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Blog Entries posted by Days22

  1. Days22
    Luke is at the union Creek chronicle.

    He is walking out of the building when he gets a call on his cell.

    He looks at his phone and its an incoming call from Ben.

    LUKE: Hello
    BEN: Luke…I am glad you answered. I was afraid you were busy at work or something.
    LUKE: I was just about to take a late lunch break actually.
    BEN: Perfect. You should come and eat here.
    LUKE: Um…and where is that?
    BEN: At my new place in town.
    LUKE: You moved in already?
    BEN: Yup and I would love to show it off.

    LUKE: Okay. Sounds good to me. As long as there is something to eat. I am starved.
    BEN: Oh don’t worry. I have plenty for you to eat..


    At the hospital:

    Eartha and Morris are at the nurses station.

    NURSE: You two need some coffee before you head home?
    EARTHA: You know my man always needs his coffee.
    MORRIS: I do have a tad bit of an addiction.

    Eartha kisses him on the cheek.

    NURSE: You two are just too cute. Always making us long for a relationship like yours.
    MORRIS: I guess that is just what we do.
    EARTHA: (Chuckles) Yeah. Guess so.
    NURSE: I better get back.

    She exits.

    Morris sighs.

    MORRIS: And the emmy goes to…Eartha Davis.

    Morris walks out of the room with his coffee.

    Eartha sighs.


    At Union Creek High:

    Sam and Zack high 5 in the halls.

    ZACK: Last day of school!
    SAM: Summer time.
    ZACK: My favorite.
    SAM: I am glad I came to this school so late in the year. Made it feel like the school year went by quickly.
    ZACK: How did your math final go.
    SAM: That is neither here nor there.

    ZACK: Well did you pass at least?
    SAM: C minus is passing right.
    ZACK: That’s true.
    SAM: I’m just happy its summer. I am looking forward to summer break in a new town.


    Tea is at her daughter Danielle’s place.

    DANI: Mom I didn’t know you were going to be in town!
    TEA: I like to be a surprise once in awhile.
    DANI: This is a pleasant surprise.

    Mother and daughter hug.

    TEA: How is life here in Colorado?
    DANI: Things are looking up!
    TEA: Oh yeah? A new boy?
    DANI: No Mom. No relationship.
    TEA: I am happy to hear that life can look up without a boy.
    DANI: Definitely. I am embarking on a new job.

    Tea is intrigued


    Todd and Blair are at the café.

    TODD: I did it Blair. I found my hit story.
    BLAIR: The guy in town with amnesia?
    TODD: Yes. This is huge. This town is not use to something so crazy like this.
    BLAIR: I don’t know this town has a hint of crazy I think, Todd.
    TODD: Well that is because we moved here.
    BLAIR: Touche.

    BLAIR: You are hyper today are you sure you need more coffee?
    TODD: I am just so pleased with this. The Jack Doe story will make everyone see that I will be a great owner of the Union Creek Chronicle. This story has to go national.
    BLAIR: Didn’t you say he didn’t want to take a picture though. That is going to hinder this story.
    TODD: It will Still—
    BLAIR: --Oh no Todd.
    TODD: (Agitated) I was talking. What Blair?

    Blair points. Reva and Josh are there.

    Reva and Josh come face to face with Todd and Blair.
    REVA: Isn’t this interesting. We see each other at the café again.
    BLAIR: Todd, this is the b*tch that assaulted me.


    Luke is at Bens place.

    LUKE: Looks great from the outside.
    BEN: I cant wait to show you around the inside…but first. We eat!
    LUKE: I hope you didn’t make a big meal or anything.
    BEN: Nothing special. Just a little chicken salad.
    LUKE: I feel bad. I should have brought a house warming gift.
    BEN: I gave you short notice and besides you are gift enough.

    LUKE: You like to flatter me don’t you.
    BEN: It is because you seem like you are not one who likes to be in the spotlight.
    LUKE: Not a lot these days. Is it that obvious?
    BEN: I just consider myself good at reading people.
    LUKE: You impress me more and more.
    BEN: But why so shy?
    LUKE: It has just been awhile since I have gotten attention is all..


    Eartha and Morris get home.

    Silence ensues as they walk around the house setting their bags down.

    Neither is saying a word to the other.

    Morris sits and starts to take off his shoes.

    Eartha sits down on a chair on the opposite side of the room.

    Morris glares at her.

    He takes a deep breath.

    MORRIS: Would you like something to drink? I am going to make myself a drink.
    EARTHA: No.
    MORRIS: Are you sure?
    EARTHA: I just want to be alone, okay.

    Morris gets frustrated and pounds his hand down on the table!

    MORRIS: Why the hell do we even still do this!?

    Morris and Eartha glare at each other…


    At Danielles place:

    TEA: Would it be okay if I brought up Todd?
    DANI: That would be ill advised.
    TEA: Okay. I respect your wishes.
    DANI: Thank you. Can we go back and talk about my job prospect?
    TEA: Yes. Tell me all about it.

    DANI: Well so far it was just a contest. A modeling contest.
    TEA: Modeling? I am surprised you want to do that?
    DANI: Trust me I didn’t at first, but when I actually started posing for pictures…it became fun.
    TEA: I am glad you enjoyed the contest but what about the actual job?
    DANI: I should find out today. I felt confident doing it though. I think I can really enjoy this.
    TEA: It is so terrific to hear to talk like this. My girl has her groove back.


    At the café:

    JOSH: I wish you would stop trying to push my wifes buttons.
    BLAIR: Did you see what she did to me awhile back? She threw coffee on me!
    JOSH: We both know that was an accident.
    TODD: I don’t want a cat fight happening in here. That is bad for my public image.
    BLAIR: Do you even care what she did, Todd?
    TODD: If my wife says she assaulted her , she probably assaulted her then.
    REVA: You were not even there! How would know?

    TODD: I take her word for it.
    BLAIR: It doesn’t matter what these two think. I know what happened and I am still trying to press charges.
    REVA: You have to be kidding me with that.
    BLAIR: Justice deserves to prevail.
    JOSH: This is ridiculous! Just when you think this town is peaceful.

    TODD: Can we be honest here for a second. Had that coffee that was thrown on my wife been hot and not iced it would have caused a lot of damage.
    REVA: First off it was not thrown.
    TODD: Okay. Tossed.
    REVA: It was an accident. We physically ran into each other!
    JOSH: Either way she doesn’t have a case! This is just plain stupid!
    TODD: Hey! Hey! Do not raise your voice at my wife.

    Todd gets in Josh’s face.


    Back to the Davis Household.

    EARTHA: That is a really good question. Why do we still do this? Oh that is right. The kids.
    MORRIS: I don’t know Eartha. I really wondered why we ever did this? Why did we even marry.
    EARTHA: Don’t even go there. Do not start and act like a victim!
    MORRIS: Dammit Eartha! I am serious. I often wonder if you ever even loved me.

    EARTHA: So absurd.
    MORRIS: I am sure that you only married me to help with your own career.
    EARTHA: Do you even hear yourself? We have been together for over twenty years. To think there was no love is asinine.
    MORRIS: I know I am right.
    EARTHA: The truth is and this truth might hurt Morris. I did love you. Very much so, but you have made it so hard to love over the years because I know now what I did not know then. You are one very disturbed man!

    Eartha angrily walks into another room.

    Morris is frustrated again and picks up a vase of flowers and throws them at the wall!


    The Bell rings at school!

    Students clear into the hall.

    Some are shouting that school is out for the summer!

    Sam gets to his locker.

    Trinity is also at her locker which is next to his.

    SAM: You should look more happy that it is summer time!
    TRINITY: Trust me I am thrilled.
    SAM: I thought I was the one with the poker face.
    TRINITY: I am just always focused on something.
    SAM: What are you focused on now?
    TRINITY: Finding a summer job.

    SAM: Ah the dreaded summer job.
    TRINITY: Yeah. Kinda sucks, but the money wont!
    SAM: I actually think I can help you with finding a summer job.
    TRINITY: Are you serious? (smiles)
    SAM: I wouldn’t lie to you.


    Dani meanwhile gets a phone call.

    DANI: Hello…Hi Mrs Snyder….are you serious? How exciting! Yes I cannot wait to start there soon.

    Dani hangs up.

    TEA: That sounded like good news.
    DANI: it was. I got the job!
    TEA: Congratulations baby!

    Teah hugs her daughter.

    DANI: I didn’t think I would be this happy about a modeling job, but I am.


    At the café

    JOSH: Are you really getting in my face?
    TODD: I am just stating that you two should not keep harassing my wife.

    Todd backs away.

    BLAIR: Thank you, honey.
    JOSH: This has got to be a joke. Are we getting punk’d Reva?
    REVA: I don’t know what this is Joshua, but it is ridiculous.
    BLAIR: Reva, you will be sorry. If you keep messing with me.
    REVA: Blair, honey, was that a threat? Joshua I should probably press charges.

    Reva smirks as she walks off.

    JOSH: This needs to stop.

    Josh walks off with her.

    TODD: Those two are a piece of work.
    BLAIR: She is a piece of something alright.

    Meanwhile, Luke is giving Ben a tour of his house.

    LUKE: You struck gold with this place. Do you make a lot of money in skiing competition?
    BEN: I make enough.
    LUKE: I can see that.
    BEN: Now to the most important place of the house.

    Ben opens a door and guides Luke into the bedroom.

    LUKE: I like it. It’s spacious.
    BEN: What do you think about the bed? It is brand new too.
    LUKE: Looks comfy.

    Luke presses his hand into the bed.

    LUKE: Nice

    Luke turns back around and is met by a kiss from Ben!

    Luke is caught off guard.

    LUKE: Wasn’t expecting that.
    BEN: Loosen up and expect the unexpected

    Ben pushes Luke down onto the bed.

    LUKE: You’re wild.

    Luke tries to resist and stand up but Ben pushes him back onto the bed.

    BEN: Do not resist. I know the attraction is mutual.
    (Whispers in Luke’s ear) Why fight it?

    Ben takes off his shirt and gets on top of Luke.
    Ben then takes off Lukes shirt..

    Luke gives in and the two start to make out.

    Ben then turns Luke over face down onto the bed…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.
  2. Days22
    Vin is outside of Psychiatrist Jerri's office.

    He looks inside at the secretary.

    VIN: I’ll just wait here. This is the one Ali was talking to. The one who probably turned her against me.

    He looks back in and glares.

    Vin sees a patient leaving and he charges inside.

    SECRETARY: Excuse me you cannot go back there!

    Vin pushes past her and does.

    JERRI: Excuse me?
    VIN: You and I need to talk.
    JERRI: Who are you?
    VIN: The boyfriend of one of your patients. I want to know where the hell Ali is! Where is she?!

    Jerri is caught off guard as Vin glares on at her.


    AT BRO:

    Eliza hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath.

    ELIZA: I really need to get the hang of this job.

    Paul approaches her.

    PAUL: Yes. Yes you do.
    ELIZA: Oh no! Did I mess something up?

    She drops her face into her hands.

    ELIZA: I don’t even want to know.
    PAUL: You need to know so that you learn from your mistakes!
    ELIZA: Okay, okay. What did I do?
    PAUL: You filed some papers in the wrong folders. A big no no for the papers I need to find.

    He hands her two folders.

    PAUL: Two different material suppliers. Open them both up and see that you mismatched them. What do you think would happen if we send one company the check for another company!
    ELIZA: I am sorry dad. Really. I just need to get used to all this.
    PAUL: I hope you do soon. This should not be happening.


    JJ and Miranda are the two left alone after the music class again.

    JJ: Just you and I here again. We must be the die hards.
    MIRANDA: I guess we are.
    JJ: We have a lot in common you know.
    MIRANDA: I don’t know about that.

    Miranda starts to quickly put her books in her backpack.
    JJ: I enjoyed our jam session last time.
    MIRANDA: Cool.
    JJ: Did you?
    MIRANDA: Yeah but I should get going.

    She stands up.

    JJ: Why are you in such a hurry?
    MIRANDA: Oh you know. Everyone is always in a hurry…with nowhere to go.
    JJ: I think you should stay here with me after class again. I want you to.

    They look on at each other.


    Someone is at the Johnson family home.

    Steve opens the door.
    It is Roman…and Hope Brady.

    STEVE: Hope, You made it!
    HOPE: Roman said it was urgent. What is going on?
    STEVE: Please come in.

    Roman and Hope enter.

    ROMAN: Hope, you should probably take a seat.
    HOPE: I don’t like this.

    Hope raises her eyebrow.

    Kayla walks in.

    HOPE: Hi Kay.

    Kayla and Hope hug.

    HOPE: Please tell me what is up…

    Just then Carly walks in the room.

    Hope sees her and a scowl comes over her face.

    HOPE: What is SHE doing here? What is going on…


    Cut to Vin and Jerri.

    VIN: Are you going to tell me where my girlfriend is?
    JERRI: Why should I know?
    VIN: She is a patient of yours isn’t she?
    JERRI: I do not keep tabs on my patients, sorry young man.
    VIN: Well I at least want to know what you talked to her about.
    JERRI: You know that is confidential.

    VIN: Dammit, you turned her against me didn’t you!?
    JERRI: You need to leave.
    VIN: No! Not until you tell me why she has disappeared.
    JERRI: I have patients to see.

    Vin is getting increasingly more angry.

    JERRI: perhaps you could talk to me about this anger of yours some time.
    VIN: Did Ali tell you I was angry?
    JERRI: No I can just see it right this instance. Please leave or I will have my secretary call hospital security if she hasn’t already.
    VIN: Fine! But I will find her!

    He leaves



    Ali is sitting with another girl, Charlotte.
    CHARLOTTE: Miss Cho is going to be happy to see you coming out of your shell.
    ALI: I have forgotten how to be…friends with others.
    CHARLOTTE: Your boyfriend doesn’t let you have friends does he?
    ALI: He doesn’t say it, but he is always angry when I am with any. Even though they are all girls.
    CHARLOTTE: Some guys just have measly little egos like that.
    ALI: He just wants to control all of me, I guess. I’ve been stupid and lost myself in him.
    CHARLOTTE: You are young. I am sure he took advantage. Some of us are a little older than that and still making those mistakes.

    Another girl, Jacy, sits by them.

    ALI: You are here now though and trying to learn. Did your ex have a broken ego?
    CHARLOTTE: My ex had a broken everything. He is just a creep. Idolized criminals and serial killers. I really think he wants to be like them.
    JACY: That is just creepy, girl.
    CHARLOTTE: It has been a nightmare. You don’t even know.
    ALI: I can’t believe we all have it so bad. What is wrong with us?
    JACY: No girl, what is wrong with them?!


    At the college:

    Miranda continues to be uncomfy alone with JJ.

    JJ: What is wrong?
    MIRANDA: Nothing, I should just get home.
    JJ: No something is bothering you. What is it?
    MIRANDA: Okay I feel awkward with you…

    JJ’s heart drops.

    JJ: Why?
    MIRANDA: That whole strip poker incident…you don’t think its awkward I walked in on you two?
    JJ: I can see why you feel uncomfortable, but that was nothing. Truthfully.
    MIRANDA: You keep saying that, but it sure didn’t look that way. It looked like something more was going on between you two.

    JJ is becoming frustrated.


    At The Johnson house:

    CARLY: No need to get rude with me Hope.
    HOPE: I am not getting rude.
    KAYLA: Come on you two. This is not the time and my home is not the place!
    HOPE: You are right, Kayla. I am sorry.

    Hope and Carly however share nasty looks at each other.

    HOPE: What is this though? Bo’s ex wives club? Should I call Billie Reed on over?
    CARLY: You are being ridiculous!
    ROMAN: Hope, please listen.
    HOPE: I do not like that Carly is here. ...and before me? If this has something to do with Bo I should have been notified first.
    CARLY: Aren’t you off in another relationship at the present?
    HOPE: None of your business.
    KAYLA: Please stop arguing!

    Steve takes out his harmonic and blows it as loud as possible!

    STEVE: Hope, Listen, this is about Bo and it is bad news.
    HOPE: Oh god…
    STEVE: He has been missing, for...awhile…his car was found burned up yesterday.
    HOPE: What?! Why are you just telling me this now, Steve?!
    STEVE: The ISA was hoping for better news.
    HOPE: This is unbelievable…


    Stefano is still at Greta’s house.

    STEFANO: Are you okay? I am starting to think I am a bother.
    GRETA: This is still new to me to find out you are my father…I haven’t had a chance to myself to process it.
    STEFANO: Sorry you feel that way.
    GRETA: How long will you be staying with me?
    STEFANO: So you are already trying to get rid of your old man?
    GRETA: Please don’t try and make me feel bad. This has been difficult.
    STEFANO: I wont be here much longer.

    Stefanos phone ring.

    STEFANO: Excuse me.

    Stefano walks to the guest room.

    Greta decides to go by his room as well and listen in on his phone call…


    At the womens shelter:

    JACY: Charlotte, I want to hear more about your crazed ex if its not too hard for you to talk about.
    CHARLOTTE: Why tell you when I can just show you.

    Charlotte lifts up the back of her shirt to show many scars on her back from cuts.

    ALI: Wow. What was he doing to you?
    CHARLOTTE: He would slice me with a knife every time I did something he didn’t like. The things he didn’t like me doing seemed to start happening more and more.
    ALI: Sounds horrible.
    CHARLOTTE: It was.
    JACY: He was white huh? Alis was Mexican and mine black. Bad enough they give old fashion beatings. White guys gotta take that sh*t to a whole new level!
    CHARLOTTE: He sure took it to a new level.

    ALI: Why are there so many psycho guys?
    JACY: No idea.
    ALI: And why do we love them? I still feel like I love Vin and I shouldn’t.
    CHARLOTTE: We just got attached but we have to look within ourselves eventually and see that we have to come to places like this for awhile…and hopefully become strong again.
    JACY: Amen.

    Ali looks on taking her surroundings in…


    AT BRO: Paul comes out of his office.

    He approaches Eliza.

    PAUL: Shouldn’t my 4 O clock meeting be here by now?
    ELIZA: You have a meeting right now?

    Pauls eyes widen as he starts to realize Eliza may have made another mistake.

    PAUL: I was supposed to have a meeting at 4. I told you to schedule it.

    She nervously starts to look through her calendar book.

    ELIZA: Oh no…
    PAUL: What did you do now, Eliza?!
    ELIZA: I’m sorry dad…I double scheduled your meetings at 5.
    PAUL: How did you do that?!
    ELIZA: I don’t know.
    PAUL: This is getting frustrating. I hope Barbara can make one of the meetings. Buzz her office and find out.
    ELIZA: Yes sir.

    Paul puts his hand on his temple and rubs it.


    Cut to JJ and Miranda.

    JJ: I tend to make stupid choices. It is what I do.
    MIRANDA: I am not judging you on the strip poker.
    JJ: I am starting to feel like it was a huge mistake.
    MIRANDA: I just think we don’t understand each other. That is why I should just go. I do not feel like jamming this time. Sorry.
    JJ: It is okay. I understand.

    Miranda leaves.

    JJ: I don’t even know what I am doing anymore.

    He bitterly starts to stuff his books in his backpack.



    Greta is listening in on Stefanos phonecall.

    STEFANO: I just need to know you have this under control…you always make slip ups….well just make sure everything is calm….dont worry about Steve.

    GRETA: (Thinks to herself) Why is he talking about Steve?

    STEFANO: Please just keep everything on track….Just do not be a fool!


    At the Johnson house:

    HOPE: You knew about this too Roman?
    ROMAN: I knew my brother had gone missing, yes. I have been trying to help the ISA get to the bottom of it.
    KAYLA: Nobody told me either. Some family...
    STEVE: We were trying our best to find him, first.
    CARLY: I just don’t want to think the worst.
    STEVE: None of us do.

    Just then there is a knock on the door.

    Hope sits down in shock.

    Steve opens the door and it is Jesse.

    KAYLA: Jesse, hey…
    JESSE: Hello sorry to interrupt.
    STEVE: Is something wrong?
    JESSE: I am afraid so.
    KAYLA: What now?
    JESSE: I am sorry but scorched remains were found inside the car.
    HOPE: No...
    ROMAN: Are they Bos?
    JESSE: They are unidentifiable…but we have reason to believe they are his.

    CARLY: This cannot be happening.
    HOPE: No.

    Hope is fighting back tears.

    HOPE: I know what you are all thinking but it is not true. Bo isn’t dead.

    Hope tries to stop herself from breaking down and Roman holds her.

    HOPE: He isn’t.

    Hope breaks down in Romans arms.


    Cut to someone who is inside of the now abandoned house that Steve, Terrance and Jesse checked out.

    The person puts a book in a spot on the empty bookshelf.

    A secret passage way opens up as the Book Shelf turns open!

    This leads downstairs to another room.

    The person unlocks a door at the bottom of the stairs and sets down a tray of food...

    Bo Brady is inside of the room chained up to the wall!

    The person handing Bo the food is in a mask.

    BO: Instead of bringing me inedible food, bring me Stefano so that son of a b*tch can let me out of here!

    The masked person exits the room and closes the door.

    BO: I have to get out of here.

    He pulls at the chains to no avail.


    Credits roll.

  3. Days22
    At the casino:

    Brittany is bartending.

    The bar is kind of bare tonight.

    She becomes much happier when Billy sits at the bar.

    BRITTANY: Hey you!
    BILLY: Thought I would stop by tonight.
    BRITTANY: The usual beer?
    BILLY: Yes the usual root beer.

    BRITTANY: I really am glad you showed u. It is kind of dead tonight.
    BILLY: A dead casino. Sounds depressing to me.
    BRITTANY: This city relies on its vacationers. Without travelers you get nights like this.

    Meanwhile, Derrick is nearby at the slot machines.

    He gets a call from Katsu.

    DERRICK: What is up Kat? What why? No I am not at the club right now….Katsu I think you can handle this one. Sorry. I am busy.

    He hangs up.

    Derrick grins as he goes back to playing the slots.


    Cut to Vin, Chavo and

    VIN: Tonight it is finally going down!
    GREG: Are we sure about this?
    VIN: You are not chickening out of this one.
    CHAVO: We need to get pumped first.
    VIN: Well let all the money we are going to have pump you up!

    Greg sits down in the corner.

    CHAVO: Got your gun ready?
    VIN: Of course. I am prepared for this. I am more than ready for this.
    CHAVO: I got us some masks.
    VIN: Get your mind right Greg. Are you ready?
    GREG: As ready as I am going to be. Ill be the getaway car.
    VIN: Fine. Works for me.

    Vin sets his gun in the band of his pants.

    VIN: Lets roll.

    Greg looks on…


    Jesse is at the coffee shop.

    He looks at his watch.

    The barista, Hunter, brings him his coffee.

    HUNTER: A late meeting Commander Hubbard?
    JESSE: Yes, but an important one.
    HUNTER: Good luck

    Kayla Johnson walks in.

    KAYLA: You are Angies husband right?
    JESSE: That is me. Hello Kayla Johnson. Great to meet you.
    KAYLA: Sorry I was late. Hospital stuff goes long sometimes.
    JESSE: Yeah, I know. It keeps Angie busy
    KAYLA: Yeah that’s right. Angie did tell me all about your plans for a fundraiser for the city.
    JESSE: The community is lucky to have you. I am thrilled that you want to help with it.


    Jennifer Horton is at her new place.

    She is still doing some unpacking.

    Daniel Jonas arrives with his suitcases.

    JENNIFER: Daniel! You didn’t tell me you were coming already.
    DANIEL: Surprised?
    JENNIFER: Definitely.

    He sets his suitcases down and the two embrace


    At JJs apartment:

    Eliza bends over and starts to take off her pants ever so slowly…

    JJ watches and bites his lip..

    ELIZA: Got me in my bra and panties…
    JJ: This is more fun than I thought it was going to be.

    Meanwhile, Miranda is next door frustrated. The music is still loud.

    MIRANDA: This is ridiculous. Shouldn’t JJ be doing homework too.

    She closes her book.

    Miranda exits her apartment and goes next door and knocks on JJs apartment.

    Eliza opens the door in her bra and panties…

    Miranda is caught off guard.

    ELIZA: Uhhh..is there a problem?
    MIRANDA: This music is really loud. I am next door trying to work.
    ELIZA: Oh. I guess that is my fault.
    MIRANDA: Where is JJ?

    Shirtless JJ walks up to see who it is.

    He is surprised and slightly embarrassed.

    JJ: Miranda…


    At the casino:

    Derrick goes to the bar.

    DERRICK: I’ll take a shot of crown.
    BRITTANY: Coming right up.
    BILLY: Any luck out there tonight?
    DERRICK: No winning for me.
    BILLY: That sucks bro.

    Brittany hands him his shot of whiskey and Derrick takes it.

    DERRICK: That helps. Now Ill have a beer.
    BRITTANY: I haven’t seen you here before?
    DERRICK: I come once in awhile. Usually I drink elsewhere though.
    BRITTANY: Oh. Gotta come here more often.
    DERRICK: I think I do too.
    BRITTANY: Now this guy (points to Billy) This guy is becoming a regular.
    DERRICK: To drink... root beer?
    BILLY: No No. I come here to see this young lady.

    DERRICK: Oh. You two an item?
    BRITTANY: We are old friends.
    BILLY: Something Like that.
    DERRICK: I see

    Derrick seems to have a glimmer of shadiness in his eye…


    Greg parks the car with he, Chavo and Vin near the gas station.

    GREG: Get in and out quickly guys.
    VIN: And you get ready to haul a*s out of here and dispose of this car.

    The three all put on masks.

    CHAVO: Lets get this done!

    Chavo and Vin exit the car and head into the gas station.

    Vin pulls out his gun and points it at the guy at the register.

    VIN: All of your money now! Every last bit.

    Back in the car, Greg is nervous. He is tapping his foot and tapping his hand on the steering wheel.

    His phone starts to ring and he looks at it.

    It is a call from Marcino.

    GREG: I so wish I could answer right now Marcino, but this is a bad time.

    He looks back towards the gas station.

    GREG: Come on guys. Hurry.


    At the coffee shop

    KAYLA: Little late for coffee for me, but a nice hot tea sounds great.
    HUNTER: I think you are going to love it.

    Hunter hands the drink to Kayla.

    KAYLA: Thank you.

    Hunter walks back to his counter.

    KAYLA: Never been to this place yet but I like it.
    JESSE: This is my gasoline that keeps me running.
    KAYLA: So what would you like me to do for this fundraiser?
    JESSE: Just volunteer to help out while its going on. Maybe you and Angie could get some folks from the hospital to donate.
    KAYLA: Will this be taking place soon?
    JESSE: Hopefully sometime this summer. I have to work things out with the chief first.
    KAYLA: I promise that whatever you need me for I will help with.
    JESSE: Thank you so much. This community needs more people like you for sure.


    Cut to Daniel and Jennifer

    JENNIFER: So do you like this place? I know you didn’t get a chance to pick it out with me.
    DAN: It is really great. You did well.
    JENNIFER: I try.
    DAN: Our first house together.
    JENNIFER: Yes. I like you putting it that way.

    They kiss..

    DAN: I have wanted this all along.
    JENNIFER: A house together?
    DAN: Well to get away together. To be away from Salem. Just you and me.
    JENNIFER: Will take some getting used to, but at least JJ is still near me. I like that.
    DAN: Yeah…

    Daniels smile fades…


    At JJ’s apartment:

    JJ turns the music off.

    JJ: I am sorry the music got so loud, Miranda.
    MIRANDA: I feel like I am interrupting something.
    JJ: Well we were just—
    ELIZA: --Just having a sexy game of strip poker.
    JJ: I guess it got out of hand.
    MIRANDA: I will leave you both to that. I am sorry.

    She starts to leave.

    JJ: Wait!

    Miranda turns back around.

    JJ: Don’t be sorry.
    MIRANDA: Okay…

    Things get awkward as they both go silent.

    Eliza looks on at them both and rolls her eyes.

    JJ: I promise the music will stay off tonight and not get so loud ever again.
    MIRANDA: Cool. See you later..

    She walks off.

    JJ closes the door.


    AT the Casino:

    DERRICK: I better head out. Duty calls.
    BRITTANY: Hope you come back and gamble and more importantly, drink soon.
    DERRICK: I am sure I will.

    “Dragonfly” by Shamans Harvest starts to play.


    [:00] Derrick walks away from the bar, but he turns back around and looks back at Billy and Brittany at the bar.

    He takes out his phone and takes a picture of them both…

    DERRICK: Hopefully one day…because I would love to bang both of them…

    He walks off.

    [:17] At Jennifer’s house:

    JENNIFER: I need some water and a break from unpacking.

    She exits into the kitchen.

    Daniel looks on unhappy.

    Daniel: JJ better not bother us. It would be in his best interest to stay away.

    [:33] At JJ’s apartment.

    JJ seems disappointed.

    ELIZA: Please do not let the killjoy from next door ruin the night.
    JJ: I think it is best we call it a night.

    JJ puts on his shirt.

    ELIZA: But that was so much fun! I know you were having a blast. Saw it with my own two eyes Jack Jr!
    JJ: It was fun, but it is time to call it a night and I said when we met to please just call me JJ.
    ELIZA: Okay…your mood changed quickly, but if you insist.

    Eliza starts to put on her clothes.


    At the coffee shop:

    Jesse and Kayla shake hands and Kayla exits.

    Hunter comes to the table to pick up Kaylas cup.

    HUNTER: Hey Commander Hubbard, I just wanted to tell you real quick that I know cops take a lot of flak. Especially these days, but I respect you all and what you do.
    JESSE: Thank you Hunter. That means a lot.

    Jesse shakes his hand.

    Jesse’s radio then goes off to a robbery that has just been alerted.

    JESSE: Looks like I am heading out!
    HUNTER: Good luck sir. Be safe.

    Jesse exits.


    Masked Vin and Chavo come running out of the gas station and across the street to the car.

    VIN: Hit it Greg lets get out of here!

    Greg peels out and takes off quickly.

    CHAVO: We have to get somewhere to dispose of this old ass vehicle. Where did you get this anyway, holmes?
    VIN: Stole it of course…man that was such a rush! I loved it.
    CHAVO: Faster Greg!

    Greg makes a sharp turn as he speeds up.

    Greg doesn’t say word he just looks on towards the road very nervously.

    VIN: Hurry to the river!

    Greg goes down a hill to the river and stops.

    VIN: We’ll leave it here. Let’s get going.

    There can be sirens heard in the distance!

    CHAVO: They can’t know were down here.
    VIN: I don’t know but let’s take off.

    The three take off on foot quickly. Vin carrying the bag of cash.

    The camera zooms out on the car…

    [2:17] Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  4. Days22
    JJ Horton is walking up the stairs of his apartment. Carrying his book bag.

    He gets to his apartment to see Eliza sitting there by his door.

    ELIZA: I thought you were never going to get home.
    JJ: Just getting out of a class. How long have you been waiting?
    ELIZA: Not too long.
    JJ: I hope not.
    ELIZA: I haven’t. The beer is still cold.
    JJ: What?

    Eliza has a six pack beside her and picks it up as she stands up.

    JJ: You brought beer again?
    ELIZA: I am going to be the person who gets you to unwind after hard days of class.
    JJ: I don’t know about you.

    He unlocks his door.

    ELIZA: What don’t you know? I think I am pretty straight forward.
    JJ: I suppose.

    The two enter his apartment.

    ELIZA: I brought something else for us to have fun with as well.
    JJ: What else…though I am kind of afraid to ask.
    ELIZA: A deck of cards. I say we do some poker.
    JJ: You may not want to play me. I can be good.
    ELIZA: I am good too and besides I don’t want to play no ordinary poker. Let’s play some strip poker.

    JJ’s eyes widen


    Lucas is at his office at mad world.

    His secretary buzzes him.

    SECRETARY: You have a visitor.
    LUCAS: I don’t have anyone scheduled.
    SECRETARY: She says she is a new friend.
    LUCAS: A new friend?
    SECRETARY: Should I send her in?
    LUCAS: Sure. Why not

    Emily walks into the room.

    LUCAS: Ahhh you are the new friend.
    EMILY: Did you forget me already?
    LUCAS: No I didn’t. I am surprised to see you again though.
    EMILY: I am hoping we can see a lot more of each other…


    Paul has arrived home to see Henry with

    PAUL: If it isn’t my half brother yet Step Father Henry Coleman.
    HENRY: Hello Paul. Been a long time it feels like.
    PAUL: Maybe not long enough.
    HENRY: Probably not long enough. I do not like the sound of this BRO resurrection.
    BARBARA: I do not know why Henry!

    HENRY: Paul is not known for his brilliant ideas.
    PAUL: And you are? We can call Katie and ask her how many times you have messed things up.
    HENRY: Yeah but those were usually her ideas.
    BARBARA: I do not want us all to fight.
    PAUL: What else is this messed up family good for, mom?
    BARBARA: We should be able to come together over BRO.
    Henry: I am sorry but I thought you said Paul was down on his luck…and now all of a sudden he can make a company happen?

    PAUL: I am right here so you can address me cracker jack.
    HENRY: Cracker Jack? What is that suppose to mean?
    PAUL: That you look and act like the kid on the cracker jack box.

    BARBARA: Stop right now! Lets talk about this civilly. We can talk through this you know?
    PAUL: I personally do not care what Henry thinks. BRO is happening.

    Paul walks into the kitchen.

    Henry and Barbara give each other dirty looks



    Greta is not happy.

    Stefano walks closer to her.

    STEFANO: Everything is okay Greta. I know you lied to patch and his lackey for my sake.
    GRETA: Yes I did. I am still uneasy finding out you are my father, but I thought that was for the best.
    STEFANO: It is. I reassured you that I have nothing to do with Bo Brady.
    GRETA: But he was looking for you…and how did you know people would start asking about you anyway?
    STEFANO: They always ask about me.

    GRETA: Bo and Hope were my best friends for a long time in Salem. And…and John.
    STEFANO: I know you always hoped John was your father and that you dreaded that I could be, but I am your father and I just want you to know that family is the most important thing to me. That is why you did the right thing and did not lead on that I was here.
    GRETA: But you have to be honest with me Stefano…I need to know for sure if you know where Bo is…

    Stefano looks on…


    At the Ryan house.

    PAUL: I am not discussing this. BRO is already beyond in the works. It is happening.
    HENRY: You got a big enough loan to start a company?
    PAUL: Yes as well as an investor.
    BARBARA: Paul is doing this on his own. I have not put in a dime.
    PAUL: I know Henry better not be concerned about the money. You are the one who wound up with James’s fortune.
    HENRY: It was more complicated than that.

    PAUL: I still never saw you reach out to me with a dime of the Stenbeck fortune. Or even to our little brother Eric.
    HENRY: His mom kept him so far away from this family. Probably rightfully so, but I hardly even know the guy.
    PAUL: Hey now is your chance! Go take a trip to Bay City and leave me and my mom to business.
    BARBARA: That is enough! Henry, I am sorry you are not happy with this but can you please get over the issue…for my sake.


    At Mad world:

    Emily hands Lucas some papers.

    LUCAS: Is this your resume?
    EMILY: It sure is.
    LUCAS: I thought you said your husband would be upset if you worked for another company other than his?
    EMILY: Yeah, but he will have to get over it.
    LUCAS: I don’t want any drama here.
    EMILY: There wouldn’t be. Just consider it. I have experience you may like.
    LUCAS: I will consider it, just don’t play with fire.
    EMILY: I think I need to learn how to not do that…I’ll leave you to your business now.

    Emily walks out of his office and Lucas shakes his head but smirks


    AT JJs apartment.

    Eliza turns up some music.

    JJ: That is a little loud. This is an apartment after all.

    JJ turns it down.

    ELIZA: You are supposed to not be stiff, remember.
    JJ: I am relaxing. I mean we’re playing strip poker aren’t we?
    ELIZA: Yeah even though it is not working out for me. I have lost both socks. You’ve barely lost one.

    They play another hand and JJ wins.

    ELIZA: See what I mean!
    JJ: Lose it!

    JJ takes a chug of his beer.

    Eliza takes off her shirt to reveal a bright red bra.

    ELIZA: Good thing I am in my best undergarments tonight.
    JJ: Looking good..

    Another song comes on the radio.

    ELIZA: I love this one!

    Eliza turns the volume back up!

    Meanwhile Miranda is in her apartment next door.

    She is working on some home work but hears the bass thumping louder.

    MIRANDA: Come on JJ! Why does he have the music so loud!


    In England:

    STEFANO: I really do not have the slightest idea where Bo is. That is the truth Greta.
    GRETA: I just can’t help but not believe you.
    STEFANO: I know it will take a long time for us to build a father-daughter relationship, but I hope we can one day.
    GRETA: You just sent me a DNA test out of the blue.
    STEFANO: I thought it was about time you knew the truth and besides my time is dwindling down. I needed to reach out to you before it was too late.
    GRETA: I…I thank you for that. I just want to believe that everything is on the up and up. I don’t know if I can.
    STEFANO: Everything is good and I am sure that includes Bo.


    Emily arrives home. She hears the bickering going on in the kitchen.

    HENRY: Babs I want to support you, but…
    BARBARA: But what?

    Emily walks into the kitchen.

    EMILY: yeah Henry, but what? Let her have it.
    BARBARA: Another positive family member.
    HENRY: Hello Emily...BUT I just want to make sure Paul knows what he is doing.
    PAUL: I do thank you for the fake concern.
    EMILY: I was unsure about this endeavor as well.
    HENRY: It just seems done on a whim.
    PAUL: But you came around, right Emily?
    EMILY: Yes I am trying to.
    HENRY: I just do not want this to be a mistake.
    PAUL: I will prove that it is not one. There. Settled. End of story.

    BARBARA: I think it is time to leave so we can all sleep on this.
    EMILY: Don’t leave on my account.
    BARBARA: Don’t worry Emily, we are.
    HENRY: We should go to our hotel room love bug. I think we should be taking out this aggression on something else. Our hotel bed.

    Both Emily and Paul cringe.

    Barbara kisses Henry

    BARBARA: I knew you would come around.

    Barbara and Henry exit.

    EMILY: Paul, what do you say we go upstairs and blow off some steam too.
    PAUL: No thank you. I am not in the mood.

    Emily is disappointed.


    Lucas is still in his office.

    He is looking over Emilys resume.

    LUCAS: Emily certainly is qualified…but I cannot help but think she is up to something.

    He puts her resume in a folder.

    LUCAS: I do not trust her as far as I can throw her.


    Back at JJs apartment:

    JJ is now shirtless as he and Eliza continue to play strip poker.

    ELIZA: I am catching up! And you are about to lose your pants Mister Horton.

    She finishes off her beer.

    JJ: I have confidence in this hand.
    ELIZA: So do I. Full house. Read em and weep.
    JJ: Sucks for you. Straight flush. Looks like you are the one losing the pants!
    ELIZA: That’s fine.

    Eliza stands up and turns around.

    She bends over and starts to take off her pants ever so slowly…

    JJ watches and bites his lip..

    ELIZA: Got me in my bra and panties…
    JJ: This is more fun than I thought it was going to be.

    Meanwhile, Miranda is next door frustrated. The music is still loud.

    MIRANDA: This is ridiculous. Shouldn’t JJ be doing homework too.

    She closes her book.

    Miranda exits her apartment and goes next door and knocks on JJs door.

    Eliza opens the door in her bra and panties…

    Miranda is caught off guard.


    In England:

    STEFANO: I’ll leave you to unwind. You seem stressed.
    GRETA: I am.

    He walks off to another room.

    Greta takes an envelope out of a drawer. Inside is the DNA test that names Stefano as her father.

    She stares at it..

    Stefano meanwhile makes a phone call in another room

    STEFANO: Everything is clear.

    He cackles


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics
  5. Days22
    At School:

    The bell rings. School is out for the day as students are rushing out of classes.

    Anne is with her friend Mandy.

    MANDY: Girl could you stare at Cory any harder in there?
    ANNE: I do not know what you are talking about.
    MANDY: I can tell you are crushing on Cory Sutter. Don’t try and lie.
    ANNE: He is cute, but there is no crushing.
    MANDY: Sure.


    Sam and Trinity are still in a class room.

    Miss Morgan is the teacher.

    SAM: Thanks for letting us stay for extra help Miss Morgan.
    TRINITY: Yeah Math finals have creeped up so soon.
    MISS MORGAN: Any help that I can give. That is really what I am here for believe it or not. Giving educations.
    SAM: Who would have thought?
    MISS MORGAN: You two can take a seat closer.

    Sam and Trinity sit in desks closer to the board and right next to each other.

    SAM: I’m just glad someone in here is as bad at this as I am.
    TRINITY: Hey now I am not bad! I just struggle a little.
    SAM: Whatever helps you sleep at night


    The modeling contest has began!

    Inside of the new Chic Spirit building.

    Dozens and dozens of people are inside waiting in a line.

    Danielle is outside of the building.

    She gazes into the window.

    DANIELLE: This is so not my place.

    She seems nervous

    DANIELLE: I should not go through with this. I know that Lily woman really liked me but still. I do not know how to be a model. I’m out of here.

    She turns around to leave but Malik is standing right behind her.

    MALIK: Sorry I thought you were going in.
    DANIELLE: I thought I was too, but I guess I’m not.
    MALIK: Are you here for the contest? You are not chickening out are you?
    DANIELLE: That is exactly what I am doing.
    MALIK: Oh come on I don’t think you should. I was nervous about coming to this thing too, but its worth a try. We can go in together if that will help.
    DANIELLE: It helps a little.

    The two walk inside.

    MALIK: I am Malik by the way.
    DANIELLE: I’m Dani. Nice to meet you.


    Blair is at home. She closes the fridge.

    BLAIR: I really need to hire someone to shop for us. Guess I should finish the list.

    She picks up a piece of paper.

    On the paper is : New purse, new shirt, earrings.

    She adds milk to the list.

    There is a knock at the door.

    Blair is very surprised to open the door to Tea .

    TEA: Hi there Blair
    BLAIR: Tea. Was so not expecting you.
    TEA: Consider this a good surprise.
    BLAIR: I do don’t worry.

    Blair hugs Tea.

    BLAIR: How are you these days?
    TEA: I am getting by. Todd isn’t here is he?
    BLAIR: No.
    TEA: Good. We need to chat.


    Todd is at the hospital in Jacks room. Todd has the sound recorder on, on his phone.

    TODD: So this room was kept dark?
    JACK: Yup. No window in that room. Just me. Me and my chair.
    TODD: That is just hardcore torture.
    JACK: It beats when I was first there. They use to drug me up and I would be there just staring having the most insane thoughts. Like I was on acid or something.
    TODD: Did they feed you at least?
    JACK: They did, but not every day.
    TODD: How far back do you remember?

    JACK: It would help if I knew how long I was being held captive but I don’t know. That as far back as my memories go though. Just being in the dark. Sometimes drugged up. Sometimes not. And when I wasn’t I was just sitting there…waiting to die.
    TODD: What a horrendous experience.
    JACK: I might as well of died because now I have no memory. No life. No reason to be alive.
    Jack looks on with a blank stare as Todd is concerned…


    At school:

    Anne walks off from her locker.

    ANNE: See you tomorrow Mandy.
    MANDY: See ya

    Mandy closes her locker and is about to leave, but Zack stops her.

    ZACK: Hi Motor Mouth Mandy.
    MANDY: You know I do not like to be called that.
    ZACK: If you weren’t known for telling everyones business you wouldn’t be called that.
    MANDY: I do not tell everyones business.
    ZACK: Whatever you say. I do want the low down on Annes business though. I heard you both talking.
    MANDY: Were you eavesdropping on us?
    ZACK: Don’t be offended. I just want to know about Anne and Cory.


    In Miss Morgans classroom:

    She finishes writing something on the board.

    MISS MORGAN: I hope that helped with the problems you were having.
    SAM: A little.
    TRINITY: I am pretty sure I get it now.
    SAM: I get it a little…
    TRINITY: If you need more help I can try to help, Sam.

    MISS MORGAN: Yeah I have to get going. I wish you both luck though.
    SAM: I am going to need some of that.
    TRINITY: Thanks for the help Miss Morgan.

    The two exit the room.

    TRINITY: Hey Sam I need a favor.
    SAM: Whats up?
    TRINITY: Well I usually get a ride home from Camella when my parents are using both cars, but since I had to stay after, shes already gone home.
    SAM: You need a ride? That is no problem. Its not like were neighbors who live across the street from each other or anything.
    TRINITY: (Smiles) Well thank you. I really appreciate it.


    At Chic Spirit:

    Danielle and Malik are standing together in line.

    DANI: You look like the nervous one now?
    MALIK: I am just trying to imagine what poses they want and how I am probably going to look a fool.
    DANI: I know what you mean. I hope this isn’t complicated.
    MALIK: We are probably over thinking it. It can’t be that bad.
    DANI: I sure hope not. Last thing I want to do is look a fool!

    MALIK: You are really beautiful. I think you got this.
    DANI: Aw thanks. Don’t go making me blush and all right now though.
    MALIK: Lets just think positive thoughts.
    DANI: I really like your vibe Malik. So much different than all the people in my life.
    MALIK: Happy to shine on in.
    DANI: You got this too. I think your personality will shine through in the pictures.


    Cut to Blair and Tea

    BLAIR: If this is about Todd and Dani we might as well save our breath cuz its pointless.
    TEA: It is not pointless, Blair, but it is a work in progress.
    BLAIR: I tried. I talked to your daughter. It was like a glass meeting a metal wall.
    TEA: Yeah she is stubborn but she can’t help but feel the way she does.
    BLAIR: I know. I am not blaming her. Todd really does want to build some kind of relationship with his daughter however.

    TEA: I commend him for trying. I do not want Todd pushing her though.
    BLAIR: He is not pushing her.
    TEA: I know how Todd is. He gets pushy and thinks he can get whatever he wants by doing everything his bullheaded way.
    BLAIR: You may not believe it, but he has been good so far about it.
    TEA: Yeah. so far. He wont be this patient forever. I am glad Dani is standing her ground but I think she will give in eventually.
    BLAIR: I don’t think she will. I personally Todd needs to just back off for a long time.

    TEA: But he will not.
    BLAIR: He sure won’t.
    TEA: It is only a matter of time before he goes too far. That is why I am here. I do not want that to happen. If I know Dani and I do, she is going to follow how she feels.
    BLAIR: Its too bad though. Todd and Sam have had a rough relationship but I think they are at a point of getting along well. It is possible for Todd and Dani too.
    TEA: That is nice to think, but I just want everything to stay peaceful and right now and that means a lot of distance.


    At the hospital:

    TODD: Thanks for opening up about the horrors of your situation. I just want to tell you that I can relate. I was held against my will for a very, very long time. You lose your life. I just hope this article helps you. I hope that someone from your life sees it.
    JACK: I do appreciate you coming here and doing all this, but I cant help and feel that it won’t help.
    TODD: I hope it changes your bleak outlook. A photographer will be her soon to take your picture for the article.
    JACK: Oh no. That cannot happen.
    TODD: What do you mean? How else will someone from your life recognize you being the person this article is about?
    JACK: There can be no picture of me. It sounds good on paper but what you are not realizing is whoever was holding me captive can see the picture as well and know that I am right here at the hospital. I do not want them to find me. I cannot go through that again!

    TODD: I understand where you are coming from and sorry you feel that way.
    JACK: I forgot to mention something in your interview. My name Jack. The only way we know that is my name is because it was found on an old press pass in my pocket. Ironic.
    TODD: Maybe Ill hire you if you want (Chuckles)
    JACK: Hope that’s not a joke because I may actually take you up on that.


    Malik walks into another room at Chic Spirit.

    Marah shakes his hand.

    MARAH: Very happy that you showed up.
    MALIK: Pleased to be hear miss Marah.
    MARAH: Lose the shirt.
    MALIK: Straight to the point. I like that in a woman.

    Marah watches as he poses for pictures. She smirks.

    MARAH: I think we’ve got some good ones.
    MALIK: I did okay?
    MARAH: Not so stiff next time but you did great! Super pleased that you came.

    Meanwhile, Danielle enters another room.

    She starts to pose for pictures too.

    She Is awkward at first but then starts to get the hang of it…


    At school:

    ZACK: So motor mouth what do you know about Cory and Anne?
    MANDY: Stop calling me that! …but I think Cory and Anne will be dating soon. For sure.
    ZACK: Oh.

    Zack seems very depressed to hear that.

    MANDY: is that all you wanted to know?
    ZACK: Yeah, thanks.

    Zack walks off.

    ZACK: God dammit


    Sam and Trinity arrive home to Robinson Street.

    TRINITY: I do appreciate the ride home. Thank you.

    She puts her hand out to shake his.

    SAM: Really? You can do better than that.

    He brings her into a hug. She reluctantly hugs back.

    SAM: That’s more like it.
    TRINITY: I will see you tomorrow. Good luck on your test.
    SAM: Thanks.

    Sam watches her walk across the street.

    He then goes inside.

    BLAIR: Hey son.
    SAM: Hi mom.
    BLAIR: So I have a favor to ask and it is not going to be easy.
    SAM: Great. What is it?
    BLAIR: Talk to your sister Danielle. Reach out to her.
    SAM: And try and get her to talk to Todd?
    BLAIR: If that comes up…
    SAM: Guess I better work on my ducking skills.


    Todd returns to the UC Chronicle

    Gary is first to greet him.

    GARY: You are back! I thought you were out for the day.
    TODD: I wanted to get this story out as soon as possible.
    GARY: Glad you came back because speaking of stories, I have some info for you on the document search.
    TODD: Oh joy.

    Gary hands him some papers.

    TODD: Thanks Ill look over them.

    Todd walks into his office and immediately blows them off and just tosses the papers on his desk.


    Back at the hospital:

    Jack is laying in his hospital bed.

    He has a sudden memory flash of being in an elevator.

    He then flashes to the elevator shaking!

    He then has a memory flash of a hand and arm coming through the elevator doors reaching to him

    Jack jolts up to sit up

    JACK: What the hell was that about? …could it be my memory is coming back.


    Meanwhile cut to the house that Jack was being held in…

    The yellow police tape surrounds the house.

    A person is there…the persons face is not shown…

    The person goes under the yellow tape and puts on some gloves.

    The person unlocks the front door and enters…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original character nor any pics
  6. Days22
    Malik is at the Davis household home alone.

    MALIK: Boredom…boredom. So much boredom.

    He looks at his watch.

    MALIK: I really should apply for that po po job like Elijah wants me to.

    There is a knock at the door.

    It is Marah .

    MALIK: Hey! This is a pleasant surprise.
    MARAH: Happy to hear you say that because I feel like a stalker.
    MALIK: A stalker?
    MARAH: Well I remembered your family lived here next door to Lily so I tracked you down here.
    MALIK: Tracked me down without a phone call? This must be an important visit (smiles) Come on in.

    She enters

    MARAH: It is. A business visit.
    MALIK: Oh..
    MARAH: Yeah. I really want to talk to you about something.


    Elijah and Eartha are at the café

    Elijah pulls the seat out for her and they sit down.

    ELIJAH: I am so glad you could finally meet for coffee.
    EARTHA: Yeah I finally had time to get away.
    ELIJAH: That hospital keeps you busy.
    EARTHA: Yeah we don’t have it easy like the police force.
    ELIJAH: Hey now! You would be surprised how crimes have picked up in communities like this.

    EARTHA: Nah I believe it. This whole Jack case busts everything right open.
    ELIJAH: Tell me about it. How is he holding up?
    EARTHA: He started physical therapy so he is recovering there.
    ELIJAH: And mentally?
    EARTHA: I think he has a long way to go there.

    Meanwhile, Sam Manning and his new found friend
    Zack are there as well.

    SAM: I don’t know why you had to drag me here. I do not even like coffee.
    ZACK: Then get a tea or something.
    SAM: No thanks. Water for me.

    Zacks crush Anne walks in.

    ZACK: Yes…shes here!
    SAM: Oh god. This is why you wanted to come here huh?
    ZACK: What makes you think that?
    SAM: Well it is clearly obvious now.
    ZACK: This is fate, my friend.
    SAM: Sure.
    ZACK: Look at her though. In all her beauty.
    SAM: Well this is your chance to actually do something…


    Holden Snyder and Josh Lewis are out having a beer.

    JOSH: This was a good idea. Even if it is still early in the evening.
    HOLDEN: I thought while our girls are out working we could relax.
    JOSH: I feel like I have been doing a lot of relaxing while weve been here.
    HOLDEN: Yeah me too. A lot. You itching to go out and do something like I am?
    JOSH: Yeah I am totally not use to not working.

    HOLDEN: I was thinking about helping Lily out at her and Marahs company. I have done business before.
    JOSH: That sounds promising.
    HOLDEN: Their company has a lot of potential.
    JOSH: Yeah and it may be up and running in no time.


    Luke Snyder ​ is back in town and walks into the Union Creek chronicle.

    He goes straight to Garys cubicle.

    GARY: Look who is back! Enjoy the snow?
    LUKE: Not particularly.
    GARY: Sorry I guess I should have sent you somewhere to get a tan. You do kind of need one.
    LUKE: I would like to know why you send me of all people to do a fluff piece on the ski resort.
    GARY: Luke you are still fairly new here. You cant have all the hit stories.
    LUKE: No I think there was more to it.

    Luke looks intensely at Gary.


    Todd is in his office at the chronicle.

    He is going over some notes.

    TODD: I think this is money.

    He looks at his watch.

    TODD: A good time to head over to if I can get away from here.

    He makes a phone call to the hospital.

    TODD: Hello is Jack…well I don’t know his last name. Jack Doe I guess. Is he still at your hospital? Not at liberty to tell me that? I am a good friend…he has no memory of friends? Well he will remember me if he sees me. I am not lying! …yes this is the Union Creek Chronicle calling….fine I will just go down there myself.

    He hangs up.

    TODD: Ive heard this guy was held captive and now has no memory. This story needs to be covered. And I am going to cover it whether the hospital wants me to or not.

    He smirks


    MALIK: Do you want something to drink?
    MARAH: No thank you. I cannot stay long.
    MALIK: All business today. I don’t know if I like it or not.
    MARAH: Well I hope you like what I have to say.
    MALIK: Shoot.

    MARAH: My company I told you about, Chic Spirt, is doing a modeling contest later today and I think you would be a perfect candidate.
    MALIK: Me model? I have certainly never thought about that.
    MARAH: I thought about this when I first met you. Trust me you have the features.
    MALIK: Are you calling me pretty?
    MARAH: Something like that.
    MALIK: Thank you…I like this idea. I sure need a job anyway.
    MARAH: Great! Its down town at our new place. Hope you will be there.
    MALIK: I will. (grins)


    At the café

    SAM: Fine if you are not going to go I’ll go ask her for her number for you or something.
    ZACK: No. That would be totally lame.
    SAM: Then I will wingman you. Lets go.

    He tugs Zack up and they walk over to Anne who is near the counter.

    ZACK: Hey….Anne
    ANNE: Zack hey! You a big coffee drinker?
    ZACK: Sometimes.
    ANNE: That’s cool. I am an addict. So who is this?
    SAM: I am Sam. New at school. Zack has been so awesome and cool for showing me around.
    ANNE: Zack is a cool guy.
    ZACK: Well thank you. Keep tooting my horn.
    SAM: Zack is a chill guy and I appreciate it very much.
    ANNE: That is sweet, Zack
    ZACK: Well you know..

    Sam smirks at Zack


    Elijah sips on his cup of coffee.

    ELIJAH: I should really go get a donut to go with this.
    EARTHA: (Chuckles) could you be any more cliché officer Smith?
    ELIJAH: Donuts and coffee are a great combination.
    EARTHA: Gonna start putting on that cop gut.
    ELIJAH: You know I work out all the time like I always have.

    EARTHA: Anyway, back to this mysterious Jack guy. Do you have any leads on who held him captive In that house?
    ELIJAH: Trust me. I wish I did but we are dealing with a professional. We are looking for a new lead.
    EARTHA: I was hoping the house would break the case open.
    ELIJAH: We all were, but it was complete emptied out.
    EARTHA: This is all so insane.


    AT A BAR

    Josh is getting a second beer.

    HOLDEN: I thought you were only going to get one.
    JOSH: I did too, but then I thought about my wife and her newest idea.
    HOLDEN: Is there trouble in paradise?
    JOSH: No. Reva and I are doing surprisingly well, but she wants to bring a stranger into our home.

    HOLDEN: I hope that’s not as kinky as it sounds..
    JOSH: No! No! Not like that. There is some guy we helped out who, well he has no memory. Has Amnesia.
    HOLDEN: Amnesia is nothing to mess with.
    JOSH: You have experience with amnesia?
    HOLDEN: Up close and personal. It was a dark time.
    JOSH: Sounds awful, but I still don’t know about taking in some stranger with no memory.


    At the hospital

    Morris enters Jacks room.

    MORRIS: How are you feeling today sir?
    JACK: Well physically therapy was a literal pain in my ass. My lower back is sore and it is going down to my buttocks.
    MORRIS: Your physical therapist tells me you are doing great though.
    JACK: I guess.
    MORRIS: I have to talk you about that. You are doing really well, and since you don’t have insurance and are going to owe this place a fortune…we will have to release you in the next day or two.

    JACK: Sending the amnesiac out with nowhere to go and thousands owed here. What a lovely place.
    MORRIS: They will work out your payment I am sure.
    JACK: I still have nowhere to go regardless. I just wish I could remember something so I did. It is frustrating doc.
    MORRIS: I can only imagine. I wish your memories would start to come back too.
    JACK: Will they?
    MORRIS: Every case is different, but I would like to think you have a good chance.


    At the chronicle:

    GARY: Was the ski resort that bad that you have to hassle me?
    LUKE: No. It was actually decently cool.
    GARY: Well then see. I don’t know why you always think I am up to something.
    LUKE: Because you are usually up to something.
    GARY: Well you had a…decent time. So can it.

    Luke rolls his eyes

    Gary gets a call into Todds office.

    Gary walks off and Luke watches him suspiciously as he walks off.

    GARY: Todd…I hope you have news on that story we are working on.
    TODD: I am working on a story alright. A huge one for the paper. Gonna be money. This quaint town will want to know all about it.
    GARY: but what about—
    TODD: --I am heading out. You are in charge the rest of the day.
    GARY: I think you should--
    TODD: --Adios!

    He exits and Gary is frustrated.


    ANNE: I have to go to my friend Mandys. Nice running into you two.
    ZACK: Nice running into you too. Tell Mandy I said hi.
    ANNE: See ya

    Sam nudges Zack with his elbow

    ZACK: Wait a second Anne. You should give me your phone number.
    ANNE: Okay cool. Ill write it on a napkin.

    She writes it and hands it too him.

    ANNE: See you at school
    ZACK: Goodbye Anne

    Zack cant help but smile wide.

    SAM: I am an epic wingman!
    ZACK: Thank you. Even though you laid it on a little thick.
    SAM: Hey it worked!
    ZACK: It did.

    Zack looks down at the napkin.

    Across the room…

    ELIJAH: so how are you and Morris these days?
    EARTHA: Is that really any of your business?
    ELIJAH: That bad huh?
    EARTHA: Things between me and my husband are just fine.

    Elijah gives her that big eyed look like he knows shes not being honest.

    ELIJAH: You lyin’
    EARTHA: How dare you accuse me of lying.
    ELIJAH: I can see right through you. Always have. Things must be rocky…again.
    EARTHA: You do not even know what you are talking about.
    ELIJAH: It just makes me think about high school…and how we should have stayed together after it.
    EARTHA: You say something similar every time we meet up, Elijah.
    ELIJAH: Well it is true. We made the best couple.
    EARTHA: I better head to work.
    ELIJAH: Oh come on, don’t leave like this.
    EARTHA: I really do just have to head back. My lunch break is over.

    She gets up and leaves



    HOLDEN: Maybe you should consider your wife's idea.
    JOSH: I just cant
    HOLDEN: The man will probably need help.
    JOSH: I just don’t like it for safety reasons.
    HOLDEN: Well good luck either way, man.
    JOSH: Yeah, luck is what has always gotten me by with Revas ways. (chuckles)


    At the chronicle:

    Gary is still in Todds office alone.

    He is snooping around.

    GARY: I don’t see much work on his assignment. Any at all!

    Gary slams his hand down onto Todds desk annoyed.

    He takes out his cell phone and calls someone.

    GARY: Hello boss….no. Todd is still not complying. Yeah I know. I promise to get Todd on track.

    Gary looks on…


    Jack is in his hospital room thinking hard.

    JACK: Why can’t I just remember my life before being locked up and held captive?

    He puts his hand over his face in exasperation.

    There is knock at the door

    JACK: Haven’t I seen enough nurses and doctors and therapists today?

    Todd Walks in.

    TODD: How about a journalist?
    JACK: I cannot say one of those have been by.
    TODD: I want to ask you a few questions.
    JACK: What you are going to do a story on lil ol me?
    TODD: Yes. Yes I would like to. Doing a story on you could go national. Someone who knows you could see it!
    JACK: I know the press are piranhas…but I’ll answer what I can…

    Todd is pleased to hear this


    Credits roll

    *I do not know any non original characters nor any pics.

  7. Days22
    IN England:

    Steve and Terrance are with
    Greta Von Amberg.

    GRETA: Please take a seat.
    TERRANCE: This couch does look comfy.
    GRETA: It is top of the line….so you said you were friends of Bo Bradys?
    STEVE: We are. I know we never met while you lived in Salem. I had this pesky presumed dead thing going on, but Bo and I have been good friends for a long time.
    GRETA: What brings you all out here?

    STEVE: I was hoping you had some info.
    GRETA: About Bo?
    TERRANCE: Yes you see we work with him.
    GRETA: For the ISA right?
    TERRANCE: Yup.

    Greta fidgets

    GRETA: Everything okay?
    STEVE: Everything is okay. We are tracking him and trying to find him while he is on a secret assignment.
    GRETA: Oh…something isn’t adding up..


    In Paradise NM

    Jennifer Horton has arrived at the house she is going to purchase.

    Her son JJ also arrives.

    JJ: Hi mom!
    JENNIFER: Hello JJ

    They hug.

    JJ: So this is where you are moving?
    JENNIFER: Yes. I really like it.
    JJ: It looks nice from the outside. Where is Daniel?
    JENNIFER: He still has some days left to work in Salem and cannot come down yet, but I wanted to move in some stuff before he could.
    JJ: Well I am here to help mother.
    JENNIFER: I appreciate it. Its not a whole lot.

    JJ sees a Uhall pulling up.

    JJ: Not a whole lot…yeah right.


    Katsu is at the Strip club TRIPLE X

    He looks around.

    KATSU: Wish I had time for the ladies.

    He gazes at a stripper on stage.

    Katsu walks to the bar and takes a seat.

    KATSU: Hey Bob.

    The Bartender, Bob approaches him.

    BOB: Hey man, what can I get you?
    KATSU: You can get me Derrick. I need to talk to him.
    BOB: Might be awhile.
    KATSU: I saw his car outside, I know he is here.
    BOB: Yeah he is…preoccupied. Can I get you something while you wait?
    KATSU: I am here on strictly business….don’t tell me he is in the back room…is he having one of his dirty threesomes or foursomes with some crazy couple? He might as well change the name of this place to Orgy Club.
    BOB: He is just my boss. I do not ask questions.

    Katsu gives Bob a dirty look.

    BOB: But between me and you….yes. Yes he is.


    Paul is at the paradise casino doing some gambling.

    PAUL: I feel my luck is changing. Gonna win me something here.

    He bets some money on roulette.

    Paul does not win.

    PAUL: Okay… maybe it’s a slow change of luck.

    He walks to the bar. Billy Abbott is also at the bar.

    BILLY: How are ya?
    PAUL: Better than you if you are just having a soda.
    BILLY: I’m just waiting for my friend to arrive to work.
    PAUL: Well I need myself a beer.


    Barbara is alone at Paul and Emilys house.

    BARBARA: Thank god Emily isn’t home. Here walking around this house…being annoying… If I was alone with her we’d probably kill each other.

    Barbara opens up the refrigerator and sees it is mostly empty.

    BARBARA: Does my family not eat or drink.

    She hears a car pull up outside of the house.
    BARBARA: Oh god. Please do not be Emily.

    Someone knocks at the door. She looks to see who it is and is happy.

    She opens the door and it is her husband Henry!

    HENRY: My Babs!

    Henry plants a big kiss on Barbara!


    In England:

    STEVE: We really do just want to know if you have seen Bo recently.
    GRETA: Not too recently.
    TERRANCE: But you have seen him?
    GRETA: It has been some months ago but yes.
    STEVE: What did Bo have to say?

    GRETA: For being in the ISA you two do not seem to know a lot about Bo.
    STEVE: If you would like to call his family back home to verify I know him, you can do so. I am married to his sister Kayla.
    GRETA: Oh you are that Steve.
    STEVE: Yes the one and only.
    TERRANCE: So back to what Bo talked about..

    GRETA: Well….(fidgets again) he was asking me about Stefano Dimera.
    STEVE: You know Stefano?
    GRETA: He and my mother went way back. It’s a long story.
    TERRANCE: What did he ask about Stefano?
    GRETA: Just if I have seen him but I have not seen Stefano since I was in Salem over a decade ago….thankful for that.


    At the Casino
    PAUL: Are you sure you do not want something stronger to drink?
    BILLY: I am cool. See I have this past with alcohol. Wasn’t pretty. Also have a past with gambling but that is neither here nor there.
    PAUL: You hang out in odd places, for having that addiction.
    BILLY: Makes me stronger. Shows me how I can control myself now.
    PAUL: Good to here.

    BILLY: So do you like this city? I am new and still finding my way.
    PAUL: Its been rough. The place can be expensive but I am starting up a company. Well restarting BRO.
    BILLY: I think Ive heard of it before. My family back home has been involved with some highly successful companies for generations now.
    PAUL: Have you worked with them?
    BILLY: I have.
    PAUL: If you ever want a job at BRO you should apply. We need experienced people.


    Barbara and Henry are still groping and kissing.

    HENRY: I have missed you!
    BARBARA: I have missed you too… over the last…few days.
    HENRY: I know. I know it hasn’t been that long but I wanted to see how you are doing.
    BARBARA: Just enjoying family time.
    HENRY: Well where is said family?

    BARBARA: They are…out.
    HENRY: Interesting take on your family time.
    BARBARA: Well you know our family. Definitely interesting.
    HENRY: I think there is some other reason you came here…
    BARBARA: I think there is some other reason you came here too. To question me?
    HENRY: I just want to know the real reason you came here to see Paul.
    BARBARA: Want to sit and get comfortable?

    HENRY: Babs…whats going on?
    BARBARA: Fine. Ill just sit down then.

    Henry looks at Barbara who smiles back.


    At Triple X strip club:

    A guy and a girl walk out from one of the back rooms. Their clothes are disheveled.

    KATSU: I take those two messy semi limping people as my cue to go see Derrick.
    BOB: Yeah…but enter at your own risk.

    Katsu goes to the back and knocks at the door.

    DERRICK: Come in!

    Katsu enters and immediately turns away.

    KATSU: Oh damn man! For the love of god put on some clothes. please.

    Derrick puts on some boxers.

    KATSU: Come on man. I want you to get serious.
    DERRICK: Don’t ever mistake me for not being serious.
    KATSU: Well we have some important things to discuss don’t you think..


    Jennifer and JJ and 2 movers have moved everything inside her new place.

    JENNIFER: Thank you so much, son.
    JJ: The least I could do.
    JENNIFER: You are growing up to be a gentleman.
    JJ: I am glad you think so.
    JENNIFER: You have grown a lot the past year.
    JJ: I guess I have come a long way or at least I try to.

    JENNIFER: I just hope you don’t mind that I have moved close to you again.
    JJ: Not at all mom.
    JENNIFER: Good.
    JJ: I will be glad to have you around.


    At the strip club:

    DERRICK: I don’t get you sometimes Katsu.
    KATSU: That feeling is mutual. (he points to Derrick still being in boxers)
    DERRICK: I am serious though. Sometimes you are one of the coolest guys around and other times you are all stiff with nothing but business on the brain.
    KATSU: I get nothing but serious when it comes to business.
    DERRICK: I assure you that I do as well. You do not have to worry about me. My head is in the game.

    KATSU: I am trying to believe you.
    DERRICK: Come here. Let me show you something.

    Derrick takes a picture off of the wall and behind it is a safe.

    He opens the safe to reveal quite a few stacks of 100 dollar bills.

    KATSU: Is this your back room prostitution money?
    DERRICK: (chuckles) See there is that cool funny guy. I’m no prostitute. Just the guy spicing up couples lives….but back to business.
    KATSU: Yes please let me know how business is.
    DERRICK: Well look at all this cash. Our partnership will continue to gain ground.

    He gives Katsu one of the wads of 100 dollar bills and then closes the safe.

    DERRICK: It is all good... and serious.

    Katsu smiles at the wad of cash.
    DERRICK: (Grins) We’re growing.


    Henry sits beside Barbara.

    BARBARA: There you go. Get comfortable love.
    HENRY: Start telling me what is up then, love bug.
    BARBARA: I don’t want you to be upset. Look at this with an open mind. Paul is restarting up BRO.
    HENRY: oh…you are going back to work.
    BARBARA: It is a good thing.

    Paul arrives home and is surprised to see Henry.

    PAUL: If it isn’t my half brother yet Step Father Henry Coleman.
    HENRY: Hello Paul. Been a long time it feels like.
    PAUL: Maybe not long enough.
    HENRY: Probably not long enough. I do not like the sound of this BRO resurrection.

    Barbara sighs



    Steve and Terrance shake Gretas hand.

    GRETA: I truly do hope you can track down Bo and help with his investigation.
    STEVE: Certainly us too.
    TERRANCE: If anything suspicious does come up. Call us.

    Terrance hands her a card.

    STEVE: Especially if that something involves a Dimera.
    GRETA: …You got it.

    Steve and Terrance exit.

    STEVE: I am getting frustrated dude! It feels like nothing we are doing is going anywhere.
    TERRANCE: We have to stay calm and positive. Something is bound to come up.

    Back inside, Greta stares out the window.

    Someone walks into the room “Good Job.”

    It is Stefano Dimera himself!

    Greta shakes her head.

    GRETA: I feel so bad. Like I did the wrong thing.

    She puts both hands over her face.

    Stefano puts his hand on her shoulder.

    STEFANO: No, no you did absolutely perfect my dear daughter, Greta…

    Greta looks up nervously.

    GRETA: But what about Bo?
    STEFANO: Do not worry about Bo Brady. I am sure he can take care of himself.

    Stefano smiles.


    Credits roll.

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  8. Days22
    Marcino and Greg have met up in a park.

    GREG: So what wrong man? You needed to get out of the house?
    MARCINO: Yeah some old friend of my moms has been hanging around her.
    GREG: Are they together together?
    MARCINO: I hope not.
    GREG: You don’t like him?
    MARCINO: Not really.

    GREG: He an as*hole or something?
    MARCINO: I hardly know him. I don’t think she knows him either. They like knew each other in high school or something.
    GREG: Maybe you should give him a chance first?
    MARCINO: I’d rather not.
    GREG: It could be worse…

    MARCINCO: You are right. I shouldn’t be troubling you with all this after all the sh*t you have to deal with.
    GREG: No, please vent away. It helps.
    MARCINO: You can vent too you know. I know you don’t like talking about your abusive father, but it may help to get it out.

    Greg stares on…


    Kayla and Jerri are with young
    Ali .

    They have arrived at a womens shelter.

    ALI: I don’t know about this.
    JERRI: I know you are afraid of new situations but this is a better situation for you right now.
    KAYLA: Jerri is right. I thank you for letting me try and help you as well, Ali. I know it wasn’t easy to open up.
    ALI: I am thankful for how much you both care.
    JERRI: We do and this is what we think is best.

    KAYLA: We should go in.
    JERRI: Yes Miss Cho is waiting.

    Ali reluctantly grabs her bags and the 3 head inside.


    Cut to an awake Natalia.

    Natalia looks at Jesse and smiles.

    JESSE: This is wonderful.

    NATALIA: (Whispers) hi dad.
    JESSE: Hi baby

    He kisses Natalia on the forehead.

    Jesse is elated.

    Angie looks on smiling and teary eyed…

    ANGIE: She just came out of it.
    JESSE: I could not be more thankful!
    NATALIA: (Whispers) me too dad. I am thankful to be alive.

    Jesse kisses her forehead again and then he hugs Angie.

    ANGIE: She is a fighter like her dad.


    JJ and Miranda are in a music class together at the college.

    The class has ended and students leave except the two of them.

    JJ: Mr. Simpson is it okay if we stay around and play a little bit.
    MR. SIMPSON: Sure JJ. I wont lock the doors for another hour.

    Miranda is putting a book in her back pack.

    JJ: Sweet! You want to jam with me neighbor?
    MIRANDA: Of course. I am always down to jam.
    JJ: Thanks the spirit!
    MIRANDA: What do you want to play?
    JJ: It is your choice.
    MIRANDA: Hmm..


    Paul and Barbara are in the building that BRO will be in.

    BARBARA: The progress on this continues to amaze me.
    PAUL: It has been amazing.
    BARBARA: You are really getting everything right this time around.
    PAUL: I am trying to.

    Emily arrives.

    EMILY: You really are doing a good job, Paul.

    Paul is surprised to see her.

    PAUL: That is a shock coming from you.
    EMILY: I know. I have been very hard on you lately. It is starting to make me feel left out.
    BARBARA: As it should.
    EMILY: (turns to Barbara) I don’t need any peanut gallery comments.
    BARBARA: I don’t know why not. You are the elephant in the room.

    EMILY: I came to talk to Paul…and to apologize.
    PAUL: An apology?
    EMILY: Yes. I have been ridiculous about your decision to start BRO. I need to support you and I will support you.
    PAUL: Emily, It is great to finally hear you say that again.

    Emily kisses Paul.

    Barbara looks away and rolls her eyes


    At the Park:

    GREG: I would prefer to not talk about my trash of a father.
    MARCINO: I won’t push the issue. Just thought maybe venting would help a little.
    GREG: I know. There is just nothing to talk about. My father is a miserable human being and my mother puts up with him.
    MARCINO: I feel stupid now bringing up my petty issues.
    GREG: No don’t. We all feel how we feel. Nothing wrong with it.

    MARCINO: I hope I can be as strong as you some day.
    GREG: Ha! I am not strong.
    MARCINO: Yes you are bro.
    GREG: Believe me. I am not at all. I just have a hell of a poker face.


    Miss Cho approaches Kayla, Jerri and Ali inside the womens shelter.

    JERRI: Ali, this is Mis Cho
    MISS CHO: Hello sweet girl.
    ALI: Hi..
    KAYLA: She is feeling uncomfortable.
    MISS CHO: That is to be expected.
    JERRI: I think once she befriends some of the other girls here she will feel better about being here.

    MISS CHO: They are all out back. We will go see them.
    ALI: I kinda want to be alone right now.
    KAYLA: You will have your own room here.
    MISS CHO: Yes she will. We can go to it.
    ALI: I would like that.

    The 4 ladies head up stairs.


    At the hospital:

    NATALIA: (Whispers) What..what happened that night dad?
    JESSE: There was a shoot out between some damn gangs.
    NATALIA: (Whispers) I do remember some of that.
    JESSE: Yeah and one of the stray bullets hit you.
    NATALIA: (Whispers) I am glad I do not remember that.
    JESSE: I am just glad you pulled through baby.

    NATALIA: (Whispers) I did dream about you and Angie looking over me.
    JESSE: Angie has been great with you.
    ANGIE: She has been as good a patient as a patient can be. A fighter.
    NATALIA: (Whispers) Was never going to leave my dad behind.
    JESSE: Thank you, I am beyond happy that you are still here with us and I am in the midst of starting a cause around this city to prevent the poor from joining gangs.
    ANGIE: Leave it to your father to turn a negative into a positive!

    Natalia smiles


    At the college:

    JJ hands Miranda a guitar

    JJ: Here you can play lead.
    MIRANDA: Are you sure?
    JJ: Yup. I will support.
    MIRANDA: That is a lot of pressure.
    JJ: I have faith in you.
    MIRANDA: Well thanks but what are we playing?

    JJ: Lets do an old evanescence song. I want to hear you sing.
    MIRANDA: Amy Lee’s voice is pretty beautiful to try and replicate.
    JJ: Like I said, I have faith in you.

    JJ starts playing “Bring me to life”

    JJ: Would be better if these were electric.
    MIRANDA: Acoustic is tremendous.

    Miranda starts to play the song along with him.

    JJ: Now you start leading

    She starts to do so.

    MIRANDA: This is too much pressure to remember the lyrics.
    JJ: Give it a shot.

    MIRANDA: (Singing) Bring me to life!

    She giggles

    JJ: I’m going to turn you into a rock girl, just wait.

    The two continue to play along.


    At BRO

    EMILY: So what are your plans for this place?
    PAUL: Ive tried to explain before but you didn’t want to listen.
    EMILY: I am listening now.
    PAUL: First off, my mother and I and our new business partner Katsu are--

    The door opens and they are interrupted by Eliza .

    BARBARA: Dear, Eliza!
    ELIZA: Grandma!
    BARBARA: Finally I get to see you.

    Barbara and Eliza hug.

    Eliza then hugs her dad.

    ELIZA: Hi daddy.

    Eliza totally ignores Emily as if she is not even there.

    PAUL: What brings you all the way out here?
    ELIZA: Well actually I was coming here in hopes that I can have a job here since someoneee said I needed one.

    Eliza looks at Emily

    BARBARA: I think that is a great idea for you to work here! Don’t you Paul?
    PAUL: I don’t know
    ELIZA: Oh come on dad!
    BARBARA: I think Eliza would do good at a secretary job here.
    ELIZA: Sounds like my kind of job.

    PAUL: That just might work.
    ELIZA: I will be the best secretary here!

    Eliza is thrilled.

    ELIZA: Thank you both so much!

    “Bring me to life (acoustic)” by Evanescence starts to play


    [:00] Eliza hugs both her grandmother and her father again. Emily watches the three and seems highly annoyed.

    [:08] Eliza looks over at Emily from across the room and winks. Emily shakes her head.

    [:16] At the college. JJ and Miranda are putting the guitars away.

    JJ: That was so fun.
    MIRANDA: I totally agree. We will have to do it again sometime.
    JJ: Definitely. I better go start some homework though.
    MIRANDA: Okay see you…well at home in the apartment complex, neighbor.
    JJ: Home sweet home.

    Miranda watches JJ as he exits the room.

    She looks back at the guitars and grins from ear to ear.

    MIRANDA: That was such a good time.

    [:44] Greg looks on somberly.

    Marcino gives him a pat on the back.

    MARCINO: I hope things get better, man.
    GREG: They will.
    MARCINO: Best attitude to have.
    GREG: All I know is I need to protect my mom and my lil bro the best that I can.

    Marcino looks on at Greg worried

    [1:02] Kayla and Jerri both hug Miss Cho

    JERRI: Thank you for taking her in. She is so young. I want her to find peace here.
    MISS CHO: I will do my best to reach out to her.
    KAYLA: It may just take some time.
    JERRI: Probably so

    [1:18] Ali is up in her room at the womens shelter. She is starting to unpack but breaks down and starts crying.

    She wipes her tears and looks in the mirror. She sees her black eye and messed up lip.

    ALI: this has to stop.

    She touches her black eye.

    ALI: It has to.

    [1:38] At the hospital, Jesse and Angie hug outside of Natalias hospital room.

    JESSE: Such a huge relief, Angie
    ANGIE: I know it is.
    JESSE: Thank you so much for helping Natalia stay alive.
    ANGIE: It was more than just me.
    JESSE: But your faith helped a whole lot.

    The two look into Natalias room.

    [1:55] Natalia stares on towards the wall.

    A single tear starts to run down her face

    The camera slowly zooms in on her…

    [2:09]fade out and credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures
  9. Days22
    At the ski resort:

    Luke and Ben are sitting down over lunch.

    LUKE: I was so surprised to run into you yesterday out of the blue and it turns out you were one of the people on my list to interview.
    BEN: I am glad you did and that I will get a part in your newspaper.
    LUKE: Well lets start this off then. Tell me about how you got into Skiing?
    BEN: It actually didn’t happen until I was an adult and I found this hobby. It made me feel alive again.
    LUKE: Are you from around here?
    BEN: No, but I made some trips here when I was younger, but back then I was too afraid to ski.
    LUKE: How did you get over that fear?

    BEN: Life has a way of pushing a person around until they become fearless. I just had to break out of my shell and believe me, I have broken out of it.
    LUKE: Does skiing give you a rush?
    BEN: Oh of course. Very few things can give me a rush like that but everything that does makes me feel alive.
    LUKE: Off the record…you already sound like an amazing person.

    Ben smiles


    At the Union Creek High School:

    It is lunch time.

    Sam and Zack are in the lunch line next to Camella .

    SAM: This is a great time in sports. Basketball playoffs. Hockey playoffs and Baseball is in the beginning of the season.
    ZACK: Who is going to win the NBA championship?
    SAM: The cavs probably.
    ZACK: I hope not! Anyone but them.
    SAM: Nah, Lebron has this again.
    CAMELLA: (Rolls her eyes) Boys always bonding over sports.

    Sam and Zack get their food.

    Zack goes and sits at an empty table. Sam looks over at Trinity and Camellas table and seems to want to sit there but he sits with Zack.

    SAM: We should go sit with Trinity and her friend again.
    ZACK: Ehhh, I don’t know. I really don’t think they like us very much.
    SAM: I don’t think that’s true at all.
    ZACK: It seems like they don’t.

    Cut to Trinity and Camella at their table.

    Trinity is looking towards Sam and Zack.

    CAMELLA: You are sure staring. Like what you see?
    TRINITY: Can’t a girl just stare now days?
    CAMELLA: Well I am glad they didn’t sit here. They are basic.
    TRINITY: I kinda wish they did sit here…

    Trinity stares over at them again and Camella shakes her head.

    CAMELLA: Shake it off Trin.
    TRINITY: Yeah, let me do that right quick.


    Reva and Josh are visiting
    Jack at the hospital.

    JOSH: Hello, man
    JACK: Hey…
    REVA: Hi…you don’t remember us do you?
    JACK: Oh god. You are not someone from my past are you? Because I don’t think I know you. You are not like my parents or something...
    JOSH: What?! (chuckles) no.
    REVA: We are not that old and you are no spring chicken!
    JACK: Well I am relieved.

    JOSH: We found you outside of a local coffee shop.
    REVA: Yeah, got 911 over to you.
    JACK: Well I certainly appreciate that. I was in bad shape when I…well when I got out of the predicament I was in.

    Morris walks in.

    JOSH: I hope it is okay we came to visit, Jack here.
    MORRIS: It is. Just know he has still no memory of his life at all other than recent months.
    JACK: Yup folks. It is like nothing is between my ears.

    Josh and Reva are surprised.


    At the ski resort:

    LUKE: (whispers) now for the not so fun part of this interview.

    He clicks the recorder on his phone back on.

    LUKE: So what brings you to this resort most of the time?
    BEN: This is such a fabulous ski resort. The staff is great and there are amazing places to eat, but most importantly some of the best mountains in Colorado.
    LUKE: How many times do you choose to ski at this place over others?
    BEN: Most of the time really. I would say like eighty percent of the time even.
    LUKE: Wow. You must enjoy it immensely?
    BEN: Yes if you are looking for the best place to ski from beginners to pros, this is the place!

    Luke stops his recorder.

    LUKE: Wow, you can sell Ben! If you ever need to go into the car business, you can.

    They laugh

    BEN: Its all the charisma.
    LUKE: You have that.
    BEN: Thanks Luke. This interview has been fun.


    In the Union Creek High School Lunch room:

    Zack has his eyes at the preppy table. He becomes quiet.

    SAM: So who you rooting for in the NHL playoffs?
    ZACK: Nobody.
    SAM: Yeah not so many rootable teams are left.

    Sam sees Zacks mood has changed.

    Over at the preppy table his crush, Anne is laughing it up with Cory Sutter.

    SAM: Don’t let this chick get you down.
    ZACK: I know I shouldn’t.

    Cut to Anne and Cory

    ANNE: I never knew you were so funny.
    CORY: I guess you have to get to know me more then.
    ANNE: You might be right.

    Cut back to Zack who is glaring at their table…


    Jacks hospital room

    Reva takes Morris out into the hall.

    Josh stays inside with Jack

    JOSH: So you really do not remember anything about yourself?
    JACK: I remember the terrible circumstance I have been in recently.
    JOSH: Yeah I heard about it, but lets not bring those bad memories up.
    JACK: Why not? It’s literally all I have. (chuckles)
    JOSH: Least you are carrying a sense of humor too.
    JACK: I don’t know what else to do. I can tell you that this is one surreal predicament I am in. It is like I know I have a life out there and yet here I am stripped of absolutely everything. I am a walking, talking empty bottle sailing in an ocean of the unknown.

    JOSH: I hope life turns around for you.
    JACK: I do too. I’ll have to do something regardless.
    JOSH: You are bound to find the right path. I believe that after every storm there is some still water.

    Outside in the hall:

    REVA: I feel bad for this Jack man.
    MORRIS: Believe me, I do too. This is the first case of amnesia I have ever diagnosed. He is here lost from whatever life he had. Whatever family he had and he cannot stay in this hospital forever. In fact I will have to release him soon even though he has nowhere to go.
    REVA: He cant just be some transient.
    MORRIS: There is nowhere in this town equipped for someone like him other than a homeless shelter.
    REVA: I am certain he has a home.
    MORRIS: The problem is he does not know where his home could be. No idea whatsoever. He is actually homeless.


    Ski Resort:

    BEN: So what newspaper do you work for again?
    LUKE: The union creek chronicle.
    BEN: No way!
    LUKE: Yes way.
    BEN: I just moved to Union Creek from northern Colorado!
    LUKE: Wow. (big smile) That means we can stay in touch.
    BEN: We will definitely have to stay in touch.
    LUKE: I was so not looking forward to this trip but I am happy I did.
    BEN: So happy, you devoured your meal. You have some crumbs on you.

    Ben gets up and wipes some crumbs off of Lukes chest.

    LUKE: How embarrassing.

    Ben and Lukes faces come close together.

    BEN: Don’t be embarrassed.

    Ben stares Luke in the eyes for a moment before sitting back down.

    Luke nervously swallows.

    BEN: I do have to get going though and actually hit the slopes.
    LUKE: I…I hope you have fun.
    BEN: It has already been one fun morning. So I will continue that trend. Ill catch you around Union Creek.
    LUKE: Plan on it.

    Ben walks off.

    LUKE: I have not been hit on like that in a long time. It sure feels good. Noah Mayer eat your heart out.


    School lunch room:

    SAM: I don’t know Zack, I think you better start making some moves on Anne.
    ZACK: Apparently I better do that very soon.
    SAM: I think she would like a strong come on.
    ZACK: Maybe.
    SAM: She seems like the type.
    ZACK: What’s that suppose to mean?
    SAM: Hey, hey. Don’t get over protective of her already!

    The bell rings.

    ZACK: Crap, time for the next class so soon.
    SAM: That felt like a long lunch to me.

    Trinity walks by and Sam stops her.

    SAM: Hey Trinity, since we have the next class together I’ll walk with you.
    TRINITY: I’d like that (smiles)

    Camella side eyes them.

    SAM: I hate math.
    TRINITY: Oh my god you don’t even know. It is my worst subject by far.
    SAM: Good thing we’re neighbors. Maybe we can help each other out.

    The two happily walk down the hall


    Josh comes out of Jacks room.

    JOSH: That unfortunate man.
    REVA: Isn't it sad Joshua.
    JOSH: Yeah. I do feel bad.
    REVA: Me too. You know he is about to be released any day now with nowhere to go.
    JOSH: There is bound to be someone in town that will help him.

    REVA: Yeah I think I know someone.
    JOSH: Great! Who…oh…I think I see where you are going with this. I don’t know Reva, I feel uncomfortable with some stranger living with us.
    REVA: I think it would be perfect. Jack can come and live on the ranch with us while he gets back on his feet!

    Josh looks on uncertain


    Credits roll

    *I do not know any non original characters nor any pictures.

  10. Days22
    Billy and Brittany are hanging out. Brittany pours Billy some lemonade.

    BILLY: Thank you. I am parched.
    BRITTANY: Parched. Who says that? What are you, an old man?
    BILLY: If I was still in Genoa City, I would feel like one. That places ages you.
    BRITTANY: Well good thing you came here to Paradise.
    BILLY: Yes. Paradise. Has this place been your Paradise since you moved here?

    BRITTANY: It has been okay. I’ve landed on my feet here thanks to the casino.
    BILLY: I need to land on my feet now. I need to find out what kind of work I want to do here.
    BRITTANY: There are plenty of options in this city. The police force is always hiring.
    BILLY: Yeah right. I need something a little more glamourous.
    BRITTANY: There is plenty of glamour here, too. This city has a lot of good and bad.


    Chavo meets up with Greg in the alley.

    GREG: Where is Vin?
    CHAVO: He is late and in one foul mood.
    GREG: Oh boy. What happened now? He is always pissed about something.
    CHAVO: This one may be a big one, bro.
    GREG: Well tell me!

    CHAVO: It’s his girlfriend. I guess she broke up with him. Homie seems livid!
    GREG: Great, girl trouble.
    CHAVO: I know he is mad all the time, but he seems worse this time.
    GREG: I do wish Vin would calm down.
    CHAVO: Well he bought his new gun and I’m afraid he is going to do something stupid with it.


    Jesse is at the police station.
    He and another cop are sitting down.

    JESSE: I want you to help me in my crusade to help this city.
    OFFICER RAMOS: I will do whatever I can to help, Captain.
    JESSE: That is what I like to hear. This community deserves better.
    OFFICER RAMOS: I quite admire our drive you have for the youth here. Instead of taking what happened to your daughter as a negative you are trying to turn it into a positive.

    JESSE: The people responsible for that shoot out are in custody, but there are some youth out there that have not yet gotten into deep trouble. Those are the ones I would love to help.
    OFFICER RAMOS: What are we going to do to help them?
    JESSE: We’re going to reach out and I do have an idea how…


    At the hospital, Kayla and Angie are with resident psychiatrist Jerri.

    JERRI: I am thrilled to hear about your daughter, Angie.
    ANGIE: Yes. Natalia does seem to be recovering at a good rate.
    JERRI: Good work guys.
    KAYLA: It really was touch and go for a while but there seems to be great doctors and surgeons on staff.
    ANGIE: If there is one thing right in this city, it is this hospital.
    JERRI: We are the best of the best. Or so I like to think.
    ANGIE: You are great Jerri. The amount of care you have for your patients is admirable.
    JERRI: Thank you.


    In Salem:

    Jennifer is in the Horton house.

    Her boyfriend Daniel Jonas walks in…

    JENNIFER: Daniel. Glad you came by.
    DANIEL: I had to. I think we both had to.
    JENNIFER: Yeah we do need to have a talk.
    DANIEL: I agree Jenn, one hundred percent.

    Back in Paradise

    Terrance is back from Arizona. Steve shakes his hand.

    STEVE: How was the trip?
    TERRANCE: Short, but sweet.
    STEVE: But not successful.
    TERRANCE: Unfortunately. I am gald to be back though.

    STEVE: Hate to tell you this, but don’t unpack your bags.
    TERRANCE: Oh no…why?
    STEVE: Because the both of us are flying somewhere else!


    Marcino is in his room.

    He hears his mom and Billy chatting in the other room.

    He is upset again and rolls his eyes.

    MARCINO: Who is this Billy guy just storming back into her life? I don’t know who he thinks he is.

    He gets his cell phone and texts somebody.

    MARCINO: I do not want to be here while they are here together.

    He leaves his room and walks in the front room.

    MARCINO: Sorry to interrupt, but I am going to meet up with a friend, Mom.
    BRITTANY: Okay well just be careful.
    MARCINO: I always am.
    BILLY: See you buddy
    MARCINO: Later.

    He exits


    In Salem:

    JENNIFER: You know I have been wanting to move and I am certain where I want to move.
    DANIEL: You want to go where JJ went, don’t you?
    JENNIFER: Yes. Paradise, New Mexico. I am sure you don’t like the idea, but that is what I want to do.
    DANIEL: You’ve wanted a move and a change for a while. I can respect that.
    JENNIFER: If I have to move there alone I will.

    DANIEL: Actually, I would love to move there with you.
    JENNIFER: but what about your job?
    DANIEL: I knew you were considering this so I already put my notice in weeks ago.
    JENNIFER: What a wonderful surprise!

    She hugs him.

    JENNIFER: This make me already want to start packing!


    Steve visits Kayla at the hospital.

    KAYLA: What is up?
    STEVE: Wanted to come and see you, baby.
    KAYLA: You have that look on your face though.
    STEVE: What look?
    KAYLA: The look you always have when you have something to say that I don’t want to hear.
    STEVE: Ohhh that look…yeah I guess so.

    KAYLA: Then what is it you are up to?
    STEVE: I have to go on a trip.
    KAYLA: For the ISA?
    STEVE: Yes for the ISA.
    KAYLA: This isn’t dangerous is it?
    STEVE: It is ISA business but I promise it isn’t dangerous.
    KAYLA: It better not be. You were supposed to be getting away from all this.
    STEVE: I am sweetness it just takes time.

    He kisses her.

    STEVE: I promise its nothing big.

    Kayla gives him a doubting look.

    STEVE: Promise.


    At the hospital

    Angie sees a girl entering Jerris office.

    The girl has a busted lip and a major black eye...

    ANGIE: (Shakes her head) poor girl.

    The young Girl, Ali, sits with Jerri

    JERRI: Hi Ali...I wish it didn’t lead to this.
    ALI: I tried to get away.
    JERRI: I know, honey.
    ALI: I just finally had enough. I had to get out.
    JERRI: You did the right thing
    ALI: But I don’t know what to do now.
    JERRI: I promised I would help you and I will.


    Back at the police station

    JESSE: Officer Ramos, my first step of business is a fundraiser. Usually we cops fundraiser for ourselves but this time I want it to be for the community center.
    OFFICER RAMOS: Wonderful. I would be willing to help set this up. Reaching out to the community is good for all involved.
    JESSE: All the funds will go to a newly built community center in the more poverty ridden part of the city. I don’t know if the chief will go for this but it’s worth a shot.
    OFFICER RAMOS: He is a tough sell.
    JESSE: I frankly don’t care how tough he is. It is going to happen.

    Jesse gets a text. It is from Angie.

    JESSE: Sorry, but I have to head off to the hospital.
    OFFICER RAMOS: Hope everything is okay!

    Jesse leaves


    Vin shows off his gun to Greg and Chavo.

    VIN: A top of the line piece here fellas.
    GREG: Nice buy.
    CHAVO: Great buy.
    VIN: And thing is, I'm in the right mind to use it today.
    CHAVO: Don’t say that.
    VIN: Oh it is true.

    GREG: I am going to take this as my cue to leave.
    VIN: Don’t miss out on the fun Gregory.
    GREG: I’ll pass if you are going to do something stupid.

    Greg leaves.

    VIN: I swear. Sometimes that kid is a p*ssy.
    CHAVO: You shouldn't make any rash decisions.
    VIN: I am not. I should have just shot that damn girl long time ago.

    Chavo sighs.

    The camera zooms in on the gun.


    In Salem:

    Jennifer is packing.

    JENNIFER: I will miss this house though.

    She starts to take the pictures off the mantel. She gets to a picture of Jack.

    JENNIFER: Definitely off to a new phase in my life.

    She kisses the picture of Jack and puts it in a box.


    Cut to Steve and Terrance.

    TERRANCE: Well I am still packed, Steve. What are we doing?
    STEVE: Hope you are ready for a long trip.
    TERRANCE: I am not, but I can be game. Okay I’m not thrilled to be flying again, but if it helps find Bo.
    STEVE: I hope it will.

    TERRANCE: But why England?
    STEVE: We are going to go see an old friend of Bos. Greta Von Amburg.


    In the Psychiatrist office

    JERRI: Did you now ex boyfriend attack you before or after you broke up with him?
    ALI: Both.
    JERRI: He is scum and I am glad you feel that in your heart now.
    ALI: I am glad I left. I just...(sighs heavily)
    JERRI: I know how hard it has been for you to come here the past couple months and I know that you still have a hard path from here, but trust me that I will help you.
    ALI: I trust you completely. I am just eighteen though and was living with my boyfriend. I have nowhere to go. Or to hide if I need to.
    JERRI: Your parents live here don’t they?
    ALI: My boyfriend is crazy. I do not want to put my parents in danger.

    Jerri Holds Alis hand.

    JERRI: Then I am going to take you to a womens shelter. I’ll keep you safe.
    ALI: I don’t know if that will even work. I've never told you this but my boyfriend…he is in a gang.


    Vin has a picture of Ali in a frame.

    VIN: You made a huge mistake breaking up with me Ali.

    Vin sets the picture down and gazes at it.

    He pulls out his gun and uses the picture for target practice shooting it twice…


    Billy and Brittany are looking through a newspaper.

    BILLY: I really would rather not find a job in the paper.
    BRITTANY: Come on. Be a good ol fashion regular person Mister Abbott.
    BILLY: Yeah I guess being an Abbott I never had to do this.
    BRITTANY: You’ll come up with a career here. I have faith in you.

    The two turn to face each other and their mouths are close together.

    Their lips inch forward to each other, but Brittany pulls away.

    BRITTANY: Sorry…sorry..


    Marcino arrives at the park.

    He looks at his watch.

    MARCINO: Come on man, where you at?

    Greg comes walking up to him…

    GREG: Hey bro!

    They bump fists.

    GREG: I’m happy you wanted to chill!
    MARCINO: I had to get out of the house.
    GREG: Sounds good to me. I had to get away from my...friends.


    Jesse is at the hospital and greets Angie.

    ANGIE: Come here…

    She leads him to Natalia room quickly.

    Natalia is conscious!

    JESSE: Oh baby!

    Natalia looks at Jesse and smiles.

    JESSE: This is wonderful.

    NATALIA: (Whispers) hi dad.
    JESSE: Hi baby

    He kisses Natalia on the forehead.

    Jesse is elated.

    Angie looks on smiling and teary eyed…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.

  11. Days22
    Gang members Vin , Chavo and Greg are in an alley.

    VIN: The convenience store is nearby.
    GREG: You are not thinking about doing this today are you?
    CHAVO: Yeah, I thought your gun was stolen and you haven’t gots your new one yet.
    VIN: Yeah I will be getting my piece any day now, but I would still like to do this robbery today.
    GREG: With what weapon?
    VIN: There are three of us. We don’t need a weapon. We have the man power.
    CHAVO: This isn’t as full proof as I hoped.
    VIN: I’m the man in charge here. If I say we are going to do it…we are going to do it.


    In his apartment, JJ is going over a text book.

    There is a knock at the door.

    JJ: Who could that be?

    He opens the door and is surprised to see Eliza Ryan standing there.

    ELIZA: I thought about calling since we exchanged numbers but I wanted to surprise you instead.
    JJ: It is nice to see you again.
    ELIZA: I was hoping you would say that. And besides, I brought a treat.

    Eliza has a 6 pack of beer with her.

    JJ looks at it concerned…


    Emily is outside of a restaurant.

    She is on the phone with Paul .

    EMILY: So it is not safe to come home yet?
    PAUL: You can go ahead and go home. I am not home. I am at the building BRO will be in.
    EMILY: Oh , great. (rolls her eyes) and still with your damn mother too, I assume?
    PAUL: Why Yes I am. You need to get over this annoyance you have!
    EMILY: You don’t make it easy! Your damn mother either.
    PAUL: I’m not doing this right now. We have a very important meeting.
    EMILY: Don’t hang up on me like this.

    He hangs up.

    EMILY: Damn you Paul! I hate this!

    She walks into the restaurant and goes straight to the bar.

    EMILY: Ive wrangled up enough change bartender. Give me one strong Vodka and cranberry.

    Lucas Roberts walks up behind her.

    LUCAS: Hey I couldn’t help but over hear you outside. Everything okay?
    EMILY: No. (glares)
    LUCAS: Well I’m sorry. Hope your day looks up. I’ll leave you to your drink.

    He starts to walk away.

    EMILY: No…wait..

    He turns back around.


    Angie and Kayla are chatting at the hospital.

    KAYLA: How is your husband dealing with this?
    ANGIE: He is diving right into his police work it seems.
    KAYLA: Natalia is improving in my opinion.
    ANGIE: I agree. I hope it continues for Jesses sake.
    KAYLA: Oh our husbands and their work. I hope my husband isn’t getting too much into his work again, but I have a feeling he is up to something…


    Cut to Steve on the phone. He is smiling.

    STEVE: This is great news Shane! I hope you are right.

    They hang up.

    STEVE: I hope the ISA can pull this off. Activate a chip in Bos computer wherever it may be. Hopefully we can find out what he was looking into before his disappearance!


    At the hospital

    Kayla and Angie are checking on Natalia

    KAYLA: Her vitals are getting stronger.
    ANGIE: All the tests seem to be a positive indication too. I would just feel better about all of this if she would become conscious.
    KAYLA: I think that may be just around the corner.
    ANGIE: I love how positive you are.
    KAYLA: I hope you are thinking what I am thinking.
    ANGIE: That I have some good news for Jesse!


    Steve is on his computer.

    STEVE: Okay I can do this.

    He types in a code.

    STEVE: I am glad the ISA has these chips built into our computers. Now to just get acces to Bos laptop.

    He clicks on something.

    STEVE: That’s it. That’s a signal! I so hope this works and I’m able to access whatever investigative documents Bo was working on.


    At the apartments

    Eliza hands JJ a beer

    ELIZA: Don’t seem so reluctant!
    JJ: You are note even 21
    ELIZA: Fake ideas go a long way!
    JJ: Well the thing is…I try not to drink or just party In general anymore.
    ELIZA: I see that anymore is the key word here. I had a feeling you use to be a party animal.
    JJ: A little bit…well a lot bit.
    ELIZA: You are at a new college. Now is the time to be again.

    JJ: You really trust to drink with me even though we really just met?
    ELIZA: Yes you seem fun so lets have some fun.
    JJ: It is just that in my past I have had some drug addictions and I just want to move away from that.
    ELIZA: I am not trying to get you addicted…to alcohol. I just want to lighten up your college experience.
    JJ: You are persistent. I give you that.
    ELIZA: I get it from my grandparents….so come on. Just one at least? Loosen us up.

    JJ: Okay. One wont hurt.
    ELIZA: Atta boy! Truly I am just happy to make a new friend.

    They both twist the caps off their beers and take a drink.

    ELIZA: You like it don’t you?
    JJ: It is good.

    Eliza smirks


    Meanwhile, Paul introduces Barbara to
    Katsu Itami .

    PAUL: Mom this is Katsu.
    KATSU: Hello Madame.

    Katsu and Barbara shake hands.

    Katsu then kisses Barbaras hand.

    KATSU: Nice to meet you
    BARBARA: Nice to meet you as well

    PAUL: This place is already looking nice.
    KATSU: The renovation of this building has been going for awhile now.
    PAUL: You chose wisely.

    Barbara looks on a Katsu with a worried look…


    Emily and Lucas are sitting together at the restaurant

    EMILY: Want to join me for a drink?
    LUCAS: Sorry but I do not drink anymore, but I will gladly join you with a steak while you drink.
    EMILY: Even better. A man who loves steak knows how to have dinner.
    LUCAS: I like to think I do

    EMILY: Love that suit by the way. It looks great on you.
    LUCAS: Thank you very much. Your mood has changed a lot since I saw you outside.
    EMILY: You have helped immensely.
    LUCAS: Glad to hear that. Don't even know how I worked that magic.
    EMILY: So what do you do? Must have a good job to be sporting a suit like that.

    LUCAS: I am the CEO of the cosmetics company Mad World.
    EMILY: Oh wow! That’s awesome! I heard the headquarters for that company moved to town. I should apply for a job there.
    LUCAS: You have a business background?
    EMILY: I do. And more importantly working there would piss my husband off!


    Greg, Vin and Chavo are still together.

    VIN: Why are you two chickening out on me about this robbery?
    GREG: We are not chickening out, we just want to be smart about this.
    CHAVO: Yeah we don’t want to get caught or shot or something.
    VIN: I guess you are right.
    CHAVO: You will come up with something better.
    GREG: For now we just lay low before you do.
    VIN: Fine

    Vin walks off

    Greg has a sigh of relief


    Jesse arrives at the hospital and approaches Angie

    JESSE: Is something wrong with Natalia?
    ANGIE: I called you here for quite the opposite. She is improving much quicker then expected. I think she is going to make a full recovery!
    JESSE: Oh baby that is great.

    Jesse grabs Angie into a tight hug.

    JESSE: Thank god

    Both are elated


    Steve is still on his computer. On the screen it looks like he is just about to load some files from Bos computer loaded onto his computer.

    However all of a sudden the loading stops.

    STEVE: It shouldn't be stopping.

    The signal he had then goes off too.

    STEVE: This cannot be happening. Someone must have gotten to Bos computer and taken the chip out.

    Steve slams his laptop closed.

    STEVE: How is someone one step ahead of the ISA…Can a higher up be a mole for the Dimeras or someone?

    Steve is frustrated


    Back at JJs apartment

    The camera zooms in on the empty 6 pack case.

    They are drinking the last 2 beers.

    ELIZA: I knew you would help me finish these
    JJ: How did you KNOW that?
    ELIZA: You just seemed like the partying type.
    JJ: You are a bad influence you know.
    ELIZA: But it has been a fun night.

    JJ: You’re right, it has been.
    ELIZA: Could stay that way

    She sets her beer down and gets really close to him…she goes in for a kiss and they lock lips for some moments.

    She then stops.

    ELIZA: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.
    JJ: No need to apologize…I enjoyed it..


    Paul notices Barbara is being standoffish from Katsu.

    He pulls her aside.

    PAUL: What is wrong mother?
    BARBARA: I feel weird about him.
    PAUL: Weird? Why?
    BARBARA: Chalk it up to a feeling. I have become a good judge of character at my high in wisdom age. This is not my first rodeo clown meeting.
    PAUL: Katsu is a cool guy and more importantly a great business man.
    BARBARA: Okay, doesn't make me any less worried about doing business with him.

    Katsu looks over at them from across the room.

    Barbara fake smiles and waves at him..


    LUCAS: You should apply at Mad World if you want to.
    EMILY: Nah I can’t do that. I really would anger my husband tons. He is launching a new company.
    LUCAS: Oh…I see
    EMILY: I should also be going but I do hope to see you again some time too. I would love to discuss business.
    LUCAS: Sounds good to me.
    EMILY: Thanks for making my day better, Lucas.
    LUCAS: Glad to help.

    She exits

    You can tell that her wheels are turning as she is lost in thought.

    She looks back inside at Lucas through the window.

    EMILY: This just might work.


    Credits roll

  12. Days22
    Miranda Montgomery is out getting coffee.

    She is waiting in line to order.

    Katsu Itami is also there. He is sitting down doing something on his computer.

    He takes a sip of coffee and notices Miranda.

    He smirks as he stares towards her..


    Billy arrives at Brittanys house.

    She lets him in and hugs him.

    BRITTANY: I’m glad you could make it!
    BILLY: You forget I’m still new to town. I have absolutely nothing better to do.
    BRITTANY: Well it just means that we can hang, like old times.
    BILLY: Like really old times.
    BRITTANY: Oh stop it. We’re not that old.

    Brittany’s son Marcino walks into the living room.

    BRITTANY: Hi Baby. This is my very old friend Billy.
    BILLY: Yes very. Hi Joshua. You’re all grown up! It is nice to meet you.
    MARCINO: Hello. Nice to meet you too, but please call me Marcino.

    Billy and Marcino shake hands.

    BILLY: Oh Yeah You want to be called that after your father. I like that.


    At the police station:

    Jesse is with another cop.

    COP: How is Natalia doing?
    JESSE: She is still stable but still in intensive care.
    COP: I wish that gang didn’t get so bold.
    JESSE: Me too. We need to clean up the streets here so much. I didn’t realize when I moved here how bad it really is.
    COP: It has been bad for a long time. I don’t know how we’ll clean it up.
    JESSE: Ive made it my goal to figure out something.



    Terrance is there and is parked outside of a big house.

    He calls Steve .

    TERRANCE: You wanted me to call before I did this?
    STEVE: Yes. I just wanted to remind you, that you cannot let her on that Bo is in trouble. I do not want that out yet.
    TERRANCE: I will do my best. It is hard not to act suspicious though.
    STEVE: I know, but do your best.

    They hang up.

    Terrance walks to the house and rings the doorbell.

    Someone answers the door.

    TERRANCE: Hello, Are you Carly Manning?

    Cut to Carly Manning .

    CARLY: I am. Is there a problem?


    At the Ryan house:

    Paul and Emily are in the middle of another argument.

    EMILY: You do not even know what you are doing!
    PAUL: I resent that. So much!
    EMILY: You should be putting some of this loan away.
    PAUL: The reason I got the loan in the first place was to start a business.
    EMILY: But you have to be smart.

    PAUL: I am Emily. I am already making connections.
    EMILY: Business connections?
    PAUL: Yes. Don’t sound so surprised. I have been in business many times before.
    EMILY: So have I, Paul and you are going about this all wrong.
    PAUL: You are just upset that I am resurrecting my mothers company.
    EMILY: Yes, I really don’t know why you are doing that. You should be going into business for yourself and your family.
    PAUL: That is a part of what I am doing.
    EMILY: Well I do not like it.

    Pauls mother Barbara Ryan walks in!

    BARBARA: You are just going to have to face it. This isn’t about you, Emily!


    BRITTANY: Will you go get us some water Marcino?
    MARCINO: Sure, mom.

    He exits to the kitchen.

    BILLY: I don’t know, he sure is grown. You are very old like me.
    BRITTANY: (Laughs) I refuse to believe it!

    Marcino comes back with two water bottle for Brittany and Billy

    BILLY: Thanks man
    MARCINO: So how did you all meet?
    BRITTANY: He and I and a bunch of friends went to school together.
    BILLY: Yeah and your mom had her sights on me from day 1.
    BRITTANY: Not funny Billy
    BILLY: Well its true!
    MARCINO: oh so you two use to date?
    BRITTANY: Yeah, at one point.

    The expression on Marcinos face changes.


    At the coffee shop

    Katsu approaches Miranda.

    KATSU: Hi young lady I couldn't help but notice you
    MIRANDA: (Caught off guard) Hi..
    KATSU: You ever modeled?
    MIRANDA: I have not.
    KATSU: You really should.
    MIRANDA: Well, thank you I guess.
    KATSU: I may be able to help you do so..

    Miranda is wary.


    At the Ryan House

    EMILY: Don’t you knock Barbara?
    BARBARA: I did. You probably couldn't hear it over all your hollering.
    PAUL: Mom! I am glad you are here.
    BARBARA: Hello son.
    EMILY: You should warn me before she just drops in, Paul.
    PAUL: I didn't know she was coming so soon.

    BARBARA: I figured I would just…drop in. I know Emily hates surprises. I also can tell she is not happy BRO is coming back.
    EMILY: Not quite. I just don’t like that he took out a loan strictly for this even though we have been struggling.
    BARBARA: Well you won’t be struggling anymore. BRO will come back with a vengeance. Now if you want to take your negative attitude outside for some air I would love to talk to my son alone.

    Emily gives both of them dirty looks.

    EMILY: Whatever

    She exits the room.

    Barbara hugs Paul

    BARBARA: So good to see you


    Kayla and Steve are kissing it up on the couch

    STEVE: Oh sweetness, you taste more sweet every day, you know that?
    KAYLA: You may taste even better tough.

    They do some more kissing before Kayla stops

    STEVE: What’s wrong?
    KAYLA: I cant stop thinking about my new co workers step daughter?
    STEVE: Did something happen?
    KAYLA: Yeah she is a cop and she got shot in some kind of gang shooting yesterday.
    STEVE: Shot in the line of duty. How awful.
    KAYLA: It is and she is not in good shape right now though I am hoping she will pull out of it…all this has just made me worried about you.

    STEVE: No reason to worry about me.
    KAYLA: I really hope you are doing less for the ISA. You cannot do this kind of dangerous work forever.
    STEVE: I swear I am almost retired. Soon enough Kayla.
    KAYLA: I just don’t want to lose you again

    Their 6 year old son Joey walks in

    JOEY: Is something wrong with daddy?


    In Arizona:

    Carly and Terrance are sitting down.

    CARLY: This is about Bo?
    TERRANCE: Yes.
    CARLY: Is something wrong?
    TERRANCE: No. I am just checking on how his investigating in Europe went. Just grading him for the higher ups.
    CARLY: I think Bo of all people does his job well.
    TERRANCE: This is probably true…but I need to know if you saw him in Europe while you were there.
    CARLY: I did. Just one day. We had coffee.
    TERRANCE: Did he divulge any information on his investigation?
    CARLY: You’re lying. Something is wrong isn’t it?


    Marcino watches from the other room as Billy and his mom are giggling and having a good time.

    BRITTANY: It is going to be so nice having you in town.
    BILLY: I am just so glad there is a familiar face here. My move here may have been fate.

    Marcino is not happy about all of this.

    He goes and picks up a picture of his mom and his dad, Bobby and sighs


    At the coffee shop

    MIRANDA: I don’t think I would make a good model, sir
    KATSU: I think that’s blasphemy.
    MIRANDA: I would not know how to pose and all of that
    KATSU: Could easily be taught. Well My name is Katsu Itami. If you ever want a job. Look me up online. I’m easy to find.

    Katsu goes back to his seat.

    Miranda takes her coffee and exits but look back at Katsu before she does. He winks at her..


    Emily hears Paul and Barbara giddy about BRO being reopened. She rolls her eyes and exits the house.

    BARBARA: I am so thankful and happy you are doing this for me Paul!
    PAUL: I am doing this for myself too. I really do need a source of income.
    BARBARA: Well it seems like you managed to get a large loan.
    PAUL: Not large enough, mom.
    BARBARA: We will be successful. Don’t worry son.
    PAUL: I just wonder how my brother…slash…step father, Henry is going to feel about all this?

    Barbara looks on with a half smile


    Jesse is out in an undercover car

    JESSE: Had to bust out this undercover car. I am going to find every gang member out on these streets and document them if it is the last thing I do.

    He spots some younger males all dressed in similar colors.

    He takes some pictures of all of them.

    JESSE: Most of them are just kids. They do not know what they are getting into.

    He drives off.

    Meanwhile, a different group of young males are walking down a nearby alley.

    Vin , Greg and

    CHAVO: You are the boss Vin. Just let us know what you want to do.
    GREG: But please it needs to be smart.A full proof plan.
    VIN: Our robbery will be full proof.


    Back in Arizona

    TERRANCE: Bo is okay. I am telling you the truth.
    CARLY: I sure hope so.
    TERRANCE: I do need to know what you two talked about.
    CARLY: How do I even know you are who you say you are?
    TERRANCE: I already showed you my badge. You can call his brother Roman or his friends Steve and Shane if you want.
    CARLY: I find this all highly suspicious, but all I know anyway is Bo was on some mission. It involved the Dimeras. It almost always does.
    TERRANCE: Good to see Bo followed protocol and didn’t tell you too much.

    Terrance gets up.

    TERRANCE: Well I won’t bother you any longer. Bo truly is fine though.
    CARLY: Better be telling me the truth or I will track you down!
    TERRANCE: Thank you for your time.

    He exits and walks to his car.

    TERRANCE: Oh man, almost blew that.


    Steve hugs little Joey

    STEVE: I am one hundred percent fine kiddo.
    JOEY: Good daddy.
    KAYLA: And I am sure he will stay that way

    Kayla gives Steve a look.

    JOEY: Can I have a sandwich?
    KAYLA: Sure Ill go make you one.

    The two exit the room.

    Steve makes a phone call to Shane.

    STEVE: Is there any progress on finding Bo’s last documentations? I know he was keeping track of what he was doing….we have to find it. We find them and we find out why Bo came here…yes….find a way, Shane.

    He hangs up in a huff.

    STEVE: You just have to hang on wherever you are, dude. We will find you, Bo.



    *I do not own any non original character nor any pictures.
  13. Days22
    Eartha and Morris are out for dinner.

    They spot Lily and Holden Snyder there.

    LILY: Hey Neighbors! You should join us.
    MORRIS: We don’t want to bother you.
    HOLDEN: It is really no bother.
    EARTHA: We would love to join you.

    The 4 neighbors sit together.

    HOLDEN: We love this place.
    LILY: Yeah it is our favorite.
    EARTHA: It is ours too after a long day of work.
    MORRIS: I just come for the cold beer.

    Holden laughs.

    LILY: How was work today?
    EARTHA: As hectic as ever.
    MORRIS: Yeah some crazy situations for sure.


    Luke Snyder arrives at a ski resort.

    He is upset as he is walking in the resort.

    LUKE: Why did Gary and the new boss send me here for an assignment?

    He enters in a huff.

    LUKE: I don’t even ski!

    He walks up to the check in desk.

    LUKE: Hi. I am Luke Snyder. I am writing an article on this place for the Union Creek chronicle.
    CLERK: Ah yes! Welcome Mister Snyder. We are looking forward to this.
    LUKE: Yes…me…too.


    At the Union Creek Chronicle:

    Gary knocks on Todds office.

    TODD: Don’t come in!

    Gary enters.

    TODD: I said Don’t come in…don’t.
    GARY: We need to talk. It is almost as if you are avoiding me.
    TODD: Would never do that Jerry.

    Gary sighs.

    GARY: I sent Luke Snyder on an assignment to a ski resort two towns over.
    TODD: …and?
    GARY: He’s nosy. He was trying to get the goods on what we were up to. I don’t think the old boss would want him to know about our assignment.
    TODD: He might as well still be here then, because I don’t even know about our assignment!
    GARY: You know we have to find the document.
    TODD: Yes this obscure document. Oh joy.


    Danielle Manning arrives home.

    She gets out of her car and sees another car parked in front of the place.

    She tries to look and see who is inside

    DANIELLE: Sh*t.

    Blair gets out of the car.

    BLAIR: Hey Dani!
    DANIELLE: Hi..

    They both walk towards her house.

    DANIELLE: You were really waiting here for me?
    BLAIR: I was hoping to come in and talk to you.
    BLAIR: Excuse me?
    DANIELLE: If Todd sent you here, the answer is no.


    Elijah and other cops arrive at the house over the hill.

    ELIJAH: Everyone get ready.

    There is Elijah and 4 other cops.

    They start to surround the house.

    ELIJAH: I am going to approach the door. We don’t know what we are dealing with so be careful.

    They all take their guns out.

    He knocks on the door.

    ELIJAH: Police open up! We have a search warrant!

    He waits but nobody comes.

    He knocks again. Some of the other cops try and look through the windows.

    ELIJAH: We are coming in one way or the other…I’m breaking this door down!

    He kicks down the door and enters!

    Elijah is astonished by what he sees inside…


    At dinner

    Morris has his arm around Eartha.

    Eartha kisses him on the cheek.

    MORRIS: Thanks baby.
    LILY: I don’t know Holden, we are going to have to step are game up to be as cute as these two!
    HOLDEN: Tell me about it. I feel like I am slacking.
    EARTHA: Oh stop guys.
    MORRIS: Sorry If we have some PDA.

    HOLDEN: No problem at all.

    Holden puts his arm around Lily.

    HOLDEN: I’ll join you.

    Lily kisses his cheek.

    EARTHA: Now I have to top you!

    Eartha plants a kiss on Morris lips and they all chuckle

    At the Ski Resort

    Luke is in a dining area. He finds a table to sit at and puts his stuff down.

    LUKE: What a trip. Not what I was expecting to do today.

    Meanwhile, A guy is behind Luke at the bar. He is clearly checking Luke out.

    Luke pulls out a list.

    LUKE: Some of these people I am going to have to interview here.

    He spots the menu.

    LUKE: But first I eat..and maybe drink.

    He sits down.

    The guy at the bar is still looking towards Luke…


    Gary is still in Todds office.

    GARY: I am trying to think of the places this secret document may be. I have some hunches because of where the old boss use to go.

    Todd is on his computer.

    GARY: It cannot be far from Union Creek. Well actually it may be across the country but we can work around that…

    Gary glances at Todd who isn’t even paying attention.

    GARY: So I’m thinking we’ll probably have to go to mars to get it actually. That sound like a plan boss?
    TODD: Yeah. Lets do that. Sounds good.
    GARY: You re not even listening! You know you have to do this investigation if you want to own this newspaper. You signed the contract.
    TODD: Yes, yes I know. As soon as you find out what kind of document I am looking for I will make sure to work harder!


    Cut to Danielle and Blair.

    BLAIR: Todd didn't send me I promise.
    DANIELLE: Fine. Come in. For a few.

    They enter.

    DANIELLE: So you wanted to see me because?
    BLAIR: Well…Todd didn't send me but I am here because I want to talk to you…about him.
    DANIELLE: Great.
    BLAIR: He genuinely reached out to you the other night.
    DANIELLE: This is a waste of time, Blair. I am sorry but I do not want him to be a father figure to me.
    BLAIR: but--
    DANIELLE: --It is how I feel and nobody is going to tell me how to feel. I want nothing to do with Todd Manning.


    The house over the hill…

    Elijah is inside with other cops and the house…is empty.

    COP 1: There is nothing here. Not a single trace.
    ELIJAH: Yup nothing is any room except this empty bookshelf and an empty fridge and cabinets.
    COP 1: Someone cleaned up
    ELIJAH: They sure did. We need to get a forensic team down here just in case…


    Lily and Holden arrive home. They see Eartha and Morris walking inside next door.

    LILY: That was a really nice dinner with them.
    HOLDEN: It was. They are such a cool couple to hang with.
    LILY: And they are so madly in love. Something most couple strive for.
    HOLDEN: Hey, we’re not so far off!
    LILY: Yeah you are right.

    The two embrace and kiss


    Cut next door to Eartha and Morris.

    Trinity greets them

    TRINITY: Hi mom and dad.
    MORRIS: Hey

    Both seem in bad moods.

    MORRIS: Why were you so clingy today Eartha?!
    EARTHA: I just wanted to have a good time.
    MORRIS: It could have been good without you all over me.
    EARTHA: Maybe I just wanted to put you in a good mood. For once!
    MORRIS: Well you sure know how to lay your acts on thick!
    EARTHA: Whatever Morris. Why do we even go out then?

    Eartha walks away pissed off.

    Trinity sighs and walks to her room.

    TRINITY: I wish mom and dad could fake their happiness at home like they do for the public…

    At the ski resort

    Luke gets a drink from the bar. He tips the bartender.

    He then turns around to see the guy who was checking him out still checking him out.

    BEN: Um sorry…for, well, looking at your ass.
    LUKE: Um, well no problem I think.
    BEN: I am Ben.
    LUKE: I am Luke
    BEN: Very nice to meet you Luke. Sorry for the awkward introduction.

    LUKE: Wait, you Said your name is Ben? Do you ski?
    BEN: Well yeah. Ski resort…duh.
    LUKE: No its just that I had a list of people to interview and a Ben was on the list.
    BEN: This is fantastic! I’m that Ben.

    Both are all smiles…


    Gary sets a file down and leaves Todds office.

    TODD: God I thought he would never leave. He is insufferable.

    Todd picks up a file Gary left.

    TODD: I am not going to investigate this stupid document fiasco. Hell, I will just pretend to do so. And then this place will be mine.


    BLAIR: Can you just believe that Todd has your best interest at heart Dani!
    DANIELLE: He might. He might not. I just wish you, Todd and my mom would let me live my life! A life that will not be close to Todd.
    BLAIR: You are being selfish.
    DANIELLE: Feel however you choose to feel.
    BLAIR: Did you get your mothers cold blooded gene?
    DANIELLE: Funny. Can I be alone now Blair?
    BLAIR: I guess so. Just remember that Todd genuinely cares about you.
    DANIELLE: He is not my true father so I don’t care and both you and Todd will have to deal with it!


    Elijah arrives at the hospital in Jacks room.

    JACK: Officer…did you find the house I was held in?
    ELIJAH: That is why I am here. The house was completely empty. Was it empty when you escaped?
    JACK: No. Not at all. I saw furniture. It looked like a regular occupied house.
    ELIJAH: The place was cleaned up. We are dealing with people who know what they are doing.

    JACK: Why do cops have a knack for stating the obvious?
    ELIJAH: Look sir, I am sorry we found nothing. Forensics is looking it over. I’m not sure this town is use to something like this. I am not sure how I am going to combat something so sinister.

    Jack looks on disappointed by all this.

    Elijah looks on worried.


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters or any pictures.
  14. Days22
    Cut to Union Creek High School

    Sam Manning is at his first day of school there. A boy named Zack approaches.

    ZACK: You are Sam, right?
    SAM: Yeah
    ZACK: I could tell by your lost puppy look.
    SAM: Hey whatever
    ZACK: Just joking. I’m Zack, I’ve been assigned to show you around.
    SAM: Oh cool. Can you show me my locker first so I can put all of these books away. Killin my back.
    ZACK: Sure

    He and Zack walk to a locker.

    ZACK: This one is all yours.
    SAM: Cool
    ZACK: you have your combination right?
    SAM: Yeah on one of these papers.

    He fumbles in his backpack. He looks up thrilled to see a familiar face has a locker by his. His new neighbor Trinity

    He stands back up straight.

    SAM: Hey (smile)
    TRINITY: Hi again (smiles back)


    Marah Lewis and Lily Snyder are at the Park Café.

    MARAH: We are moving in that new building quickly.
    LILY: The faster the better
    MARAH: Yeah you are right. The quicker we get off our feet, the quicker we can make our ideas come to life.
    LILY: Exactly and we need to pass out our flyers here for our upcoming model search. Exclusive models are the way to go.
    MARAH: Some cute people in here already.

    Danielle Manning is there sipping on coffee.

    She catches Lilys eye.

    Lily looks down at her model search flyers.

    LILY: She’s gotta be in it.


    At the hospital, Malik is visiting his father,
    Morris .

    MALIK: You look a little tired, dad.
    MORRIS: This place will tire out anyone.
    MALIK: Big day?
    MORRIS: A big two days.
    MALIK: Anything interesting you can tell me about?

    MORRIS: No, Nosy. Not yet. Not until the police do a thorough investigation.
    MALIK: Police. That sounds intense.
    MORRIS: Could be


    Eartha is in the room with the mysterious patient,
    Jack .

    EARTHA: How are you doing today, sir?
    JACK: Just as sore and lost as yesterday, doc.
    EARTHA: You’re going to feel so much better after physical therapy.
    JACK: What about mental therapy, will I be getting any of that?
    EARTHA: In time yes.

    Elijah walks in wearing his cop uniform.

    ELIJAH: Hi Eartha. How are you?

    He hugs her.

    EARTHA: Better than my patient here.
    JACK: I swear I didn't do anything officer.
    ELIJAH: At least you have your wits about you, Jack.
    JACK: Is Jack, really my name?
    EARTHA: We believe so.

    ELIJAH: I just have to ask where you have been and what brought you here and why you don’t remember your life?
    JACK: If I knew that, I think I would remember my life. All I know is I have been held captive in some room, in some house over the hill for a long, long time now.
    ELIJAH: Held captive?

    Elijah and Eartha look at each other in shock


    At the café

    While Marah is passing out flyers around the place, Lily sits down with Danielle and hands her one.

    DANIELLE: A model search contest?
    LILY: You should really come. I can already picture you wearing some of our designs.
    DANIELLE: I don’t think modeling is for me?
    LILY: There is a good chunk of money in it. The winners will exclusive models for Chic Spirit designs. You have an exquisite look that we would love to have on board.
    DANIELLE: I really appreciate all the compliments, but I just don’t know about me being some model..


    Zack and Sam sit with Trinity and her friend Camella at lunch.

    TRINITY: Do you like the school so far?
    SAM: It seems chill.
    CAMELLA: It is not chill, but you’re new so I guess you’ll figure that out.
    ZACK: I think he’ll be fine here.
    SAM: I am going to try.
    ZACK: Not to cut our eating short, but I need to finish showing you around.
    SAM: Alright fine. Hope to see you around a lot, Trinity.

    Zack and Sam walk off.

    CAMELLA: He seems really nice..and really into you.
    TRINITY: You think he’s into me?
    CAMELLA: Yeah. Is there a problem with that.
    TRINITY: Well not really. He is nice, but im neighbors with his family and his parents seem crazy. His mom is so loud and slams doors. Though I can’t really talk, I guess.
    CAMELLA: His mom sounds ratchet.
    TRINITY: Yeah, lil ratchet


    Sam and Zack are walking through the halls.

    Sam runs into Cory Sutter knocking shoulders hard.

    CORY: Woah what the hell, man!
    ZACK: Oh god, don’t start Cory.
    SAM: Sorry
    CORY: Sorry isn’t going to cut it. Who do you think you are running into me of all people?!

    Cory gets in Sams face


    Elijah is still asking Jack questions

    ELIJAH: Did you ever get to see who was holding you captive?
    JACK: I did not. They were usually wearing masks when in my presence.
    EARTHA: I hope you are not uncomfortable to talk about all of this.
    JACK: How else can we find who did this to me?
    ELIJAH: You’re right. That is why I need to know any kind of clues you may have to catch these sick individuals.

    JACK: All I know is they kept me in the same room. Sometimes tied up and sometimes not. Left in the dark and only fed once in a while.
    EARTHA: This sounds horrific.
    JACK: Yeah. You could call it that.
    ELIJAH: I am going to get to the bottom of this. Going to get a warrant to search that house!


    At the school

    Cory is in Sam’s face.

    SAM: Dude it was a damn accident!
    CORY: Ill give you a pass today newbie, but don’t let it happen again.

    Cory walks off in a huff

    SAM: Who sh*t in his cereal today?
    ZACK: He is just a popular douchebag who thinks he owns the school.
    SAM: Well he better not try that with me again.
    ZACK: Try not to get in a fight.

    Zack becomes distracted as a cheerleader walks by .

    SAM: Earth to Zack..
    ZACK: Sorry, That’s Anne Wenton…
    SAM: …and
    ZACK: And I am on a mission to make her mine.
    SAM: Alrighty then


    At the café

    LILY: Well I hope you will consider joining our model search, Danielle.
    DANIELLE: It was nice to meet you, Lily. Thanks for all the hype you gave me.
    LILY: It wasn’t just hype. I guess I just had a vision. I hope you think about it.

    Lily walks back to Marah

    Danielle looks at the flyer.


    At the hospital

    MALIK: How is mom today?
    MORRIS: I’d rather not talk about it
    MALIK: That doesn’t sound good.
    MORRIS: It is what it is, son.
    MALIK: I hope it gets better.
    MORRIS: I have to go. Thanks for bringing me lunch.


    Meanwhile, Elijah and Eartha exit Jacks room.

    EARTHA: This is sick and twisted.
    ELIJAH: This town isn’t use to something like this.
    EARTHA: There is something else you should know. The patient also has what seems to be scars from a whip on his back. They are couple years old so this man may have been going through hell for a long time.
    ELIJAH: My god

    EARTHA: Good luck on this investigation.
    ELIJAH: Thank you and we still need to have coffee some time.
    EARTHA: I’m down.

    Morris returns as Elijah walks off…

    Elijah sees Malik in the halls.

    ELIJAH: Young Mr Davis. Have you considered joining the police force yet?
    MALIK: I have thought about it sir. I still don’t think it is for me.
    ELIJAH: Just remember the option is always there when you want a career.


    MORRIS: How is the patient, Eartha? Has he regained any memory?
    EARTHA: He has not.

    Morris walks into the room.

    JACK: Another doctor. Wasn’t I the one who had a press pass on me? All these questions are making me feel like I’m on the opposite end.
    MORRIS: All I want to know is what your very first memory is. How far back can you remember?

    Jack thinks back

    [He recalls waking up tied up in a darkened room]

    JACK: All I recall is just waking up in that drab room.

    The expression on Jacks face changes and he becomes quiet.

    MORRIS: I am going to help you get back on your feet. I promise.

    Jack doesn’t say anything.

    MORRIS: What happened?
    EARTHA: I don’t know. He has been talkative all morning.

    Jack just looks on in a trance like state…

    MORRIS: I think something vicious is hindering this mans memory. Some kind of trauma.
    EARTHA: I think you are right.

    The camera slowly zooms in on Jacks eyes staring into space…


    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.
  15. Days22
    Cut to some candles lit on a table.

    The lights are dim.

    Holden and Lily Snyder seem to be having a romantic dinner.

    Lily sips on some wine.

    LILY: This all came together so great. Thanks for this.
    HOLDEN: I just want our new life here to continue to be so good.
    LILY: I truly am glad you love it here In Union Creek as much as I do.
    HOLDEN: I love this new glow you have.

    They grab each other’s hands and pull in for a kiss.

    However their kiss is soon interrupted but a door slamming from across the street!

    Holden and Lily look through the window.

    CUT TO BLAIR arriving home.

    Her clothes are still dirty from the iced coffee that was spilled on her.

    BLAIR: What a crap day! She enters her house and slams that door as well!


    Todd is parked outside of a house.

    He gets out of the car and walks up to the door.

    He rings the doorbell.

    Danielle opens the door.

    TODD: Hi Dani
    DANI: What the hell are you doing here?
    TODD: Is that really how you are going to greet dear ol dad?
    DANI: I do not want to do this right now. I was having such a nice evening.
    TODD: I just wanted you to know we are both in the same town now.
    DANI: Mom, already told me. It was bad enough when she did.

    TODD: I figured you would be a little upset to hear this, but I don’t want you to be.
    DANI: More than a little upset. This place was nice and quiet for me.
    TODD: I won’t get in your way.
    DANI: Right.
    TODD: I know we do not get along but I would really love if you did see me as your father. I can be that father figure.
    DANI: Victor will always be my father! Hell, I want no kind of relationship with you at all, Todd.

    Soap opera stare down ensues.


    Cut to the union creek hospital.

    Reva and Josh are in the waiting room.

    JOSH: I hope we got him here in time.
    REVA: He did look rough.
    JOSH: I think he’ll be okay. We did the right thing by helping him.


    Eartha and Morris Davis are with the mystery man (face still not shown) in a hospital room.

    EARTHA: He was so disoriented when he came in.
    MORRIS: Definitely dehydrated and who knows what else.
    EARTHA: Gotta run some blood tests and probably even a few CT scans.
    MORRIS: Whoever he is, he has had a rough time lately.

    Eartha approaches a nurse.

    EARTHA: We need you to get a hospital gown on this man. We’re gonna have to admit him.


    Back out to the waiting room with Reva and Josh

    The resident Cop, Elijah walks in.

    ELIJAH: Hello. I was told I’d find you here. I have a few questions.
    JOSH: Oh is this about the guy we helped..is he okay?
    REVA: He’s not a felon is he?
    ELIJAH: This isn’t about that. I have a few questions for you Reva Shayne Lewis.
    REVA: What is this about?

    ELIJAH: I just have a few questions about an alleged assault outside of a café on a Blair Manning.

    Reva is in total shock to hear this.

    REVA: Oh my god! You can’t be serious!


    Holden and Lily are still sitting and sipping their wine.

    LILY: I can’t thank you enough.
    HOLDEN: For what? No need to butter me up, Lily.
    LILY: It's just you've done so much for me. You relocated here, just for me and my pursuit of Chic Spirit with Marah Shayne.
    HOLDEN: I just want you both to have a chance to be successful. I know you will.

    LILY: I am so glad we worked our way back to each other.
    HOLDEN: Me too. It was meant to be.
    LILY: But what are you going to do here in town? I know you don’t want to just be the doting husband.
    HOLDEN: I personally think I would excel at that career.
    LILY: (smiles) You’re right.
    HOLDEN: BUT, I have my share of business experience…thanks to ol Lucinda. I think I would love to help with the business side of your, well, Business.
    LILY: I think that will be great!


    In the hospital waiting room:

    REVA: That crazy Blair lady is pressing charges on me? I didn’t do anything!
    JOSH: She didn't, man. Was an accident.
    ELIJAH: She claims that you threw coffee on her.
    JOSH: She did not!
    REVA: I can tell you exactly what happened.

    ELIJAH: Please do. I need to know your side of the events.
    REVA: I spotted a man who did not look to be in good health. Josh and I got up to tend to him. He started to collapse and I moved away and Blair happened to be walking out of the café. We ran into each other and the coffee went on her. It was a total accident.
    JOSH: It was indeed an accident.

    Elijah looks on…


    Danielle has her back turned to Todd.

    TODD: I really think we need to talk this out.
    DANI: There is nothing to talk about. I just don’t like you.
    TODD: What have I even done to you?
    DANI: I built a life thinking Victor was my father. I cannot just turn on a dime and think of you as my father! I am sorry but I do not know how to do that!

    TODD: Then let me help. I truly want to reach out and be your father. Victor is not around. He could be dead for all we know.
    DANI: Do not say that.
    TODD: You have to start being a realist!
    DANI: You don’t get to tell me what to do and how to be. You are not my father!
    TODD: But that’s the thing Danielle. I am. I am your father!

    Dani has tears in her eyes.

    DANI: I want you to leave.

    Todd grabs a pen and some paper and writes down his phone number.

    TODD: I hope you change your mind and let me reach out. Let me at least try.

    Todd exits out into a rain storm..


    “Need to destroy” by THC starts to play:

    [:00] The camera pans out in the rain and through Holden and Lilys window. They are kissing again. Holden blows out the candles.

    [:10] Cut inside. Holden picks Lily up and carries her to the bedroom. He sets her down on the bed. They start kissing again. Lily starts groping on Holden. Holden takes off his shirt. He starts to undo Lilys pants. They start to make love..

    [:33] Todd arrives home. Both he and Blair look upset.

    TODD: Whats wrong?
    BLAIR: I was going to ask you the same thing?
    TODD: It’s just been a rough first day in town.
    BLAIR: Tell me about it.
    TODD: I need a massage.
    BLAIR: Don’t look at me. I need one too! I had coffee all over me Todd. All over.
    TODD: What?
    BLAIR: Just give me a massage.
    TODD: Fine.

    Todd starts to massage her. He also starts kissing on her neck some.

    [1:02] Danielle sits alone in the dark with just a dim lamp on. She looks thousands of miles away lost in thought.

    She looks out the window into the pouring rain..

    [1:18] At the hospital waiting room.

    REVA: I’m sure there is some camera footage near the cafe. Just go watch that and see that she is creating drama.
    ELIJAH: I will continue to look into this. We’ll be in touch.

    He walks off. Reva is exasperated and hugs Josh.

    JOSH: I can’t believe this.
    REVA: I told you she was crazy!

    [1:35] In the halls of the hospital Elijah is happy to run into Eartha.

    ELIJAH: So glad to run into you.
    EARTHA: Too bad I cant talk right now.
    ELIJAH: Ah okay
    EARTHA: I’ll have to catch you later.

    She walks off and Elijah watches her walk away.

    [1:46] Eartha heads back to the mystery mans room. Morris is inside.

    MORRIS: Was there any possession this John Doe had, to find out who he is?
    EARTHA: The nurse found no wallet or ID, but did find a torn piece of paper.

    Eartha has the paper in her hand.

    MORRIS: After talking to him I don’t think he even knows who he is.

    The man seems to be coming to.

    MORRIS: Can you tell me who you are sir?

    The man says nothing

    MORRIS: Do you even know who you are?
    MYSTERY MAN: I…I don’t.
    MORRIS: Do you at least know your name?

    EARTHA: I think this really does confirm that he has amnesia.
    MORRIS: Definitely so

    Eartha hands Morris the torn piece of paper.

    It seems to be some sort of press pass.

    There is a name on it…



    There lays a very alive and very amnesia filled Jack Deveraux.

    [2:35] FADE TO BLACK

    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures

  16. Days22
    The Mystery man has just collapsed. He made his way over a hill and is now just entering the city. He looks on towards the city.

    MYSTERY MAN: So close…I must get back up…

    The man struggles to get back to his feet.

    He is able to…


    Cut to a nearby park.

    Marah Lewis is out for jog.

    Malik Davis is also out for a jog.

    The two end up getting in each other’s way and Malik almost knocks her over.

    Marahs shoe comes off in the process.

    MALIK: I am so sorry.
    MARAH: It’s okay. You were just running hard.
    MALIK: You were too! I think your shoe would agree.
    MARAH: Guess I better pick that up.

    She bends over to pick up her shoe and as she does Malik makes sure to check her out.

    She puts her shoe back on and turns back around.

    MALIK: Well let me introduce myself. Malik Davis.
    MARAH: I’m Marah Lewis.

    The two shake hands.

    Josh and Reva are sitting outside of a café sippin on some coffee.

    REVA: I am so happy for our daughters adventure.
    JOSH: Me too. I am glad we can help out.
    REVA: Look at us Josh. Refusing to get old and trying to keep up with our kids.
    JOSH: I think we do a good job.

    He kisses her hand. They are both smiling.

    However, Revas smile soon changes as she sees Blair
    walking towards the Café.

    Reva and Blair make eye contact and neither are pleased.

    BLAIR: Excuse me. What are you staring at?
    REVA: Oh don’t flatter yourself. I’m just wishing we didn’t have to run into each other again.
    BLAIR: I’d love to never see your face again either!
    JOSH: Not this again.



    Todd is still upset.

    Tea and Gary look on.

    TEA: I think you should just calm down and honor the contract, Todd.
    TODD: I am not just gonna calm down! This damn weird clause in the contract.

    He turns to Gary.

    TODD: Listen, Cary! You tell--
    GARY: --Its Gary!
    TODD: Just tell your boss he doesn’t want to mess with Todd Manning.
    GARY: Look, there is no need for threats. I can even help you out with this investigative assignment.
    TODD: You know what I want from you?
    GARY: What is that?
    TODD: To leave the damn room!

    Todd opens the door and Gary does leave. Todd slams the door.

    TODD: This is upsetting.
    TEA: I am upset too.
    TODD: Good, you should be! I am glad you are in this with me.
    TEA: I’m not upset about this.
    TODD: Then what’s wrong?

    TEA: You Todd. You had to move here of all places. You know Danielle moved here to Union Creek to get away awhile and go to college. But here comes you… following her!

    Todd looks on


    At the park:

    Marah and Malik are still talking.

    MALIK: So you are new to town?
    MARAH: I have been here about a month. Getting a new fashion company off the ground!
    MALIK: Fashion? I like fashion. Though don’t let my old running gear tell you otherwise.
    MARAH: You look fine and yes fashion. Me and Lily Snyder are going into business together.

    MALIK: Lily Snyder? Wow. That is my neighbor!
    MARAH: Oh cool! Small world.
    MALIK: It is, but I am glad it is. Might mean I’ll see you more.

    Marah smiles.

    At the chronicle:

    Luke Snyder corners Gary.

    LUKE: What was that about?
    GARY: What do you mean?
    LUKE: Don’t play coy. You and the new boss were in that room together. What were you talking about?
    GARY: Can’t I get to know my new boss?
    LUKE: I think this means you knew more than you were letting on in the first place.
    GARY: You are jumping to conclusions man!
    LUKE: I’m not dumb. I’m an investigative journalist after all. I’ll find out what’s going on.

    Gary smirks


    Cut to Todd and Tea

    TODD: I did not follow Dani here.
    TEA: It is quite the coincidence Todd and you two already have a tumultuous relationship. How do you think she is going to see your move here?
    TODD: She will see that her loving father will be near in case she ever needs him.
    TEA: Keep wishing. Just don’t mess with her.

    TODD: I am not going to stay away from her if that’s what you mean!
    TEA: That is not what I am saying at all. I just want you to mend the non-relationship you two have.
    TODD: I would love to Tea. She doesn’t make it easy! She truly is your daughter.
    TEA: Just don’t mess it up Todd.

    She exits the room

    Outside of the café…

    Reva and Blair are having another show down.

    REVA: Just go away and get your coffee.

    Blair turns to Josh

    BLAIR: (To Josh) I will go inside. And I hope this is the last time I have to see your wife.
    REVA: I am right here. You can talk to me.
    BLAIR: No thanks.

    Blair walks into the café

    REVA: She better walk away.
    JOSH: Don’t start to get all riled up Josh.
    REVA: I am not don’t you worry. I see her for what she is. Just a b*tch.
    JOSH: I don’t think this caffeine is gonna help you not get riled up though.
    REVA: I think--

    Just then Reva sees something.

    It is the mystery man limping in street.

    REVA: Oh my god..


    Back at the chronicle

    LUKE: I am going to keep hounding you until you tell me what you know about the buyout of the paper…
    GARY: I don’t know why. I really do not know anything.
    LUKE: I can tell by the smirk you keep trying to hold in that is a lie.
    GARY: Believe what you must.

    Gary sits down at his desk.

    LUKE: Just tell me so I don’t have to keep annoying you?
    GARY: I’ll tell you this…a good journalist never gives up his sources.


    Outside of the café

    Reva has spotted the mystery man (who’s face we still cannot see) limping along.

    REVA: …That man needs help, Joshua!
    JOSH: He does look very ill or something

    Josh and Reva get up as the man walks towards them. He is wobbling around.

    The Mystery Man starts to fall.

    Reva gets out of the way. As she is doing so Blair is walking out of the café with her iced coffee.

    Reva runs right into Blair!

    The ice coffee goes all over Blair. She stands there in shock.

    BLAIR: No. you. didn’t.

    Reva can’t help but crack a smile.

    REVA: My, my. Looks like you made a mess.

    Meanwhile, Josh has caught the mystery man from falling to the ground.

    JOSH: Reva, call 911!


    Todd is parked outside of a house.

    He gets out of the car and walks up to the door.

    He rings the doorbell.

    Danielle opens the door.

    TODD: Hi Dani
    DANI: What the hell are you doing here?


    Credits roll

    *I do not own some of these characters nor any of the pictures
  17. Days22
    Reva Shayne and Blair Manning

    are having a stare down in front the the Mannings new house…

    Josh looks on at the tension filled stare down slightly embarrassed.

    REVA: You’re really saying we cannot park here for 20 minutes?
    BLAIR: I believe that is what I said without stuttering, yes.
    REVA: Can you believe this chick Joshua?
    JOSH: Reva, we can just park next to the Snyders. It’s not a big deal.
    REVA: I just don’t like a b*tch being a b*tch for no reason!

    BLAIR: Get lost troll!
    JOSH: Hey! Hey! That’s enough.
    REVA: Troll? You did not--
    BLAIR: --Get off my property before I call the police for harassment!
    JOSH: Were going. Trust me, we’re going.

    Josh grabs Reva by the arm and yanks her to the car.
    Reva is visibly upset.
    They get inside the car.

    REVA: no respect.
    JOSH: That was not the turn I saw this day going.
    REVA: That’s one thing I miss about Springfield. Nobody in this town knows who I am. I’m Reva Shayne Lewis!
    JOSH: At this rate they’re gonna learn real quick Reva. (sighs)
    REVA: Damn Straight.

    Sam meanwhile comes outside and approaches his mom.

    SAM: Is everything okay?
    BLAIR: Yes. Thankfully the nutcase just left.

    Josh parks the car in front of the Davis household.


    Cut to inside the Davis house.

    Malik Davis is having it out with his younger teenage sister Trinity .

    She is dressed in tight and revealing clothing.

    MALIK: You are not going to wear that out to the store.
    TRINITY: And why not?
    MALIK: You can’t be showin’ ass at the grocery store.
    TRINITY: I am not showing ass.
    MALIK: Basically. If your little sis saw you in that. No. She’d get too many ideas for the future.

    TRINITY: I don’t know why you’re complaining. You drool over girls with tight clothes on. I seen it.
    MALIK: And that’s exactly why I don’t want you wearing it. You’re 16! Nobody needs to be drooling.
    TRINITY: Practically 17, but Ill change. Not because of your preachin’ but were starting to sound like the new neighbors across the street who woke up the whole neighborhood earlier.
    MALIK: Fine by me.


    At the Union Creek Chronicle:

    Todd shakes the hands of
    Luke Snyder and Gary LuCroy .

    LUKE: So you are our new boss?
    TODD: Todd Manning, at your service.
    GARY: Hi Todd. I’m Gary.
    TODD: Gary huh? I think I’ve read your articles. Maybe.
    GARY: So the deal is already final?
    TODD: Well I don’t think it’s quite final but it should be today. My attorney will be here any moment now.

    LUKE: I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table.
    TODD: I think I should be the one telling you that.

    In walks Tea Delgado

    TODD: There she is. She’s good boys.
    TEA: Not good enough. We have a problem.

    The smile fades from Todds face.


    Cut to the mystery man …

    Face still not shown.

    He has broken out of the room he was tied up in.

    He looks around to see that he is in what looks like a normal home.

    The camera acts as the man’s eyes as he sees A normal house set up.

    Bookshelf,couch, table, tv.

    He limps his way out of the front door…


    Reva, Josh, Marah , Holden and Lily have finished their meeting.

    LILY: This is going so smooth
    HOLDEN: Almost too smoothly
    LILY: Well don’t say that and jinx something.
    HOLDEN: I’m not.

    MARAH: We already have a building bought. All that is left to do is move in.
    LILY: Chic Spirit designs will be off and running before you know it!
    JOSH: I am thrilled for you guys!
    REVA: Me too.
    MARAH: Thank you guys.

    Marah hugs her parents.

    MARAH: We should get going.
    REVA: Before I go can I just mention your neighbor.
    LILY: The one across the street? She just moved in today.
    REVA: Well for lack of better words…she’s kind of a b*tch.
    MARAH: Mom stop!
    JOSH: She never does.

    HOLDEN: That whole family seemed off though.
    LILY: They did. They were loud and dramatic. They remind of the Ryan Family I knew back in Oakdale.
    REVA: Well I wish they wouldn’t have moved here.
    LILY: I’m starting to already wish they didn’t move next to us.



    TODD: Problem? What Problem Tea?
    TEA: Probably shouldn’t talk about this in public.
    TODD: We’ll go chat in one of these offices.
    LUKE: You probably shouldn’t go in there if the contract didn’t go through and you’re not the owner.
    TODD: Oh, can it! Don’t you have a fluff piece to write or something?

    Todd and Tea enter the office and close the door.

    LUKE: Well that was rude.
    GARY: You probably should go work on your story for tomorrow.
    LUKE: Fine

    Luke goes and sits down, but he watches as Gary puts his ear next to the door Todd and Tea are in.

    Inside the office:
    TODD: What the hell is going on?
    TEA: I found a mess up and it’s on your part. Did you read the contract?
    TODD: No. That’s why I sent it to you.
    TEA: Yes, sent it to me the day before it’s about to go through. My life does not and will not revolve around you Todd.
    TODD: It’s your job.
    TEA: While doing my job I saw that you did not read the fine print.
    TODD: What fine print?

    He yanks the contracts out of her hand.

    Just then Gary walks in.

    TODD: Get out. This is a private discussion Perry.
    GARY: Um, it’s Gary and I came in because I know exactly what the problem is…


    Cut to the mystery man…

    The house he was in is all by itself and right down a hill.

    He looks up at the hill.

    MYSTERY MAN: How am I going to do this?

    The man tries his best to start limping up the hill…


    Trinity arrives back to the Davis household from the grocery store.

    She starts to get bags out of the back seat.

    Sam sees her from across the street and decides to approach her.

    SAM: Hi there. Need some help?
    TRINITY: Hello. No thank you. I can get it
    SAM: Oh
    TRINITY: One of the new neighbors?
    SAM: Yeah, I hope my mom and Todd didn’t make too much of a scene.
    TRINITY: Well um…ummm…
    SAM: It’s okay I know they did. They’re loud.
    TRINITY: It’s okay my parents can be too.

    Silence ensues after that…
    Awkward silence.

    TRINITY: Well I better bring these in. My arms are getting tired. See you around.
    SAM: Yeah, See you around.


    The Mystery man has managed to make it all the way over the hill.

    He is right into entering the city now.

    However his weakened state is getting worse and so is his walking.

    MYSTERY MAN: Come on legs. I know you haven’t been getting a lot of exercise lately but come on!

    He keeps limping along best he can.

    He collapses…


    Inside the office at the Chronicle

    TODD: What do you know?
    GARY: Well it’s like this. I was the right hand man to the old owner. I know he had a clause in that contract.
    TEA: You know about the wishes for some kind of investigation?
    GARY: Yes. In order to fully and completely own the paper you must complete one last investigation for this paper that the old boss wants done.
    TODD: And what would that be?
    GARY: You must find a document that a Mr or Mrs X has. It is highly important, that document.
    TODD: Mr or Mrs X? and what kind of document?

    GARY: That is as much as I know right now.
    TODD: What are you even talking about? What is he talking about Tea?
    TEA: I am not clear on this either.
    TODD: You’re being as vague as your personality, Perry.
    GARY: That is all the info I have at this moment.
    TODD: So I must look for some random document that could be anywhere in the entire world? That’s not a needle in a haystack at all.

    GARY: I am sure I will find more information in time.
    TODD: This is just stupid. Maybe I won’t buy the paper after all.
    GARY: It’s too late. You already signed the contract and it has been filed. You are now at least signed on for 90 days. If you wish to complete the buying process you will just do this for the old boss.
    TODD: This is asinine. Is this true Tea?
    TEA: It sure is.

    Todd is quite pissy by all of this…


    Credits roll

    *I do not own the non original characters nor any of the picture
  18. Days22
    Lucas Roberts is at his house. He takes some papers out of his brief case.

    He takes a sip of coffee.

    LUCAS: Might have to be a late night.

    The doorbell rings.

    Lucas is thrilled to see his sister Jennifer Horton!

    LUCAS: Jenn! Come on in.
    JENNIFER: Hi Lucas
    LUCAS: So good to see another familiar face. Two in one day. I saw Steve and Kayla earlier.
    JENNIFER: Oh wow. It’s gonna be a Salem reunion. JJ is going to go to college here.
    LUCAS: That is fantastic news!

    The half siblings hug.

    JENNIFER: Do you like it here?
    LUCAS: I am loving it so far.
    JENNIFER: I bet I know why. You are finally free of your mother.
    LUCAS: That has been a breath of fresh air.

    Lucas smiles


    JJ is at his new apartment. He hands some money to some furniture moving guys.

    JJ: Thank you guys so much.

    He is in the hall when he sees a young girl arriving to the apartment next door.

    The girl is Miranda Montgomery .

    She and JJ flash smiles at each other.
    MIRANDA: Are you moving in?
    JJ: I am. You live next door?
    MIRANDA: Yup, I am your neighbor. The names Miranda.
    JJ: I’m JJ

    The two shake hands.


    Eliza Ryan is with her step mother Emily.

    Eliza is sitting on the couch and sighs

    Emily is at the coffee table drinking tea.

    Eliza sighs again

    EMILY: Are you going to keep sighing?
    ELIZA: Probably
    EMILY: What is wrong now?
    ELIZA: I really just want to get an apartment of my own.
    EMILY: And with what money are you going to get that?

    ELIZA: It would be nice if you and my dad would help out.
    EMILY: You know we have been struggling financial wise for awhile now.
    ELIZA: I thought dad got a loan.
    EMILY: Oh he did but he has other plans for all that money that doesn’t involve us.


    Paul Ryan parks his car in a parking lot.

    PAUL: I hope this meeting goes smoothly.

    He gets out of the car with his briefcase.

    PAUL: I also hope I am in the right place.

    He walks along the side walk looking at addresses.

    PAUL: This is where he wanted to meet.

    He looks up to see that it is a strip club.

    PAUL: Oh great. This won’t be good.


    Jesse and Angie are home.

    Jesse is still in shock from the events earlier.

    ANGIE: I hope you are not still beating yourself up over this.
    JESSE: Of course I am, Angie!
    ANGIE: Well you shouldn’t be.
    JESSE: I am just so angry and frustrated this happened.

    ANGIE: Well I called Brot.
    JESSE: I am glad you did that.
    ANGIE: He is in shock too. I wish he and Natalia didn’t break up. It would be good for her if he was around during this.
    JESSE: I just hope my baby can hang on.

    ANGIE: I think she will eventually make a complete recovery.
    JESSE: I hope you are right.
    ANGIE: You have to stop beating yourself up tho. Please.
    JESSE: I just should not have let her get into this line of work.
    ANGIE: She just wanted to be like her dad.

    They both are fighting back tears.

    Angie hugs him tight.


    Cut to Jennifer and Lucas

    JENNIFER: I really want to move out of Salem. I would like to move here, to Paradise.
    LUCAS: I think you should and hope that you do! But wait, I hope that doesn’t mean Daniel is going to be coming along with you.
    JENNIFER: Actually, he probably would come with me.
    LUCAS: Damn. I do not like the sound of that. I thought I finally escaped having to see his face on a regular basis.

    JENNIFER: Hey, be nice.
    LUCAS: Sorry, but you know how I will always feel about him. I don’t know what you see in him. He’s sure no Jack.
    JENNIFER: I know he is no Jack. And I know you may think I moved on from Jack’s death too soon, but I still think about him on a daily basis. Daniel is not just some substitute. I love him.
    LUCAS: I know that love is a crazy thing.
    JENNIFER: I guess it is.


    In the Halls of his new apartment, JJ is talking with his neighbor Miranda Montgomery.

    JJ: Seems like I have a really nice neighbor.
    MIRANDA: Oh I am just the nicest.
    JJ: Well good.
    MIRNADA: I hope you are too though.
    JJ: I try.

    MIRANDA: Are you excited for any of your upcoming classes?
    JJ: Not really. I’m no scholar. The only classes I am looking forward to are my classes that involve music.
    MIRANDA: No Way! I love my music classes too. I’m sure we will have some of the same classes together.
    JJ: Wow. Awesome!


    Cut to an upset Eliza

    ELIZA: It is really no fair that I cannot get my own place!
    EMILY: You cannot rely on me and your dad for that. You live here for free.
    ELIZA: You guys can give me some of that loan he got.
    EMILY: I probably won’t even see any of that loan he got.
    ELIZA: Sure. Such a liar.

    EMILY: Eliza, if you want to move out so bad why don’t you get a damn job? There is an idea.
    ELIZA: This house is so annoying. All I do here is hear you and my dad fight. Maybe I should go visit my REAL mom!
    EMILY: Yeah, good luck there. Gonna be hard getting money from a psyche ward!
    ELIZA: I cannot believe you just went there.

    Eliza storms out of the house and slams the door so hard a picture falls off the wall!

    Emily sighs


    Paul is inside of the Strip club.

    He meets with Katsu Itami

    They shake hands.

    PAUL: Thrilled to finally meet you Katsu. It is a pleasure.
    KATSU: Good to know. We are in the house of pleasure.

    Katsu pulls out a seat.

    KATSU: Please sit down. Have a drink.
    PAUL: Thank for these, um…Lovely arrangements.
    KATSU: Yes, yes but business before pleasure. And I want to finish our business before the next dancer comes to the stage (chuckles)
    PAUL: That is like five minutes away.
    KATSU: Well let’s get this show on the road then shall we. I am not a hard sell.
    PAUL: Good to know.
    KATSU: Let me just put it like this. If you want a business partner, I am your man.


    MIRANDA: I have enjoyed meeting you, new neighbor, but I do have to get to a night class.
    JJ: I am glad that you are my neighbor. You have made me feel very welcome.
    MIRANDA: Aw goody.
    JJ: Hope your class goes well.
    MIRANDA: It will. I’ll catch you later new neighbor.
    JJ: Please call me JJ.

    MIRANDA: Catch you later JJ
    JJ: Later, Miranda.

    She exits and JJ smiles


    Cut to Jenn and Lucas

    JENNIFER:I better get going.
    LUCAS: Okay sis. I hope I didn’t push any buttons too bad.
    JENNIFER: Don’t worry you didn’t. I've learned your ways.
    LUCAS: Well good. Don’t be a stranger.

    She exits and goes to her car.

    She sits inside and takes a picture out. It is a picture of her and Jack with her kids JJ and Abby when they were younger.

    JENNIFER: I miss you Jack, but you would be so proud of us all. Your family. I am moving forward with life and plan to have a great future in a new town. Abby has a great job and a great future there. JJ is going to a great college and has a good future. I think our family has finally made it over the hump.

    She kisses the picture but then her phone rings. The phone says Daniel is calling.

    She puts the picture back in her purse and answers the phone.

    JENNIFER: Hello honey...what's wrong?


    Jesse and Angie are laying down in bed together.

    Jesse is staring at the ceiling.

    JESSE: I was hoping this would be a much better day.
    ANGIE: I really am sorry about what happened.
    JESSE: I just keep playing it over in my mind.
    ANGIE: I hope you can get some rest tonight.
    JESSE: Don’t count on it.

    Angie starts to rub his back.

    ANGIE: It is all goin' to be okay.
    JESSE: I hope so, Angie. I hope so.

    The two kiss.


    At the strip club:

    KATSU: So we have a deal Mr. Ryan?
    PAUL: We do.
    KATSU: Very good.
    The two shake hands.

    KATSU: You have made the right call. I am the go to guy for business around here. I will have BRO up and running in no time for you.
    PAUL: I just have the feeling that you mean every word you say.
    KATSU: I do…but now for the pleasure!

    The next stripper comes on stage.

    Katsu and Paul clink glasses

    The stripper is dancing in the background and Paul looks on a bit nervous.

    PAUL: To my future..

    The camera slowly zooms out


    Credits roll

    *I do not own any non original characters no any pictures.

  19. Days22
    At the Paradise Casino

    Brittany Hodges and Billy Abbott

    are thrilled to see one another at the Casino bar. Brittany Is one of the bartenders.

    BILLY: How long has it been Brit?
    BRITTANY: I don’t know, but certainly too long.
    BILLY: I guess coming here my first day in town was fate.
    BRITTANY: I think it was!

    Brittany hands a beer to a customer.

    BILLY: Nothing like over priced bar alcohol.
    BRITTANY: Isn’t that true. Hey, I get off in just a few minutes. We should talk and catch up.
    BILLY: Yes, of course. I’d love to.


    Cut to the Campus of PARADISE COLLEGE

    Jennifer Horton and her son JJ Horton are there.

    JJ: I am so glad to be transferring here.
    JENNIFER: I am happy for you. This place looks great.
    JJ: It is going to be great. It is much bigger than SalemU’s campus though.

    The two continue to look around.

    Eliza Ryan approaches them.

    ELIZA: You two look…so lost.
    JENNIFER: I think we might be.
    JJ: Yeah just a little. A bigger college than I am use to.
    ELIZA: I would be happy to show you two around (smiles at JJ)
    JJ: Yes, please. That would be sweet.


    Steve and Terrance are in a car now.

    TERRANCE: I am sorry that is has come to this to find your bro, Bo.
    STEVE: I am too, but I just want to help and speed up the ISA on this.
    TERRANCE: Sounds like a true friend. So where are we headed?
    STEVE: We are going to try and trace some of Bo’s last steps.

    TERRANCE: Where does that lead?
    STEVE: To the hotel he was apparently staying at a few weeks ago.

    They pull up to a local hotel.

    Steve: I just hope the owner has some good information for us.


    Meanwhile, Jesse and Natalia arrive at a site where a lot more cop cars are.

    NATALIA: Are we entering the middle of a gang war?
    JESSE: We are. I just hope it has calmed down before we got here.

    They get out of the car. Another cop approaches them.

    COP: Two gangs were having a wild shoot out. It has gone a little quiet but there is now a stand off.

    Another cop is talking over a loud speaker: PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN. DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND GET ON THE GROUND.

    Some of the gang members seem to listen to this.

    But a couple start to shoot towards the cops!

    Jesse, Natalia and the other cops immediately get down and behind some cop cars.

    JESSE: We have to take them down.
    COP #2: Theyre shooting wildly. Be careful.

    Jesse and another cop get up and shoot at the gang members before ducking down again.

    Natalia and another cop follow and do the same.

    NATALIA: We have to hit them. Choose your shots wisely.
    COP: Theres no time.
    JESSE: Be careful!

    The back and forth shoot out continues!

    One of the gang members gets hit and goes down.

    However Natalia is shot as well!

    JESSE: Oh god baby!


    At the Paradise Casino:

    Brittany is now off of work. She and Billy are sitting at a nearby bar table talking.

    BILLY: So how is life? How is the little one?
    BRITTANY: Well, he is not really little anymore. Joshua is doing great in school. Though he doesn’t like to go by Joshua anymore. He just goes by Marcino in a tribute to his late father, Bobby.
    BILLY: That is really cool of him.
    BRITTANY: Yeah he’s been a good kid, but he is getting spunky now.

    BILLY: Uhoh.
    BRITTANY: Yeah uhoh is right. His is in his teenage years and that just brings some drama I think.
    BILLY: Yeah it does. Don’t you remember us? You, Me, Raul, Mac, JT, Colleen. We were nuts.
    BRITTANY: We were. How fast time goes by. And poor Colleen. What a tragedy.
    BILLY: Those seem to strike Genoa City.

    BRITTANY: So how has your life been?
    BILLY: I don’t know if you really want to know…


    Eliza is touring JJ and Jennifer Horton around Paradise college.

    JJ: You know this place like the back of your hand.
    ELIZA: Yeah I get around. It happens when you take a lot of classes.
    JJ: We should stay in touch. I think youll be a good asset to me doing well here.
    ELIZA: Thank you for thinking that.

    JENNIFER: Now if we could just find JJs new apartment
    JJ: I think google, will help us with that mom.
    JENNIFER: Yeah maybe.
    ELIZA: Where is it? I may be able to be your faster google.
    JENNIFER: It is on high street.
    ELIZA: High street. That’s really close by. Just Follow me.
    JENNIFER: Really? Thanks for all the help.
    JJ: Yeah thanks a lot!
    ELIZA: It is no problem.


    Steve and Terrance are with the owner of the Hotel Bo was last staying at.

    STEVE: So he just stopped paying and showing up?
    OWNER: Yeah he had been here for over a week, but then he just disappeared. Left a lot of his stuff behind and everything.
    TERRANCE: Was his car left behind too?
    OWNER: No he did not leave that.
    STEVE: Do you still happen to have what he left behind?

    OWNER: Sorry. But We already threw that all away a few weeks ago
    STEVE: Damn
    OWNER: Is Mr Brady okay?
    TERRANCE: That is what we want to find out!
    STEVE: Do you remember what he left behind?
    OWNER: He left behind one of his bags and a few books.
    STEVE: Well thank you for your time.

    Steve and Terrance exit

    STEVE: That was worthless
    TERRANCE: Yeah no good info there
    STEVE: Dammit why didn't the ISA work faster on this!


    Natalia has been rushed to the hospital

    Jesse has ridden along with the ambulance.

    Angie is on duty along with the newly employed
    Kayla Brady .

    Angie freaks when she sees that the patient coming in is Natalia!

    ANGIE: Oh my god what happened Jesse?
    JESSE: We found ourselves in the middle of a shoot out…and…she just got hit Angie. She got hit.
    PARAMEDIC: We have chest wound
    KAYLA: We’re going to rush her right into surgery stat!
    JESSE: I can’t believe this happened.

    Jesse looks on in shock.

    Angie hugs him and tries to comfort him.

    ANGIE: I need to get in that room.
    JESSE: Go, Angie…please save her…

    Eliza has shown JJ and Jennifer to JJ’s new apartment.

    JENNIFER: This place looks good…and expensive.
    JJ: It was a really good deal since Im a student.
    ELIZA: Great choice. Wish I had one of these of my own. Still stuck at home.
    JENNFER: That’s not always too bad.
    JJ: But sometimes it is.
    JENNIFER: Hey!

    JJ: I cant thank you enough for showing us all around today
    ELIZA: It has really been no problem at all.
    JJ: We need to exchange numbers and I didn't even get your name.
    ELIZA: I’m Eliza. And you are?
    JJ: Jack…well no. Just JJ.

    The two exchange phone numbers and Eliza heads out.

    Jennifer is smiling wide at JJ.

    JJ: What mom?
    JENNIFER: I like her!
    JJ: Me too…


    At the Casino bar:

    BILLY: I have had a truly rough couple of years. It started when my…my daughter died. In yet another Genoa City tragedy.
    BRITTANY: Oh my god Billy! I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.

    She grabs his hand and holds it.
    He starts to get choked up.

    BILLY: I've had some addictions…to well gambling and alcohol.
    BRITTANY: What?! Then why are you here?
    BILLY: I left Genoa City to get away from all that.
    BRITTANY: But here you are. In a casino of all places.

    BILLY: I know but I've been good and under control lately.
    BRITTANY: I’m not so sure I buy that..


    Steve and Terrance are back at the warehouse.

    TERRANCE: So Agent Brady was after crime lord Stefano Dimera?
    STEVE: Yes and he had been tracking Stefano in Europe for awhile.
    TERRANCE: I’ve read files on how far Stefano has gone in the past. He has to be behind this disappearance, no?
    STEVE: He is and always is suspect number one, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t have help.
    TERRANCE: Who could that be?
    STEVE: Could be a number of people. We just need to some how find out more info on why Bo came back to the states and why here.

    TERRANCE: How we going about that sir?
    STEVE: I've gauged his relatives by not telling them just what is up but trying to find out if he told them something. His soon to be ex wife Hope didn’t know much and neither did his dad Victor.
    TERRANCE: Who does that leave?
    STEVE: Well Bo knew a few people in Europe and he had to of visited them. One of those people are right back here in the states now so I am sending you to Arizona.

    TERRANCE: Oh no. Not hot ass Arizona.
    STEVE: She is an ex of Bo’s. I need you to track her down while I stay here and try and find out why Bo came here.
    TERRANCE: Who is she and were they still friends?
    STEVE: Her name is Carly Manning and I don’t know how close they are now but just try and see if he happened to tell her anything while in Europe.


    Jesse sits nervously in the waiting room at the hospital. He relieved to find out that most of the gang members were either killed or arrested.

    Angie, Kayla and other doctors walk out of the operation room.

    ANGIE: Thanks for the great work in there Kayla
    KAYLA: I did what I could.

    Jesse and Angie approach each other

    JESSE: Hows my baby?
    ANGIE: Natalia is stable, but she is in bad shape, Jesse.
    JESSE: This is my fault. I shouldn't have let her get shot.
    ANGIE: It is not your fault.
    JESSE: It is Angie! I should have protected her!

    Angie fights back tears as the two embrace…



    *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.
  20. Days22
    Union Creek Colorado

    Cut to a long winding Creek of water.

    Josh and Reva Lewis are sitting on the porch of their ranch.

    REVA: We have the most beautiful home, Bud.
    JOSH: We do. This move here has been one of our best ideas.

    The two embrace and kiss gently and then look into each others eyes.

    REVA: And we don’t come up with many good Ideas do we?
    JOSH: We sure don’t.
    REVA: And the best part is we are country folk that are still way out here in the country.
    JOSH (looks at his watch) Well, we country folk need to get a move on it. We are late meeting Marah.
    REVA: [!@#$%^&*], I forgot Josh. Mommas gotta help her with her endeavor.


    Robinson Street


    Holden Snyder is outside finishing up mowing the lawn.
    Lily Snyder walks outside and hands a glass of lemonade to her husband.

    HOLDEN: Thank You Lily. Hug?

    He goes in for a hug but Lily makes a scrunchy face.

    LILY: Sorry, too dirty. Ill kiss your cheek though.
    HOLDEN: Oh come on!

    She kisses his cheek but he grabs her and pulls her in for a squeeze.

    LILY: Fine!

    She hugs him back.

    Luke comes outside as well.

    LILY: Don’t tell me you’re off already!
    LUKE: Yeah, sorry mom I have to head to work.
    HOLDEN: Any intriguing news going on?
    LUKE: Not yet, but there is always something on the horizon!

    Luke hugs his mom

    LUKE: Thanks for breakfast!
    LILY: Yeah, well don’t be a stranger!

    Luke heads off.

    The Snyders neighbors, Eartha and
    Morris Davis walk out of their house.

    EARTHA: Another beautiful mornin’
    HOLDEN: It truly is.
    MORRIS: You two still enjoying your new home?

    LILY: We think it is fantastic and our son loves his new job too.
    MORRIS: Glad to hear it.
    LILY: You guys are so cute though. Two married doctors who work together every day. I don’t know how you do it. What a couple.
    EARTHA: If I could blush, I would be right now (chuckles)

    A UHALL Pulls up across the street.

    HOLDEN: Must be the new neighbours.
    MORRIS: I hope its some good ones.
    LILY: Some quiet ones. I am enjoying this quiet life.

    Movers get out and start unloading from the UHALL. A fancy car pulls up to the house.

    EARTHA: Awesome car. Looks like we are getting some refined neighbors.
    HOLDEN: Good

    Cut to across the street. Todd and
    Blair Manning get out of the car.
    As well as Sam.
    BLAIR: You two can start getting the boxes out of the trunk.
    TODD: Blair…stop nagging us!
    BLAIR: Well I just want to get our stuff inside.
    TODD: Why did we get movers if they aren’t going to, you know, move our stuff...
    SAM: Todds right for once.
    TODD: Yeah, I’m right for once Blair.
    BLAIR: We can still help out!

    Back on the other side of the street, Eartha, Morris, Lily and Holden look on at the bickering. They then look at each other in concern...


    Inside of a dark room…
    Someone is tied up to a chair.
    His face is not seen. He starting to get the rope loose. He does get loose!
    MYSTERY MAN: Finally I can get out of here!

    He stumbles up and can barely walk.. He gets to the door. But it is locked.

    He weakly pounds on it…


    At the police station:

    Terrance Smith visits his dad and cop
    Elijah smith. The two hug.

    ELIJAH: Son you are early! Don’t tell me you are leaving already!
    TERRANCE: Duty calls.
    EIJAH: I thought we would at least be able to have dinner.
    TERRANCE: Sorry dad, but I have to head down south.

    ELIJAH: I wish you would at least tell me what this duty is.
    TERRANCE: You know I cant tell you about my missions dad.
    ELIJAH: I am an officer of the law, your secrets are safe with me.
    TERRANCE: I’m sorry dad, I just can’t.

    Marah Lewis arrives at Lily and Holdens.

    LILY: Welcome to our home.
    MARAH: So glad we can finally meet in person again!

    The two hug.

    HOLDEN: I’m happy for you both going into business together. A new fashion company. I don’t think Colorado is ready for this.
    MARAH: They will be after it is a hit.
    LILY: Confidence. I love it.
    MARAH: My mom was suppose to stop by and help us work some things out but she seems to be late. You’ll soon find out that she marches to the beat of her own drum.


    Across the street Todd and Blair are still bickering.

    TODD: Can we agree to never move again. You are getting unbearable!
    BLAIR: Stop whining. Sometimes I think you put the Todd in toddler.

    Eartha and Morris approach the couple.
    MORRIS: Don’t mean to interrupt but we wanted to come and greet our new neighbors.
    EARTHA: We are Eartha and Morris.
    BLAIR: Nice to meet you. I’m Blair and this is Todd. And our son Sam is around here somewhere.

    The 4 shake hands.

    Morris: I can go ask my son Malik to come help you two carry is some boxes.
    TODD: Thank you but we hired these movers for a reason. Or at least I thought so. (shoots Blair a dirty look)
    EARTHA: We both gotta head to work, but we will come and say hi again. I’ll bake y’all a pie.

    That catches Sams attention.
    SAM: A pie! That would be awesome!
    BLAIR: Well thank you. That is very kind and very nice to meet you two.

    Eartha and Morris head back across the street to their car.
    Todd is fussing with his cell phone.

    BLAIR: They were nice. Huh Todd..
    Todd is just looking at his phone.

    Blair socks him in the arm!

    TODD: Geez Blair! What?
    BLAIR: Our neighbors were nice.
    TODD: Oh, yeah.
    BLAIR: Whats wrong now?
    TODD: Dammit I’m late for a meeting! Looks like you two have to finish helping. I’ll be back later.

    He rushes off…


    ELIJAH: I demand that you be careful son!
    TERRANCE: I always am.
    ELIJAH: I Sure hope so.

    The father and son hug again.

    TERRANCE: Off to Paradise New Mexico I go!
    ELIJAH: Call me, soon.
    TERRANCE: I Wont even be that far away.

    Terrance exits the office…


    Reva and Josh finally arrive to Robinson Street. Reva is driving.

    REVA: There is no parking place at that address.
    JOSH: We can just park next door.

    The U-hall at the Mannings drives off.

    REVA: I’ll just park across the street.

    She does and the two get out. Blair sees them parking there and approaches them.

    BLAIR: Excuse me, who are you two and why are you parking here?
    REVA: It’s no big deal. We just have a meeting across the street.
    JOSH: It shouldn't take long.

    BLAIR: I’m sorry but I just moved here and there's still more stuff to be moved.
    REVA: Its just a little meeting will only take like 20 minutes.
    BLAIR: I’m sorry but you can’t park here.

    Reva has an ‘I cant believe she just told me that’ look on her face

    JOSH: Come on Reva we’ll just park next door to the Snyders.
    REVA: No.

    Reva and Blair have a stare down.


    At the Union Creek Chronicle

    Luke is sitting down at his desk. He and a co worker named Gary are chatting.

    LUKE: Why was this place sold? Our paper does so well online. Better than most newspapers across the country.
    GARY: I don’t know the exact reason. Must have been about money.
    LUKE: Come on you are always in the know.
    GARY: Not this time.
    LUKE: Do you at least know who the new owner is?
    GARY: No, but I think we are about to find out.

    Someone walks in the door.

    It is Todd Manning.

    TODD: Hello my new employees. The Name is Todd Manning and I now own this highly coveted paper!


    Meanwhile, The mystery man that was tied up is still trying to get out of the room. He is in a weakened state however and is struggling. He tries to kick out a part at the bottom of the door where there is a food tray, but he can.t

    He then grabs his chair and runs it into the door with all his might!

    The door finally busts open! He limps out of the room…

    MYSTERY MAN: Finally free…



    *I own no rights to all of the non original characters nor any of the pictures.*
  21. Days22
    Terrance Smith is shown driving down The highway


    He is jamming out to some hip hop.

    He sees a road sign: Paradise, New Mexico 40 miles.

    TERRANCE: I hope this place really is....

    Paradise, New Mexico

    Cut to Billy Abbott .

    He is parked outside of the Paradise Casino.

    BILLY: …Paradise. This place really is.

    He seems lost in thought....

    BILLY: Do I really want to do this though. Go right at my vices in a casino. Gambling and drinking.

    He gets out of the car.

    BILLY: I do. I think I finally have my vices under control…

    He enters the casino.

    BILLY: And Why not just take a gamble on my first night in town.



    Paul Ryan and
    Emily Ryan are in the middle of an argument.

    EMILY: You frustrate me so much!
    PAUL: I try not to. I think you are just constantly frustrated.
    EMILY: No. You do this to me.

    Their teenage daughter Eliza enters the room.

    ELIZA: You two are arguing again? Surprise! Not.
    PAUL: I’m trying not to but your step mother loves to.

    Eliza walks to her bedroom.
    ELIZA: I Really need to move into a dorm and get away from here.
    She puts in some headphones.

    EMILY: We have been having money issues for how long now?! Feels like years. And what is the first thing you do when you FINALLY are able to get a loan? No not put it in savings so we can get back on our feet. It is to spend it all!
    PAUL: I am not just spending it. I am investing it.
    EMILY: Investing in your mother and not your family!
    PAUL: I am going to get Barbaras company up and running again. I will work for BRO to make the money back. You have to spend money to make money.

    Emily shoots Paul daggers.

    Lucas Roberts is at his expanded office of Mad World. His secretary beeps him that he has visitors from Salem.

    LUCAS: Send them in.

    In walks Steve and Kayla Johnson

    LUCAS: Wow this is unexpected.
    KAYLA: Hi Lucas
    LUCAS: Someone from back home! You two are a sight for sore eyes!

    Lucas looks at Steve...

    LUCAS: Um..no offence.
    STEVE: No offense taken dude. (chuckles)
    LUCAS: What brings you guys to me?
    STEVE: We’re moving to town.
    LUCAS: Really?
    KAYLA: Yes. I got a transfer here for some good money.

    Steve looks on oddly after she says that…

    LUCAS: Well welcome to Paradise!


    Angie and Jesse Hubbard

    are making out on the couch.

    ANGIE: Shouldn’t you eat something on your lunch break
    JESSE: Your lips are all I want to taste.
    ANGIE: Jesse Hubbard…go on!

    They make out some more.

    ANGIE: I think maybe we should have a quick lunch (smiles)
    JESSE: I hear the bedroom calling…

    As they are about to get up the door opens up and Jesses daughter Natalia walks in.

    She is in cop uniform.

    JESSE: You don’t knock do you?
    NATALIA: Sorry…I’m interrupting something aren’t I?
    ANGIE: Just lunch
    JESSE: What are you doing off anyway?
    NATALIA: If you can have a donut break dad, so can I.
    ANGIE: I guess she has a point there.


    Paul and Emily are still arguing in their frustration.

    EMILY: How did you even manage to finally get a loan?
    PAUL: I found out that if you bother the bank enough they will give in.
    EMILY: Right
    PAUL: You know I have a way of getting things done.
    EMILY: Not lately.
    PAUL: Have a little faith in me please!



    KAYLA: How is business ?
    LUCAS: So great. I moved Mad world headquarters here for a quicker and cheaper production. It has been the best move. Profit, profit, profit.
    KAYLA: That is tremendous to hear.
    LUCAS: I think you two will like it here.
    STEVE: I hope so, dude.

    KAYLA: Well I need to go off to the hospital and take my initial tour. Just wanted to come and see a familiar face.
    LUCAS: Thanks for stopping by
    KAYLA: You and Steve can talk about the latest in cosmetic products. Its his favorite subject.
    STEVE: Real funny sweetness.

    Steve and Kayla kiss before she heads off.

    LUCAS: So patch, I can get off and we can go have a beer if you like? Well you can have a beer. Ill have a soda and lunch.
    STEVE: I’m going to take a rain-check for now. I actually have to head off too. Some other time though for sure.

    Steve exits…

    Natalia and Jesse arrive back at the police station.

    NATALIA: I’m sorry if I interrupted you and Angie.
    JESSE: All good. Nothing that wont happen later...

    They walk in and are immediately debriefed on a gang shoot out that is going on!

    JESSE: Looks like we have to head back out!


    Kayla gets to her first day at the hospital and meets chief of staff Angie Hubbard.

    ANGIE: Great to see you Kayla.
    KAYLA: Pleasure to see you again. I hear so much about you.
    ANGIE: Good things I hope?
    KAYLA: Nothing but it.
    ANGIE: Well let me show you around.


    Back at the Paradise Casino

    Billy Abbott is doing good on the slot machines.

    BILLY: Glad I’m sticking to the slots it paid off. I think this deserves a celebratory drink…Just one.

    He heads over to the bar.
    BARTENDER: What can I get you?
    BILLY: I….I better be good. I’ll just have a root beer.

    He looks at the ticket he won from the slots.
    BILLY: 75 bucks. Not bad at all.

    He then hears someone say his name. “Billy Abbott?!”

    Its is Brittany Hodges!

    BILLY: Woah Britt…long time no see!


    Terrance Smith has made his way into town. He is parked at some warehouse.

    Another car pulls up. Its is Steve Johnson.

    STEVE: Come with me.
    TERRANCE: Yes, sir.

    The two go inside the warehouse and shake hands.

    TERRANCE: Nice to meet you Agent Johnson.
    STEVE: I am so glad you are finally here Agent Smith. I hear you are the best up and comer in your field.
    TERRANCE: I am but I would love to be briefed on what is going on.

    STEVE: Well Its like this. My wife thinks we are in town because she got this good job at the hospital but the ISA worked that because I needed to be here. We are all here to find her brother, another Agent for the ISA. This is Operation find Bo Brady.
    TERRANCE: What is the latest?
    STEVE: Paradise New Mexico was the last place Bo Brady was seen alive and he has not been heard from in months. We need to find my old Pal, Bo…before it is too late.


    Credits roll

    *I don't own any none original characters nor any pictures*
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