money.

    JAMES: Gary, write him the damn check.


    Todd gives James a fake smile.


    TODD: Thank you.




    “Lean on” by Major Lazer and DJ Snake starts to play



    [:01] At the party, Mandy and Rourke have hit it off as they are dancing it up together. Rourke is clearly high but Mandy is enjoying his sway as she is up on him.


    [:11] Zack is with Anne.


    ZACK: I am just happy you made it. You know last time we were at that party together, I had so much fun dancing with you.

    ANNE: It was a good time.

    ZACK: I know you just got here, but now is the time to go have some fun again.

    ANNE: That is why I am here, to have fun. Let’s go.


    Zack and Anne make their way out to dance.


    Right next to Rourke and Mandy which Mandy does not seem too pleased about and throws her out of her groove with Rourke.


    Cory meanwhile is looking around.


    CORY: Anne should be here by now…


    [:40] Cut to Dani and Malik kissing at Danielle’s place


    MALIK: Wow! That was some unexpected greatness.

    DANI: I know you wanted it too. I just beat you to it.

    MALIK: I’m not complaining about that.

    DANI: Should we be doing this as co workers though?

    MALIK: I don’t see why not.


    Malik kisses her.


    The two fall back onto the couch and start to make out intensely.


    [:59] Cut to Greg and Dee


    DEE: Please give me a ride to this party.

    GREG: You look my age! What kind of party is this?

    DEE: This big blow out end of summer party. You should come too. You may like it and make some friends in a new town.

    GREG: I would like to do that. I also need to find a place to stay though.

    DEE: I am sure I can help find you a place to crash after. So what do you say?

    GREG: Sure why not.

    DEE: awesome this will be a fun party I promise!


    Greg doesn’t seem too convinced but they get into the car and Greg drives off…


    [1:30] Outside of the party…


    Sam is with Trinity


    TRINITY: I don’t mean to be a killjoy. I really don’t.

    SAM: Don’t worry about it. I know this isn’t your kind of thing.

    TRINITY: It is not.

    SAM: Besides, it is nice out here.

    TRINITY: It is and the sky is beautiful tonight with a nice summer breeze.

    SAM: True. Not the only thing that is beautiful though.


    Trinity is taken off guard by that comment.


    SAM: Sorry that just kind of came out.

    TRINITY: Don’t apologize. Thanks for the compliment…


    Both are smiling and looking into the others eyes.


    Sam and Trinity start to lean in for a kiss…


    [1:57] Back inside the party to all the teens drinking and dancing.


    Rourke and Mandy are still dancing and so are Zack and Anne.


    Zack leans in on Anne’s ear


    ZACK: We have some great dancing chemistry if I do say so myself.

    ANNE: We do. I agree.


    Anne starts to grind on Zack.


    Meanwhile Cory has made his way closer to the two.


    Cory sees Anne and Zack dancing together and does not look happy.


    [2:20] Cut to Todd arriving home.


    He looks a bit stressed out. Blair greets him with a hug.


    BLAIR: Everything alright?

    TODD: Yeah I am fine.

    BLAIR: Are you sure? I can tell something is wrong.

    TODD: It’s fine. Just work stuff.


    Todd makes his way to their room.


    He takes out the picture of Paul Ryan and looks at it.


    TODD: Looks like you are the prey man. Time to find you…




    Credits roll




    *This show tapes many years in advance much like NBCs days of our lives so that is how the late great Anthony Herrera can grace us with his presence.


    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics


  4. Days22
    Written by: Nick M


    Camella is With Trinity at the Davis household.


    CAMELLA: So that article you wrote is on point, Trinity.

    TRINITY: Happy that you dig it.

    CAMELLA: It was real. Proud of you getting’ real with America.

    TRINITY: I just hope it makes people think.

    CAMELLA: It sadly won’t make too many white people think. They will try and block it out.


    TRINITY: You think it’s that cynical?

    CAMELLA: Fo sho. These cops are not stoppin’.

    TRINITY: Sure doesn’t seem like.

    CAMELLA: They aren’t. There was just another shooting of an unarmed black teen down in Texas.

    TRINITY: Sickening.

    CAMELLA: Almost like a race war. The more things change the more they stay the same for us.

    TRINITY: Have any positive news?


    CAMELLA: Well, there is a party going on that we should go to.

    TRINITY: I don’t know if I feel like partying.

    CAMELLA: Oh come on it will be fun. We can get our drink on.

    TRINITY: Fine because I know you will bug me until we go!


    Meanwhile, Downstairs:


    Eartha has arrived home.


    Malik and Morris are sitting down having some beers.


    MALIK: Hi mom.

    EARTHA: Hey guys…that is not a beer is it…

    MORRIS: It’s not going to hurt him.

    EARTHA: He is underage.

    MALIK: Please do not start a fight about this.


    Eartha gives Morris a dirty look.


    Morris uses the moment to take a swig of his beer.


    MALIK: I will be twenty one very soon.

    EARTHA: I won’t be the Debbie downer.

    MALIK: Thank you.


    Eartha hastily walks upstairs.


    She has a flashback:


    Young Eartha is with Young Morris .


    He is having a beer while she drinks a bottle of water.


    YOUNG EARTHA: Must be nice to be the older man on campus getting to drink whatever you want?

    YOUNG MORRIS: You wouldn’t even like this beer.

    YOUNG EARTHA: True, but it’s about the freedom.

    YOUNG MORRIS: Well, you are almost my age. Almost legal.

    YOUNG EARTHA: Then we can party together!

    YOUNG MORRIS: If that’s what you want.

    YOUNG EARTHA: It is.


    They kiss.


    YOUNG EARTHA: Loosen up. Why are you stiff?

    YOUNG MORRIS: The beer should loosen me up soon.

    YOUNG EARTHA: You should be chill with me already. If this is about our relationship, I told you we are official.

    YOUNG MORRIS: I know. It’s all good. Don’t worry.


    He kisses her again.


    YOUNG EARTHA: I’m not worried.


    Eartha comes back down to the present.




    Reva and Josh get home.


    Reva is still in pain and walking sorely.


    REVA: It’s the sh*ts getting old, Joshua. I am so sore already. Tomorrow I probably won’t even be able to move.

    JOSH: I will do whatever I can to help


    Jack walks in.


    He sees that Reva is in pain.


    JACK: Hello…something wrong?

    REVA: I am in pain and the pills have not kicked in yet.

    JACK: What happened?

    JOSH: Someone tried to kill her.

    JACK: What?!

    REVA: A car sped right at me earlier today.

    JACK: That’s crazy.

    JOSH: Would you happen to know who would do something like that?

    JACK: Wait…you don’t think this had something to do with me do you?


    Josh stares down Jack…




    Elijah has arrived at the Manning house.


    Blair opens up.


    BLAIR: Hi officer, I hope this has something to do with the charges I tried to press against Reva Shayne?

    ELIJAH: This does have something to do with Reva but not about charges against her.

    BLAIR: What is she up to now? You know she attacked me at the store today!

    ELIJAH: Oh yeah?

    BLAIR: Yes. She is too much.

    ELIJAH: You wouldn’t have happened to try and get revenge did you?

    BLAIR: Just what are you getting at Officer Smith?

    ELIJAH: Someone tried to run over Reva with a car.



    Camella and Trinity arrive at the party.


    TRINITY: I am not going to like this.

    CAMELLA: Please stop complaining.

    TRINITY: I don’t like being around a lot of people. Let alone drunk people just stumbling around and being obnoxious.

    CAMELLA: You are being over dramatic. This is one of the cool parties. I know the people.


    They walk near some coolers.


    CAMELLA: Grab a beer.

    TRINITY: No thanks.

    CAMELLA: Well grab me one then, please.


    Trinity gets one for her.


    Zacks teenage step brother Rourke is also there.


    He sees Camella.


    ROURKE: Hey you, long time no see.

    CAMELLA: Rourke, how is life on the north side?

    ROURKE: The same as ever.

    TRINITY: How do you two know each other?

    ROURKE: She use to come to my school. Funny thing is I may be going to your guys school this year.

    CAMELLA: That will be trouble.


    TRINITY: What is that smell?

    ROURKE: Not me, I hope.

    CAMELLA: I think it is you. Sure smells like weed. Don’t tell me you brought some here!

    ROURKE: Of course I did!




    Eartha goes back in time again in her memory:


    Young Eartha is now with Young Elijah .


    YOUNG ELIJAH: I am so happy you are back in town for a while this summer.

    YOUNG EARTHA: Really just two weeks before I have to head back.

    YOUNG ELIJAH: Any time with you will be amazing. It’s been a long year without you.

    YOUNG EARTHA: I’m sorry to say, but we won’t be spending much time together this summer.

    YOUNG ELIJAH: What do you mean? I’ve waited so long.


    YOUNG EARTHA: I don’t know how to tell you this.

    YOUNG ELIJAH: Tell me what?

    YOUNG EARTHA: Elijah, you know I love you but I cannot do this to you.

    YOUNG ELIJAH: Do what? Spit it out!


    She turns away from him nervously.


    YOUNG EARTHA: I have to break up with you.

    YOUNG ELIJAH: What the hell are you talking about?


    He yanks her back around.


    YOUNG ELIJAH: Oh my god my worst fear came true didn’t it! You met someone else?


    Young Eartha starts to tear up and shakes her head yes…


    Back in the present:


    Eartha deep sighs…




    At the Lewis Ranch:


    REVA: This didn’t have anything to do with Jack. I know who was driving that car.

    JOSH: I am just saying that Jack thinks he is being looked for and someone may have found him here.

    JACK: I hope not.

    REVA: Why would they come after me?

    JOSH: For helping him.

    JACK: I knew I shouldn’t have moved in here!

    REVA: No, dammit. Stop this. This wasn’t about Jack. I told you and Elijah who did this.

    JOSH: But how could you be sure. You only saw the hair.

    REVA: I saw enough of the hair to know who tried to hit me.

    JACK: Well what’s with the suspense? Tell me who it was?

    REVA: It was that b*tch, Blair Manning!




    Elijah is with Blair.


    BLAIR: This is ridiculous!

    ELIJAH: I am sorry you feel that way, but her memory of the driver and the description seems to fit you.

    BLAIR: She could just be saying that. Are you sure she was even almost hit? She seems like the type that could be making that up.

    ELIJAH: She has been medically examined and is actually hurt.

    BLAIR: Well I would like to get a lawyer if you are really accusing me of this.


    ELIJAH: Do you have an alibi? Where were you between 4 and 5?

    BLAIR: I want to call my lawyer.

    ELIJAH: I am just asking some questions. If you want to go down to the station that can be arranged.

    BLAIR: No, no okay. I was visiting my husband at work.

    ELIJAH: And he can verify that?

    BLAIR: I’m sure he can.


    Blair looks on worried…




    At the party:


    CAMELLA: Why did you have to bring weed?

    TRINITY: The smell is awful!

    CAMELLA: I hate it.

    ROURKE: Don’t be a couple of haters.

    CAMELLA: I’m not hating. Just sayin.

    ROUKE: I came here to chill out.


    TRINITY: Who comes to a PARTY to chill out?

    ROURKE: Me, bro.

    TRINITY: Bro? Who is this guy?

    CAMELLA: He’s an oddball.

    TRINITY: Tell me about it.

    CAMELLA: Let’s go drink.

    TRINITY: I mostly just want to go home.




    Malik walks into his mothers room, Interrupting her memories.


    MALIK: Mom…

    EARTHA: Something wrong Malik?

    MALIK: Just wondering if you want to join me and dad for some pizza and wings?

    EARTHA: Um, I’ll take you up on that offer, actually.

    MALIK: Great.


    They go downstairs


    Eartha sits next to Morris.


    Morris smiles…




    At the ranch:


    JACK: Todd’s wife did this?

    REVA: It had to be her.

    JACK: This is going to make my new job awkward.

    JOSH: You got hired at the newspaper?

    JACK: I did!

    REVA: Congratulations. I just hope Todd is not as bad as his wife.

    JOSH: I am happy to hear you got a job though.


    JACK: Maybe I’ll be out of your hair in no time.

    REVA: No hurry.

    JACK: If it really was Blair tho, I hope she is taken down.

    REVA: I hope she is being arrested as we speak.




    Todd arrives home to see Elijah with Blair.


    TODD: Blair why is a police officer here?

    BLAIR: He thinks I did something absurd.

    TODD: What do you think she did?

    ELIJAH: She has been identified in a possible attempted murder?


    Todd chuckles.


    TODD: You can go. (he points to the door)

    ELIJAH: This is no laughing matter. Reva Shayne could have been killed.

    TODD: Reva?

    ELIJAH: …and I won’t be going until I know if your wife was with you at your job between 4 and 5 PM.

    TODD: She did come over for a visit.

    ELIJAH: I hope your cameras there will prove that it was between the time period in question.

    TODD: I’m sure they will.


    ELIJAH: If evidence is found you will have to come to the station, Blair.

    BLAIR: And this time my lawyer will be with me. Call Tea, Todd! Call her now.


    Elijah exits.


    BLAIR: Well are you going to call her?

    TODD: Wait Blair, when you came by my office you wanted me to look up info on Reva Shayne Lewis. Why is that?

    BLAIR: Certainly not because of this!


    She looks on…




    *I do not own any non original character nor any





  5. Days22
    Written by: Nick M


    At the café:


    Zack walks in to see Sam and Trinity there sitting together.


    ZACK: Are you two still writing for the paper?

    SAM: Nah, we finished our last article already. We are having a celebratory hot cocoa.

    ZACK: Hot cocoa? Woah now! Don’t go too hardcore.

    TRINITY: Hot cocoa is the sh*t.

    ZACK: The summer flew by. Feels like it just started.

    SAM: That is so true.


    ZACK: You know I am trying to get the summer to go out with a bang though.

    TRINITY: How so?

    SAM: He wants to have this huge end of the summer bash.

    ZACK: Yes sir! Tonight! And I hope you two will be coming to it.

    TRINITY: A little late on the invite.

    SAM: You have other plans?

    TRINITY: Nah. I just don’t want to go truthfully.

    ZACK: Oh come on don’t be boring!

    TRINITY: I am far from boring. Trust.


    SAM: I’ll go if Trinity goes.

    TRINITY: Don’t put all this pressure on me, Sam.

    ZACK: I’ll give puppy dog eyes if I have to.


    Zack gives his best go at puppy dog eyes.


    TRINITY: Oh please stop. I will go if you stop. You look like you are about to burst into a seizure.

    SAM: Looks like I have a party to get ready for..



    Marah arrives at her parents ranch.


    Reva is there.


    REVA: Hey sweetie.

    MARAH: Mom. I heard what happened! Thank god you are okay.

    REVA: Yeah she really wanted to mow me down.

    MARAH: Dad said that you think it is Lily’s neighbor Blair Manning?

    REVA: I believe so.

    MARAH: That is crazy if true. I hope the cops will handle this.

    REVA: I hope they will as well. I’ve told them that it was her.


    MARAH: And your ribs are doing okay?

    REVA: These old bones of mine are sore, but I’ll be fine. I’ve been through much worse.

    MARAH: That you have.




    Blair meanwhile is arriving home.


    BLAIR: I swear life in this town is turning into a hassle.


    She closes the door in a huff.


    BLAIR: And Todd is always at work. Never here when I need some comfort.


    She goes through some mail that is on the table. There is also a file that is on the table.


    BLAIR: He even left some of his work here at home. I just hope he helps me take down Reva Beast. I know she is trying to set me up for this alleged hit and run. What a psycho!


    Blair walks into a different room in a huff.


    Zoom in on the file on the table. On the file, it reads: Reva Shayne



    At the Union Creek Chronicle:


    Todd and Gary are with Luke and Jack


    TODD: I have a special assignment for you two


    He points to Luke and Jack.


    JACK: My first assignment. I have to say I am excited…but nervous too.

    GARY: Luke here is one of the best we have. He will help you out.

    LUKE: I hope it is something juicy. I am sick of the fluff pieces.

    TODD: I need you both to look into the almost hit and run on Reva Shayne that was in the police blotter. I know my wife had nothing to do with it so I want her off the hook.


    JACK: Now I am more nervous.

    LUKE: Why is that?

    JACK: I’ll tell you later.

    GARY: Help our boss man out.

    LUKE: We will try.

    TODD: Good.


    Jack and Luke walk off.


    TODD: So can we talk about this info I found out about? I want to know exactly what is up!!

    GARY: Then come with me.

    TODD: Come with you where? You know I can’t say I trust you.

    GARY: This isn’t stranger danger. We have to go now. I know more info too. It is all about to come out…


    Todd looks on intrigued…




    At the Café:


    TRINITY: I should go and get ready for this party.

    SAM: You really do look fine the way you are now.

    TRINITY: But still.

    ZACK: This is perfect. I will see you there then.

    SAM: At Jaspers house?

    ZACK: Yup.

    TRINITY: Where is that?

    SAM: I’ll give you a ride there.

    TRINITY: Coo.


    Zack gets a call from Jasper


    ZACK: Hey man! Are you pumped for this party or what? I know I am.

    JASPER: Of course I am bro. Got the house to myself and everything is set up.

    ZACK: Great. I knew you would come through.

    JASPER: Let’s get this party started!

    ZACK: I’ll be right over!




    At the Union Creek Chronicle:


    Jack and Luke are working together.


    LUKE: Why are you nervous about looking into this hit and run?

    JACK: Well you see, this Reva Shayne that was almost hit by the car…I kinda sorta live with her and her husband.

    LUKE: Oh…wow, but that’s great. You have an inside scoop.

    JACK: Yeah, but she is so convinced that Todd’s wife was driving the car. I do not want to cause ruffles with her.

    LUKE: The job of a journalist is never easy in that regard these days.


    JACK: She has been so nice to meet.

    LUKE: I understand. You know, this isn’t much of a story they have gave us. They have been giving me these long drawn out stories all summer. I don’t get it.

    JACK: That sucks. I will take the fluff. I need the practice…or re-practice..

    LUKE: I can’t shake the feeling that Gary and Todd are up to something I mean where did they leave to in a hurry?

    JACK: I have no idea.




    Gary has taken Todd to what seems like an abandoned building of some kind.


    TODD: And we came here because why?

    GARY: It is a safe place to meet.

    TODD: Safe place? Are we in danger that I don’t know about? What the hell are you dragging me into?


    Pan up to the ceiling of the room.


    There is a camera watching them…


    TODD: Look I read your info and the ISA is involved in this somehow. They deal with high profile criminals. 

    GARY: I have no idea why they would want this document.

    TODD: I don’t know if I believe that…but you said you found some new info. What is it?

    GARY: It is big.

    TODD: Just spit it out!

    GARY: I believe I have located the document.


    TODD: You know where it is? How?

    GARY: My source—

    TODD: --What source?

    GARY: I have good sources and they have found out who may have this document and where the person who has this document lives.

    TODD: Okay who and where?

    GARY: The where is Paradise, New Mexico. The who, is the man in this picture.


    Gary hands Todd a picture…




    Zack is at Jaspers house for the party.


    ZACK: How did you get so much booze?

    JASPER: My older cousin came through!

    ZACK: This is epic. I am so excited for the first time all summer.

    JASPER: You needed this didn’t you?

    ZACK: What I need is for this night to play out in my favor.


    Zacks happiness fades away


    ZACK: And this is not a good start.


    His step brother Rourke walks in.


    ZACK: What are you doing here?

    ROURKE: It is a party. You know I love parties.

    ZACK: Just don’t be annoying.

    ROURKE: No, no. I leave that to you.


    Rourke smirks and walks off.


    Zack then sees Cory arriving outside.


    ZACK: Who invited these damn people?


    Zack takes a deep breath and looks at his watch.


    ZACK: It is okay. It will all be right when Anne shows up. I will make it work tonight.




    Cut to Reva and Marah


    MARAH: I hope you will be safe.

    REVA: I can take care of myself, you know that.

    MARAH: Where is dad? And… Jack?

    REVA: Your dad is being a gentlemen and doing some grocery shopping and Jack got a job at the Union Creek Chronicle.

    MARAH: I am not leaving then. I don’t think you should be alone right now.

    REVA: I promise you do not have to worry about me.


    MARAH: What if someone is after you, mom?

    REVA: Someone is after me, but I can handle her.

    MARAH: Blair Manning?

    REVA: Yes. She is crazy. I know it was her who did this and I hope the cops are able to prove it.




    Blair finally sees that the file on the table has Revas name on it.


    BLAIR: What do we have here?


    Reva opens the file.


    BLAIR: Todd dug up some background info on Reva.


    Blair smiles


    BLAIR: He came through.


    She starts to go through the file and is very fascinated…




    Meanwhile, someone is watching Todd and Gary on camera from the abandoned building…


    But turns out the building is not so abandoned. The person is in the room next to the one Todd and Gary are in!


    The person walks towards the door and peeks in at the two.


    Gary has handed Todd a picture


    A picture of Paul Ryan.


    TODD: So this is the man with the document?

    GARY: I believe so. His name is Paul Ryan. He is who you need to find?

    TODD: Who I need to find?

    GARY: Yes you need to go to Paradise New Mexico and find him.

    TODD: This all feels too strange. Am I being set up?

    GARY: Nope you are helping the old boss of the chronicle get back what is his.

    TODD: This document?

    GARY: That is a part of it, yes.


    TODD: No. I don’t trust you right now. I’m not doing it.

    GARY: Just find that man! Find Paul Ryan.

    TODD: What is in it for me?

    GARY: A nice fat check.

    TODD: Well this can be arranged then…


    Suddenly the person from the other room walk inside this room!


    The person stands in the shadows of the room.


    TODD: Now what is this?!


    The person speaks with a deep voice: “Find him. And if you see his mother Barbara…tell her hello for me…”


    Todd looks on towards the person in the shadows…





    Credits roll


    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.


  6. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.
    At BRO:


    Paul knocks on Barbaras office.


    BARBARA: Come in?

    PAUL: I can’t do this.

    BARBARA: What do you mean? What’s wrong, son?

    PAUL: It has been chaos today. So many shipments of possible materials.

    BARBARA: Material is important. We need the right ones.

    PAUL: I know. I know that you want your designs to be perfect in every way.

    BARBARA: I sure do.


    PAUL: I just did not get much sleep at all.

    BARBARA: Why not?

    PAUL: Emily.

    BARBARA: Trouble in paradise? Why am I not surprised?

    PAUL: A lot of trouble. We had a giant fight.

    BARBARA: I don’t know why you put up with that woman. She has not supported you one bit with this company.

    PAUL: I let her have it.

    BARBARA: Good.




    Cut to Vin who is looking at his watch.


    Vin is outside near a busy park.


    VIN: Where is she?


    He looks around.


    VIN: She wanted to make sure and meet in public, well here I am!


    Ali has arrived at the park as well.


    VIN: There is my beauty.


    Ali slowly walks up to him.


    VIN: Can I hug you?

    ALI: No.

    VIN: Okay…

    ALI: Thank you for agreeing to meet me in public.

    VIN: Thank you for agreeing to meet me, period. It is so good to see you.

    ALI: Yeah, I am glad to see you to so I can give you this…


    Ali slaps Vin hard right across the face!


    Vin looks on shocked…




    JJ is with his mother, Jennifer .


    JJ: You didn’t have to bring me over a whole meal.

    JENNIFER: You ate like a king though didn’t you?

    JJ: I did. Thanks mom.

    JENNIFER: I’m sure school work doesn’t give you a chance to cook your own meals.

    JJ: Not at all.

    JENNIFER: Then I am happy to help..

    JJ: Now don’t get sad or anything but at first I was a bit disappointed that you were moving here too, but I think it’s really cool that you and Daniel came here.

    JENNIFER: That’s sweet son.


    She hugs JJ.




    Cut to Steve and Terrance .


    TERRANCE: Are you sure he is meeting us here?

    STEVE: Yes. Agent Donnelly should be on his way.

    TERRANCE: And you are sure he was the one in charge of Bo’s mission to find Stefano?

    STEVE: That is the info that Roman was able to get.

    TERRANCE: Well then Agent Donnelly has some explainin’ to do.

    STEVE: I just hope he has some info that we can work with.

    TERRANCE: That is the idea.

    STEVE: I just hope he gets here soon.




    Bart has arrived at the house that Bo is being held in.


    Bart hears a voice… “Hello Bart”


    Bart jumps as he turns and sees Stefano standing inside!


    Bart drops his keys.


    BART: Stefano!

    STEFANO: I told you I was coming.

    BART: We-welcome sir.

    STEFANO: And as promised I am not alone. One of the people that has helped us immensely has come to meet us here too.


    The person walks into the room…

    That person is Doctor Daniel Jonas.


    BART: Wait…what?

    DANIEL: Stefano, good to see you back.


    Daniel and Stefano shake hands.


    BART: Doctor Jonas has been helping you?

    DANIEL: I have indeed.

    STEFANO: And what a great help he has been. (Cackles)


    Jennifer is still with her son at his apartment.


    There is a knock at the door.


    It is Eliza .


    ELIZA: Hi JJ…and JJs mom.

    JENNIFER: Hey there! I am still thankful that you helped us around when we first got to town.

    ELIZA: It was no problem.

    JJ: What brings you by?

    ELIZA: Well I just got off from a stressful day at work and wanted to see if you would like to go out for some coffee?

    JENNIFER: Sound good to me, I was just about to head home and wait for Daniel to get off of his first day at the hospital.


    Jenn winks at JJ.


    JJ: Well then I guess I am all free for coffee.

    ELIZA: Awesome!

    JENNIFER: I will see you both later.

    ELIZA: Shall we head out now too?

    JJ: Works for me.




    Agent Donnelly is now with Steve and Terrance.


    AGENT DONNELLY: This is about Bo right?

    STEVE: Of course it is.

    TERRANCE: Were you in charge of his mission?

    AGENT DONNELLY: I was the go to agent at the top, yes.

    STEVE: We want to know all about Bo’s case.

    AGENT DONNELLY: I am certain they have debriefed you on the important parts.

    TERRANCE: What do you consider the non important parts?


    AGENT DONNELLY: Are you two grilling me like I have something to hide?

    STEVE: I just want to know everything that Bo was doing. If you were the agent he kept going to with all his info, then you will know.

    AGENT DONNELLY: I brought my computer for this very reason. I can show you all of Bos log journals that I have.

    TERRANCE: Perfect!

    STEVE: Do other higher ups in the ISA know that you are willing to give this info?

    AGENT DONNELLY: I just want to show that I have nothing to hide.


    He clicks on some files that pop up.


    But what pops up is: ITEMS NOT FOUND.


    AGENT DONNELY: No damn way. They’ve been deleted!




    Cut to Daniel with Stefano and Bart.


    BART: When did this partnership begin? Blows my mind.

    STEFANO: Don’t lose what little of it you have left.

    DANIEL: I would say our partnership goes way back.

    STEFANO: You see, Bart, I have known Daniel since he was a child. He had been adopted by some friends of mine who lived in Aremid.

    DANIEL: Oh yes. The people of Salem just think I am Maggies damn egg baby and I am, but I was adopted by some folks who were close to Stefano and the Blakes. I was good friends with Peter when he was a child.

    STEFANO: It has been brilliant, Bart. They have no clue of this connection between Daniel and me.

    DANIEL: I have even duped everyone in Salem with them practically thinking I am like a god.


    STEFANO: This man right here, took care of one problem in Jack Deveraux.

    DANIEL: I sure did. Found out he was on the look for Stefano and locked him up in Colorado. I started drugging him up and now the guys head is completely fried.

    BART: I thought he escaped.

    DANIEL: He did, but he is no problem now. I saw on the article from the Union Creek Chronicle that this John Doe at their hospital has amnesia. It was about him I am sure. The drugs worked better than I ever imagined.

    STEFANO: Brilliant.




    Vin holds his face from Ali’s slap.


    VIN: Have you been practicing that or something. Sure does sting.

    ALI: I felt like I had to do that.

    VIN: I understand.

    ALI: …You do?

    VIN: Yes. I understand your need to do that to me. I have not been kind to you.

    ALI: No you have not.

    VIN: I just want to prove I want to change. The old Vin would have become an angry monster after that slap.

    ALI: Yes…true…


    VIN: Please just come back to my place so we can talk this out.

    ALI: I don’t want to be alone with you. That is why I wanted to meet in public.

    VIN: We won’t be alone. Chavo and Greg are there waiting for me. You get along with them.

    ALI: I just cant trust you.

    VIN: Please Ali. Look at me. I am not mad. I just want to talk…

    ALI: Fine…




    Katsu arrives at BRO.


    He sees Barbara and Paul talking in Barbaras office.


    KATSU: Perfect.


    Katsu goes downstairs and walks outside through a back door.


    There is a semi-truck parked outside.


    Derrick is out there too.


    KATSU: I am glad you made it on time.

    DERRICK: Of course I did. We have been working towards this.

    KATSU: Well let’s unload.

    DERRICK: Make it quick.


    Derrick goes into his truck and pulls in near the semi.


    Derrick and Katsu start to unload boxes from the semi onto the back of Derrick’s truck…




    JJ and Eliza arrive at the coffee shop.


    JJ: Ladies first.


    JJ opens the door for her.


    ELIZA: You really think I am a lady? Pffft.

    JJ: Perhaps not.

    ELIZA: But thank you. Glad to see chivalry isn’t completely dead.


    They walk inside.


    Miranda is also there!


    JJ spots her right away. His heart seems to sink to his stomach.


    It sinks even further down when he sees that Miranda is laughing it up with the barista, Hunter .


    MIRANDA: You are pretty funny.

    HUNTER: Happy to amuse you.

    MIRANDA: Amused I am.


    JJ stares on at the two and Eliza notices…




    Cut to a frustrated Steve.


    STEVE: What the hell do you mean that Bo’s log journals have been deleted?

    AGENT DONNELLY: I seriously do not know what happened.

    TERRANCE: You know this just looks sketchy.

    AGENT DONNELLY: I am sure it does, but I really don’t know how this happened.

    TERRANCE: You best be playin’.

    STEVE: You better not be some kind of double agent.


    Steve grabs him but his collar.


    TERRANCE: Don’t get worked up Steve.

    STEVE: No. This is ridiculous. The ISA is supposed to be this hi tech government associates and this kind of stuff keeps happening.

    TERRANCE: I know it is frustrating.

    AGENT DONNELLY: Maybe I can get the log journals to be found somehow.

    STEVE: I don’t even know what to say anymore. I am sick of this sh*t! I cant even trust the ISA anymore. I quit!


    Both Terrance and Agent Donnelly cannot believe hearing this..




    STEFANO: I just could not let Jack nor Bo find me.

    BART: Thank sweet baby Jesus they didn’t.

    STEFANO: And all over tax fraud.

    DANIEL: The great Stefano Dimera was not going to go down for that.

    STEFANO: I am glad we are taking care of our problems.

    BART: How are you going to take care of Bo downstairs?

    STEFANO: I will think of something.

    DANIEL: We are in a good place right now with all of this.

    STEFANO: Yes we are. There is no chance in hell that I am going down because of f*cking taxes!




    Katsu and Derrick continue to unload boxes from a semi behind BRO into the back of Derricks truck.


    DERRICK: Is that all of them?

    KATSU: I believe so.

    DERRICK: Tremendous.

    KATSU: You should get out of here.

    DERRICK: Yeah, but you need to check it first.


    Katsu and Derrick get into the back of Derricks truck.


    Katsu opens one of the boxes a bit.


    He pulls out…a brick of cocaine!


    KATSU: Looks perfect to me.

    DERRICK: We are on the brink.

    KATSU: Aren’t we though?

    DERRICK: Going to own this town…



    Chavo and Greg are at Vins place.


    GREG: Do you really think he will be able to get Ali to come here?

    CHAVO: Probably.

    GREG: I kind of hope not.

    CHAVO: If he does I bet he wants us to leave.


    Just then Vin and Ali arrive.


    VIN: Hey bros.

    ALI: …Hi guys

    GREG: Hey Ali

    CHAVO: How are you two?

    VIN: I am hoping we are going to be really good. Can you two give us some privacy?

    CHAVO: I told you, Greg.

    GREG: Yeah.

    ALI: I would like it if they stay.

    CHAVO: We probably should go though.

    VIN: Yes, we will be fine.


    Fear starts to come across Ali’s face.


    GREG: See you guys later.


    Greg and Chavo leave…


    Ali: I thought you would respect my wishes to not be alone with you.

    VIN: Shut up.


    Vins whole demeanor completely changes.


    VIN: How dare you slap me and then try and disrespect me by not wanting to be alone with me!


    Vin grabs her. Ali screams!


    Outside, Greg is about to get in the car with Chavo but hears Ali scream.


    He hears Ali say “No! Please!”


    Greg turns around and goes to the house.


    He looks inside to see Vin about to hit Ali.


    He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye.


    GREG: Dammit Vin!


    Greg rushes inside.


    GREG: Don’t!

    VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg!

    GREG: Oh yes it does.


    Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!!


    Vin hits the ground.





  7. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    At the women’s shelter:


    Miss Cho has pulled Ali and Charlotte aside.


    CHARLOTTE: Something wrong Miss Cho?

    MISS CHO: One of the girls you two have gotten close to has decided it is time to leave here.

    ALI: Really?

    CHARLOTTE: You are not talking about Jacy are you?


    Jacy walks into the room.


    JACY: She do be talkin’ bout me.

    ALI: You are leaving?

    JACY: It is the right time…


    Ali and Charlotte are surprised…




    Jesse and Angie are together having lunch.


    JESSE: How was the hospital today?

    ANGIE: That hospital is always buzzin with accidents as you know. Stabbings, shootings, and over doses. You name it.

    JESSE: Yeah, this is the real city that never seems to sleep or have peace.

    ANGIE: I know how badly you wish to change that.

    JESSE: I do, Angie. I do.

    ANGIE: I think it can end up working with some dedication.


    JESSE: I will need help. You and your friend, Kayla.

    ANGIE: Kayla seems to be having a hard time in her personal life, but she seemed happy to help you.

    JESSE: I will need all the help I can get. Just like this city itself.




    Hunter and Miranda are hanging out in the park.


    HUNTER: Did all of your classes go good today?

    MIRANDA: They did. Most are coming easy to me which is a huge relief.

    HUNTER: Coming easy? You must be a genius.

    MIRANDA: Some might say so…I kid. Are you taking any classes?

    HUNTER: No, Not at the moment.


    MIRANDA: How come?

    HUNTER: I just am kind of enjoying doing my own thing..

    MIRANDA: The barista job?

    HUNTER: That among other things. I do have some aspirations.

    MIRANDA: What are you ambitious about?

    HUNTER: Saving the world.

    MIRANDA: I see I have an idealist on my hands.




    Eliza shows up at JJ’s apartment.


    ELIZA: You don’t call. You don’t text. Hell, I would even take a written letter like its 1990.

    JJ: Sorry, been busy.

    ELIZA: Are you busy right now?

    JJ: A little.

    ELIZA: Well…you should still come and eat with me while I’m on my lunch break.


    Eliza smiles wide.


    ELIZA: Please.

    JJ: Okay fine.

    ELIZA: (excited) Yes!



    Paul is in his office….and in walks Todd Manning


    PAUL: Welcome Mr. Manning.

    TODD: Happy that you could pencil me in.

    PAUL: This seemed important.

    TODD: Oh, more than you know.

    PAUL: Welcome to BRO.


    TODD: Thank you. You know, you seem very familiar to me…

    PAUL: Hm…not sure why

    TODD: Not sure, but regardless. Nice to meet you.


    Todd Manning and Paul Ryan shake hands.


    TODD: We have so much to talk about…



    At the womens shelter:


    CHARLOTTE: Is it safe for you to leave here, Jacy?

    JACY: Actually it is. You see, my abusive ex-boyfriend has finally been thrown in prison!

    ALI: Really? For what?

    JACY: Always trying to be a hardcore thug and sh*t.

    ALI: These boys. What is wrong with them?

    JACY: Too many damn screws loose.


    ALI: I wish I could head home.

    CHARLOTTE: Me too.

    JACY: When you do, get in touch with me. I’ll give Miss Cho my info when I can.

    CHARLOTTE: I definitely will.

    JACY: I am so ready to get back! Can’t wait!


    Jacy smiles with nothing but elation.




    Cut to a frustrated Vin


    He is with Chavo


    CHAVO: I wish you would not work yourself up.

    VIN: That is a bit impossible.

    CHAVO: Why?

    VIN: Because it is so frustrating that we still cannot track down Ali nor Greg. They both deserve so much revenge done to them.

    CHAVO: Why are you even doing this? Why do you care?

    VIN: Are you serious right now bro? Because they both disrespected me so damn hard!


    CHAVO: No I mean why do you even care about this kind of life? We both know that you--

    VIN: --Do not question me Chavo! Just shut up and let me focus.




    At the park:


    MIRANDA: So tell me how you plan on saving the world?

    HUNTER: Can we not talk about that right now. I think we need to have more fun.

    MIRANDA: What kind of fun?

    HUNTER: See those sprinklers on over there? Let’s run through them.

    MIRANDA: I didn’t realize we were eight.

    HUNTER: Oh come on! Feel a little free.

    MIRANDA: I do not want to get my clothes all wet.

    HUNTER: Well you can be boring and stay here. I am going on through!


    Hunter gets up and walks to the sprinklers.


    Miranda ends up following him.


    They both start to run through them getting wet.


    HUNTER: See! This kind of feeling is something people should not lose..




    Jesse is still with Angie but he gets up.


    JESSE: Sorry, but I really need to get to the city council meeting.

    ANGIE: Already?

    JESSE: It is an early one.

    ANGIE: And I don’t get no smooch?


    Jesse kisses her on the cheek.


    ANGIE: That is not going to do it!

    JESSE: Oh yeah?

    ANGIE: Nope.


    Angie kisses his lips.


    Jesse then starts to kiss her all over her face.


    ANGIE: Okay, okay! You win.

    JESSE: I hope those kisses were good luck.

    ANGIE: Me too, baby.




    Cut to Todd and Paul’s meeting.


    TODD: So I am a journalist and that is how I came across this company.

    PAUL: And you want to do a big piece on BRO?

    TODD: Something like that. I’ll need you to come to Colorado for this piece though.

    PAUL: I checked out your paper and it has a strong online following so why do I need to go to Colorado? Can’t you just interview me right here right now?

    TODD: It is not that easy. I do a more hands on approach.


    PAUL: Thank you for the offer and all, but I am not too keen on going to Colorado right now. I have a company to run.

    TODD: You are not seeing the bigger picture Paul. You may want to see if you need glasses. Where I live, in Union Creek Colorado there is some new big competition for you that just opened.

    PAUL: Are you talking about that little small stream Chic Spirit Designs?

    TODD: You are not giving them enough credit. I am offering you a step ahead on this competition. Do not take them lightly.

    PAUL: It would be a good publicity for us.

    TODD: I thought you may see things my way.

    PAUL: But….I still don’t want to go to Colorado.


    Todd becomes obviously frustrated.




    At the women’s shelter:


    Charlotte and Ali are now alone.


    CHARLOTTE: I think maybe we both can leave here too.

    ALI: I do not need to go run into Vin and probably get killed.

    CHARLOTTE: We live in a big city we can move somewhere far away from our exes.

    ALI: There is still always a chance.

    CHARLOTTE: A small one. We came move in together and be roommates. Split everything. It can work.

    ALI: I like the idea and wish I could, but I don’t know if I want to chance it.

    CHARLOTTE: Well at least think about it.

    ALI: Okay…




    Vin is still agitated.


    CHAVO: I am going to go get us some weed so you can calm down.

    VIN: No! I would rather we take my frustrations out another way.

    CHAVO: Yes I know you want to kill Greg, but I don’t know where he is.

    VIN: There is something else we can do.

    CHAVO: What’s that yo?

    VIN: Let’s go rob another gas station!




    At the park: Hunter and Miranda are now soaked.


    MIRANDA: That was crazy. You are crazy. What are we doing?

    HUNTER: Having fun. I am at least.

    MIRANDA: Nah, I am too.

    HUNTER: I really do have fun every time I hang out with you.

    MIRANDA: Aww I do too. You and all of your craziness.

    HUNTER: I’m the least crazy person in this town, probably.

    MIRANDA: I’ll be the judge of that.

    HUNTER: Ready for round 2 in the sprinklers?

    MIRANDA: No.

    HUNTER: (Laughs) I’m kidding.




    Eliza and JJ are eating lunch together.


    ELIZA: Have you been avoiding me JJ?

    JJ: I am going to be if this continues to be a grill JJ day.

    ELIZA: But for real. You do seem to be.

    JJ: Just been busy with school.

    ELIZA: I think I know what is wrong…

    JJ: Tell me oh wise one.

    ELIZA: Back when we played strip poker….my booty game was too strong. I get it.


    JJ: (laughs) What?

    ELIZA: Don’t deny it. And now you are intimidated.

    JJ: You are crazy.

    ELIZA: But I got a laugh out of you.

    JJ: Yeah you are good for that.

    ELIZA: I am good for a good time. I wish you would stop fighting it and just admit you have good times when you hang out with me.

    JJ: You are never not entertaining that is for sure. Never a dull moment with Eliza.

    ELIZA: And don’t you forget it! I’ll take that as a yes you do have a good time.

    JJ: I do. It’s true…




    Todd is frustrated with Paul.


    TODD: Are you sure about this?

    PAUL: I just do not have the time right now. I’m sorry. I do appreciate it.


    Todd has a flashback:

    [Union Creek #21]


    He is with Gary and an alive James Stenbeck…


    TODD: And when I find him?

    JAMES: Bring him to me.

    GARY: But don’t let him know why you want him here. Make it seem like something for the paper.

    JAMES: Honestly, I don’t care how you get him here. Just get him here and soon!


    Back in the present:


    TODD: You really should reconsider…because I know thing about you.


    Paul gives his a questioning glance.


    TODD: Things about you that you would definitely not want out.


    Paul’s face becomes flushed.


    PAUL: So what the hell is this? Blackmail?

    TODD: It could be if you do not come to Union Creek Colorado with me.


    Paul smirks and tries to play it all off with a poker face.


    TODD: You are acting way to smug for guy who could lose everything. I know what you have been doing.

    PAUL: What do you think you know, Mr. Manning?

    TODD: Enough games. I know that you have been forging documents.

    PAUL: Oh….

    TODD: Yeah. So let me ask you again. Have you reconsidered Mr. Ryan?

    PAUL: Yes I will come to Colorado and do the stupid article…or whatever it is you really want from me..

    TODD: Atta boy!




    Jesse has arrived at the City council meeting.


    He has a folder with him and tries to find a seat.


    He finally finds one and sits down.


    He looks on towards the people on the city council.


    JESSE: This looks like a group that will hear me out.


    Pan across the members of the city council….


    One of the members of Paradise, New Mexico’s city council is…


    Katsu Itami







    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics


  8. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    At the high school:


    Marcino is in class looking miserable.


    He has a flashback:

    Just Paradise #19


    Greg has kissed Marcinos who is caught off guard


    Marcino starts to get into the kiss…but then abruptly pulls away and stands up!


    MARCINO: What are you doing, Greg!

    GREG: What do you mean what am I doing? Kissing you.


    Marcino wipes her mouth


    MARCINO: Um…why?

    GREG: Because the moment was building to that.

    MARCINO: I have no idea what you are talking about.

    GREG: This is crazy.

    MARCINO: This IS crazy dude! I am not into dudes.

    GREG: Uh, yeah you are.

    MARCINO: How are you going to tell me what I am into?

    GREG: You have been giving me signals for so long now. You know you have. Don’t even try and deny it!


    Back in the present Marcino sighs.


    MARCINO: I hope you are okay Greg. Wherever you are.


    A girl sits down in the desk next to him.


    MARCINO: Hey Claire

    CLAIRE: What up Marcino? You look upset.

    MARCINO: I guess I just don’t want school to be starting already.

    CLAIRE: Join the club.

    MARCINO: Hopefully I’ll shake off these first day of school nerves…

    CLAIRE: I hope you do too.




    Paul meanwhile is in his office at BRO and makes a phone call to Katsu


    PAUL: Hey I just wanted to see how everything is going.

    KATSU: So far, so good.

    PAUL: That is nice to hear.

    KATSU: I am in the beginning stages of getting this in motion.

    PAUL: Sounds good. This will be a big weight off of my shoulders.

    KATSU: Glad I can assist you this.

    PAUL: Thank you for all of your help.

    KATSU: It is no problem, really.


    Katsu smirks.




    Emily shows up for her first day of work at Mad World.


    Lucas is there.


    LUCAS: Welcome to your new job.

    EMILY: Thank you. The pleasure is all mine. Looking quite forward to being in business mode again.

    LUCAS: That ah-girl.

    EMILY: So like, do I get my own office?


    Lucas chuckles.


    LUCAS: You think you are ready to move up to your own office already?

    EMILY: I like to think so.

    LUCAS: Think again, but maybe someday.

    EMILY: I’ll take on that challenge.




    Daniel comes in to see Stefano


    DANIEL: It is a little dark in here.

    STEFANO: Keeps people from looking in.

    DANIEL: Good point.

    STEFANO: What brings you by?

    DANIEL: I come with some good news. Something I think you will be pleased with.

    STEFANO: You know how to come through Mr. Jonas.



    Paul is lost in thought in his office.


    He flashes back to when he was much younger…



    PAUL: I thought I had killed my damn father way back then, but that nine lived cat was still alive. Now I am happy his life went on longer, because it let him set up this secret bank account in someone else’s name. Now that he really is dead, I can get my hands on this stash.


    Paul lets out a smile.


    PAUL: I hope Katsu pulls this off soon. That secret stash is mine.




    Cut to Daniel and Stefano


    STEFANO: So please, by all means tell me this good news.

    DANIEL: I think you know what it is.


    Suddenly, Stefano’s phone rings.


    He looks and sees that it is a call from Greta.


    STEFANO: I have to take this.

    DANIEL: Take this too. I have to get back home.


    Daniel hands Stefano a little box…


    …Elsewhere in the house, Bart meanwhile is putting on a mask.


    He heads downstairs with some water for Bo


    A weak Bo looks up.


    BO: I am thankful for that water. The only reason I have the little energy I have left.

    BART: Well drink up. You’re welcome.

    BO: You know what else I would be thankful for?

    BART: What’s that?

    BO: Is if you would let me the hell out of here!




     Billy is at Brittany’s house hanging out.


    BRITTANY: You are still not bored here in Paradise, yet?

    BILLY: Is this your nice way of telling me I should get a job?

    BRITTANY: Maybe… (giggles)


    Someone pounds on the door!


    BRITTANY: Geez hold your horses!

    BILLY: Who the hell is that?

    BRITTANY: I don’t know.


    Brittany opens the door and it is Greg’s father, Bubba


    BUBBA: Where is your son?!

    BRITTANY: Uh, at school.

    BUBBA: Well where is my son then?

    BRITTANY: Your son? Greg? Why would I know?

    BUBBA: Greg and your son are like best friends. He ran off somewhere and I am sure your son knows where!

    BRITTANY: I doubt he does.


    Bubba starts to get increasingly angrier.


    BUBBA: Listen here you dumb blonde!

    BILLY: Don’t talk to her like that!

    BUBBA: I don’t know who you are and I don’t care.


    Billy walks up to him and points at him.


    BILLY: You need to calm down, sir.

    BRITTANY: Yeah you do. We have no idea where your son Greg could be.


    Bubba swats Billy’s finger away and walks off


    BUBBA (Muttering) Whatever.




    At Mad World:


    Lucas is giving Emily a tour.


    EMILY: You have some nice offices here.

    LUCAS: That is why we made the move. Was a perfect fit.

    EMILY: I am going to love it here.

    LUCAS: I just hope that you can help our advertising.

    EMILY: That is the plan. In fact the plan is to do big things here!

    LUCAS: Well then what are you doing standing around? Get to work!


    Lucas lets off a grin.


    EMILY: Ha-ha Very funny.


    Meanwhile, Paul is trying to call Emily.


    He has called her but it went straight to voicemail.


    Paul hangs up.


    PAUL: Those old thought reminded me of how much I use to worry about her. Care for her. These days we hardly even talk. Maybe we really are headed for a divorce…




    Daniel comes home and he and Jennifer embrace.


    JENNIFER: How was work?

    DANIEL: It went well. A great success even.

    JENNIFER: Nice positivity.

    DANIEL: How was your day?

    JENNIFER: Could have been better.

    DANIEL: What’s wrong?

    JENNIFER: I went through some of the boxes I haven’t unpacked yet…saw some old things of… Jacks.

    DANIEL: Oh.


    JENNIFER: Sorry. Don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.

    DANIEL: Not uncomfortable at all.


    Daniel kisses her on the cheek and walks off.


    DANIEL: I am famished.


    As he walks away, the expression on his face is that of being annoyed…




    Masked Bart is still downstairs with Bo.


    BART: You know I cannot let you go.

    BO: It was worth a shot.


    Bart walks back upstairs quickly.


    BO: That is okay, because I am somehow going to get out of here.


    He guzzles his water and then yanks at his chains.


    BO: Getting more loose every day.


    He yanks at the chains again.




    Stefano is on the phone with Greta


    GRETA: I want to come and see you, father.

    STEFANO: I don’t think that is a good idea.

    GRETA: We have so many years as father and daughter to catch up on.

    STEFANO: This is just not a good time, Greta.

    GRETA: It will be a short visit.

    STEFANO: Fine you can come for a short while.

    GRETA: I look forward to it.

    STEFANO: Yeah…

    GRETA: See you soon, father.


    Stefano hands up and is very annoyed.


    STEFANO: I hope whatever is in this stupid box will cheer me up!


    He opens it and Stefano is pleased.


    Bart walks into the room and takes off his mask.


    STEFANO: Very good.

    BART: What is that?

    STEFANO: The drug concoction that Daniel used on Jack Deveraux.


    Stefano pulls out a full syringe.


    STEFANO: We will now use it on Bo Brady.




    Credits roll


    *Don’t miss what Greg is up to in Union Creek as well as what bad news is looming for Paul Ryan. Union Creek: Weekly on SON*


    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics


  9. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    At the college:


    Miranda and JJ see each other in the hallway.


    JJ yawns a tad over dramatically.


    MIRANDA: Is that your way of saying you are tired?

    JJ: I am pretty beat.

    MIRANDA: I did not mean to keep you up last night. So sorry about my scream.

    JJ: I thought you were under attack.

    MIRANDA: I practically was by that rat!


    JJ: Did you buy a trap yet?

    MIRNADA: Haven’t gotten around to it.

    JJ: You better or it might pop back out at you!

    MIRANDA: Don’t say that!




    At BRO:


    Eliza is downing a cup of coffee.


    Barbara walks up to her.


    BARBARA: Slow down there Eliza

    ELIZA: I need all the caffeine I can get.

    BARBARA: You didn’t sleep good last night?

    ELIZA: Last night? Grandma, I haven’t slept well since I started this job.

    BARBARA: Honey, you cannot let this place stress you out.


    ELIZA: Not just this place. My dad is a big part of it.

    BARBARA: Paul is stressed out himself. We all are.

    ELIZA: I just feel like I am always doing a jumbled bad job as my father’s secretary.

    BARBARA: It will probably just take time to get the hang of it.

    ELIZA: I just need a good pep talk.

    BARBARA: I’m not the best coach, but get to those phones and kick some a**!


    Eliza laughs




    Brittany is with Marcino eating breakfast.


    BRITTANY: You barely touched your food.

    MARCINO: I know

    BRITTANY: Are you not hungry? It is going to get cold.

    MARCINO: I am just not in the mood for breakfast.

    BRITTANY: You love breakfast, son.

    MARCINO: I know. Just not today.


    BRITTANY: Something must be wrong.

    MARCINO: No. I’m fine.

    BRITTANY: But are you sure?

    MARCINO: Yes, I am fine!

    BRITTANY: Sorry, but I don’t believe you. Something is obviously bothering you.


    Marcino huffs and puffs



    Steve is pleased when Terrance meets with him.


    STEVE: I didn’t think you would actually meet me.

    TERRANCE: Of course. We are partners.

    STEVE: Well not anymore since I quit the ISA.

    TERRANCE: Yeah, but we have come too far to stop working together now.

    STEVE: That’s a true bud right there.


    They shake hands.


    TERRANCE: I plan on seeing this case through.

    STEVE: So do I dude.

    TERRANCE: What is the next step?


    There is a knock at the door.


    STEVE: That is the next step right there.


    Steve opens the door and it is Hope


    HOPE: Hello

    STEVE: Come on in. We need your help.


    Hope enters.



    AT BRO:


    Barbara is still talking with her granddaughter.


    ELIZA: I’m not improving though.

    BARBARA: You are totally new to the job.

    ELIZA: Totally new to working in general.

    BARBARA: Give it time, Eliza! You’ll get the hang of it.

    ELIZA: I’m losing hope.


    Barbara’s office phone rings.


    ELIZA: I bet that’s my dad.


    Barbara answers it.


    BARBARA: Hello. Yes…okay.


    She hangs up.


    BARBARA: That was Paul. He wants you at your desk ready to work.

    ELIZA: Yay (rolls eyes)

    BARBARA: good luck.

    ELIZA: We need to have these talks more often.

    BARBARA: Whenever, hon.


    As Eliza exits Barbara’s office, Henry enters it.


    BARBARA: Henry! Didn’t you get enough of me last night?

    HENRY: I never get enough of you pudding pop.


    Henry kisses her.




    At the college:


    JJ: So…Miranda…I have a question for you..

    MIRANDA: What is it?

    JJ: It is a little personal…

    MIRANDA: Okaaay…

    JJ: So I saw you and that guy that works at the coffee shop looking real chummy.

    MIRANDA: Hunter?


    JJ: Yeah, him.

    MIRANDA: What about him?

    JJ: You two dating or something?

    MIRANDA: Um, No. We’re just friends getting to know each other.

    JJ: Oh…

    MIRANDA: Why do you ask?

    JJ: Oh because he…just seems like a really good guy and all.

    MIRANDA: Yeah he seems to be. So…you saw us? You were watching us?




    BRITTANY: Please Marcino, open up to me son…

    MARCINO: I wish you would take my word for it that I am fine.

    BRITTANY: But you are obviously not.


    Marcino takes a big bite of his breakfast.


    MARCINO: There. See. I am fine.

    BRITTANY: No need to be a smarta**

    MARCINO: I just don’t want to talk about it and if you keep nagging me you will be bothering me.


    Brittany is becoming frustrated.


    BRITTANY: Is this all because School is about to begin?

    MARCINO: Sure mom.




    HOPE: What is it that you need me to do, Steve?

    STEVE: We are going to trap Stefano.

    TERRANCE: We are?

    STEVE: Yes.

    HOPE: How are we going to go about that?


    STEVE: First, you must contact Greta. She is this key to this.

    HOPE: Okay I will then.

    TERRANCE: She is the one that may be Stefanos daughter? Will she help?

    HOPE: She has no love loss with Stefano.

    TERRANCE: They could be close now.

    STEVE: I don’t think so. At least I hope not. Her help will be huge in trapping him.




    At the college:


    MIRANDA: I find it weird if you were watching me and Hunter.

    JJ: Watching is not the right word. It is not like I was staring, I just happened to see you both having fun and thought..those are two good people…having fun…how cute.

    MIRADA: Alrighty.

    JJ: Sorry if it was a weird personal question.

    MIRANDA: It is okay. I should get to class.

    JJ: Okay. Good luck.

    MIRANDA: I am starting to think all of our encounters are always going to be awkward..


    She walks off.


    JJ sighs.




    Steve gets home and Kayla is there.


    KAYLA: Any luck?

    STEVE: I hope I am doing the right thing not using the ISAs help.

    KAYLA: You will do the right thing.

    STEVE: I hope this is not all for nothing. I hope Bo is really still alive and out there somewhere.

    KAYLA: We all are hanging on to that.

    STEVE: I feel like time is running out either way.


    KAYLA: I believe my brother is still alive. Hope does too. You are not doing this for nothing.

    STEVE: We’re about the take the next step. It will involve Stefano if all goes right.

    KAYLA: You better be careful.

    STEVE: You know I will, sweetness.


    The two kiss and embrace.




    Hope meanwhile makes a phone call.


    HOPE: Let this go right.


    HOPE: Hello…Greta




    At BRO:


    Eliza is at her desk hanging up a phone.


    ELIZA: That one didn’t go so bad. Maybe Grandmas talk helped.


    The phone rings again.


    ELIZA: Please god, not another busy day.


    She answers.


    ELIZA: Hello this is the office of Paul Ryan.


    The person on the other line has a deep voice.


    “I need to set up a meeting with Paul Ryan.”


    ELIZA: His schedule tomorrow is almost wide open. What time can you meet him?


    “Perfect. The meeting is not for me. It is a meeting for him to meet with a Todd Manning.”


    Eliza writes down Todd Manning onto her note pad.






    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.

  10. Days22
    Written by Nick M.
    Reva is home from the supermarket.
    The mysterious car is parked a little away from the ranch again.
    The person inside is watching Reva as she is taking groceries in.
    Reva comes back to her car and closes the car door.
    REVA: Wonder if we got any mail.
    She goes to check her mail box.
    All of a sudden the mysterious person in the car starts it up and goes speeding right towards Reva!!!
    Reva is barely able to get out of the way. She falls to the ground with a hard impact and a thud.
    The car speeds off down the street screeching its tires.
    Reva lets out a yell of pain
    REVA: Oh…my…god.
    She holds her ribs in agony…
    Zack  is at the café.
    He is sipping on his coffee and texting on his phone.
    He is texting someone named Jasper:

    Zack is smiling.
    ZACK: I hope he comes through on that party.
    Anne  and Cory  walk into the place together.
    That of course upsets Zack.
    ZACK: Why did they have to come in…
    He stands up and puts his coffee cup in the trash and walks out in a frustrated huff.
    He takes one last look inside at the window to see Cory and Anne ordering.
    ZACK: I cannot let them hook up!
    Lily  comes home and Holden  hugs her.
    HOLDEN: I missed you. How was work?
    LILY: It went well today.
    HOLDEN: Great, Lily!
    Holden kisses her.
    LILY: You taste delicious.
    HOLDEN: Don’t I always?
    They kiss again.
    LILY: Oh, oh!
    HOLDEN: Whats wrong?
    LILY: Nothing is wrong. I just have a great idea that I am excited about!
    At the Union Creek Chronicle:
    Gary  walks into Todds  office.
    TODD: please take a seat.
    GARY: It is weird that you are being nice to me.
    TODD: You know what they say, Money talks.
    GARY: What is the money telling you?
    TODD: It is telling me to find this document so I can get another check from you.
    GARY: Not from me. From the old boss.
    TODD: Ah yes, this secretive old boss.
    GARY: So…do you have a game plan to finding this document
    TODD: I have been looking over some of the info you gave me.
    GARY: It is about time!
    TODD: Yes, well I find the randomness of your info perplexing, but I am not going to ask questions about that right now. What I want is for you to go back to your source, because I think you are narrowing down the place that this document originated.
    GARY: I am hoping to do just that.
    Josh  arrives home.
    He pulls up and sees Reva hurt on the sidewalk.
    JOSH: Reva!
    He gets out of his car and runs to Reva and tends to her.
    REVA: Joshua…I am in pain. My ribs might be broken.
    JOSH: Did you fall?
    REVA: Someone…tried to run over me. It was…
    JOSH: What the hell are you talking about?
    REVA: I think….they were… trying to kill me. …I cant take deep breaths Joshua.
    JOSH: I will call 911.
    He takes out his phone as he holds her…
    Zack arrives home.
    Another teenager named Rourke  is there…
    Zacks bad mood can be seen on his face.
    ROURKE: Home so soon?
    ZACK: Shut up.
    ROURKE: Who sh*t in your coffee?
    ZACK: None of your business.
    ROURKE: So somebody actually did that in your coffee?
    ZACK: You are not funny.
    ROURKE: I find myself amusing.
    ZACK: Well you are the only one.
    ROURKE: You need to find a hobby and cheer up.
    ZACK: And you need to just shut up before I shut you up.
    ROURKE: Listen Bro, Whatever is wrong you can tell me, you know?
    ZACK: No thank you.
    HOLDEN: What is your idea Lily?
    LILY: I really want to make a video for chic spirit. An online video. One that can hopefully go viral.
    HOLDEN: That would be fantastic for the current market.
    LILY: It would have to be a small project but one that I want to be really well done.
    HOLDEN: If you have a big picture idea, you should give it a shot.
    LILY: I would need someone really good to shoot the video.
    HOLDEN: I have a suggestion.
    LILY: What would that be?
    HOLDEN: You could always call up Noah.
    LILY: Noah? As in Luke’s ex boyfriend, Noah?
    HOLDEN: Yes. Noah Mayer. He is becoming quite the hit in Hollywood. You should ask him to come and help with the video before he gets too big and in demand.
    LILY: That would be great…
    AT UCC:
    GARY: My source has been a lot of help.
    TODD: Do you have some kind of private investigator or what?
    GARY: Maybe. I don’t give out sources.
    TODD: More mysteries from you.
    GARY: It works.
    TODD: I hope your source does work and comes through.
    GARY: I don’t know how I keep being the one doing all the work.
    TODD: Because I am your boss and just supervising.
    GARY: Yeah that does seem to be what you are good at.
    TODD: It runs in the family.
    At the hospital:
    Eartha  is with Reva and Josh.
    REVA: I am in a lot of pain here.
    EARTHA: We are hoping it just majorly knocked the wind out of you.
    JOSH: Are the cops on their way?
    EARTHA: Yes, Elijah should be here any moment now and Morris should be back with the x-ray.
    JOSH: Good. I am glad this place is on it.
    EARTHA: We have a good hospital here.
    Morris  walks in.
    EARTHA: I’ll leave you all.
    She exits.
    REVA: What’s the word, doc?
    MORRIS: Good news. No broken ribs. They are just bruised. They will however continue to be sore for probably the next few weeks.
    Meanwhile outside in the hallway…
    Eartha runs into Elijah  .
    ELIJAH: Always a pleasure to see you.
    EARTHA: Thank you.
    ELIJAH: Too bad you don’t think the same though…
    EARTHA: Please don’t start. The patient is in the room down the hall.
    Elijah walks towards Revas room.
    Eartha meanwhile has a flashback:
    A young Eartha  is packing some suitcases.
    A young Elijah  walks in.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I guess this is it.
    YOUNG EARTHA: This is not it.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you really going to stay with me while living across the country?
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I hope you are serious.
    YOUNG EARTHA: I am. I do love you. We have to keep this going even if its long distance.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I love you too, babe and I am so happy to hear you say this.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Besides, I will be way too busy with classes to meet someone else.
    She comes back to the present staring down the hall...
    Cut to Zack and Roarke
    ROARKE: What is your problem man?
    ZACK: It is you when you bug me like this.
    ROARKE: You are my brother—
    ZACK: --Step brother!
    ROARKE: Fine. You are my step brother. Either way I am sick of you always treating me badly.
    ZACK: I do not treat you badly.
    ROARKE: What do you call this?
    ZACK: I call it having a bad day.
    ROARKE: Then, Bro, you must have a bad day every damn day!
    Cut to Lily and Holden:
    LILY: Do you really think it is a good idea to try and contact Noah?
    HOLDEN: I do. We know someone who is becoming a hit in Hollywood. To get him to help you with your video would be huge.
    LILY: You are right. It would be, but…
    HOLDEN: But Luke?
    LILY: Yeah. I am sure that Luke would not like us contacting him.
    HOLDEN: Don’t they stay in touch?
    LILY: I don’t know. They use to. I don’t want to upset him though.
    HOLDEN: You never know. He may actually enjoy seeing Noah again…
    At UCC:
    Gary is back at his cubical.
    He looks around and then makes a phone call on his cell.
    GARY: Hey….yeah. I think we have finally hooked him in. Yes. Yeah I may bust this wide open. I do think it is almost time to pull the trigger with Todd…
    Meanwhile, Blair  has walked into the Union Creek Chronicle building. She knocks on Todds office and walks in.
    TODD: Blair. Surprised to see you here.
    BLAIR: Hi Todd.
    TODD: Is everything okay?
    BLAIR: No. No it is not.
    TODD: Then come on over and sit on my lap.
    Blair gives Todd a questioning look.
    Todd pats down on his lap.
    BLAIR: Are you serious?
    TODD: Yes.
    Blair sits on his lap and he brushes her hair aside and then kisses her.
    TODD: Feel better?
    BLAIR: Almost…
    TODD: You want something don’t you?
    BLAIR: I would like a little favor….I would love for you to use your journalistic skills to find info on that beast, Reva Shayne Lewis.
    Todd looks at her straight into her eyes as if he is examining her.
    BLAIR: Please.
    TODD: Hm. Fine.
    At the hospital, Eartha flashes back again:
    “End of the Road” by Boyz II Men starts to play…
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I will help you to your car with your suitcases.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Thank you Eli.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: You know I hate it when you call me that.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Get use to it. I’m going to call you that for the rest of your life.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: In that case, maybe it will grow on me.
    He helps bring her suitcases outside.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: This really robs me of my gangsta card and all, but I am going to miss you so damn much.
    YOUNG EARTHA: You didn’t even wear your do-rag today.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I tried to be good.
    He sets her suitcases in her trunk.
    YOUNG EARTHA: I am going to miss you too.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you sure you have to go to college?
    YOUNG EARTHA: Yeah, and you should too.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Maybe someday.
    She starts to try and hold back tears.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Well don’t start crying.
    YOUNG EARTHA: This is hard.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: This feels like a goodbye doesn’t it.
    YOUNG EARTHA: It does.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: I hope we make it through despite the distance.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Don’t worry. I will always love you.
    They hug ever so tightly and then kiss as Eartha starts to cry.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Good luck in college, baby.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Thank you.
    She comes back to the present as Morris is walking up to her.
    MORRIS: Are you okay? You look like you need to sit down.
    EARTHA: I’m, I’m fine..
    In Reva’s hospital room.
    Elijah is with her and Josh.
    ELIJAH: What do you remember about the car that almost hit you?
    REVA: Not much. It is a blur right now. A scary event and it happened so fast.
    JOSH: Damn I wish I was there!
    ELIJAH: You don’t remember anything about the car?
    REVA: Not really.
    ELIJAH: What about the driver? Did you get a glimpse?
    REVA: I…I don’t know…..actually…
    She has a quick flashback as the car pulled away and seeing some long dirty blonde hair.
    REVA: Wait a second. The driver had some light brown hair. Almost dirty blonde.
    JOSH: It was a woman?
    REVA: I think it may have been.
    ELIJAH: Are you sure about this?
    REVA: Oh my god! It had to be Blair Manning!
    Credits roll.
  11. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.
    Danielle and Malik walk out of Chic Spirit Designs together.
    DANI: Yet another short day for us models.
    MALIK: I think they are still getting things all figured out at this new company.
    DANI: Yeah I guess so.
    MALIK: It’s been easy for us at least.
    DANI: That’s one way to look at it.
    MALIK: Yeah. I mean we are on salary so we have it made.
    DANI: We lucked out somehow for being two rookies to this game.
    MALIK: Its our fresh attractive faces.
    Danielle giggles.
    MALIK: Hey we should go get some coffee somewhere. Chat more about our new adventure as models.
    DANI: Sounds good. I would love to.
    Malik flashes her a bright smiles.
    Meanwhile at the park:
    Ben and Luke have met up.
    BEN: Thanks for coming to see me.
    LUKE: It’s almost like you love to keep me away from actually working.
    BEN: The middle of the day just seems like the best time to see you, I guess.
    LUKE: I’m not complaining for the record.
    BEN: I hope not. You know as good as I do that the other day was smokin' hot.
    LUKE: Oh yeah. I loved every minute of it.
    BEN: I’m glad you gave in so that we could feel that pleasure. I just hope it is going to happen again soon.
    LUKE: I hope it happens again soon, too. However…
    BEN: However what? Something wrong?
    LUKE: I just have a question…
    Ben looks caught off guard..
    Reva is at the supermarket.
    She heads towards the meat department.
    As she gets closer Blair is also there and the two get into each other’s way.
    BLAIR: Please god, no. Not today.
    Both women quickly get tense as they see each other.
    REVA: Just move so this ends fast.
    BLAIR: No. You can be the one that moves.
    REVA: Let’s not be children about this.
    BLAIR: Don’t get all holier than thou after you threw coffee on me.
    REVA: Total accident and you know it.
    BLAIR: Whatever Reva beast.
    REVA: Excuse me what did you say?
    BLAIR: Oh, nothing.
    REVA: You sure did. You are just ridiculous for some reason. Sometimes I think you are being followed around by cameras like you are on some cheap reality show probably called the Blair B*tch project.
    Blair looks around as people in the store are starting to give them both looks.
    BLAIR: Leave it to your hick a** to cause a scene.
    REVA: Who are you calling a hick? Have you heard your own accent, country bumpkin? I don’t want to cause a major scene though so I will be the bigger woman and walk away.
    BLAIR: Bigger woman? Yeah, you have no competition there.
    Reva starts to go around Blair.
    BLAIR: I gotta go find me a butterball…no offense. (smirks)
    REVA: That’s it.
    Reva turns back around and glares at Blair…
    Todd is in his office working at his computer.
    TODD: Gary needs to find me more info on this absurd search for a mystery document.
    There is a knock at his office.
    It is Sam.
    TODD: Hey there Sam.
    SAM: Hi Todd.
    TODD: Something up?
    SAM: I just wanted to know how you liked mine and Trinity’s articles.
    TODD: I really liked your article on the Broncos. It will be in tomorrows edition.
    SAM: What about Trinity’s piece? It blew mine away.
    TODD: Yeah…It was…interesting.
    SAM: Something wrong with it?
    TODD: Well she wrote about a big issue. Race is a gigantic issue right now…
    SAM: Yeah she did it on a touchy issue, but she did a powerful job which will makes a person think.
    TODD: Yeah, but she is just a teenager I don’t know if readers want to hear some girl preaching to them.
    SAM: She wasn’t preaching. I was there, she was speaking from the heart.
    TODD: She did well, but I don’t know if it is for this paper.
    SAM: Are you saying you are not going to publish it?
    TODD: I don’t know if I want the controversy…
    Sam is very disappointed to be hearing this…
    Malik and Danielle are sipping on their coffees together.
    DANI: So tell me about this first photo shoot you get to do.
    MALIK: Sadly I do not know all the details yet.
    DANI: You are so lucky that you get to go first.
    MALIK: It is a lot of pressure. The first campaign for the company.
    DANI: Yeah, that is true.
    MALIK: Are you saying you want all that pressure?
    DANI: No not at all!
    MALIK: Ha! Didn’t think so.
    DANI: I am sure it will be fun though. And I wish you luck!
    They clink their coffee cups together.
    At the Park:
    BEN: What did you want to ask me, Luke?
    LUKE: This may be a stupid question.
    BEN: No such thing.
    LUKE: I just want to know if…if we are together?
    BEN: You mean are we a couple?
    LUKE: Yeah…I mean friends with benefits is cool and all, but I’d like to try and make this serious.
    BEN: Look Luke, of course we are a couple!
    Luke takes a sigh of relief.
    LUKE: Happy to hear it and make this official.
    BEN: Did you not think I wanted a relationship?
    LUKE: You have been very straight forward in wanting sex, but not so much about a relationship.
    BEN: Sorry I am just a bit of a sleaze. (chuckles)
    Cut to Gary who is also at the park.
    As he is walking through the park he sees Luke and Ben together in the distance. This stops Gary in his tracks…
    At the Union Creek Chronicle:
    SAM: Todd you have to put that article of Trinity’s in the paper!
    TODD: Sorry Sam but I do not have to do anything. This is my paper!
    SAM: Don’t you want a hot article for this paper.
    TODD: We have plenty of hot articles.
    SAM: I’m honestly surprised that Todd Manning of all people is afraid of a little bit of controversy.
    TODD: Are you trying to call me soft?
    SAM: I’m just saying, this isn’t the step dad I know.
    TODD: What are you getting out of this job thingy with Trinity?
    SAM: A cool summer job.
    TODD: I think you like her.
    SAM: She is really cool.
    TODD: If I compare your two personalities from your two articles she would probably eat you alive….Sam if I put her article in tomorrow’s edition will you leave and let me work?
    SAM: Yes. Yes I will!
    TODD: Then I will put it in.
    SAM: Thank you! You won’t regret it!
    Sam exits.
    Todd turns back to his computer.
    There is another knock at the door.
    TODD: I need a god damn personal secretary…. Come in!
    It is Jack…
    JACK: Hello again.
    TODD: Jack Doe…hey…
    JACK: I came by to see if you have considered hiring me for a job…
    At the supermarket:
    Reva gets in Blairs face!
    REVA: I really want you to stop with your pathetic little put downs, Blair.
    BLAIR: My, my, I hope you don’t have anything to throw on me.
    REVA: I just want to finish shopping, but you just had to go and piss me off!
    Blair chuckles and gives Reva a little shove.
    REVA: Don’t you touch me
    BLAIR: Then get out of my face with your Kentucky fried chicken breath!
    REVA: You must just be smelling the bullsh*t coming out of your own mouth.
    Reva grabs Blair by the shirt.
    REVA: We need to stop doing this.
    BLAIR: Then stay the hell away from me!
    Blair gives Reva another shove!
    Reva shoves Blair back but hangs onto her necklaces and yanks it breaking it off!
    BLAIR: Do you know how much that costs?!
    REVA: I don’t care. I’m sure you will just try and press charge...and fail, again.
    Reva walks off and Blair is livid!
    At the café:
    DANI: Fate is strange you know.
    MALIK: How so?
    DANI: Well I was just thinking about how the day of the modeling competition it was you and I who ran into each other and had to hype each other up to even do it. Thank you by the way.
    MALIK: We must have been good help for each other.
    DANI: Yup because we were the two winners.
    MALIK: Well I thank fate then.
    DANI: And I never thought I would even like this job, but it is going to be fun.
    MALIK: Oh yeah. We’re going to have fun together!
    At the park:
    BEN: Don’t let me keep you any longer.
    LUKE: I am really not in a hurry to get to work.
    BEN: I really shouldn’t be keeping you from working too long though. You have to keep your job.
    LUKE: I know, I know. I just love hanging out with you.
    BEN: I do too. Before you head back though…
    Ben kisses him.
    Their lip locking goes on for a bit.
    In the background, Gary is watching them.
    He smirks as he watches them kissing..
    Sam meets up with Zack.
    Sam high fives Zack.
    ZACK: What was that for?
    SAM: Just felt like it.
    Sam can’t keep himself from smiling.
    ZACK: What has you so happy go lucky? Did you get some or what?
    SAM: No it is my summer job with Trinity. It has started off awesome! She wrote this deep and powerful article and my dad found it controversial but he is still going to print it.
    ZACK: That is pretty damn cool.
    SAM: Yeah, she’s amazing.
    ZACK: Glad one of us is happy.
    SAM: Why are you so down?
    ZACK: My summer thing is sucking so far.
    SAM: You are the one who chose to go to school all summer and help tutor.
    ZACK: It is not that. It is having to see Anne and Cory sit by each other every time.
    SAM: Ouch.
    ZACK: Frustrating!
    At The Union Creek Chronicle:
    TODD: Do you really want a job here Jack?
    JACK: I need a job and I use to be in the press so yes.
    TODD: Then you are hired!
    JACK: Just like that?
    TODD: Yup.
    JACK: That was easy and here I though you would want to do a background check on me, and well, that would be difficult for me to pass!
    TODD: I normally do background checks but I have a feeling yours would turn up as empty as they come.
    JACK: Thank you so much. I appreciate this. I cannot wait to start!
    TODD: I need to get to work right now though.
    JACK: I’m sure you do. I look forward to working here and will now leave you alone…boss.
    Jack exits and walks off elated to have a job.
    TODD: The one time I am trying to actually work on this investigation for Gary and I can’t get any time to myself.
    He looks at the clock.
    TODD: What the hell I already got the check from him anyway! Lunch time!
    Reva is now home.
    The mysterious car is parked a little away from the ranch again.
    The person inside is watching Reva as she is taking groceries in.
    Reva comes back to her car and closes the car door.
    REVA: Wonder if we got any mail.
    She goes to check her mail box.
    All of a sudden the mysterious person in the car starts it up and goes speeding right towards Reva!!!
    Credits roll
    *I do not own any non original character nor any pics.
  12. Days22
    Written by Nick M

    Cut to Jeremy


    He meets with two people, Rina and Gus


    Rina is British and Gus American.


    GUS: About time you show up.

    JEREMY: I have been busy working on something.

    GUS: I can only imagine what you are cookin’ up now.

    JEREMY: Don’t be annoying.

    RINA: Yeah, don’t be daft, Gus.


    Gus rolls his eyes


    JEREMY: I am happy to see you two though. We have much to discuss.


    RINA: We do?

    JEREMY: Oh yeah.

    GUS: Can we have fun while we discuss?

    JEREMY: Sure why not..




    Miranda is dressed in her pajamas.


    MIRANDA: I need some H2O before bed.


    She makes her way to the kitchen.


    She turns on the light and sees a rat scatter by!


    Miranda screams!


    Cut to JJ in his apartment next door.


    Miranda’s scream wakes him up.


    JJ: Miranda?! What is wrong?


    JJ jumps out of bed!




    Henry shows up at Barbara’s hotel suite.


    BARBARA: Henry! I was just getting ready for bed.

    HENRY: Well wake up baby! I am back in town.

    BARBARA: It is great to see you.


    The two embrace!


    HENRY: I come bearing gifts…well…food.

    BARBARA: It is much too late to eat!

    HENRY: It’s healthy, not fattening food Babs.

    BARBARA: What is it, carrots and ranch dressing?

    HENRY: Well actually, yes.

    BARBARA: Oh Henry.

    HENRY: I’ll feed them to you.

    BARBARA: Fine. Let’s eat..




    At BRO:


    Paul walks in the empty building.


    He makes his way to his office.


    PAUL: I hope Katsu gets here soon.


    Paul walks into his office and Katsu is sitting there in Paul’s desk in Paul’s chair.


    KATSU: I am already here.

    PAUL: You don’t disappoint do you?

    KATSU: Of course I don’t.  Not when it comes to business.

    PAUL: Excellent.

    KATSU: So should we start?

    PAUL: Yes we should.




    Cut to a nervous Marcino pacing in his bedroom.


    He calls Greg’s phone, but there is no answer and it goes to his voice mail


    MARCINO: I know this is like the fifth time I have called in the past hour, but you need to pick up your phone and talk to me!


    Cut to Greg who is in his room.


    Greg looks at his phone and sees he has another voice mail from Marcino.


    GREG: You had your chance to stop me. I must leave town before Vin finds me!


    Greg is packing up a suitcase.


    GREG: I’ll use to the money I helped stupidly steal with Vin and Chavo to find a place to go.


    Greg takes a deep breath.


    He then hears a noise outside of his window…


    GREG: Oh god…


    He turns towards the window in fear.




    Jeremy sits down with Rina and Gus


    RINA: So what is it you have to tell us?

    JEREMY: I just want you both to know that you will be included in what is coming up.

    GUS: Always the vague one.

    RINA: Sounds exciting to me.

    GUS: Anything mysterious is exciting to you.


    JEREMY: I promise much excitement. It is all we have ever wanted, really.

    GUS: You know what I want right now?

    JEREMY: What is that?

    GUS: What you brought in the bag.


    Jeremy lifts up a bag he brought and sets it on the table.


    JEREMY: Here.

    RINA: Bloody hell! One of you just open it already!




    JJ who is shirtless and in his Pajama bottoms is pounding on Miranda’s door!


    JJ: Everything okay in there?! I heard you scream!


    Miranda opens up and walks out into the hallway with him.


    MIRANDA: JJ, thank you for coming over!

    JJ: Well what happened?

    MIRANDA: There is a mean and disgusting rat in my kitchen.

    JJ: Oh…this is because of a rat?

    MIRANDA: Yes. Kill it. Please kill it.


    JJ looks inside.


    JJ: In your kitchen?

    MIRANDA: Yes. I’m not going in there, but you can…



    In Barbara’s hotel room:


    Henry is feeding Barbara a carrot stick.


    HENRY: Aren’t I just a romantic?

    BARBARA: Nothing says romance like carrot sticks.

    HENRY: Amen.

    BARBARA: Thanks for coming back to town, truly.

    HENRY: Anything for my little puddin’ pop.


    He kisses her cheek.


    HENRY: How is BRO by the way?

    BARBARA: Off to a good start. I hope you feel more positive about it now?

    HENRY: I am trying.

    BARBARA: Thank you.


    Henry sets down the tray of carrots and ranch dressing on the bottom of the bed.


    They then share a kiss




    AT BRO:


    Katsu pulls out a piece of paper from a folder.


    KATSU: Here we go. This could be the key to a fortune.

    PAUL: It is the key to a fortune.

    KATSU: Why yes, that is true.

    PAUL: I am glad we were able to connect on this business. I knew I needed the best in faking a document.

    KATSU: You came to the best and now you are getting the best.


    PAUL: I just hope it works. We need this money. I need this money.

    KATSU: Just a little more patience and you will have the money you want.


    Katsu looks over the document.


    KATSU: I think it is some of my best work.

    PAUL: You will get your share of the cut once this goes through.

    KATSU: I had no doubts that I would not take my cut. (smirks)




    Greg has heard something outside of his window and he is afraid.


    GREG: Should I look out…or run. If I run I’ll wake up my bastard father though.


    Greg slowly makes his way to the window.


    GREG: (Whispers) Don’t be Vin…don’t be Vin…


    He pulls his curtain aside and peeks out…


    It is just a cat who sees Greg and runs off meowing.


    Greg sighs in relief.


    Greg’s phone then rings and he jumps!


    GREG: God I’m such a freakin’ scaredy cat right now.


    It is Marcino calling yet again.


    Greg decides to answer this time.


    GREG: Hey…

    MARCINO: Thank you for finally answering!

    GREG: What do you want?

    MARCINO: You know what I want. I want you to not go off and run away.

    GREG: You had your chance to stop me and I respect that you felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to own up to your feelings but now you have to let me own up to mine.

    MARCINO: Where are you running off to then?

    GREG:  Don’t know for sure, but I will find somewhere.

    MARCINO: Please just stay.

    GREG: I am sorry, but I cannot. I am leaving town right now.


    Greg hangs up.




    Jeremy opens his bag for Rina and Gus.


    GUS: You brought the good stuff again didn’t you?

    JEREMY: I always do.


    Jeremy has busted out a baggie of cocaine!


    RINA: Come to mama.


    Both Rina and Gus look to be in joy!


    RINA: Absolutely posh.

    JEREMY: Get to work on it, Gus.


    Gus starts to cut it up.


    He makes it into three lines.


    Jeremy, Rina and Gus all snort their lines…




    JJ is in Miranda’s kitchen.


    JJ: You can come in now


    Miranda is still in the hallway.


    MIRANDA: You killed it already?

    JJ: No but It is gone.


    Miranda reluctantly comes back in.


    MIRANDA: But it is still in here somewhere?!

    JJ: You need to by some mouse traps.

    MIRANDA: How am I going to sleep knowing it is in here still?

    JJ: I don’t know but I need to head back to bed as well.

    MIRANDA: Okay. Fine. Thank you so much for rushing over here though! So cool of you.


    She hugs him.


    JJ: It was no problem. I hope the rat doesn’t bother you any longer.




    Henry and Barbara are now making out on the bed.


    The carrots and ranch dressing tray is still on the bottom of the bed.


    Henry’s foot accidently knocks the tray to the ground!


    BARBARA: Oh no!

    HENRY: I’m sorry Babs.

    BARBARA: I hope that dressing doesn’t leave too much of a stain.

    HENRY: I am sure the maids will take care of it.

    BARBARA: They are going to hate me.

    HENRY: They’ll live!


    Henry goes back to kissing Barbara..



    AT BRO:


    KATSU: I want to know the answer to something?

    PAUL: What is that?

    KATSU: Before your father died why did he go to great lengths to hide this money from you or from everyone?

    PAUL: Besides the fact that he was a crazed individual?

    KATSU: I guess…


    PAUL: My father and I had a tumultuous relationship.

    KATSU: Sorry to hear.

    PAUL: Don’t be. Because I am about to have the last laugh!


    Katsu hands Paul the fake document.


    Paul looks on at it smiling.




    Greg is sneaking around his house in the dark as to not wake anyone up.


    He goes into his little brother’s room.


    The fourteen year old is sleeping.


    GREG: (whispers)  Hang in there little bro. I will be back for you. I promise.


    He exits his brothers room and walks past his parents room.


    He looks in at his mom and his dad.


    GREG: Sorry mom, but I have to leave for now.


    He then exits the house and gets to his car.


    He puts the suitcase in the backseat


    Greg gets inside and starts the car.


    GREG: Colorado here I come…




    Credits roll




    *I do not own any non-original characters nor any pics.





  13. Days22
    At the strip club:

    Oddball Jeremy walks in…

    He goes to the bar

    The bartender, Bob places a napkin where he is sitting.

    BOB: What can I get for you?
    JEREMY: Your best beer on tap.
    BOB: Coming right up.

    A stripper is on stage.

    Bob hands Jeremy his beer.

    Jeremy takes a sip and then stares a hole through the stripper that is on stage…

    Meanwhile, Derrick walks to the back room at the club.

    He seems agitated.

    He makes a phone call.

    DERRICK: Hey…what the hell is the problem? Well we need to fix this fast….we cannot be having an issue with the product! Stop with the excuses!

    Lucas is at the grocery store.

    Jennifer and Daniel are also there.

    LUCAS: Sis!
    JENNIFER: Hey Lucas. Doing some 4th of July shopping?
    LUCAS: A little something.

    Lucas and Daniel look at each other.

    DANIEL: Hey there, Lucas.
    LUCAS: Doctor Dan…

    Lucas sees Daniel looking at some of the pork ribs Lucas is also looking at.

    He sees Daniel about to grab for one, but Lucas grabs the pack first.

    LUCAS: Not gonna steal something from me again Daniel..
    DANIEL: oh…kay..
    JENNIFER: I am so happy to run into to you.
    LUCAS: Me too, Jenn

    Daniel gives them both a dirty look.


    Marcino and Greg are with the burnt up car they found with the “BO4HOPE” license.

    MARCINO: We need to report this to the police.
    GREG: Do we really have to call them?
    MARCINO: I think we should. Something terrible happened here.
    GREG: Fine, but you are going to be the one that calls.
    MARCINO: That is fine.

    Marcino takes out his phone and dials 911.


    Steve and Carly are inside of the Johnson house:

    STEVE: You came all the way here to ask me about Bo? Do you have something against phones…texts…facebook messages?
    CARLY: This is too important for all of that.
    STEVE: What do you think is wrong with Bo?
    CARLY: I am here to ask you that? Some coworker of yours, Terrance came to see me…he was hiding something.
    STEVE: Hiding what?
    CARLY: I am asking the questions here.
    STEVE: Well excuse me!

    CARLY: He was asking the questions to me at the time about the last time I talked to Bo. He proclaimed everything was okay but ever since that visit I have felt like something was wrong with Bo…so tell me the truth. What is up?
    STEVE: Still care about him?
    CARLY: I will always care about him.
    STEVE: I’d like to think that he is okay and just out on a job.
    CARLY: I sense a but coming…
    STEVE: But I cannot say that for sure..
    CARLY: You do not know where Bo is do you?

    Kayla has arrived home.

    KAYLA: Carly…hey…is something wrong with Bo?

    Kayla looks at Steve who looks back at her with sadness in his eyes.


    Cut to a close up of Terrance who is on the phone:

    He is talking to his father Elijah

    TERRANCE: I do miss Union Creek a little bit, but I am adjusting to life here.
    ELIJAH: Happy to hear that son, but I still worry about you there.
    TERRANCE: You do not have to. I am alright.
    ELIJAH: I know you cannot disclose much info but how is your assignment going?
    TERRANCE: Could be a lot better honestly.

    ELIJAH: Are you sure everything is okay?
    TERRANCE: I promise, father.
    ELIJAH: I can’t help but feel responsible for you.
    TERRANCE: You don’t have to anymore.
    ELIJAH: I am not talking about just your safety on this assignment.
    TERRANCE: I know. All is well. I deal with what I have always had to deal with. Dealing with it right now actually.

    Terrance hears some music in the background.

    TERRANCE: Go have fun at that barbecue!
    ELIJAH: Hope you have a fun 4th as well.
    TERRANCE: I’ll try. Catch you later dad.
    ELIJAH: Love you.

    They hang up.

    Zoom out from where Terrance is sitting to reveal that he is sitting on a hospital bed in a hospital room.

    An IV is in him…a blood bag is connected to the IV…


    Back at the strip club:

    Derrick is still on the phone with someone.

    DERRICK: I do not understand how this even happened! You know today is a holiday. So today of all days it would have been nice for everything to arrive on time!

    Derrick’s annoyance grows stronger.

    DERRICK: Figure it out and don’t let it happen again!

    Derrick hangs up and comes out of the back room angry.

    Bob spots him walking to the bar.

    BOB: Everything okay Boss?
    DERRICK: Yes no worries. Just a liquor problem is all.
    BOB: Okay. Hope it gets fixed.
    DERRICK: Me too.

    Derrick takes a seat.

    Bob looks at Jeremy at the bar. He has not drank much of his beer. He is staring at a now different stripper who is on stage. Leering rather creepily…


    At the grocery store:

    JENNIFER: Lucas since we are all here, you should join us and JJ for a little 4th of July dinner.
    LUCAS: I do not want to interrupt your plans.
    DANIEL: That’s too bad. Sorry you cant make it.
    LUCAS: Trying to rush me to say no, Dan? In that case I would love to come!
    JENNIFER: Meet us at our new house in a few then.
    LUCAS: Sounds good.
    DANIEL: Fantastic...


    Angie walks into the hospital room that Terrance is in.

    All the blood from the blood bag is now gone.

    TERRANCE: All over doc?
    ANGIE: Yes. The blood transfusion was a success.
    TERRANC: My favorite six words.

    Angie removes the IV.

    ANGIE: How are you feeling?
    TERRANCE: Much better, thank you.
    ANGIE: You are free to go then.
    TERRANCE: Thank you very much.

    Terrance exits.

    Natalia is in the hall walking with her cane.

    She seems to be struggling.

    TERRANCE: Are you okay mam?
    NATALIA: Yeah. I think maybe I didn’t have enough water today.
    TERRANCE: I could go get you a water bottle real quick..
    NATALIA: I do not want to bother you.
    TERRANCE: You are doing no such thing!


    Jesse, Officer Ramos and other cops are at the scene by the pond with the burnt car.

    Marcino and Greg are watching from a distance.

    JESSE: We need to run this license plate.
    OFFICER RAMOS: I will get on that.

    Jesse looks around the car.

    He then looks inside.

    JESSE: This is horrible. I already know the forensics are going to say that this was lit on fire by someone. Arson.


    At the Johnson house:

    KAYLA: Steve… tell me what is wrong with Bo?
    STEVE: Sweetness, listen, I was hoping to have to never deliver this news.
    KAYLA: What news?

    Steve holds Kaylas hand.

    CARLY: One of Steves coworkers, Terrance was in Arizona awhile back asking me about Bo.
    KAYLA: Terrance?
    CARLY: I could tell by his questions that—
    STEVE: --Carly! Let me tell you both exactly what has been going on. It is probably time that you both should know. Bo has…well, Bo is missing.

    Kayla is in shock. She pulls her hand away from Steve…


    At the strip club:

    Bob pulls Derrick aside. He points to Jeremy at the bar.

    BOB: That guy seems creepy, Derrick. He has just been staring at the strippers all night with no distractions whatsoever.
    DERRICK: My girls are hot here.
    BOB: Yeah but he gives me an uneasy feeling.
    DERRICK: Just another pervert here at triple X!

    Derrick gets distracted as a guy and a girl walk in.

    DERRICK: You two made it!
    GIRL: Sorry we are late.
    GUY: That was my fault. I was…reluctant to come.
    DERRICK: Well change your mood!

    He grabs them each by a hand and walks them to the back room.

    DERRICK: I hope you are both ready for an intense night.

    He takes off his pants and closes the door.


    Terrance and Natalia are sitting down in a hallway at the hospital.

    TERRANCE: You were shot?! What happened?
    NATALIA: It was in the line of duty. I am a cop.
    TERRANCE: Wow. That is admirable.
    NATALIA: Why are you being so nice?
    TERRANCE: I think any decent human being would respect you getting shot in the line of duty and besides, maybe I want to cheer you up.

    He kisses her hand.

    NATALIA: We have a charmer here.
    TERRANCE: Hopefully I can charm you into a quick recovery.
    NATALIA: Wouldn’t that be crazy awesome. I do hope I recover quickly so I can get right back out there.
    TERRANCE: I respect your attitude towards this so much. I hope you are back to doing what you want to do in no time.
    NATALIA: (smiles) Thank you.


    At Jennifers house:

    Lucas is sitting next to JJ.

    Jennifer and Daniel pour themselves some wine.

    DANIEL: Want some Lucas?
    LUCAS: No. You know this.
    JJ: The food is great, Daniel.
    DANIEL: Thank you.
    LUCAS: So JJ how is college here?
    JJ: Going well. Kinda.
    JENNIFER: Just kinda?

    JJ: School is good. My social life not so much.
    LUCAS: Girl problems huh?
    JJ: Yeah, a little.
    LUCAS: Daniel could help you with that I am sure. He’s an expert after all.
    JENNIFER: Okay Lucas, that is enough.
    LUCAS: Sorry I will not bite the hand that feeds me.
    JJ: It is all in fun.
    DANIEL: If you’ll excuse me I have to use the restroom.

    Daniel exits the room and groans.


    Marcino and Greg are now at a fireworks display.

    They are watching the fireworks together.

    GREG: I hope whatever happened with that burnt car wasn’t something awful.
    MARCINO: Me too. Let’s try not to worry about it and get lost in these beautiful fireworks.
    GREG: They are pretty great fireworks this year.
    MARCINO: The city is stepping it up. Must have found money from somewhere.

    As the two watch the fireworks sitting on the ledge of some bleachers, Greg starts to inch his hand closer to Marcinos...

    Greg is about to touch Marcinos hand, but Marcino moves it away and runs his hand through his hair.

    Greg decides to move his hand away too…


    Officer Ramos makes his way to Jesses office.

    JESSE: Did you trace the license plate?
    OFFICER RAMOS: Indeed. It belonged to a Bo Brady.
    JESSE: Brady…that name sounds familiar.

    A light bulb goes off in his head.


    Kayla is shocked and upset

    KAYLA: Steve how could you keep this from me? Bo is my brother!
    STEVE: We didn’t want to worry anyone. The ISA has been looking for him. I have been looking for him. I thought we could find him.
    CARLY: You have not gotten close?
    STEVE: No.
    KAYLA: I cannot believe this! Don’t tell me Roman and Shane know about this too.
    STEVE: We have been trying—
    KAYLA: --Don’t give me that sh*t Steve! We are all family. I knew something was off with you and Roman, but I didn’t know it was this bad.

    The phone rings.

    Carly and Kayla hug as Steve answers the phone.

    STEVE: Hello Jesse…what? No…

    Carly and Kayla can tell he has gotten bad news.

    He hangs up and looks at them both with pain in his eyes.

    STEVE: the…the cops found Bo’s car. It was burned up.
    CARLY: This is not good.

    Kayla sits down and shakes her head in disbelief.

    Steve sits next to her and puts his hand around her.


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics


  14. Days22
    Cut to Miranda at home.

    She is listening to her headphones as she is going over some homework. There is a knock at her door but she doesn’t hear it at first with her headphones on. The knocking slightly increases and she hears it and turns off her music.

    Miranda opens the door to see JJ.

    JJ: Hi…neighbor.
    MIRANDA: Hey…
    JJ: I hope this isn’t awkward.
    MIRANDA: Why would it be awkward?
    JJ: You know…the other night. I was doing some bad unneighborly stupidness with some loud music.
    MIRANDA: Yeah that got a little frustrating to say the least.
    JJ: Well I came over here to apologize for that night…hope you can give me some neighborly forgiveness.


    Lucas and Emily are at the coffee shop.

    Hunter takes their orders.

    EMILY: I hope this coffee is strong. I really need it.
    HUNTER: Coming right up nice and strong.

    Lucas and Emily take a seat.

    LUCAS: You alright? You seem uneasy to me.
    EMILY: Didn’t sleep well.
    LUCAS: If you wanted to meet because of that I am the wrong person to ask for sleeping advice.
    EMILY: That is not why we are meeting. You just want to cut right to the chase don’t you...
    LUCAS: For some reason you intrigue me. At a business level of course.
    EMILY: This is good.
    LUCAS: No. I don’t like it.

    EMILY: Don’t say that. You know I should probably be at my husband’s opening, but here I am with you.
    LUCAS: Your husbands company is opening today and you are not there?!
    EMILY: He won’t miss me. I think.
    LUCAS: I…I don’t get you.


    Cut to BRO:

    It is officially up and running!

    Paul walks up to Barbara.

    PAUL: Mom I hope you have the designs ready to go into production.
    BARBARA: I do. I think they came out wonderful.

    Barbara hands Paul a folder.

    Katsu walks over and takes the folder.

    KATSU: I want to see these too.
    BARBARA: Aren’t you just involved with the business side of this company and not the creative?
    KATSU: I savor in making sure my money goes into good product.

    Katsu looks over some of the designs with Paul.

    PAUL: What do you think?
    KATSU: We’ll see how the finished products come out.

    He gives the file to Paul and walks.

    BARBARA: I still don’t like him at all!

    Eliza glides up to them. She hugs Barbara.

    BARBARA: (her frown turns to a smile) Hey sweetie!
    PAUL: I’m proud that you are on time.
    ELIZA: Of course I am. I am here to be your very productive secretary, dad!
    PAUL: Happy to hear it…not happy about one thing though.
    ELIZA: What is wrong?
    PAUL: I see that Emily nor Henry are here to support us today.

    Barbara looks on


    Marcino and Greg are out by a pond.

    MARCINO: This place is beautiful.
    GREG: I have never taken anyone else here before.
    MARCINO: It is personal to you?
    GREG: Very. The only place I get my peace from the last five years or more. I’ve lost track.
    MARCINO: Your family has been going through a rough patch for that long?
    GREG: We don’t go through rough patches. We are the rough patch.

    MARCINO: I don’t like to see you this stressed out all the time,
    GREG: When you get no peace at home every day, it will short circuit a persons nerves.
    MARCINO: I can imagine. Always puts my minuscule problems into perspective.
    GREG: I don’t mean to belittle your problems.
    MARCINO: You don’t.
    GREG: I just truly hate my life.

    Greg skips a rock into the pond.

    Jesse shows up to see Steve and

    JESSE: Hi agents
    STEVE: You already come bearing gifts, dude?
    JESSE: I do. I have the warrant you want.
    TERRANCE: That was fast.
    JESSE: I want to help you guys as much as I can. I may need the favor returned soon.
    STEVE: Works for me.
    TERRANCE: Let’s go to this house. I want to see what we can uncover there.
    STEVE: I just hope it is something that leads to Bo.

    The 3 men head off


    Cut to JJ and Miranda:

    JJ: I just don’t do well when partying. Something always happens.
    MIRANDA: You sure seemed to be having fun.
    JJ: I get carried away. The loud music was not my idea. Though that is not an excuse.
    MIRANDA: Oh so then the strip poker was your idea?
    JJ: Ha! Well no, actually that wasn’t either. None of it was to be honest.
    MIRANDA: hmm…okay. I am sorry if I interrupted you and your girlfriend from having fun.

    JJ looks on uncomfortably.

    JJ: She…Eliza is not my girlfriend.
    MIRANDA: Well then sorry for interrupting your friend with strip poker benefits (chuckles)
    JJ: You didn’t interrupt anything.
    MIRANDA: (gives him a doubting look) Okay. Whatever you say. I am glad we came to these understandings.
    JJ: Me too.

    Awkward silence ensues..


    At the coffee shop

    HUNTER: Here are your extra strong coffees
    EMILY: Thank you very much.
    LUCAS: So can we get to why you called and wanted a breakfast meeting.
    EMILY: I just want to know what you thought of my resume.
    LUCAS: It is in my possibility bank.
    EMILY: What the hell is a possibility bank?
    LUCAS: The maybe I will hire the maybe I won’t hire folder.

    A man walks in looking strange..

    EMILY: Don’t play hardball with me Lucas Roberts. I have experience for you... and your company.
    LUCAS: You do and I am considering hiring you, but—

    The strange guy walks up to their table.

    STRANGE GUY: Do I know you…
    LUCAS: Me? I don’t think so.
    STRANGE GUY: I’m reasonably sure that I know you from somewhere.
    LUCAS: No…no I think you have the wrong guy…


    AT BRO:

    Katsu is with Barbara

    KATSU: You know I was just giving you a hard time about your designs right?
    BARBARA: With your opinion or without your opinion I know my designs are fabulous.
    KATSU: Aren’t you the confident one.
    BARBARA: When you have done something most of your life you know a few things. Don’t you forget that I know a few things. Could probably even teach you a thing or two (smirks)

    She Walks off.

    Meanwhile, Paul comes out of his office and goes to Eliza at her desk.

    PAUL: You put your first call in! Great job!
    ELIZA: Thank you!
    PAUL: It is day 1 though and I have a lot of people who will be calling and making appointments with me and your grandma so if it gets to be too much let me know.
    ELIZA: I’ll be fine.
    PAUL: Cool

    He walks back to his office.

    The phone rings.

    ELIZA: Paul Ryans office…yes…sure I will put you through.

    She puts the call through to her dad.

    Another line rings.

    ELIZA: Paul Ryans office…a meeting…yes…let me look through his appointments today….

    Line 3 and 4 start to rings as well.

    ELIZA: Hold please….(answers line 3)…materials? Yes we will need materials in today I am sure…I don’t know…I will have to ask

    She is starting to panic as the work builds up…


    At the pond:

    Marcino and Greg are sitting on a bench

    Marcino sighs

    MARCINO: You are killin’ me bro.
    GREG: I am sorry for being a depressive twit.
    MARCINO: No Don’t say that. I can just tell you need a hug.

    Greg puts his arms out for a hug

    GREG: Well…

    Marcino hugs him.

    GREG: I just need to get away from my father. When I turn 18 soon I will and when I do I will be feeling better. A better man. I know it is no excuse but this stress makes me choose poor choices.
    MARCINO: Oh no…what did you do now?

    Greg puts his hand on Marcinos knee..

    GREG: Don’t judge me but I—
    MARCINO: --Wait…sorry for interrupting but what is that?

    Marcino points in the distance to tons of trees

    GREG: Oh sh*t


    Steve, Jesse and Terrance arrive at the house the ISA drones took pictures of.

    They go inside….to find it completely empty with just a bookshelf with no books and a refrigerator in the kitchen.

    TERRANCE: This cannot be! They just took these pictures 2 days ago and now it is empty.
    STEVE: This does not make any sense. Roman told me as soon as he could about these.
    JESSE: How would anyone not in the ISA know these pictures were taken?
    STEVE: Nobody should have known about that.
    TERRANCE: It must have just been emptied out yesterday or today.
    JESSE: Looks like it was cleaned up good too. I will see if I can get forensics just in case.

    STEVE: Please do that.
    TERRANCE: Someone is one step ahead of us and I am sick of it.
    STEVE: Me too. It is starting to be beyond frustrating and just plain infuriating.
    TERRANCE: Could it be an inside job at the ISA?
    STEVE: I’ve had an odd feeling about that for a while now.
    TERRANCE: Who at the ISA was originally in charge of Bo’s mission?
    STEVE: I have not been able to find that info out, but I will now. Something is off and we need to figure out what.


    Cut to JJ and Miranda:

    JJ: Glad we had this talk. I’ll, uh, leave now.
    MIRANDA: Thank you for stopping by. You didn’t have to apologize but its really cool that you did.
    JJ: It won’t happen again either way.

    JJ exits and goes back to his apartment and closes the door.

    He sinks against his door and thumps his head against the door.

    JJ: I so have blown it with Miranda…


    At the coffee shop:

    Hunter sees the strange guy at Lucas and Emilys table

    STRANGE GUY: I have to know you from something…
    LUCAS: I don’t think so man
    HUNTER: Jeremy, you have to let our customers eat in peace.
    HUNTER: Do you want your usual donut?
    JEREMY: No, I have somewhere to be now.

    Jeremy exits quickly.

    EMILY: What was that about?
    LUCAS: I have no clue who that was. I’m sure he didn’t know me.
    HUNTER: His name is Jeremy. He comes in here a lot. The guy does seem to have some mental issues…


    AT BRO:

    Barbara is in her office going over her designs.

    BARBARA: I have my baby back. These are wonderful. Just wait till they come to fruition.

    Meanwhile, Katsu is at Eliza's desk.

    KATSU: You alright?
    ELIZA: Was a stressful ten minutes. So many calls at once.
    KATSU: You’ll get use to it.
    ELIZA: I was confident at first, but now I am worried.
    KATSU: You will get the hang of it. Don’t sweat it.
    ELIZA: I’ll try
    KATSU: Really though, you are already sweating.

    Katsu wipes some sweat from her eye brow.

    He looks into her eyes and smiles before walking into Paul’s office.

    “The eyeland” from the Lost sound track starts to play


    [:00] In Pauls office

    PAUL: Hello Katsu
    KATSU: How is your first morning here at BRO?
    PAUL: So far so good, I’d say.
    KATSU: Me too.
    PAUL: I didn’t think you would stick around.
    KATSU: Hey, I am part of the family now.
    PAUL: I do want to thank you for all your help.
    KATSU: Always glad to be of service. I just cannot wait for the money to start coming through.
    PAUL: Oh, believe me, I will be elated when we make a profit.
    KATSU: We all will.

    Katsu and Paul shake hands.

    [:27] A frustrated Steve arrives home. He gets out of his car and slams the car door shut.

    He starts to walk towards his house when he hears something. He stands still for a moment…

    Someone is walking up behind him…

    He slowly starts to reach for his gun…

    Steve turns around quickly to see Carly Manning standing there!

    [:46] Steve: Woah be careful with the sneaking!
    CARLY: Sorry…I had to track you down. I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong with Bo.

    Steve looks on uneasy

    [:56] Cut to Greg and Marcino at the pond.

    GREG: We have to go see what happened over there…
    MARCINO: I suppose…

    Marcino is nervous as the two start to walk through the trees closer to whatever it is they see.

    [1:08] They start to walk slower…

    A large dark object can barely be seen through more trees in the distance.

    MARCINO: This looks bad...
    GREG: Yeah. Something dire happened.

    They continue to get closer through the trees.

    [1:20] The two young men finally get to the object. Greg puts his hand across Marcino and looks around.

    GREG: I don’t think anyone is near.
    MARCINO: We’re going to have to call the police…

    [1:30] Cut to a mostly burnt up and charred car!

    GREG: I hope nobody was inside
    MARCINO: Can you tell?
    GREG: I don’t want to try and find out.

    The car is basically all burnt up. Busted up windows. Charred in the inside and out. Greg and Marcino get closer to it.

    The license plate however has managed to stay mostly okay.

    Zoom in on the license plate:

    It reads: “BO4HOPE”


    Credits roll

    I do not own any non original characters nor any pics*
  15. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    At the hospital:


    Terrance is walking out of a room.


    NURSE: Did it go well?

    TERRANCE: Perfect.

    NURSE: Hope you feel better.

    TERRANCE: I plan on it.


    Terrance walks around the corner of the hallway and there sits Natalia


    NATALIA: Hey!

    TERRANCE: We should probably try and stop running into each other at a hospital of all places.

    NATALIA: Yeah, that is true. Are you feeling okay?

    TERRANCE: I am doing fine. And how are you doing with your physical therapy?


    Natalia stands up and starts walking.


    TERRANCE: No sh*t! Look at you!

    NATALIA: It is so good to be able to move again.

    TERRANCE: So happy for you. I knew you could do it!


    Both smile at the other..




    At BRO:


    Paul is the last one at the offices. Or so it seems.


    Katsu walks into Pauls office.


    PAUL: Thank you for coming Katsu

    KATSU: I figured it had to be important if you wanted to see me this late.

    PAUL: I hope I didn’t take you away from any business.

    KATSU: I am always involved with some business.

    PAUL: A business man through and through. That’s why I came to you. Came to the best.


    KATSU: What can I help you with?

    PAUL: I think you may already know.

    KATSU: So soon?

    PAUL: Yes. I need your help again…




    At the womens shelter:


    Ali is with Charlotte and Jacy


    ALI: I should have listened to you, Charlotte.

    CHARLOTTE: Please don’t start beating yourself up of all things.

    JACY: I want to know what happened, girl?

    ALI: Well I did see Vin…and when I did I slapped him. Gave him a taste of his own medicine.

    JACY: That is what I like to hear! Good on you.


    ALI: It went bad from there though. I stupidly listened to him. I met him in public because I knew he couldn’t hurt me there, but he convinced me to go back to his place. Said his friends were there so we wouldn’t be alone.

    CHARLOTTE: They were not really there?

    ALI: They were, but as soon as we got there he had them leave and that is when he just changed. Changed back to his abusive self. He was going to hit me. Thank god his friend came back in and hit Vin!

    JACY: Vin still got what he deserved then!

    ALI: Yeah, but why did I even agree to meet with him. What is wrong with me?




    Cut to Vin looking at his mouth and lips in the mirror.


    Chavo is also there.


    VIN: Cannot even believe this sh*t.

    CHAVO: I am shocked by Gregs actions.

    VIN: I told him it was none of his business and he comes in here..and …and sucker punches me! How dare him!

    CHAVO: I’ll have a talk with him.

    VIN: Oh I will do much more!


    CHAVO: I can tell how angry you are about this.

    VIN: Anger doesn’t even begin to describe what I am feeling. So many mixed emotions. There is only one thing to do. You need to find him.

    CHAVO: I’ll try and get a hold of him.

    VIN: Good. Because when we find him. I am going to kill that bastard.


    Vin pulls out his gun!




    Greg is with Marcino in Marcinos room.


    MARCINO: Dude, what is wrong?

    GREG: I have been messing up for a while now, man.

    MARCINO: What do you mean?

    GREG: I don’t want to tell you. I don’t want you to judge me.

    MARCINO: I would never judge you. You know that.


    GREG: Well I have been hanging out with some rather, shady guys for a lack of better term. A gang I guess you can say and I think I just pissed the leader off.

    MARCINO: A gang? What the hell?!

    GREG: Yes I know, but I said, don’t judge.

    MARCINO: Not judging. Just shocked is all. How did you piss him off?

    GREG: Punched him in the face and knocked him out.

    MARCINO: Oh…well I can see why he is pissed!

    GREG: I had a good reason. He was about to hit his girlfriend.


    MARCINO: Sounds like scum.

    GREG: I don’t know why I befriended them. They live in my neighborhood and reached out and now I am all caught up in this. He is going to kill me!

    MARCINO: I would hope he wouldn’t go that far.

    GREG: You don’t understand! He is not the most stable guy in the world! He is going to come after me and I do not know what to do!


    Marcino puts his hand on Gregs shoulder as they sit together on Marcinos bed.


    MARCINO: First you have to calm down.


    Greg pleads into Marcinos eyes.


    GREG: I’m…I’m really afraid of what Vin will try and do to me.

    MARCINO: I know, but we can think of something.


    Greg continues to gaze in Marcinos eyes.


    GREG: You really have a calming effect on me.


    Suddenly Greg kisses Marcino!



    At the hospital:


    TERRANCE: You finished with physical therapy here for the night?

    NATALIA: Yes. It went well.

    TERRANCE: You know, even though we keep running into each other here at the hospital we don’t have to stay here.

    NATALIA: If you have somewhere to go, you should.

    TERRANCE: No I mean we should go somewhere and hang out together.


    NATALIA: I would like that.

    TERRANCE: How bout some drinks? We can go celebrate your great recovery!

    NATALIA: Let’s do it!



    At BRO:


    KATSU: Are you sure it is time for this?

    PAUL: I am sure

    KATSU: You know we have to time this perfectly.

    PAUL: I know, but we are running out of time.

    KATSU: Yeah you’re right.

    PAUL: I have complied with all of your demands. You even get your own shipment which could be something that could get me in deep trouble.


    KATSU: Don’t worry about what I am having shipped in.

    PAUL: I am not worried.

    KATSU: You don’t have to tell me how much you have done. You do not have to prove your trust. You already did that. So far I have held up my end of the bargain too. I got you the money to reopen this company.

    PAUL: I know, but now I need more. I am ready for step two.

    KATSU: Step two..


    Katsu smirks.




    At the womens shelter:


    CHARLOTTE: Are you ready to stop beating yourself up, Ali?

    ALI: I just wish I wouldn’t be so dumb sometimes!

    JACY: You really should give yourself a break.

    ALI: I know. I am just mad at myself for getting sucked in again.

    CHARLOTTE: It has happened to us all.


    Charlotte hugs Ali.


    ALI: I am glad you girls are here.

    JACY: We gotchoo.

    CHARLOTTE: This is all a learning process. For all of us. Miss Cho is trying to get us back on track.

    ALI: I think I have awhile to go till I find that track.




    Greg has kissed Marcinos who is caught off guard


    Marcino starts to get into the kiss…but then abruptly pulls away and stands up!


    MARCINO: What are you doing, Greg!

    GREG: What do you mean what am I doing? Kissing you.


    Marcino wipes her mouth


    MARCINO: Um…why?

    GREG: Because the moment was building to that.

    MARCINO: I have no idea what you are talking about.

    GREG: This is crazy.

    MARCINO: This IS crazy dude! I am not into dudes.

    GREG: Uh, yeah you are.

    MARCINO: How are you going to tell me what I am into?

    GREG: You have been giving me signals for so long now. You know you have. Don’t even try and deny it!




    Terrance and Natalia are at the casino sitting at the bar.


    Brittany is the bartender


    BRITTANY: Would you both like another?

    NATALIA: Why not one more.

    TERRANCE: I do. I have been working hard lately and not getting time for fun like this.

    BRITTANY: Coming right up.

    NATALIA: This was a good idea.

    TERRANCE: hang around me more and you will find that I am full of those.

    NATALIA: Better to be full of that than full of something else.


    Brittany hands them both their drinks.


    NATALIA: Thank you.

    TERRANCE: Ill make a toast. For your great recovery to continue and for you to get back to work on the force soon!

    NATALIA: Thank you so much! Cheers!


    Natalia and Terrance clink glasses




    Cut to Paul and Katsu:


    PAUL: So can we get this done?

    KATSU: I think we sure can. I’ll work on it tonight.

    PAUL: Fantastic.

    KATSU: You look a little nervous.

    PAUL: Of course I am. This has to get done.


    KATSU: No need to worry. I will pull this off.

    PAUL: Don’t get me wrong, I believe that you will.

    KATSU: I will. I have many connections in this city.


    Katsu smirks again.


    KATSU: We must meet here again early in the morning.

    PAUL: I’ll me back here in just a few hours then.

    KATSU: Won’t your wife ask questions?

    PAUL: My wife may still staying at a hotel tonight.

    KATSU: Oh

    PAUL: Don’t ask.




    Cut to Chavo still with a pissed off Vin who is still tending to his bloody and bruised mouth.


    VIN: Have you reached Greg?

    CHAVO: He is not answering my texts.

    VIN: Of course not, the coward. Keep trying.

    CHAVO: I can go by his house and see if his car is there.

    VIN: Good call. Go find out. Do all that you can to find him!

    CHAVO: On my way.


    Chavo exits.


    CHAVO: Greg, you have really done it this time.


    Back inside, Greg takes out his gun again.


    VIN: Nobody does this to me.


    He stares at the gun…




    Cut to Greg and Marcino.


    MARCINO: I am not into dudes!

    GREG: What about all the signs, man? Confiding your problems in me all the time?

    MARCINO: That is what friends do.

    GREG: What about the hug at the pond before we found the burnt car?

    MARCINO: It was just a hug!

    GREG: It was not just a hug, but if you want to be in denial, fine!


    MARCINO: I’m sorry if I…If I gave signs or whatever..

    GREG: It was a mistake coming here. I have to go.

    MARCINO: What about the crazy gang guy after you? Where are you going to go?

    GREG: I don’t know but I need to leave here. This is just awkward now.

    MARCINO: Don’t feel like that.

    GREG: I’m leaving. In fact, I’m leaving town!


    MARCINO: You cannot just run away.

    GREG: Watch me.


    Greg starts to leave, but Marcino grabs him and pulls him back in holding his arm.


    They are now face to face.


    MARCINO: Don’t leave.

    GREG: Why not? If you don’t want me to leave admit that you have been giving me signals and feel the same way I do…


    Greg looks Marcino in the eyes and Marcino shifts his eyes downward.


    GREG: If not then let me go.


    Marcino lets go of Gregs arm.


    Gregs walks off and exits


    MARCINO: Dammit Greg! Why did you have to go and do all of this?


    Marcino looks on worried…




    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics. 

  16. Days22
    Written by: Nick M


    Zack and Sam are hanging out together.


    Zack seems excited about something.


    SAM: Why are you so giddy today? Did you kiss Anne or something?

    ZACK: Not yet, but that may be in the plans.

    SAM: Oh yeah? And how are you going to manage that?

    ZACK: My friend Jasper and I have a plan?

    SAM: The Jasper from school?

    ZACK: Yeah.


    SAM: I met him a few times. Seemed like a prick.

    ZACK: Jasper is cool. We are planning an end of the summer blow out party!

    SAM: That should be wild.

    ZACK: That is the plan, Sam.

    SAM: I hope you know what you are getting into..




    Malik is outdoors with a big beautiful mountain in the back ground.


    MALIK: These are going to be beautiful.


    A photographer is setting up.


    Lily and Marah arrive.


    LILY: You picked a great spot for these.

    MARAH: I wanted these to be the best possible.

    MALIK: Hello bosses. I am surprised you came all the way out here?

    MARAH: This is an important start to the campaign. Of course we did.

    MALIK: I just hope my modeling will do this justice.

    LILY: I’m sure it will.

    MARAH: This is bound to be a success with you in it.

    MALIK: Wow thank you for such high regards.




    Holden is sitting in someones office.


    HOLDEN: Meeting with the Mayor. This should be interesting.


    He looks around the room at all the American memorabilia around the office.


    In walks Mayor Woods .


    Holden stands up.


    MAYOR WOODS: Holden Snyder, good to finally meet you.

    HOLDEN: Also good to finally meet you, sir.


    The two men shake hands.


    HOLDEN: I must say that it is still a surprise to know this job offer came right from you.

    MAYOR WOODS: I always have my pulse on the right people to help this city.

    HOLDEN: I wasn’t even aware that you knew me though. What makes me the man for this job?


    Mayor Woods looks on with a grin on his face




    Luke calls Ben


    Ben answers


    BEN: Hey Luke

    LUKE: Ben…good to hear your voice.

    BEN: Yeah…always good to hear yours too..


    LUKE: I was hoping to come over and see you.

    BEN: Ah I wish you could.

    LUKE: Oh, are you busy?

    BEN: Yeah I have some errands I have to run.

    LUKE: OH…well that sucks. Maybe tonight then?

    BEN: Yeah, maybe tonight. Talk to you later.

    LUKE: See you


    Ben hangs up…


    Luke is disappointed.




    Meanwhile, Todd is in his office at the Union Creek Chronicle:


    He is on the phone with Blair .


    BLAIR: Please tell me you called Tea.

    TODD: I did. She was busy but she will be here.

    BLAIR: Thank you so much. I cannot believe both Reva and the police are after me for this.

    TODD: They have no proof. There is nothing to worry about.

    BLAIR: That hardly ever stops the police. They really think I am out to get Reva Beast or something.

    TODD: It will be okay. Just trust me. I have to do some work now.

    BLAIR: Okay fine. Don’t be too late tonight. Love you.

    TODD: Love you too.


    Todd hangs up.


    He then turns to his desk to look at a bunch of papers.


    TODD: Hopefully there is something here in all the info Gary has uncovered that will help me find this illusive document…



    Malik is posing for his pictures.


    Lily and Marah are watching.


    LILY: I’m happy he is not being stiff today and listening to the photographer.

    MARAH: A quick learner. I like that.


    Lily notices Marah staring extra closely at Malik.


    LILY: I can tell you do like that..

    MARAH: He is good.

    LILY: And you are his boss…

    MARAH: What is your point?

    LILY: I am just saying.

    MARAH: I just think he was made for this. Nothing more.

    LILY: Good.


    Marah starts to watch Malik pose again…staring again…with lust in her eyes….




    Cut to Holden and Mayor Woods.


    MAYOR WOODS: It is fairly simple how I knew you were the man for the job.

    HOLDEN: I would truly like to know why?

    MAYOR WOODS: Some of the city council members know you because of your wife and her new company here in Union Creek. As soon as I looked at your past job credential I just had a gut feeling.

    HOLDEN: I guess I should be thankful for your gut feeling.


    MAYOR WOODS: As long as you really will be good at this public funding job.

    HOLDEN: I still find it odd that I was reached out to for this, but I am ready to do the job.

    MAYOR WOODS: I have faith that this will go well. We need to start getting together funds for this city’s future..




    Luke sits down at his cubicle at Union Creek Chronicle:


    He stares towards Todds office


    LUKE: Todd sure has been in his office nonstop the last few days. Wonder what he could be working on. I know I haven’t seen him work this hard since he took over.


    Meanwhile, Amnesiac Jack Deveraux has arrived.


    LUKE: Are you the new guy?

    JACK: Jack whatever my last name may be, at your service.

    LUKE: Hello I am Luke. Welcome to your first day at this lovely place.

    JACK: I hope I can get the hang of this journalist stuff.

    LUKE: You have no experience?

    JACK: Well see I think I do in the past, I just don’t remember my past per se.

    LUKE: Ah yes. I do recall your amnesia. This should be interesting.




    Todd is in his office still looking over the info that Gary gave him.


    TODD: There has to be something in here. Some kind of clue to this document.


    He flips a page over.


    TODD: Wait a minute…


    He reads the paper…


    TODD: Wow…this changes everything.


    He looks on stunned from whatever he just read…



    Ben has met with… Gary


    BEN: I didn’t think you were going to show up.

    GARY: I barely got away from work and was starving. I had to get something to eat.

    BEN: I’m not here for your excuses.

    GARY: I know. I know the only reason you are here.

    BEN: And you better deliver.

    GARY: No worries. You have been doing good work.


    Garys phone rings.


    It is a call from Todd.


    GARY: Damn I have to get back to the office.


    Gary hands Ben an envelope…


    GARY: There you go.

    BEN: Thanks.


    Gary rushes off.




    Cut to Zack and Sam.


    ZACK: I hope that you will be coming to this end of summer blow out party.

    SAM: Ummm I don’t know.

    ZACK: Why not?

    SAM: This seems like trouble.

    ZACK: You hardly even know Jasper.


    SAM: It not totally about him. I just don’t like huge parties and this one will probably be huge.

    ZACK: Yeah probably, but don’t be a spoil sport.

    SAM: Wow. I didn’t know people still said that.

    ZACK: You could even invite Trinity.

    SAM: Yeah that’s true.

    ZACK: mmhm..




    Maliks photoshoot is now finished.


    Marah walks up to him.


    MARAH: Great job!

    MALIK: The clothing made it.

    MARAH: You helped immensely.

    MALIK: Thank you. You are too sweet.

    MARAH: You were a perfect hire.

    MALIK: I just want this mens line to be a success.

    MARAH: We all do and we are on the right track.


    Marah smiles.




    In the Mayors office:


    MAYOR WOODS: The contract is ready for you to sign.


    Holden looks it over.


    HOLDEN: I may be second guessing this.


    HOLDEN: I still find the mystery of me getting this job offer is odd.

    MAYOR WOODS: It is just because we have confidence in you. There is nothing to be concerned about. This is for the greater good. 

    HOLDEN: I do need a job and I like that this will help the community.

    MAYOR WOODS: Then by all means, please sign the contract.


    Holden indeed signs the contract…




    At Union Creek Chronicle:


    JACK: Is it okay if I go and talk to Todd. Let him know I am here. Maybe even get a first assignment.

    LUKE: You can, but he has been super busy with something.

    JACK: I don’t want to interrupt him, but I should see what he wants me to do. He is the boss afterall.

    LUKE: Well, good luck.


    Jack knocks on Todds door.


    TODD: What is it?

    JACK: Hey Its Jack

    TODD: Oh come in.


    Jack enters Todd office.


    JACK: Hey, it is just my first day and all, and I was wondering what I should do.

    TODD: I’ll tell you what you can start with/

    JACK: Great

    TODD: You can start by getting me some coffee.

    JACK: Oh


    Jack is not pleased to hear this.


    JACK: Okay. Will get on that, boss.


    Jack exits and closes the door.


    Todd then looks back at one of the papers on his desk and seems nervous.


    TODD: This can’t be good…this seems to involve the ISA. Government agents. Has bad news written all over it. What the hell does Gary have me involved with? If the ISA is also looking for this document it must involve some kind of high profile criminal…


    Todd sits there becoming worried…




    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures

  17. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.
    Jesse and Angie are sitting together at their home.
    Jesse is feeding Angie a grape.
    JESSE: Feeling like a queen yet?
    ANGIE: You are doing a good job of making me feel like one.
    JESSE: I am just glad we actually have a day off together!
    ANGIE: I know. It has not been happening much.
    Jesse kisses her on the cheek.
    She returns the favor with a kiss on the lips.
    JESSE: Juicy.
    ANGIE: That’s the grapes.
    JESSE: Nope. Definitely your lips, Angie.
    They kiss again and fall back onto the couch.
    Chavo and Greg come to see
    Vin seems to be in a great mood.
    CHAVO: This is a change of pace for your mood, Vin?
    VIN: Yeah I am in a better mood because things are looking up, guys!
    GREG: Does this have something to do with Ali?
    VIN: Of course it does.
    CHAVO: Has she finally come to see you again?
    VIN: Not yet, but she has agreed to come and talk to me!
    CHAVO: Really?
    VIN: Yes.
    GREG: How did you get a hold of her?
    CHAVO: Yeah, Where was she?
    VIN: Don’t worry about it guys. The only thing that matters is that she has agreed to see me!
    Vin smiles.
    Bart arrives at the coffee shop.
    He goes inside and looks at the menu.

    HUNTER: Hi sir. What would you like?
    BART: Something strong. I did not sleep well. I have these nervous bouts.
    HUNTER: That sucks. I have some espresso that will get you ready to go.
    Meanwhile, The odd Jeremy is inside sitting at a table.
    He looks up and see Bart.
    His eyes get big…
    JEREMY: Could it be?!
    Jeremy continues to stare at Bart.
    Bart turns and sees Jeremy staring at him but turns back around waiting for his coffee.
    JEREMY: Oh my god. I know him…
    Cut to Steve, Kayla,
    Roman, Hope and
    ROMAN: We need to consider the big possibility here.
    HOPE: No we don’t.
    CARLY: I’d like to agree with Hope actually.
    HOPE: You don’t have to go there, Carly.
    STEVE: I don’t know how I feel about this.
    KAYLA: Me either.
    ROMAN: It is the facts though. Remains were found in Bo’s charred car. The cold hard truth is that we may have to declare Bo dead.
    HOPE: Dammit, Roman no. I am telling you I would know if he was dead.
    CARLY: Can we really go off of one of your hunches though?
    HOPE: I am his wi…well I was his wife. I should get to make this decision.
    CARLY: I was once Bo’s wife too.
    STEVE: I have to agree with Hope. I am not ready to declare him dead. There is still too much we do not know.
    ROMAN: What else do you want to know?
    STEVE: You need to find out who was in charge at the ISA for Bo’s case.
    KAYLA: The ISA is really dropping the ball here. It has me uncomfortable.
    STEVE: I agree sweetness. Something continues to smell fishy.
    Cut to an alive Bo.
    He is still tied up in chains against the wall.
    He continues to try and pull at the chains but his wrists have become extremely bruised and cut up.
    BO: This is getting so painful.
    He looks on at his wrists.
    BO: I don’t know how much longer I can keep up this pulling.
    His energy level seems to have dropped a lot.
    BO: I’m losing blood from these cuts. What a nightmare. What am I going to do?!
    He looks on in distress…
    At the womens shelter:
    Charlotte walks up to Ali.
    CHARLOTTE: Please tell me you are not seriously considering leaving here to meet your as*hole ex…
    ALI: I need to break up with him once and for all. Besides, I told you this in confidence so please keep it down.
    CHARLOTTE: I don’t believe that you plan on breaking up with him if you go see him.
    ALI: I left so quietly and meekly. I want to do better.
    CHARLOTTE: I just know how this goes. I fell for it a lot too. You cannot let him talk you into these types of things.
    Ali sighs.
    CHARLOTTE: Can I show you something?
    ALI: Of course.
    Charlotte goes and grabs her purse.
    CHARLOTTE: Look at this picture of my ex. I have an X through it with a marker.
    She hands Ali the picture and Ali looks at it.
    CHARLOTTE: It is a reminder to myself to know that I am away from him for a reason. Perhaps you should try something similar to remind yourself.
    Ali continues to look at the picture.
    Back at the Hubbard house:
    Angie is cleaning up a little. She looks over at Jesse who is lost in thought.
    ANGIE: Earth to Jesse! What is on your mind?
    JESSE: Natalia and her wanting to come back to the force.
    ANGIE: You should just take that a little at a time. She is going to have to take small steps herself.
    JESSE: I don’t think she should come back to the force. I do not want this to happen to her again.
    ANGIE: She is already making strides though, Jesse. You cannot just shut out the possibility of her coming back to the force completely.
    JESSE: She is still in the hospital Angie.
    ANGIE Not for long.
    JESSE: …What do you mean? Is my baby getting released soon? (he smiles)
    ANGIE: More than soon. She is getting released today!
    JESSE: Why are you just telling me this now?
    ANGIE: She wanted it to be a surprise. In fact, She may be showing up her soon…
    At the coffee shop:
    Jeremy is still looking at Bart.
    Jeremy gets up, but then he sits back down. He seems very nervous and fidgety.
    JEREMY: Should I approach him?
    He stands up.
    JEREMY: I should probably think twice about bothering him.
    He sits back down.
    Hunter hands Bart his coffee and Bart exits the place.
    JEREMY: Crap, I missed my chance.
    However, a huge grin comes over Jeremys face.
    JEREMY: This is purely amazing.
    He gets up and leaves the coffee shop seeming giddy…
    Cut to chained up Bo.
    As he sits there in his chains he looks straight ahead.
    He has a flashback:
    Bo is in his car.
    He makes a phone call.
    BO: Hello…Agent Donnelly…Yes this is Agent Bo Brady. I have made some progress on this. Yes…but I think I need some back up. This could start to get dangerous if my hunches are right.
    AGENT DONNELLY: Alright Bo. I will be sending two agents for back up. They will arrive by tomorrow.
    BO: Thank you. I just know this will be linked to Stefano. It always is.
    Bo hangs up.
    He then looks towards a house. The house he happens to be chained up in now...
    BO: Could this be Dimera property?
    Bo comes back into the present. He puts his head down as he sits there dejected.
    Steve is sitting with Terrance, Roman and Hope.
    STEVE: Roman and Terrance we need to find out which head at the ISA was in charge of Bos investigation.
    TERRANCE: I’ve tried and it has not been easy.
    ROMAN: That is because you are a little guy on the totem pole.
    STEVE: Roman. Please find out the info for us.
    ROMAN: I will try, Steve.
    Roman walks off and takes out his phone. Roman seems frustrated.
    Carly and Kayla look at him.
    CARLY: Is your brother okay?
    KAYLA: I don’t know. I don’t know if any of us are right now.
    HOPE: Steve, I wish you guys could find out some really needed info.
    STEVE: We will Hope.
    TERRANCE: We have been working hard, but it is like someone has been keeping us back.
    STEVE: Yup. Something shady is going on with the ISA.
    HOPE: Whatever it is, if it got Bo in danger, you two need to be careful.
    Natalia has arrived at Jesse and Angies house.
    Natalia walks in with her cane.
    JESSE: Baby be careful. Do you need help?
    NATALIA: I am good, dad.
    ANGIE: She has started to get back around great.
    JESSE: This is so good baby. You are a fighter for sure.
    NATALIA: I was taught well. I was worried you were still upset with me dad.
    JESSE: I am not upset with you.
    NATALIA: Good.
    JESSE: I am thrilled for you that you are alive and recovering!
    Jesse embraces his daughter.
    JESSE: Get in here Angie!
    Angie piles in for a group hug.
    At the womens shelter:
    CHARLOTTE: I am not getting through to you am I Ali?
    ALI: I just feel like I should do this.
    CHARLOTTE: Im glad I tried. Maybe you should at least talk to Miss Cho before you leave.
    ALI: You know I plan on coming back after right?
    CHARLOTTE: I hope you get to.
    ALI: Don’t say that!
    CHARLOTTE: Just please talk to Miss Cho before you leave and meet with Vin.
    Charlotte walks off.
    Charlotte starts to put the picture of her ex with the X through it back in her purse.
    Zoom in on the picture….It is a picture of Jeremy!
    Jeremy arrives at his house.
    He rushes to his bedroom.
    He opens his closet door. There are no clothes in his closet. There are pictures and articles taped to his wall in the closet...
    He starts to look over them.
    He has pictures of Charles Manson, James Stenbeck, and Roger Thorpe.
    The articles on his wall are of Jeffrey Dahmer, Sheila Carter, Carl Hutchins, and Reginald Love.
    He then gets to a picture with Stefano, Kate Roberts and Lucas. And then a picture of Stefano and Bart.
    JEREMY: Yes! There it is! That was him!
    He smiles at the picture of Stefano and Bart and then looks at an article next to it on Stefano. He then runs his hand over all of the pictures and articles...
    JEREMY: Such brilliant minds…I need to be like them…
    At The Johnson/Brady house:
    Terrance feels woozy and stumbles a bit.
    STEVE: Woah there, dude!
    KAYLA: Are you okay, Terrance?
    TERRANCE: I am fine..
    KAYLA: Are you sure?
    TERRANCE: Yes I think I just need something to eat, I am starving.
    STEVE: I’ll see what is in the fridge.
    Roman meanwhile is still on his phone looking at something.
    Hope goes and stands by Kayla.
    HOPE: This is hitting your brother hard, though he probably won’t admit it.
    KAYLA: Yeah something is up. Seems like something is eating him up.
    Roman gets up and walks outside.
    He looks back through the window at Steve and Kayla by the refrigerator.
    He takes a deep breath.
    Bo has another flashback:
    Bo is at the house he found suspicious. (The one he is now locked up in)
    Bo looks at his watch.
    BO: I thought they were sending me back up today? Where are they?
    He walks out from behind the house.
    He looks towards his car.
    BO: What the hell?!
    Bo heads back to his car quickly. Someone is inside his car!
    He gets to the car to see that the person inside is unconscious.
    BO: That’s an agent!
    He is about to open the door but someone whacks him in the head from behind!
    That knocks Bo out cold…
    Cut back to the present to a frustrated Bo.
    BO: How did I let this happen!?
    He yanks at his chains
    Meanwhile, Upstairs in the house.
    Bart has arrived back.
    Bart hears a voice… “Hello Bart”
    Bart jumps as he turns and sees Stefano standing inside!
    Bart drops his keys.
    BART: Stefano!
    STEFANO: I told you I was coming.
    BART: We-welcome sir.
    STEFANO: And as promised I am not alone. One of the people that has helped us immensely has come to meet us here too.
    The person walks into the room…
    Credits roll
    I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  18. Days22
    Holden and Lily are together at a bar.

    Holden takes a swig of beer while Lily messes with the straw to her drink.

    HOLDEN: Is your drink okay?
    LILY: Yeah it is good.
    HOLDEN: Then what is wrong? Hard first day of work?
    LILY: It wasn’t bad, actually. Stressful, of course, but I think it was a success for Marah and I.
    HOLDEN: Do you know how soon production will be?
    LILY: Probably in a couple of weeks.
    HOLDEN: That long?
    LILY: Going to take some time at the start.

    Lily takes a sip of her drinks.

    LILY: So tell me about that government offer? Did you go to the interview?
    HOLDEN: I did and it went good, but it was a surprise.
    LILY: What is it all about?
    HOLDEN: They want me to help come up with and manage funds for the city. The surprising part is, the mayor handpicked me.
    LILY: I didn’t know that you knew the mayor.
    HOLDEN: That’s the thing, I don’t know him.

    Blair plops down at the bar next to them.

    BLAIR: Well if it isn’t my neighbors.

    She smiles at Holden and Lily


    Sam and Trinity are together at Sam’s house.

    They are working on their laptops on their first articles for the newspaper.

    TRINITY: How is yours coming?
    SAM: I am practically done!
    TRINITY: You did something on sports?
    SAM: Yeah, I figured I live in Colorado now, why not do something blasting the Denver Broncos?
    TRINITY: That’s cool...
    SAM: It is about how their star is falling and time may have ran out for a run. I guess it is a bit of a fluff piece, but it’s fun. We should read them to each other.
    TRINITY: I don’t think you want to hear mine.
    SAM: of course I do. Go ahead.

    She looks down at her computer. She seems uneasy.


    Jack is eating dinner with Reva and

    JACK: You do not have to keep preparing me food like this.
    JOSH: We both like to cook.
    REVA: Speak for yourself!
    JOSH: Okay. I like to cook.
    JACK: I’m here just taking up space and taking up your food. Not feeling good for anything right now.
    REVA: It is alright, really.
    JOSH: As long as you think…or at least lie that the food is good, we are happy to cook for you.
    JACK: It is really good.
    JOSH: I hope that wasn’t a lie.
    JACK: Not a lie. It really is.


    Morris and Eartha are at the hospital.
    EARTHA: You okay today? I hope you didn’t come here hungover.
    MORRIS: I am fine Eartha. Don’t I hear you yap enough at home?
    EARTHA: No you are the one who yaps and yaps.
    MORRIS: I have no patients right now. I’ll be eating if you need me.

    He walks to the cafeteria and sits down.

    He sighs and then has a flashback:

    A young Morris is in med school.

    He is walking through the halls and runs into a young Eartha.

    YOUNG MORRIS: Sorry. I didn’t mean to get in your way.
    YOUNG EARTHA: You are not. I am just lost.
    YOUNG MORRIS: I could be your guide.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Be still my heart! Someone actually not in a hurry around here to help?
    YOUNG MORRIS: I can’t still your heart as I am not trying to be a heart surgeon (chuckles) But I will help you with whatever you need.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Well thank you so much.
    YOUNG MORRIS: This way.

    He points towards a hallway and she starts walking ahead of him.

    Young Morris surely likes what he sees in front of him.


    MORRIS: I wonder if we should have even ever met…

    He looks on lost in thought


    At the bar:

    BLAIR: Sorry didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation with each other.
    HOLDEN: It is okay.
    LILY: I would like to know how and why the mayor handpicked you…
    HOLDEN: I would too. I guess I will have to ask him when I meet him.
    LILY: That is strange Holden. This whole job offer is just weird…
    HOLDEN: I don’t want to worry about it right now.

    Lily looks at Blair.

    LILY: Sorry, you don’t have to go quiet.
    BLAIR: I should probably introduce myself. We have been neighbors for awhile now. I am Blair Manning.
    LILY: Nice to meet you. We are the Snyders.
    HOLDEN: Holden and Lily.
    BLAIR: I would like to apologize on behalf of my family when we first moved in. I know we made a scene and the wrong first impression.
    LILY: I would say we didn’t notice, but I would be lying.
    BLAIR: Let me buy you both a drink and make a better impression!


    Cut to Sam and Trinity

    SAM: There I read my article. Your turn…
    TRINITY: Are you sure you want to hear it?
    SAM: Yes, why wouldn’t I?
    TRINITY: I don’t want it to be awkward…The title is “Do you want your country like you want your coffee?”
    SAM: I don’t get it…
    TRINITY: Fine, I’ll read it to you since many will read it when your dad publishes it.

    She takes a deep breath.

    TRINITY: (Reading)
    The United States of America. If the states are so united then why aren’t the people? I do not speak of politics. I speak of people as people. This country loves a variety. They want it all. Why not just respect and enjoy a variety of people?

    Everyone wants a new flavor of ice cream. Even more so they want a new kind of Frappuccino. Sometimes I wonder if the white people in this country want the country like they want their coffee. Anything but black.

    As a young black American girl, it is scary seeing what goes on. Even in 2015, citizens and even cops still seem to treat us like second class citizens. Crimes that white citizens would get a slap on the wrist for, we seem to get the penalty of getting killed by police. More times than not it is a black man that this happens to. However, just this past week a black woman, Sandra Bland, died after being in a routine traffic stop.

    That is right, A black woman had to die in jail for a traffic stop. It was ruled a suicide, but why would a woman who just moved to a new place for a new job and about to get out on bond hang herself with a trash bag? Video showed that she did not get physical with the officers, like police stated. They had slammed her head hard into the ground for nothing. Was it really a suicide?

    Feel that doubt inside of you right now as you read that question? That is the scary part. That is the doubt and fear we young black Americans have to grow up with. What is this country truly doing to make us not feel this way? You can put your political correctness on it, but that doesn’t help. Shocking right? Once called colored, or African Americans, we are black. We belong too.

    Sam is taken aback by all of this...

    TRINITY: …say something, please.
    SAM: Wow. That was powerful.


    At the Lewis Ranch:

    Jack, Reva and Josh are finishing up dinner.

    JACK: I do want you both to know that I am hoping to get a job.
    REVA: That is great! Where at?
    JACK: The local news. When I was rushed to the hospital thanks to you guys, they found a torn up press pass in my jeans.
    JOSH: That’s right, they did.
    REVA: Do you think you will get the job?
    JACK: I let them do a story on me. That is good enough right?
    JOSH: The owner of the paper, is well, uh…
    REVA: A dumbass for marrying the woman he married.

    JACK: I sense bad blood.
    JOSH: Can you tell?
    JACK: Hopefully he will at least give me the job out of pity.
    REVA: If you do get it, watch out for his crazy wife, Blair.


    Meanwhile at the hospital cafeteria, Morris is still flashing back:

    A young Morris and Eartha are sitting together on a couch.

    “If I ever fall in love” by Shai is playing in the back ground


    YOUNG EARTHA: You are a perfect tutor. You have been able to show me so much. If you were not trying to become a doctor I would say you should become a teacher.
    YOUNG MORRIS: Thank you. Happy to help, but yeah the money is not in teaching.
    YOUNG EARTHA: This may sound over dramatic, but getting to know you these last few months has changed my life.
    YOUNG MORRIS: I’ve felt it too.
    YOUNG EARTHA: You’ve convinced me to try and become the best doctor I can be. I just feel like a better person altogether.
    YOUNG MORRIS: I don’t know if you should go that far.
    YOUNG EARTHA: No, really.

    She places her hand on his leg.

    YOUNG EARTHA: This all feels so right to me.
    YOUNG MORRIS: We must be on the same wave length then.

    She shuts her book and puts it on the floor.

    The two look into each other’s eyes…

    YOUNG MORRIS: What about your boyfriend back home?
    YOUNG EARTHA: I broke up with Elijah. I had to. I am falling for you.
    YOUNG MORRIS: Let’s fall.

    The two embrace and start to kiss and make out…



    Eartha has interrupted his thoughts.

    EARTHA: You alright?
    MORRIS: Yeah…
    EARTHA: You are needed in room 10
    MORRIS: Be right there.

    Eartha walks off and Morris watches her do so…


    Back at the bar, Blair has bought herself, Holden and Lily some shots!

    BLAIR: On the count of three this tequila goes down.
    HOLDEN: One…two…three!

    The three take the shots.

    LILY: I think that is enough celebrating for me!
    BLAIR: Don’t stop now.
    LILY: I am a lightweight.
    BLAIR: I haven’t had this much fun since…well since I owned my own nightclub. I feel like I made some new friends tonight.
    LILY: Us too.
    HOLDEN: We should get going. Lily has another big day tomorrow.
    BLAIR: Oh yeah you have a new fashion company…With the Reva hounds daughter right?

    LILY: ...Yeah, Marah.
    HOLDEN: They are good people.

    Blair gives them a doubtful look.

    LILY: Maybe I can be a bridge between you and Reva.

    Blair busts out laughing.

    BLAIR: Don’t waste your time, honey. (to the bartender) Ill take one more shot for the road.
    HOLDEN: Be careful getting home.
    BLAIR: You guys too.

    Blair takes her shot and follows them out.


    Back to Sam and Trinity…

    They both seem to be quiet.

    TRINITY: I’d like to think that you are not uncomfortable after I read that. I just left everything I felt on the page.
    SAM: I’m a little bit uncomfortable.
    TRINITY: Why? You shouldn’t be?
    SAM: I am a white person in America, you know.
    TRINITY: I don’t feel like you are some racist for the record.
    SAM: I would hope not. It’s just. People don’t like to talk about these things with each other. Especially us teenagers. I'm not use to it.
    TRINITY: Is your dad going to be okay with this article. It is hella intense for a teen write up.
    SAM: My dad better be okay with it. It was great.
    TRINITY: Thank you Sam.
    SAM: You blew me away…high five!

    The teens high 5.


    At the Lewis ranch

    Jack is doing dishes.

    JACK: This is the least I can do…and the best part is, I remember how to do it!
    REVA: You really don’t have to do the dishes every night.
    JACK: It’s just soap and water.
    REVA: We should probably get a dishwasher but we are still country folk at heart.
    JOSH: Are you heading back to the chronicle tomorrow to try and get that job?
    JACK: I probably should. Truth is I feel uneasy about leaving the house and going out there into the world.

    REVA: It is hard, isn’t it? Not knowing who you are.
    JACK: You say that like you have experience.
    REVA: That is a different story for a different time.
    JACK: It is not even that though. I just still can’t help but feel like I am being watched.
    JOSH: Has be hard feeling that way.

    Jack, Josh and Reva start to put the dishes away.

    Meanwhile, someone does turn out to be outside again!

    The person is watching the house…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics

    Written by: Nick M
    Consultant: T.W.

  19. Days22
    At the police station:
    Elijah is walking down a hall
    COP#1: Hey how was your fourth?
    ELIJAH: It was good. Went to a good barbecue.
    Elijah walks into his office and closes the door.
    ELIJAH: A great barbecue…with Eartha.
    He sits down and has a flashback:
    A young Elijah is at his high school.
    He approaches a Young Eartha at her locker.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you ready for prom tonight?
    YOUNG EARTHA: I am. What time will you be picking me up?
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Around six.
    Elijah starts to put on a do-rag.
    YOUNG EARTHA: I hope you will not be wearing that tonight.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: Don’t worry I will be dressing up… Just for you.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Good. I don’t like this gangsta stuff.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: It’s a way of life.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Whatever
    They kiss.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: See you tonight.
    Elijah comes back to the present.
    He looks on at his office wall.
    At the Chic Spirit Designs building:
    Lily and Marah are in an office.
    LILY: How are you liking your office?
    MARAH: Love it. They did a good job.
    LILY: I just cannot believe we are finally opened!
    MARAH: Me either. Exciting to the max!
    LILY: We better get down to business though.
    MARAH: Let’s go chat with our employees and make day 1 a success.
    LILY: Start a trend for this company.
    Holden meanwhile has arrived at the town hall.
    He is talking to a secretary.
    SECRETARY: What is your name sir?
    HOLDEN: Holden Snyder, I am here about a government job offer I received in the mail.
    The secretary does some clicking at her computer and seems surprised.
    SECRETARY: Ah yes, you are scheduled for an appointment.
    HOLDEN: Would you happen to have any idea about what this is about?
    SECRETARY: I am sorry sir, but I do not. Take a seat and you will find out shortly.
    HOLDEN: Hm.
    He takes a seat.
    Luke is at his place taking a drink of water.
    There is a knock at his door.
    It is Ben.
    LUKE: Ben…good to see you again.
    BEN: Even better to see you.
    LUKE: What brings you by?
    BEN: Well, to be honest I remembered what time your lunch breaks are and decided to give it a shot and see if you were home.
    LUKE: Great timing, just got here.
    BEN: Fantastic…so are you going to invite me in?
    LUKE: Yes of course. Come in.
    Ben happily walks inside and looks around.
    Jack meanwhile, is getting out of a Taxi in front of the Union Creek Chronicle Building.
    JACK: Reva gave you the money right?
    DRIVER: She did.
    JACK: Shes just the sweetest. Thank you.
    Jack gets out and goes inside the building.
    Jack talks to the girl at the front desk before Gary approaches him.
    GARY: How can we help you?
    JACK: I am looking for the guy in charge. Todd Manning.
    GARY: He is not fully in charge and he is also out at the moment. Sorry.
    JACK: Crap. Do you know when he will be back?
    GARY: I am not sure. He likes to disappear. What is your name and how can I help you?
    JACK: I am just a man, here for a job!
    He shoots Gary a smile
    Elijah continues to have flashbacks from High school:
    The teenage Elijah and Eartha are walking out of their prom dance.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: So did you have fun?
    YOUNG EARTHA: It was rad
    They get in Elijah’s car.
    Eartha sees Elijahs do-rag in the backseat.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Don’t you think it is time to get rid of that do-rag. You are about to graduate you should not keep wearing it.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: What do you have against it? You act like I should go be a goody two shoes cop or something.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Juss' shut up and kiss me.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: You want to make out?
    YOUNG EARTHA: Maybe even a little more.
    Eartha turns on his radio
    “Real Love” by Mary J Blige is playing

    The two teenagers start to make out.
    Elijah puts his seat back.
    Eartha gets on top of him and the two continue to make out.
    YOUNG EARTHA: Fitting song.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: You think so?
    YOUNG EARTHA: Yes, because I love you Elijah. I really do.
    YOUNG ELIJAH: You know I love you too. I always have.
    They go back to kissing.
    Eartha unbuttons and unzips his pants.
    She starts to go down on him…
    Elijah comes back to the PRESENT.
    ELIJAH: What a time…
    Danielle and Malik are at Chic Spirit designs.
    MARAH: Are you two ready to officially sign your contracts?
    MALIK: We are mam.
    MARAH: Oh god, please call me Marah!
    DANI: I never thought I would be so excited about modeling, but I am!
    LILY: I am pleased to hear that and so happy you showed up.
    MARAH: And you both are becoming the official faces of Chic Spirit! This is a big deal.
    MALIK: This is huge.
    DANI: It is going to be fun.
    LILY: It sure is.
    Holden is now in a room talking to someone.
    HOLDEN: So you are a member of the Union Creek city council?
    COUNCILMAN: I am. Thank you for accepting our interview.
    HOLDEN: It was out of the blue.
    COUNCILMAN: I'm sure it was unexpected but we were told you were the right man for the job.
    HOLDEN: May I ask what kind of job this is?
    COUNCILMAN: It is a public funding job.
    HOLDEN: …And what exactly is that?
    COUNCILMAN: We are looking for a small group of businessmen to take on the task of finding new ways to come up with and manage money for this town to get new places and events. We are hoping to really get this place moving.
    HOLDEN: It actually sounds fun.
    COUNCILMAN: I think so too.
    HOLDEN: But can I ask…why me?
    Cut to Ben and Luke. They are sitting together on the couch.
    BEN: I sense your nerves kicking up already.
    LUKE: Yeah, sorry..
    BEN: Why do you get so nervous around me?
    LUKE: I have not felt this way for a long time.
    BEN: Felt…which way?
    LUKE: Like I am so into you…and you are so into me…and we should just be leaping on each other.
    BEN: Crazy, because I feel the exact same way and you know this.
    LUKE: Oh I sure felt that the other day.
    BEN: But why do you fight it?
    LUKE: I…I’m afraid of this feeling. I do not know how to act.
    BEN: I say you should act like you are going to give in. I think you will with all this attention showering I have been giving you.
    LUKE: Been a crazy good feeling…
    Ben suddenly kisses Luke while holding Lukes face in his hands tightly
    At the Chronicle:
    Jack and Gary are still talking.
    GARY: You still have not told me who you are.
    JACK: Can’t you see…I am a friend of Todds and I want a job interview.
    GARY: Odd that you won’t tell me your name…but want an interview…
    JACK: More like…Odd that you want to know my name so bad…
    GARY: I don’t think that is odd at all! When you meet someone new it is customary actually.
    JACK: Actually…I think I should just go. Tell Todd that a…J…was here.
    GARY: Jay? J-A-Y?
    JACK: Nope, just the letter J! I have somewhere else I should go. Please just let him know.
    GARY: Sure.
    Jack exits in a hurry
    GARY: What a basket case.
    Holden is still with the councilman.
    COUNCILMAN: I really hope you will consider this offer. The salary is good and not to mention you were handpicked by the mayor for this position.
    HOLDEN: I was what?!
    COUNCILMAN: Handpicked by the mayor.
    HOLDEN: I don’t even know the mayor.
    COUNCILMAN: That’s surprising to hear. Mayor Woods must be fond of you to hand pick you.
    HOLDEN: I don’t know what to say.
    COUNCILMAN: Just say you’ll accept.
    HOLDEN: I’ll get back to you. Thank you very much.
    They shake hands and Holden exits.
    HOLDEN: What is going on?
    At chic spirit:
    LILY: Dani come with me. I want you to see some of the designs.
    DANI: Awesome!
    MARAH: And Malik you can come with me to my office. I have something special lined up for you.
    MALIK: That’s what’s up!
    Marah and Malik go to Marahs office.
    MARAH: Go ahead and take a seat.
    Malik sits down.
    Marah proceeds to start to undress!
    She takes off her blouse.
    She then also takes off her pants and sits on Maliks lap.
    MALIK: Woah boss! What are you doing?
    MARAH: Giving you a raise…
    She starts to kiss along his neck. He is liking it.
    He gives in and kisses her.
    He lifts her up and sets her on her desk!
    He takes off his shirt.
    MALIK: Are you okay, Marah?
    MARAH: Oh yes…sorry. Just working something out in my head.
    MALIK: What something special did you have for me?
    MARAH: Well, our first big photo shoot will be exclusively you in the photos! We are starting a mens line right away.
    MALIK: Wow. I love all this faith you guys have in me (grins)
    Marah looks on nervously
    At Lukes place:
    Luke and Ben are making out on Lukes couch.
    Ben grabs Lukes hand with his own and places it right between Bens legs.
    LUKE: Okay, okay! You win.
    BEN: What was that?
    LUKE: You win!
    Luke takes off his shirt and Ben takes off his own.
    The intensity of the moment picks up as their kisses become faster.
    Ben takes off Lukes pants before taking off his own.
    BEN: You sure you are ready for me?
    LUKE: I’m ready.
    Ben bends Luke over on the side of the couch and stands up behind him…
    Elijah takes out an old picture of himself and Eartha from their high school prom.
    ELIJAH: I need to just go back to staying away from Eartha. For my own good.
    There is a knock at the door
    ELIJAH: Come in!
    It is Jack.
    Elijah puts away the picture.
    JACK: I had to come and see you. I need to know, man. What is up with the investigation into whoever held me captive?
    ELIJAH: Hey man, unfortunately we do not have any leads. I am really sorry.
    JACK: What are you doing about that? ...Other than gazing at pictures.
    ELIJAH: We have looked into all we could.
    JACK: I had to walk here. I cannot be just going around town all paranoid that whoever was holding me, and I escaped from, is still out looking for me. I guess I will have to keep it up though!
    ELIJAH: How about I get you an armed guard?
    JACK: No thanks. I am not that desperate.
    They both let out sighs
    Todd has arrived back at the union creek chronicle building:
    TODD: Did I miss anything good while I was at lunch?
    GARY: Some very nutcase like man came in looking for a job. He said he knew you and his name was the letter J, but that is not important.
    TODD: …Okay…what is important?
    GARY: Something you are going to love….
    Gary pulls out a check.
    GARY: The old boss has a proposition for you.
    TODD: If it involves him giving me lots of money I am all ears.
    GARY: It does. He wants you to have this check he wrote out on behalf of his company.
    GARY: There is more where this came from once you track down the document.
    TODD: Why couldn’t he have just done this from the start?! Instead of asinine contracts? Ask him that. Seriously.
    GARY: Does this mean you will actually work on this now?
    TODD: I vow to do whatever it takes to find this ridiculous document.
    Gary shoots him a look.
    TODD: Sorry. Meant to say this ridiculously important document!
    GARY: Excellent.
    Gary hands him the check…
    *I do not own any non original character nor any pics.
  20. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.


    Jesse walks into an office.


    The office of Police Chief Jones .


    CHIEF JONES: Welcome Jesse

    JESSE: Hello Sir


    They shake hands.


    CHIEF JONES: What brings you by this evening?

    JESSE: I have been trying to get this one on one meeting with you for a while.

    CHIEF JONES: Sorry it has taken so long. I took a much needed vacation.

    JESSE: Do you feel rested?

    CHIEF JONES: Ready to take on the city!

    JESSE: Wonderful then I hope you will like my fundraiser Idea.

    CHIEF JONES: Fundraiser? The forces fundraiser already happened earlier in the year.


    JESSE: Not that fundraiser. A different one. I want the city to put on a fundraiser for the city itself and I was hoping you would help out.

    CHIEF JONES: That is certainly…different.

    JESSE: The rough part of the city would become better with some help.

    CHIEF JONES: You really think that?

    JESSE: I do. They need their own community center.

    CHIEF JONES: You really don’t think a community center would put a stop the gangs or something do you?

    JESSE: I most certainly do chief.


    Chief Jones looks on doubtful…




    Lucas is home.


    He takes a seat and lets out a sigh of relief.


    LUCAS: Good to be home. What a day.


    His phone rings.


    He answers.


    It is Emily


    EMILY: Hello Lucas…

    LUCAS: Hey…

    EMILY: Are you busy?

    LUCAS: Not really.

    EMILY: Good because I need to see you quick!

    LUCAS: I didn’t plan on going anywhere.


    EMILY: Are you home? I can go see you there.

    LUCAS: I don’t know about that.

    EMILY: Come on. Please. I need to talk to you.

    LUCAS: Only if it is an emergency!

    EMILY: It is.

    LUCAS: Fine. 326 Dayton Street.

    EMILY: Be there shortly.


    They hang up.


    LUCAS: I guess I won’t be getting to rest.




    Steve returns home.


    Kayla , Hope and Carly are there.


    KAYLA: Any Luck?

    STEVE: Sorry to say, but no. Not at all.

    HOPE: The ISA doesn’t have any information? How is that possible?

    STEVE: Because something dirty is going on!

    CARLY: You really think so?

    STEVE: I am sure of it. That is why I quit!


    KAYLA: You quit?!

    STEVE: I had to sweetness.

    KAYLA: You know that I am happy you finally did.

    HOPE: How will we find info on Bo then?

    CARLY: Yeah. Good question.

    STEVE: We will have to do it on our own. It is not like the ISA was much help anyway.




    Cut to Daniel and Stefano


    STEFANO: We have a lot of important things to discuss.

    DAN: We sure do.

    STEFANO: We must go over what our next step will be.

    DAN: I was hoping we can discuss Jennifer.

    STEFANO: I said important things to discuss.

    DAN: She is very important to me.


    STEFANO: I do not know why.

    DAN: I do love her you know.

    STEFANO: She is not good luck for the ones she loves, you should know.

    DAN: I plan on changing that.

    STEFANO: Do not let Jennifer Horton get in our way.

    DAN: You do not have to worry about that.




    Meanwhile, Greg looks inside Vins house.


    He sees Vin about to hit Ali


    He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye.


    GREG: Dammit Vin!


    Greg rushes inside.


    GREG: Don’t!

    VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg!

    GREG: Oh yes it does.


    Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!!


    Vin hits the ground.


    Chavo comes rushing in.


    CHAVO: What are you thinkin’ bro? What are ya doin’?

    GREG: He should not have his hands on Ali.

    ALI: Thank you, Greg.

    GREG: I don’t know what came over me.

    ALI: I should not have trusted him again. Why am I so stupid?

    GREG: You are not.


    CHAVO: When Vin comes to, he is going to want to kill you, Greg.

    GREG: Yeah he will.

    ALI: He is going to be livid. We have to get out of here.

    CHAVO: I am not leaving him.


    Vin starts to move a bit.


    ALI: I have to go.

    GREG: Come with me.


    Ali and Greg run out of the house…



    At the police station:


    CHIEF JONES: I’m not sure you are thinking hard about this fundraiser.

    JESSE: Listen, my daughter was shot by a gang member. This is really all I can think about.

    CHIEF JONES: We need to stop the gangs by cracking down on them harder with arrests.

    JESSE: …and a lot of them get off or get slaps on the wrists and go right back to the gangs. We need to take care of these kids before they turn to gangs. A community center and a lot of help will work.

    CHIEF JONES: I respect your drive to help, but these are just ideals. Dreams, really.

    JESSE: We won’t know until we try.


    CHIEF JONES: You have my support.

    JESSE: Thank you.

    CHIEF JONES: BUT, you are going to run into problems

    JESSE: How so?

    CHIEF JONES: You need to learn about this city more.

    JESSE: I know it has its share of problems.

    CHIEF JONES: More than you know.  You better start to learn something about city politics.




    Emily is now at Lucas place.


    EMILY: Thank you for inviting me over.

    LUCAS: Wasn’t quite an invite.

    EMILY: I know. I’m sorry.

    LUCAS: Well what is this big emergency?

    EMILY: My husband and I had a huge fight yesterday.

    LUCAS: How exactly can I help with that?

    EMILY: I don’t even want to stay there with him tonight.


    LUCAS: Sorry, but I am not going to invite you to stay here…

    EMILY: I wouldn’t ask that.

    LUCAS: Phew.

    EMILY: The thing is my marriage could really be ending and if it is I do not want to be left with nothing.

    LUCAS: I don’t think he can take you for everything.

    EMILY: The Ryans will try. I just want and need a job.

    LUCAS: You don’t give up do you?

    EMILY: I will beg if I have to.

    LUCAS: Like on your knees begging? (smirks)

    EMILY: Here goes nothing

    LUCAS: No! I’m kidding. I’m not Daniel Jonas.

    EMILY: Just please give me that job!




    Cut to Daniel and Stefano


    DAN: You know, I heard about Jennifer way back. I had some talks with Peter before his incarceration.

    STEFANO: I didn’t know you two stayed close when you got older.

    DAN: We did get out of touch, but I’m glad we reconnected. He loved Jennifer too.

    STEFANO: Yeah at one point he did. That didn’t turn out well for him either.

    DAN: I can now just say that I understand why he loved Jenn.

    STEFANO: He would not be happy to hear you two were an item.


    DAN: I think he would understand.

    STEFANO: Well Daniel I am glad that you are in love and all, but I would like to get down to business and figure out the next step in keeping myself a free man.

    DAN: Fine. Any ideas?

    STEFANO: Always.




    At the Johnson house:


    KAYLA: There is still a possibility that Roman will find some info for us.

    STEVE: Not if he is using ISA contacts.

    CARLY: You are really down on the ISA right now.

    STEVE: I think someone has infiltrated them. Probably Stefano himself.

    KAYLA: I should warn Roman.

    STEVE: Roman isn’t listening.


    HOPE: This is just ridiculous. I cannot believe all of this is happening and at Bos expense.


    Hopes phone rings.


    CARLY: That your boyfriend, Aiden?

    HOPE: Don’t worry about it.


    Hope looks at her phone.


    HOPE: I don’t know this number.


    She answers. It is Greta


    GRETA: Hope…this is Greta Von Amberg.

    HOPE: Greta? Wow. Long time.

    GRETA: It has been. I have been trying to get ahold of Bo but cannot. I called the Brady pub and Caroline gave me your number.

    HOPE: Why were you trying to get in touch with Bo?

    GRETA: Because Stefano has been here in England.

    HOPE: Stefano?


    This perks Steve, Kayla and Carlys ears.


    GRETA: Yes. He has been trying to say he is my father.

    HOPE: I hope that is not true.

    GRETA: Oh me too. I do suspect he is back in the states now though. I wanted to let Bo know.

    HOPE: Are you sure of that?

    GRETA: Almost certainly.

    HOPE: Greta you are a miracle caller. We could use your help…




    Greg is dropping Ali back at the womens shelter.


    ALI: Thank you for the ride…and for everything really.

    GREG: I am sorry if Vin has been abusing you all of this time.

    ALI: I can’t believe I have put up with it.

    GREG: You have to promise me not to fall for his words anymore.

    ALI: I know now. I guess I just learn things the hard way.


    GREG: It is great that you are in a shelter. I wish my mom would come here.

    ALI: Does your father do something to your mom?

    GREG: It is a long story.

    ALI: I am sorry if so.

    GREG: Yeah me too. I better leave though and figure out where I am going to go myself.

    ALI: Thank you so much. Good luck. I hope Vin doesn’t come after you

    GREG: Good luck to you too.


    Ali hugs him.




    Jesse is still with Chief Jones.


    CHIEF JONES: I think you should discuss this with the city council, though You will probably get turned down.

    JESSE: I would hope they wouldn’t do that.

    CHIEF JONES: I want a pair of your rose colored glasses.

    JESSE: I guess this town is worse than I thought.

    CHIEF JONES: It can get worse, but I wish you luck. This is commendable.

    JESSE: Thank you. I’ll see what happens. I am determined.




    At Lucas House


    EMILY: So do you want me to beg for the job or not?

    LUCAS: You do not have to beg.

    EMILY: So I am hired?

    LUCAS: I do like this tenacity of yours.

    EMILY: I hoped you would.

    LUCAS: You have a job!

    EMILY: Thank you so much, Lucas.


    She hugs him tight.


    EMILY: I will be a great employee and I hope to be a good friend to you like you are to me.

    LUCAS: I guess I’ll go to you when I have an (puts his hands in air quotations:) emergency.

    EMILY: Yes. Please do..




    Greg meanwhile has shown up outside of Marcinos house.


    GREG: I hope he is here. Answer my texts man!


    Greg texts Marcino again to please come outside.


    Marcino does come outside.


    GREG: Can we please talk?

    MARCINO: Of course, man. Something wrong?

    GREG: Yes, very. I need your help.

    MARCINO: Come inside. We’ll talk in my room.


    They go inside..




    At the Johnson house:


    KAYLA: What exactly did Greta say?

    HOPE: Stefano has been in England and says he is her father and now she seems sure that he is back in the states.

    STEVE: I wonder if he could even be near.

    CARLY: He could be.

    STEVE: I don’t know who to go to with this info since I quit the ISA. I’d rather they not know anyway.


    HOPE: What about Roman?

    STEVE: I’ll discuss it with him.

    CARLY: Can we even trust Gretas word?

    HOPE: Yes we can. You do not even know her so don’t make any assumptions.

    CARLY: I just want us to do the best for Bo.

    HOPE: We will do the best for him because I think he is still out there….somewhere…

    KAYLA: Greta really could be a great help.

    STEVE: Do you think she will help with whatever we need her to?

    HOPE: I think so..

    CARLY: She better.




    Back to Daniel and Stefano


    DAN: I do wonder why you do not just kill these people that get in your way.

    STEFANO: That is too simple, my friend. Nothing is worth it unless it is a part of the game. If I am going to win I want to win my way. Besides, I do not get my hands dirty.

    DAN: You could just have Bart kill them.

    STEFANO: Please, Bart is practically a puppy. He is only good to have around because he listens well.

    DAN: Well I have an idea you will like. I know just how to get Bo out of your hair and stay a free man.


    STEFANO: What do you have in mind?

    DAN: It is simple, really. We just use my drug concoction again.

    STEFANO: The drug you used on Jack Deveraux?

    DAN: Precisely. I have come up with an amazing drug right there.

    STEFANO: Yes, it fried all of Jacks memories.

    DAN: And we can do the same to Bo.

    STEFANO: I love it, Daniel. Make more of your drug and get ready.


    Stefano cackles




    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics. 

  21. Days22
    Cut to a 4th of July BBQ set up outside of the Davis house.
    Lily, Holden and Luke are also over from next door.
    They sit at a table with Trinity and her little sister.
    LILY: I wish your parents would let us help with something.
    HOLDEN: Yeah I would certainly help. I feel like bringing over chips isn’t enough.
    TRINITY: They are overachievers.
    Morris meanwhile is at the grill grilling some burgers and some chicken.
    Eartha brings him over some lemonade.
    EARTHA: Here you go babe.
    MORRIS: I’d prefer a soda.
    EARTHA: Okay…we are going to get along today right?
    MORRIS: There is a lot of people around…why wouldn’t we?
    EARTHA: Good.
    MORRIS: Who else is coming?
    EARTHA: Just a few more coworkers and friends.
    Malik looks towards his parents and shakes his head.
    Luke is up getting something to drink.
    LUKE: Everything okay Malik?
    MALIK: Could be better.
    LUKE: Sorry to hear that.
    MALIK: Oh well. The food will help.
    LUKE: And the drinks...don't forget the drinks.
    Reva and Josh arrive at their ranch with
    JOSH: Aren’t you happy to be out of the hospital?
    REVA: I hope you like your room here.
    JACK: I am. Hard to not beat the last one. One never gets use to the smell of mop water and medicine in those rooms.
    They enter and Marah is there.
    MARAH: Hey guys!
    JOSH: Hello Marah, glad you could make it!
    She hugs her parents.
    REVA: And this is Jack. He will be living with us for awhile.
    JOSH: Jack this is our daughter Marah. She is joining us for a little Independence Day dinner.
    JACK: Nice to meet you
    MARAH: Nice to meet you too. Glad you are back on your feet.
    They shake hands.
    JACK: Me too. Your parents tell you all about me? Don’t feel sorry for me I refuse to be a martyr.
    MARAH: They did and it’s awful. Also read about it online in the local news.
    JACK: Glad that article was a hit. I just hope the wrong people didn’t read it…
    Cut to Zack and Sam
    They are outside in a yard. Music is blaring from inside the house.
    SAM: I don’t think I want to be here.
    ZACK: I know you are the partying type. Do not even try and play me.
    SAM: I can be…but not with a bunch of strangers.
    ZACK: It is just a bunch of people from school.
    SAM: Fine but I am not staying too long!
    The two boys head inside.
    Anne is there and Sam and Zack both spot her.
    SAM: Sure... People from school alright. I see why you wanted to come here!
    ZACK: Okay Anne being here is a little bit of a perk.
    Cory Sutter is also there however. He and his friends are with Anne and Mandy.
    ZACK: But where there is Anne there is Cory.
    SAM: Are they an item?
    ZACK: I hope not. Either way I have to do something about it..
    Blair is blindfolded in a car. Todd is driving and parks it somewhere.
    BLAIR: We are finally stopping?
    TODD: Yes
    BLAIR: That was a long ride. Where are we?
    TODD: You are going to love it.
    Todd takes off her blindfold.
    She looks around at the beautiful country side surrounded by mountains.
    The sun is setting over some of the mountains.
    BLAIR: Wow.
    TODD: Fantastic isn’t it?
    BLAIR: It's breath taking.
    TODD: And that isn’t it.
    He gets out of the car and takes out a basket and a blanket out of the back seat.
    BLAIR: A picnic! You have outdone yourself, Todd.
    TODD: You can’t believe it can you?
    BLAIR: I can’t. You’ve been so busy with work and all.
    TODD: I still got it Blair.
    He sets up the blanket. He takes out some candles.
    TODD: I have covered everything.
    BLAIR: I’m amazed. I love it!
    Blair hugs him.
    Elijah has arrived at the BBQ.
    Morris who is still grilling is starting to take the burgers off of the grill.
    He spots Elijah arriving and he seems pissed!
    MORRIS: Oh hell no!
    Eartha greets Elijah.
    EARTHA: You actually made it! I didn’t think you would.
    ELIJAH: I was able to get away for a few.
    EARTHA: That makes me so happy.
    Eartha and Elijah hug. Morris who is behind them at a distance is staring a hole through them.
    Cut to Luke, Lily and Holden.
    LUKE: Your big day is tomorrow mom.
    LILY: Can’t wait to get to work!
    LUKE: I am ecstatic for you!
    HOLDEN: She is gonna love it.
    LILY: Holden may have some work of his own.
    LUKE: Coming back to the working world?
    HOLDEN: I am, but its top secret work.
    LUKE: What are you talking about?
    LILY: He’s right so top secret he doesn't even know what the job is! (laughs)
    MORRIS: You all can help yourself to burgers.
    HOLDEN: Thank you!
    Everyone gets up and starts to get food.
    Elijah and Morris get closer to one another.
    ELIJAH: Hi Morris. How are you?
    MORRIS: Elijah… (walks off)
    Morris pulls Eartha aside
    MORRIS: What is he doing here?
    EARTHA: I invited him.
    MORRIS: Well no sh*t, but I asked why...
    EARTHA: Not now Morris.
    Cut to Malik and Trinity
    MALIK: So lil sis got a summer job?
    TRINITY: I did. I even get to write some articles! I am in heaven about that.
    MALIK: So proud of you, sis.
    They spot their mom and dad having an increasingly heated talk in the distance.
    MALIK: Oh no they are at it now?
    TRINITY: The wannabe real house wife and husband of Union Creek. I hope this doesn’t spill out in public…
    At the Lewis Ranch:
    Marah, Josh, Reva and Jack are eating dinner.
    REVA: How’s the food Jack?
    JOSH: Some southern style home cookin’ from Reva.
    JACK: It is great. (gives his best southern accent) Compared to the food I’ve had at the hospital and while held captive, it is the bees knees.
    MARAH: I think it was awesome of you mom to bring Jack here.
    REVA: I have my good moments.
    JOSH: I honestly wasn’t so sure about this at first but I think I can warm up to you, Jack
    JACK: (Southern accent again) You reckon?
    JOSH: I reckon.
    REVA: I just hope that you will feel comfortable here.
    JACK: I think I will. I do appreciate all this. Really.
    The sun has gone down as Todd and Blair now have their picnic in the moon light.
    The candles giving off light.
    BLAIR: You have not only surprised me, but I think you have surprised yourself with all of this.
    TODD: You know Blair, sometimes ideas just hit me. Genius ones at that.
    Todd pours her another glass of wine.
    BLAIR: How did you get yourself to not stress over work tonight? Aren’t you supposed to be investigating something with your co-worker, Gary.
    TODD: Please do not bring up work and especially don’t bring up that pain in my a** Gary. I want this to be a good night.
    BLAIR: Sorry forget I mentioned it. Let’s talks about us. Actually, let’s not talk at all.
    She kisses him
    At the party:
    The music is blaring as the beers are flowing into teens mouths.
    Zack is dancing with Mandy.
    MANDY: I am shocked that you have some moves…well one move. Swaying. (Laughs)
    ZACK: Oh you are just hilarious. Because you are just a regular back up dancer for Beyoncé.
    MANDY: Whatever Zachery.
    The song stops playing and the two stop dancing.
    MANDY: Thank you for the dance anyway.
    ZACK: Any time Motor Mouth.
    She grabs a beer and walks off.
    Zack goes and finds Sam who is sitting down looking bored out of his mind.
    SAM: ...Can I go home yet? The neighbors across the street are having a barbecue and sure, I wasn’t invited because my family has made themselves the outcasts on the block, but I still would love to go sneak in.
    ZACK: Not yet, please. I need you to go and distract Cory so I can dance with Anne.
    SAM: Oh you just want me to go distract the big burly football star?
    ZACK: Yes.
    SAM: Fine…but then I’m out!
    “Power trip” by J Cole starts to play:
    [:00] The BBQ continues. Holden and Lily are eating. Holden grabs Lilys hand and squeezes it before lifting it up and kissing her hand.
    Luke gets a text on his phone. It is from Ben wishing him a happy 4th of July! Luke smiles wide.
    [:16] Trinity takes a sip of her lemonade. She gazes across the street towards Sams/the Manning house.
    Elijah is sitting next to Malik and a few nurses from the hospital.
    ELIJAH: Excuse me I have to make a phone call.
    Elijah calls his son, Terrance...
    [:31] Morris walks inside the house. He takes a bottle of whiskey out of a cupboard. He takes a drink straight from the bottle. He pours a large amount into his glass of soda and takes a nice, long drink of it.
    He looks back outside on Eartha eating alone. Trinity goes and sits by her. Morris makes his way back outside and sits by Eartha and Trinity who both do not look pleased that he is sitting there.
    [:57] At the party, Sam is talking to Cory and his friends. His friends are passing a joint of marijuana around.
    CORY: You seem so bored here. You need a hit.
    SAM: You really going to give me one, I thought you didn’t like me?
    CORY: I don’t even know you.
    FRIEND #1: Here you go. It is legal in Colorado you know.
    SAM: Yeah, not for high schoolers, but I would love some!
    Sam gets the joint and takes a nice big hit off of it coughing a bit afterwards.
    [1:22] Zack is with Anne
    ZACK: Want to dance Anne?
    ANNE: Yeah, why not..
    The two start to dance together. As they are dancing Zack is trying to get closer and closer to her.
    [1:34] Cut back to Sam taking another hit of weed!
    CORY: Don’t be stingy now! Like it?
    SAM: I think I needed this. It has been too long since I’ve had some.
    He turns around and sees Zack and Anne dancing and busts out laughing.
    SAM: Right on.
    [1:48] Mandy is getting another drink. She sees Anne and Zack dancing too and isn’t all that thrilled about it.
    As Zack and Anne are dancing he finally gets close enough to where she is grinding on him. Zack is nothing but thrilled. She turns around and their necks and faces are close together. Both seemingly much into the dancing.
    [2:14] Out in the moonlight, Todd moves the wine and the candles. He and Blair are making out. He pushes her down onto the blanket.
    BLAIR: Are we really going to do this, Todd. Do you not think we are too old?
    TODD: Never, Blair.
    Todd takes off her shirt and then her bra.
    He starts kissing up on her neck as Blair then takes off his shirt.
    Todd sticks his hand down her pants before unbuttoning them.
    They both continue to undress as Fireworks start to go off in the distance over the mountains.
    Todd and Blair are making love under the moonlight and the light from the fire works…
    [2:45] Fireworks continue to go off beautifully lighting up the sky!

    Marah hugs her parents again.
    REVA: See you later. Good luck tomorrow.
    MARAH: Thank you so much.
    Marah is making her way to her car as she sees the fireworks going off in the distance.
    The light from the fireworks reveals someone in the nearby bushes.
    That someone watches Marah get in her car and drive away.
    The person then gets up and looks into the window at Jack, Josh and Reva…
    Credits roll
    I do not own any non original characters nor any pics *
  22. Days22
    Malik is at home

    He is looking over some of his modeling pictures from the modeling contest.

    MALIK: I am shocked that they chose me. I look straight up goofy!

    He hears some arguing going on from the other room.

    MALIK: Every time those two come home they bicker…not today!

    Malik gets up and enters his parents bedroom.

    Morris and Eartha stop arguing and look at him

    MALIK: Look I know you have never liked us in your room, but—
    MORRIS: --Oh it is not OUR room anymore. Your mother has practically moved into the guest room!
    MALIK: Exactly and I would love to know WHY?
    EARTHA: It’s a long story.
    MALIK: I have all day. I don’t start my job for a few days.

    MORRIS: I do not want to drag you kids into this.
    MALIK: I am far from a kid anymore. Tell me what has gone so wrong the last two years between you two? It has been hell in this house.
    EARTHA: I am sorry we have been so hellish to live with.
    MORRIS: All I have to say is blame your mother.
    EARTHA: He is only blaming me because he cannot handle his own issues. I will tell you all about them, son!


    Outside of the house, Sam and Trinity are talking.

    TRINITY: Please get me out of here?
    SAM: Everything okay?
    TRINITY: Sure other than the fact that my family is so annoying.
    SAM: I am glad you want to go somewhere…because I do have a surprise for you. (grins)

    Trinity cuts her eyes at Sam suspiciously

    SAM: You will be happy!
    TRINITY: Fine. I will come with you. Besides, I need to get out of this wind. Messing up my curls. I so need to get a relaxer.
    SAM: A what?
    TRINITY: Nothing white boy let’s just go..

    They get into the car.


    At union creek high:

    Zack runs into Mandy in the halls.

    MANDY: Only you would volunteer to come to this school in the summer. Nerd.
    ZACK: And what are you doing here?
    MANDY: Just had a cheerleading meeting. I’ll leave you to your nerdiness now.
    ZACK: Whatever motor mouth Mandy! Go tell the town you saw me here.

    Zack walks into Miss Morgans classroom.

    MISS MORGAN: Thanks for volunteering to help tutor math.
    ZACK: It is no problem. I like to help people with this subject.
    MISS MORGAN: Will your new friend Sam be coming? I told him he should.
    ZACK: I doubt it. For some reason he is happy with his C’s.


    At Holden and Lilys house:

    HOLDEN: I see you grinning over there.
    LILY: Twas a good night.
    HOLDEN: It sure was.

    He sees the mail from the Colorado government on the table.

    HOLDEN: I didn’t get to tell you something last night

    Kisses her neck

    HOLDEN: When you…

    Kisses her shoulder

    HOLDEN: …Walked on over…

    Runs his hands down her back

    HOLDEN: …Pushed me down on the bed…

    He gazes into her eyes

    HOLDEN: ….And seduced me, Mrs Snyder

    He kisses her on her lips

    LILY: Keep this up and we are ending right back on the bed, but what did you not get to tell me?
    HOLDEN: I got mail about a job offer at some new local government program
    LILY: Government?
    HOLDEN: Yeah I was surprised too..


    At the hospital: A nurse is in with Jack

    NURSE: You get out tomorrow. Do you know where you are going to go yet?
    JACK: I gain back my independence on Independence Day. How ironic is that? Now of course ill be living that independence in some back alley I am sure but who cares. Not this hospital!
    NURSE: That is not true.

    Reva and Josh enter

    JOSH: Are you two talking about where Jack is going when he is released?
    NURSE: We were
    JACK: You two again…
    REVA: Yes us two and you don’t have to worry about where you are going. You are moving in with us!

    Jack looks at them both and side eyes them.


    Zack and Miss Morgan are going over some lesson plans.

    MISS MORGAN: I will go over the examples and then you can help some of the students individually.

    Anne walks in

    ZACK: Perfect.
    MISS MORGAN: Thanks again.

    Zack seems excited now that Anne has arrived,

    Miss Morgan starts handing out papers.

    ZACK: The real reason I am doing this.

    Zack waves to Anne and she waves back


    Sam has taken Trinity to the Union Creek Chronicle. They are parked outside.

    TRINITY: Doesn’t your dad own this place.
    SAM: He does and I have gotten us a summer job here!
    TRINITY: For real?
    SAM: I am not playin’
    TRINITY: That is awesome! Thank you so much!
    SAM: Well lets go in.

    They get out and walk inside.

    Luke Snyder greets them.

    LUKE: Todd is out right now, but he wanted me to show you both around.
    TRINITY: Are we actually going to get to write and all that?
    LUKE: Todd says you both will have two student articles each this summer.
    TRINITY: This is dope!
    SAM: I am excited that you are excited.
    TRINITY: You don’t even know.

    Gary comes out and spots them.

    GARY: Hello new co workers
    LUKE: This is Trinity and Sam
    TRINITY: Hi.
    GARY: Hello…Sam, Todds son right? (smirks)
    SAM: That’s me

    Gary shakes his hand..


    Cut to Lily and Holden

    Holden hands Lily the letter he got in the mail.

    LILY: This seems strange to me. Did you apply for a government job?
    HOLDEN: I sure didn’t
    LILY: You should call one of these numbers.
    HOLDEN: I would rather just go to the interview.
    LILY: I hope it is not some kind of scam.

    She looks over the letter


    In Jacks hospital room:

    JACK: What do you mean I am moving in with you? I thought you guys didn’t know me from my…my past life or whatever..
    JOSH: We don’t
    REVA: We just thought it was a good idea.
    JOSH: Well, she thought it was a good idea. I find it kind of weird, myself.
    REVA: You will enjoy our ranch. You will have a room to yourself.

    JACK: A ranch…will there be animals?
    JOSH: We have a few.
    JACK: I don’t know about this.
    REVA: Sure beats living in some back alley don’t you think?
    JACK: Look guys I may not remember my life, but I still have the feeling that I do not do good with animals.
    REVA: You won’t even see them.
    JOSH: I am sure he just needs time to think about it, Reva.
    REVA: Think long and hard.


    At the Davis house:

    EARTHA: Are you sure you really want to know what is up, Malik?
    MALIK: Yes, I do mom.
    EARTHA: Your father here has many issues. He cannot handle life and deals with it through outbursts with himself.
    MORRIS: Do you want to know why I cannot handle life? Because your mother has made it a living hell. She is the one who has this house on fire.
    EARTHA: What has happened to you Morris? You have gotten weak.

    MORRIS: I don’t even know you anymore so you are one to talk! Or did I ever know you? (yells) Huh?! Did I?!
    EARTHA: We better leave the room Malik. I am sure he is about to turn to his precious alcohol.
    MORRIS: Leave Eartha! It is about time since we have been living a lie for twenty years!

    Malik sighs


    Cut to Miss Morgans classroom

    MISS MORGAN: I want to welcome you all to summer algebra tutoring!

    Most of the class groans

    MISS MORGAN: I promise it will not be so bad and it will help your grades for this coming year and beyond.

    Miss Morgan is about to close the door, but Cory walks in late.

    MISS MORGAN: You are late Cory
    CORY: I know. I am sorry Miss Morgan but I had a prior engagement.
    MISS MORGAN: It is okay. Just Find a seat.

    Zack looks up to see Cory sit next to Anne

    His smile quickly turns to a frown.


    Gary and Luke are giving Sam and Trinity a tour around the Chronicle building.
    LUKE: I think we covered everything.
    GARY: We have
    SAM: So when do we get to start?
    LUKE: You will have to ask your dad that.
    TRINITY: This is thrilling.
    LUKE: I like this passion. Show that in your articles. Choose something you are passionate about.
    TRINITY: Oh I will.

    GARY: We need to get back to work now.
    LUKE: Okay, Okay Gary. See you both next time.
    TRINITY: Thank you so much for this!

    Trinity hugs Sam in all her excitement


    Back to Holden and Lily:

    LILY: Will you please call one of these numbers first before meeting with them.
    HOLDEN: I checked the numbers and they do belong to some local government offices.
    LILY: Hm, this is intriguing.
    HOLDEN: Sure is. I just wonder why they chose me and are reaching out to me.
    LILY: I am sure they have good reason. If this is on the up and up I am thrilled for you! I felt bad that you moved here just for me.
    HOLDEN: I have to admit I am pretty exhilarated by this prospect.


    Back in Jacks hospital room:

    REVA: So did you think it over?
    JACK: Oh yes You have given me all of two minutes to think about moving in with strangers.
    REVA: Not to be rude, but to you everyone is a stranger right now
    JOSH: Go easy on him!
    REVA: I just want to help the man out.

    JACK: I do appreciate it.
    REVA: So you will stop being stubborn and move to the ranch?
    JACK: Do I have a choice?
    REVA: No.
    JACK: I can see that. Then sure. I will try it out.

    Josh looks on still uneasy


    The Davis house:

    MORRIS: Your mother married me for her career and that is all.
    EARTHA: I am sick of you saying that!
    MALIK: I think I made a mistake coming in here.
    MORRIS: It is true Eartha and You know it!
    EARTHA: Sick of this and sick of you!

    Eartha exits the room.

    MALIK: So this a bad time to ask if tomorrows July 4th Barbecue is still on?
    MORRIS: Very funny.
    MALIK: Wish I could lighten this mood, but no chance of that.
    MORRIS: I’m sorry you had to hear that.
    MALIK: I am a grown man now I can handle it, but some advice dad. You two need to figure your sh*t out.

    Malik pats Morris on the back and exits as well.

    Morris closes the bedroom door.

    He takes out a bottle of cognac from a dresser drawer.

    He sits on the bed and starts to drink straight from the bottle…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics

  23. Days22
    Danielle closes her door. Sam has arrived.

    DANIELLE: Hello Lil bro.
    SAM: Hey big sis.
    DANIELLE: It is good that you finally came and visit me. A welcome visit compared to some of the others.
    SAM: My mom and Todd meant no harm.
    DANIELLE: Anyway… how have you been?

    SAM: I am doing good. School is out for the summer. Probably going to get a summer job.
    DANIELLE: Good for you. I just got a new job myself. A modeling job.
    SAM: You a model? Do they know it’s all make up…
    DANIELLE: Ha ha very funny.
    SAM: Nah I am happy for you sis.

    They hug.


    Todd is walking towards the Union Creek chronicle building.

    TODD: Why did I have to forget something? …I know that damn Gary is going to still be here and pop up and want to talk.

    Todd walks in the building and looks around…

    TODD: Phew. Coast is clear.

    He starts to make his way to his office, but Gary comes out of his cubicle and spots Todd.

    GARY: Todd you are back!
    TODD: (groans) You are getting predictable.
    GARY: We should talk in your office.
    TODD: Should we though? Should we really?
    GARY: Yes, my almost boss.

    They walk inside his office and Todd closes the door.

    TODD: I already know what you are going to say…we must find the document, blah blah blah. So you can own the paper, blah, blah, blah.
    GARY: Took the words right out of my mouth. Don’t you want to own this place? It was part of the contract. You seem to forget that you have to do this.
    TODD: Yes, I know this by now.
    GARY: So did you go over those papers I gave you.
    TODD: Yes. Yes I did.
    GARY: What did you think?
    TODD: Well um, I thought it was…interesting.
    GARY: And so what did you do with that info?
    TODD:…A lot.

    GARY: You didn’t even go over them did you?
    TODD: I have been working on a big story! We do news, remember?
    GARY: You need to buckle down. Do you realize that you are running out of time to own this place? Because you are. Time is ticking down.


    At Marah’s place:

    Lily, Holden, Reva and
    Josh are all there.

    MARAH: Thank you all for coming.
    LILY: Thank you for having this here.
    HOLDEN: A celebration to the opening of Chic Spirit, I like it.
    MARAH: We had to do something.
    REVA: You are starting to take after me.
    MARAH: Dad, tell her not to say that (laughs)
    JOSH: You are though. Doing big things.

    REVA: And enjoying big bashes.
    LILY: Well Holden and I brought some champagne. So we are going to do this right.
    MARAH: Thank you so much!
    HOLDEN: Let me pop it open!

    Holden pops the cork…


    At Bens place:

    Ben pushes Luke down onto the bed.

    LUKE: You’re wild.

    Luke tries to resist and stand up but Ben pushes him back onto the bed.

    BEN: Do not resist. I know the attraction is mutual.
    (Whispers in Luke’s ear) Why fight it?

    Ben takes off his shirt and gets on top of Luke.
    Ben then takes off Lukes shirt..

    Luke gives in and the two start to make out.

    Ben turns Luke over face down onto the bed…

    Ben kisses on the side of Lukes neck.

    LUKE: You are so hot.
    BEN: So are you. And don’t you forget it.

    Ben reaches around and unbuttons Luke's pants.

    He unzips them and starts to pull them down.

    He gives Luke a smack on the ass.

    BEN: Now go ahead. Take off mine.

    Luke turns around and faces Ben. Luke seems nervous..

    He unbuttons Bens jeans and starts to pull them down…


    Marah, Reva, Josh, Holden and Lily sip on some champagne.

    REVA: This was a good buy.
    HOLDEN: I know a lil something.
    JOSH: I want to make a toast.

    They all raise their glasses

    JOSH: To my hard working daughter and her magnificent partner, Lily! Chic Fashions is about to kick off! To its success!
    LILY: Yes sir!

    They all take a drink.

    MARAH: I am so excited for this. It is what I have been working towards my entire adult life.
    LILY: I am happy to be a part of this. We are going to kick butt!


    At Bens:

    Ben turns Luke back over.

    He starts to rub down Lukes back.

    He is about to take down Lukes underwear, but Luke turns around and stands up.

    LUKE: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
    BEN: What is wrong?
    LUKE: I am just not ready for this Ben..
    BEN: It was going so well. Are you really going to be a tease?
    LUKE: I don’t mean to be a tease. I really don’t. I'm just... I am not use to something developing this fast.
    BEN: I must have come on too strong.

    LUKE: It is certainly something that doesn’t happen to me often.
    BEN: I like to get to the point.
    LUKE: And I appreciate it. I have just learned that something that develops fast ends badly.
    BEN: I respect how you feel.
    LUKE: Thank you for being understanding.

    They both start to get dressed.


    At the Union Creek Chronicle:

    TODD: Gary, I am tired of this mystery document nonsense.
    GARY: You haven’t even done anything for this investigation though! Hell the only thing you have done so far is finally learn my name...And that took weeks!
    TODD: That is progress….Gary, this whole thing is just vague and quite frankly getting sketchy. What kind of document am I looking for?
    GARY: YOU have been looking for nothing. I am looking for a document that the ex owner wants us to find.
    TODD: Well I am getting ready to just sue the ex owner at this point for one ridiculous contract!

    GARY: A contract that you signed…Listen I have been doing the brunt work on this. For you by the way.
    TODD: Well you are doing well. I guess you don’t need me after all.
    GARY: However! …I am going to need your help when more is known.
    TODD: Sure. Whatever. I’ll be happy to help (fake smiles)


    At Danielles place

    DANI: So did you do good at this new school?
    SAM: I probably could have done better but I didn’t do bad.
    DANI: That doesn’t sound all that well.
    SAM: I am a B student.
    DANI: Stop half a**ing your work.
    SAM: Enough about me. I want to talk about you…and Todd.

    DANI: no! no!
    SAM: But I—
    DANI: --No Todd talk.
    SAM: Can you at least hear me out, sis?
    DANI: I am sick of everyone wanting to talk to me about Todd Manning!


    A fully dressed Luke and Ben are now in Bens front room.

    LUKE: I am sorry for ending that so abruptly in there.
    BEN: You have apologized enough.
    LUKE: I just hope I didn’t make things awkward between us, because I do not want to do that.
    BEN: I promise it is all good. Do not worry about me. I am a big boy.
    LUKE: Yes…that you are..

    LUKE: I…I guess I should go.
    BEN: Will you be in touch?
    LUKE: Yes. I promise.
    BEN: Good.

    Luke starts to leave

    BEN: Oh and…next time we are alone together….be prepared because you are not getting out of here this easily again. I am going to be hard on you (smirks)
    LUKE: Noted.

    Luke exits and goes to his car.

    He sits there for a bit.

    He wipes some sweat from his brow and turns on the air conditioning before driving off.


    Holden and Lily arrive home.

    LILY: That was so cool of Marah.
    HOLDEN: I think you have yourself a good partner.
    LILY: We really get along.
    HOLDEN: What every partnership needs most in my opinion.

    Holden grabs the mail before they head inside.

    LILY: I am excited for this opening!

    Lily hugs Holden.

    HOLDEN: Happy for you Lily.

    Holden and Lily kiss.

    LILY: I do need to get out of these shoes though.

    She walks off.

    Something in the mail intrigues Holden.

    Mail with his name on it from the Colorado Government..

    HOLDEN: What could this be?

    Holden opens it.

    HOLDEN: What? A job offer?

    He is looks on at the letter.


    Reva and Josh are in their car. Josh is driving.

    Reva is laughing.

    REVA: I think those people are great!
    JOSH: Yeah the Snyder family are good people.
    REVA: Well yeah, them too.
    JOSH: What people are you talking about?
    REVA: The people that made that champagne! (laughs)

    JOSH: Yeah you did like that. I think you had one glass too many.
    REVA: (gets a serious face) Maybe so Joshua. Maybe so. (laughs)

    They arrive home and park the car.

    JOSH: Need help in?
    REVA: I can walk!

    They get out and go inside.

    Meanwhile a car arrives and parks a little bit away from the ranch house…

    The person inside is not shown.

    There is a pair of binoculars on the passenger’s seat…


    At Danielle's place:

    SAM: Do not get annoyed so easily.
    DANI: Sorry If I got snappy.
    SAM: Just hear me out please…I have had a rough relationship with Todd growing up. You and I do share the same man as our father.
    DANI: Yup. Victor will forever be our father.

    SAM: Yes he will, but the thing is I felt the same way as you but I was just younger and I lived with Todd and I had time to get use to the guy. Sure my mom helped a lot.
    DANI: Blair is a saint for staying with him.
    SAM: He is not a bad guy, Dani. Just takes some getting use to. Rough around the edges and all that. So I think that you should not completely shut him out. I will leave now though I do not want to piss you off.
    DANI: You are not pissing me off. I really do appreciate your visit. Come over more often.
    SAM: I will.

    The siblings hug before he leaves


    At the Union Creek Chronicle:

    Gary is alone at his cubicle

    He makes a phone call

    GARY: Hello…yeah. I am still having a hard time with Todd. Yes I know…I know that we need Todd in charge of this case, because if there is any trouble. Todd can take the fall..

    Gary looks on…

    Meanwhile in Todds office:

    Todd takes a look at the paper and the article on Jack.

    TODD: Good work like this is what keeps me interested in this job.

    Pan up the wall to a hole in that wall…

    Inside that hole there is a camera…


    Cut to someone’s hand ending a call on a cell phone.

    That someone is watching a monitor and on that monitor is Todd on camera in his office…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.

  24. Days22
    Steve is getting home taking his bags out of his car.

    He hears a voice say “Long trip?”

    He turns around to see Roman Brady.

    STEVE: Roman, what are you doing here?
    ROMAN: The ISA sent me out to talk to you.
    STEVE: Is this about the operation to find Bo?
    ROMAN: I have some good news…

    Steve is intrigued


    At the hospital, Angie is pushing
    Natalia around in a wheel chair.

    NATALIA: I probably could walk you know?
    ANGIE: Leave that to the physical therapist. I just want to talk.
    NATALIA: About my recovery?
    ANGIE: Well, yeah. Your recovery will probably progress slowly.
    NATALIA: I already feel much better than when I first woke up.
    ANGIE: Maybe you will be super woman through this recovery then.

    NATALIA: I like to think I will be.
    ANGIE: I also wanted to talk about your father.
    NATALIA: Was he a wreck after I was shot?
    ANGIE: Yes. Which was to be expected. He’s elated now though. I am very happy that you two are so close.
    NATALIA: I think we keep each other grounded. Especially on the job.

    Greg is home.

    He takes out a wad of cash.

    He flashes back to last night robbery:

    Vin, Chavo and himself had to run off on foot and they all went separate ways.

    GREG: I cannot believe those idiots pulled off a robbery.

    He stashes the money in his underwear drawer.

    GREG: I cant stash this here for long. God knows I cannot keep it in this house.

    He closes the drawer.

    GREG: I don’t even want it anyway. I feel very uncomfortable about what went down.

    He sits on his bed and shakes his head..


    Meanwhile Vin and Chavo are together.

    CHAVO: What a rush last night, holmes!
    VIN: It sure was.

    It gets silent and Chavo looks at Vin stare in the distance.

    CHAVO: Um, I thought you of all people would be thrilled about what went down.
    VIN: I am. We made a good chunk of cash. We almost have a thousand dollars each.
    CHAVO: Then why do you seem unhappy?
    VIN: It is that stupid girl!
    CHAVO: Ali?

    VIN: Yes, she seems to have disappeared. I cannot get a hold of her and have no clue where she is. I want to try and make things up to her. She always forgives me and with this cash I know I can buy her something special.
    CHAVO: I am sure she will come around. She could not have just up and disappeared.
    VIN: She likes jewelry. I will get her some jewelry.
    CHAVO: Maybe throw in some flowers too.
    VIN: Good idea Chavo. That’s why I keep you around.

    Vin takes out a picture from his wallet of he and Ali.

    VIN: I wish she would just answer her phone!

    He calls her and it goes straight to voice mail.

    VIN: But she wont!

    He crumbles the picture of the two of them in frustration.


    Roman and Steve are inside the Johnson house:

    STEVE: Please go into detail of this good news, dude.
    ROMAN: The ISA sent a drone to check out some places around this city and on the outskirts of this city.
    STEVE: It found Bo?
    ROMAN: That would have been best case scenario, but what the drone was able to find is a house on the outskirts of town that seems newly built. The drone took pictures of the inside and it seems to be occupied, but nobody was seen around neither day nor night the two days the drone came around it.
    STEVE: You really think this could be connected to Bo?

    Roman hands Steve some pictures

    ROMAN: Yes because the very last time I spoke with Bo he had mentioned a house he was hoping to find more information on.

    Steve looks over the pictures

    His eyes go wide.

    STEVE: I think you have something here! I just have that feeling you know?
    ROMAN: I do hope this will lead us to my brother.
    STEVE: We have to get in there quick and look around.
    ROMAN: Me too, but we do have to get a warrant first.

    Cut to Vin and Chavo

    CHAVO: I think I am going to go spend some of this money.

    Vin puts on his shades

    VIN: I have to go too, Chavo.
    CHAVO: Where are you off to? To buy that jewelry?
    VIN: No, I am going to track down one of Alis friends. She will have to know where Ali is.
    CHAVO: Good luck, ese.


    Ali meanwhile is with Miss Cho at the womens shelter.

    MISS CHO: How are you holding up, Ali?
    ALI: I am trying to get adjusted to being here.
    MISS CHO: You are adjusting well.
    ALI: You think so?
    MISS CHO: Yes. First two days you wanted to just stay in your room alone, but today you ate breakfast with some of the other girls.

    ALI: I was hungry.
    MISS CHO: Regardless, I think it is a great first step.
    ALI: I feel isolated here.
    MISS CHO: In a way this is isolation, but you can make some life long friends here you just have to let them in.
    ALI: I am going to try.
    MISS CHO: Take your time. I just want you to be comfortable.


    Greg is in his room.

    He is laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

    He then hears his father yelling at his little brother

    “You never listen to me! Are you stupid, kid? Start to listen to me!”

    Greg sighs.

    “The damn people in this house! Never listen. I should kick you all out!”

    GREG: I wish he would.

    “Dammit Cole, Just go to your room before I kick you all the way to it!”

    GREG: I am sick of that man…


    Jesse arrives at the hospital.

    He goes to the room to see Angie there with Natalia.

    JESSE: Angie
    ANGIE: Hi baby

    Jesse and Angie kiss.

    Angie: You okay from your long night last night?
    JESSE: I got a little bit of sleep.
    NATALIA: What went down last night?
    JESSE: There was a robbery but I don’t want you worrying about that right now.
    NATALIA: I am still a cop.
    JESSE: For now.

    NATALIA: How long until I can get back on the force?
    JESSE: I hope you are joking and not in a hurry for that.
    NATALIA: What do you think, Angie, how long until I am recovered enough for that?
    ANGIE: That is hard to say and really up to the force.
    JESSE: I am sorry Natalia, but you will not be continuing on as an officer.

    Her smile fades fast.


    Kayla arrives home and is happy to see Roman.

    KAYLA: Roman!

    Kayla and Roman hug.

    ROMAN: Good to see you sis.
    KAYLA: What are you doing here?
    ROMAN: Just here on business.
    KAYLA: Don’t like the sound of that.

    STEVE: I need a favor Kayla. I need to talk to your co workers husband. The cop.
    KAYLA: Okay…about what?
    STEVE: About business. We need a warrant. Investigating a house.

    Kayla looks at them both suspiciously.

    KAYLA: Something is going on.
    STEVE: I will hopefully be able to tell you more soon. I just need to get a warrant.
    ROMAN: I better go.
    KAYLA: I don’t like this.
    ROMAN: I’ll be in touch Kayla.
    KAYLA: When you do, speak more please.

    Roman exits and Kayla gives Steve a look of what is really up.

    Outside of the house Roman goes to the window.

    He gazes back in on Steve and Kayla…


    Back at the shelter:

    MISS CHO: Would you like to be in todays painting session. Could be good for your mind to get some peace.
    ALI: How many girls will be there?
    MISS CHO: Most of them.
    ALI: I think Ill pass today.
    MISS CHO: You cannot avoid all the girls forever.

    ALI: I know I just need time. I am not use to having many friends because of Vin.
    MISS CHO: He kept you away from them?
    ALI: He tried to. I had a few but I didn’t see them often. Usually just talked on the phone.
    MISS CHO: I understand, Ali. I just hope you will come around.

    Miss Cho hugs Ali.


    Vin Meanwhile has tracked down one of Ali’s friends.

    VIN: Talk to me Willow.
    WILLOW: I don’t know what you want me to say.
    VIN: I want you to tell me where Ali is!
    WILLOW: I told you I do not know.

    Vin takes a step closer to her.

    WILLOW: You are kind of scaring me.
    VIN: I don’t want to scare you I just want to get ahold of Ali.
    WILLOW: I’m sure you do want to get AHOLD of her, but I have not heard from her in a few days, like you.
    VIN: Where would she go?
    WILLOW: I do not know, but she was going to the hospital a lot.

    VIN: The hospital? For what?
    WILLOW: She was talking to some doctor there?
    VIN: About what?
    WILLOW: You’ll have to ask her. I have to go now.

    She walks off quickly.

    VIN: What the hell is Ali up to?

    He clenches his fist..


    Greg hears his father go into his little brother Coles room.

    FATHER: I need you to dump the trash before you sit in your room being lazy like your deadbeat brother!

    Greg seems to of had enough and gets off the bed and heads into the hall.

    GREG: Quiet down dad!
    FATHER: You are really going to get in my face like this and raise your voice?
    GREG: Who are you calling deadbeat? You are here bitching while mom is at work.
    FATHER: How dare you? You will not disrespect me like this!
    GREG: You gonna hit me? What else is new. Always taking your aggression out on this family. Well I am sick of it!
    FATHER: What are you going to do about it?

    They have a staredown.

    FATHER: Nothing.

    He shoves Greg into the wall and walks downstairs.


    At the hospital:

    NATALIA: You cannot keep me off of the force, dad?
    JESSE: You need a lot of time to recover. Not only physically, but mentally.
    NATALIA: I will be able to do that soon enough.
    ANGIE: Don’t start an argument guys.
    NATALIA: I just want my dad to know that I can make my own decisions.
    JESSE: I am not trying to make the decision for you. I am looking out for you.
    NATALIA: Whenever it is that I recover I plan on staying on the force no matter what!

    Jesse is obviously upset to hear this.


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original character nor any pics
  25. Days22
    Written by: Nick M.

    Brittany is at Billy’s place.

    BILLY: You stopped by on your way to work just to see me?
    BRITTANY: Yeah. It is starting to feel like if we do not see each other every day that the day doesn’t even feel right.
    BILLY: Now that you mention it, you are right.
    BRITTANY: I really do need to get to work though. I cant be late.
    BILLY: Have a good shift. I’ll just be here…doing my usual. Lounging around.
    BRITTANY: Are you going to go look for a job yet?
    BILLY: Maybe. See you later.

    Billy and Brittany embrace in a tight hug before she heads out.

    Billy then sits down.

    BILLY: Gotta stop being lazy.

    His phone rings and he picks it up.

    BILLY: I’ll be damn.

    It is his sister Ashley Abbott on the other line!

    BILLY: Ashley!
    ASHLEY: Hi Little bro. How are you?
    BILLY: Doing okay.
    ASHLEY: Glad to hear it. You like the city you moved to?
    BILLY: It actually could be paradise. Or so I am hoping..


    At the women’s shelter:

    Ali is at the kitchen table eating with some of the other girls.

    She finishes up and walks over to Charlotte.

    CHARLOTTE: I gotta say, I sure am proud of you.
    ALI: For what?
    CHARLOTTE: You are now mingling with all the girls in here.
    ALI: That is thanks to you, Charlotte. You made it easy to talk to and started to get me to talk to the others.
    CHARLOTTE: What ever worked I am glad. You need friends. Miss Cho is proud of you too. She likes to see us girls become friends. She says it goes a long way.
    ALI: She is a wise woman.


    Meanwhile, Vin is looking as frustrated as ever.

    VIN: Going to find you Ali!

    He is online on a tablet.

    VIN: And I know exactly where they made you go those damn doctors.

    He is searching women shelters in the nearby area!


    Greg has just arrived home.

    GREG: Quiet today. Anybody home?!

    He looks around.

    GREG: The house to myself. And dad isn’t here. The only time this place is peaceful is when he is out.

    Greg walks into the kitchen.

    GREG: I hope we actually have some food.

    He opens the refrigerator to see nothing but Milk and ketchup.

    GREG: I guess milk will have to do.

    He pours himself a glass.

    He exits the room and sees his mom walking up stairs.

    GREG: Mom! I didn’t know anyone was home.
    GREGS MOM: Hi son. I didn’t know you were here either.

    She walks upstairs quickly like she is avoiding him.

    GREG: Was it something I said…


    Paul arrives home and Emily is there.

    EMILY: Home so early?
    PAUL: Taking a little break.
    EMILY: How is it going? Eliza is still messing things up I assume…
    PAUL: Why are you worried about Eliza?
    EMILY: You said she has been having a hard time getting the hang of being a secretary…
    PAUL: Yeah she is.

    EMILY: Sorry, I was just asking Paul.
    PAUL: I don’t know why you are faking interest in BRO today.
    EMILY: What are you talking about?
    PAUL: The company has been opened for a few days now…and do you know how many times you have come to support the company? Oh that’s right, zero!
    EMILY: I didn’t know you needed hands on support like that.
    PAUL: Oh, please Emily! We had a whole discussion and you stated how you were going to be supportive. I found it weird that you changed your tune so quickly, but now I see you were just lying through your teeth.
    EMILY: I didn’t—
    PAUL: --Save it! I do not want to hear excuses.
    Emily steps back as Paul’s agitation grows.


    Cut to Bo chained up

    He is looking at a plate of food that was brought in.

    He has to move the plate closer to him using his leg.

    BO: This is becoming too much.

    He then can barely reach the food with his hand. He stretches as much as he can and grabs a bread roll.

    He takes a bite of it and it is rather hard.

    BO: I must get out of here somehow. (shouts towards the door) I will get out of here! You hear me!


    Billy is still on the phone with his sister, Ashley.

    ASHLEY: You don’t know what career to choose there?
    BILLY: Not really. There is this fashion company restarting that I thought about applying at, but I haven’t yet.
    ASHLEY: I think you should.
    BILLY: I know I should, but the question is will I?
    ASHLEY: You will run out of money eventually. What are you going to do then, come asking us siblings for cash?
    BILLY: You guys could spare some, so maybe.
    ASHLEY: Funny.

    BILLY: So how is everything with you?
    ASHLEY: I have a few problems going on.
    BILLY: Problems, what is wrong sis?
    ASHLEY: Nothing I want to get into right now.
    BILLY: Are you sure? You know you can tell me..
    ASHLEY: I just have to figure a few things out…

    Billy looks on a bit worried…


    At the womens shelter:

    Ali is with Charlotte and Jacy.

    CHARLOTTE: How did you break up with your boyfriend?
    JACY: He isn’t just a boyfriend. He is my husband.
    ALI: Oh wow.
    JACY: Yeah. It was a hard escape. I planned coming here from the start because I knew he would come lookin’ fo me. Sho nuff, my brother said he has gone crazy blowing up peoples phones.
    CHARLOTTE: When do you plan on going back into town?
    JACY: I hope I have the courage to go back to Paradise soon. I know he will be livid for a long time. Before I ran out of the house and told him I was through with him I also threw my wedding ring right at his face. It was off the chain! Felt great. Cracked me up all the way on my drive here.
    ALI: Wow that is awesome! I just ran away from my problems as quietly as possible...
    JACY: Don’t think like that, girl.
    CHARLOTTE: You got away. That is all that matters.


    Greg goes upstairs.

    He sees his moms bedroom door cracked open.

    GREG: Can I come in?
    GREGS MOM: I just want to rest.
    GREG: What is wrong?
    GREGS MOM: Nothing is wrong.
    GREG: Something is mom. I can tell.

    He goes into her room.

    His mom is sitting on her bed…with a black eye.

    GREG: Son of a b*tch!
    GREGS MOM: Dammit, Greg I didn’t want you to get all riled up.
    GREG: All riled up! That bastard father of mine hit you again didn’t he?

    Gregs mom sits there holding back tears. She shakes her head, yes.

    GREG: Someone needs to teach him a lesson.
    GREGS MOM: I am okay.
    GREG: Mom, this is not okay!


    Cut to Paul and Emily.

    EMILY: Is this going to be another pity party all about you, Paul?
    PAUL: How dare you! What kind of wife are you?
    EMILY: What kind of husband are you? You have become so bad at taking care of your family. I don’t know how it happened, but you have regressed as a person.
    PAUL: No I am just not selfish like you, dear.
    EMILY: Don’t even dear me!

    PAUL: I should have just stayed at work, but then I would never see you.
    EMILY: That would be best. I mean you come in here and call me selfish while at the same time you are crying with this woe is me act.
    PAUL: You—
    EMILY:--No. Let me speak. You say I do not support you, but you support me with nothing. Nothing, Paul.
    PAUL: That is not even true.
    EMILY: It is. I do the housework alone. I had to try and keep this family together while you fell into your broke slump. Not mention we haven’t had sex in months! Where is the support there?
    PAUL: Now the low blows?
    EMILY: What blows? There is no blowing going on in this house! Just giving you a taste of your medicine, and with some facts...


    The masked person sets down some water for Bo.

    PERSON: You will want to drink up. Don’t go getting dehydrated.
    BO: Oh shut up.

    The masked person leaves the basement.

    He unmasks. It is Bart

    BART: The Bradys are so ungrateful. I am just trying to keep you nourished Bo. Sheesh!

    Bart makes his way up the stairs and out of the secret passageway.

    He takes out a phone and calls Stefano.

    STEFANO: Bart, now what?
    BART: Hello to you too Boss.
    STEFANO: Is something wrong?
    BART: No everything is very right.
    STEFANO: Excellent. I don’t know how you have stayed as one of my henchmen over the years, but just keep up the good work right now. I will be in touch shortly.
    BART: Talk to you soon.
    STEFANO: Maybe even see me soon.
    BART: Wait, you are coming here?

    Bart is surprised
    “Bad Company” by Five finger death punch starts to play


    [:00] Greg and his mom are sitting together.

    GREGS MOM: Your dad just loses his mind sometimes.

    She touches her black eye.

    GREG: Not an excuse at all.
    GREGS MOM: I do know that.
    GREG: I wish I could tear him apart!
    GREGS MOM: Don’t say that. Then you will be just like him.
    GREG: He deserves some of his own medicine.
    GREGS MOM: Please don’t get involved.

    Greg is clenching his fist.

    GREGS MOM: Please do not do something stupid and go after your father.
    GREG: I want to. I really do.
    GREGS MOM: Don’t.

    Greg sighs.

    He and his mother hug each other.

    [:27] The frustrated Vin has been going through women’s shelter numbers online.

    VIN: Just one more to check. Ali better be at this one.

    He calls…

    One of the girls answers.

    GIRL: Hello..
    VIN: (deepens his voice) Hi…this is Ali Pritchard’s father. I have an emergency and need to speak with her.
    GIRL: Okay…I’ll get her.

    The girl interrupts Ali, Jacy and Charlotte.

    GIRL: Hey Ali, the phone is for you.
    ALI: It is?
    GIRL: Yeah, it is your father.
    ALI: My dad? I didn’t know he knew I was here...

    Ali grabs the phone and walks out of the room.

    ALI: Hi dad…
    VIN: Hi baby…

    Ali’s face turns to horror when she realizes it is Vin on the phone.

    VIN: Don’t hang up.
    ALI: I…should…not be talking to you.
    VIN: Please baby. We need to talk!
    ALI: What do you have to say?
    VIN: I just want to apologize. I just want to see you. Would you come and see me, baby?

    Ali stands there nervously…


    [1:13] Cut to Emily and Paul in their stand off

    PAUL: I’m going back to work! This was a mistake.
    EMILY: You are the one who came here looking to start a fight.
    PAUL: I just wanted some answers.
    EMILY: I would like some answers myself, why have you become all about you?
    PAUL: I guess you finally rubbed off on me….zing.

    Paul is about to leave.

    EMILY: You know Paul, I am about to just give up on you completely!
    PAUL: Give up huh? That is what you have always done with your life. Why stop now?

    Paul exits and slams the door behind him.

    Emily lets out a yell in frustration. She looks like she is about to cry.

    EMILY: I should just leave him.

    [1:44] Bart is still on the phone with Stefano.

    BART: Before you get here what should I do?
    STEFANO: Just hang tight and prepare for my arrival.
    BART: I am prepared boss.
    STEFANO: Someone else will be joining us.
    BART: Who?
    STEFANO: Someone who has become a great help keeping me out of the hands of American authorities.

    Stefano cackles

    [2:00] Back downstairs, Bo is drinking some of the water.

    BO: I hope he keeps bringing this to me so I have some energy.

    He continues to pull at the chains. His wrists are bruised and cut up.

    BO: If the ISA isn’t going to find me. I have to rely on myself to get free.

    He yanks the chains again. One of them does seem to be loosening from the wall a bit.

    BO: Have to keep at this every day.

    Zoom in on the chain starting to loosen in the wall…

    [2:20] Credits roll

    I do not own any non original characters nor any pic.*
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