He is walking out of the building when he gets a call on his cell.
He looks at his phone and its an incoming call from Ben.
LUKE: Hello
BEN: Luke…I am glad you answered. I was afraid you were busy at work or something.
LUKE: I was just about to take a late lunch break actually.
BEN: Perfect. You should come and eat here.
LUKE: Um…and where is that?
BEN: At my new place in town.
LUKE: You moved in already?
BEN: Yup and I would love to show it off.
LUKE: Okay. Sounds good to me. As long as there is something to eat. I am starved.
BEN: Oh don’t worry. I have plenty for you to eat..
At the hospital:
Eartha and Morris are at the nurses station.
NURSE: You two need some coffee before you head home?
EARTHA: You know my man always needs his coffee.
MORRIS: I do have a tad bit of an addiction.
Eartha kisses him on the cheek.
NURSE: You two are just too cute. Always making us long for a relationship like yours.
MORRIS: I guess that is just what we do.
EARTHA: (Chuckles) Yeah. Guess so.
NURSE: I better get back.
She exits.
Morris sighs.
MORRIS: And the emmy goes to…Eartha Davis.
Morris walks out of the room with his coffee.
Eartha sighs.
At Union Creek High:
Sam and Zack high 5 in the halls.
ZACK: Last day of school!
SAM: Summer time.
ZACK: My favorite.
SAM: I am glad I came to this school so late in the year. Made it feel like the school year went by quickly.
ZACK: How did your math final go.
SAM: That is neither here nor there.
ZACK: Well did you pass at least?
SAM: C minus is passing right.
ZACK: That’s true.
SAM: I’m just happy its summer. I am looking forward to summer break in a new town.
Tea is at her daughter Danielle’s place.
DANI: Mom I didn’t know you were going to be in town!
TEA: I like to be a surprise once in awhile.
DANI: This is a pleasant surprise.
Mother and daughter hug.
TEA: How is life here in Colorado?
DANI: Things are looking up!
TEA: Oh yeah? A new boy?
DANI: No Mom. No relationship.
TEA: I am happy to hear that life can look up without a boy.
DANI: Definitely. I am embarking on a new job.
Tea is intrigued
Todd and Blair are at the café.
TODD: I did it Blair. I found my hit story.
BLAIR: The guy in town with amnesia?
TODD: Yes. This is huge. This town is not use to something so crazy like this.
BLAIR: I don’t know this town has a hint of crazy I think, Todd.
TODD: Well that is because we moved here.
BLAIR: Touche.
BLAIR: You are hyper today are you sure you need more coffee?
TODD: I am just so pleased with this. The Jack Doe story will make everyone see that I will be a great owner of the Union Creek Chronicle. This story has to go national.
BLAIR: Didn’t you say he didn’t want to take a picture though. That is going to hinder this story.
TODD: It will Still—
BLAIR: --Oh no Todd.
TODD: (Agitated) I was talking. What Blair?
Blair points. Reva and Josh are there.
Reva and Josh come face to face with Todd and Blair.
REVA: Isn’t this interesting. We see each other at the café again.
BLAIR: Todd, this is the b*tch that assaulted me.
Luke is at Bens place.
LUKE: Looks great from the outside.
BEN: I cant wait to show you around the inside…but first. We eat!
LUKE: I hope you didn’t make a big meal or anything.
BEN: Nothing special. Just a little chicken salad.
LUKE: I feel bad. I should have brought a house warming gift.
BEN: I gave you short notice and besides you are gift enough.
LUKE: You like to flatter me don’t you.
BEN: It is because you seem like you are not one who likes to be in the spotlight.
LUKE: Not a lot these days. Is it that obvious?
BEN: I just consider myself good at reading people.
LUKE: You impress me more and more.
BEN: But why so shy?
LUKE: It has just been awhile since I have gotten attention is all..
Eartha and Morris get home.
Silence ensues as they walk around the house setting their bags down.
Neither is saying a word to the other.
Morris sits and starts to take off his shoes.
Eartha sits down on a chair on the opposite side of the room.
Morris glares at her.
He takes a deep breath.
MORRIS: Would you like something to drink? I am going to make myself a drink.
MORRIS: Are you sure?
EARTHA: I just want to be alone, okay.
Morris gets frustrated and pounds his hand down on the table!
MORRIS: Why the hell do we even still do this!?
Morris and Eartha glare at each other…
At Danielles place:
TEA: Would it be okay if I brought up Todd?
DANI: That would be ill advised.
TEA: Okay. I respect your wishes.
DANI: Thank you. Can we go back and talk about my job prospect?
TEA: Yes. Tell me all about it.
DANI: Well so far it was just a contest. A modeling contest.
TEA: Modeling? I am surprised you want to do that?
DANI: Trust me I didn’t at first, but when I actually started posing for pictures…it became fun.
TEA: I am glad you enjoyed the contest but what about the actual job?
DANI: I should find out today. I felt confident doing it though. I think I can really enjoy this.
TEA: It is so terrific to hear to talk like this. My girl has her groove back.
At the café:
JOSH: I wish you would stop trying to push my wifes buttons.
BLAIR: Did you see what she did to me awhile back? She threw coffee on me!
JOSH: We both know that was an accident.
TODD: I don’t want a cat fight happening in here. That is bad for my public image.
BLAIR: Do you even care what she did, Todd?
TODD: If my wife says she assaulted her , she probably assaulted her then.
REVA: You were not even there! How would know?
TODD: I take her word for it.
BLAIR: It doesn’t matter what these two think. I know what happened and I am still trying to press charges.
REVA: You have to be kidding me with that.
BLAIR: Justice deserves to prevail.
JOSH: This is ridiculous! Just when you think this town is peaceful.
TODD: Can we be honest here for a second. Had that coffee that was thrown on my wife been hot and not iced it would have caused a lot of damage.
REVA: First off it was not thrown.
TODD: Okay. Tossed.
REVA: It was an accident. We physically ran into each other!
JOSH: Either way she doesn’t have a case! This is just plain stupid!
TODD: Hey! Hey! Do not raise your voice at my wife.
Todd gets in Josh’s face.
Back to the Davis Household.
EARTHA: That is a really good question. Why do we still do this? Oh that is right. The kids.
MORRIS: I don’t know Eartha. I really wondered why we ever did this? Why did we even marry.
EARTHA: Don’t even go there. Do not start and act like a victim!
MORRIS: Dammit Eartha! I am serious. I often wonder if you ever even loved me.
EARTHA: So absurd.
MORRIS: I am sure that you only married me to help with your own career.
EARTHA: Do you even hear yourself? We have been together for over twenty years. To think there was no love is asinine.
MORRIS: I know I am right.
EARTHA: The truth is and this truth might hurt Morris. I did love you. Very much so, but you have made it so hard to love over the years because I know now what I did not know then. You are one very disturbed man!
Eartha angrily walks into another room.
Morris is frustrated again and picks up a vase of flowers and throws them at the wall!
The Bell rings at school!
Students clear into the hall.
Some are shouting that school is out for the summer!
Sam gets to his locker.
Trinity is also at her locker which is next to his.
SAM: You should look more happy that it is summer time!
TRINITY: Trust me I am thrilled.
SAM: I thought I was the one with the poker face.
TRINITY: I am just always focused on something.
SAM: What are you focused on now?
TRINITY: Finding a summer job.
SAM: Ah the dreaded summer job.
TRINITY: Yeah. Kinda sucks, but the money wont!
SAM: I actually think I can help you with finding a summer job.
TRINITY: Are you serious? (smiles)
SAM: I wouldn’t lie to you.
Dani meanwhile gets a phone call.
DANI: Hello…Hi Mrs Snyder….are you serious? How exciting! Yes I cannot wait to start there soon.
Dani hangs up.
TEA: That sounded like good news.
DANI: it was. I got the job!
TEA: Congratulations baby!
Teah hugs her daughter.
DANI: I didn’t think I would be this happy about a modeling job, but I am.
At the café
JOSH: Are you really getting in my face?
TODD: I am just stating that you two should not keep harassing my wife.
Todd backs away.
BLAIR: Thank you, honey.
JOSH: This has got to be a joke. Are we getting punk’d Reva?
REVA: I don’t know what this is Joshua, but it is ridiculous.
BLAIR: Reva, you will be sorry. If you keep messing with me.
REVA: Blair, honey, was that a threat? Joshua I should probably press charges.
Reva smirks as she walks off.
JOSH: This needs to stop.
Josh walks off with her.
TODD: Those two are a piece of work.
BLAIR: She is a piece of something alright.
Meanwhile, Luke is giving Ben a tour of his house.
LUKE: You struck gold with this place. Do you make a lot of money in skiing competition?
BEN: I make enough.
LUKE: I can see that.
BEN: Now to the most important place of the house.
Ben opens a door and guides Luke into the bedroom.
LUKE: I like it. It’s spacious.
BEN: What do you think about the bed? It is brand new too.
LUKE: Looks comfy.
Luke presses his hand into the bed.
LUKE: Nice
Luke turns back around and is met by a kiss from Ben!
Luke is caught off guard.
LUKE: Wasn’t expecting that.
BEN: Loosen up and expect the unexpected
Ben pushes Luke down onto the bed.
LUKE: You’re wild.
Luke tries to resist and stand up but Ben pushes him back onto the bed.
BEN: Do not resist. I know the attraction is mutual.
(Whispers in Luke’s ear) Why fight it?
Ben takes off his shirt and gets on top of Luke.
Ben then takes off Lukes shirt..
Luke gives in and the two start to make out.
Ben then turns Luke over face down onto the bed…
Credits roll
*I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.