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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. I finally caught up and I apologize that I haven't had a chance to comment. Every episode this week has been excellent

    Pretty much I am going to put all my comments here, regardless from which episode they were from.

    In reading every episode like this, I am amazed at the balance in each episode. It's pretty damn near perfect. We are not overloaded with the same story over and over. Both of you can read your readers well and know what we like and dislike and I as a faithful reader love that.

    THe Sami storyline has been great. She really is a true heroine. The way that she stood took that bullet instinctively, well she is her father's daughter. I truly love her.

    I adore the Stefano and Orpheous twist. So Machieveillan. Stefano LOVES his family. Now he knows that this horrible man who has been trying to kill his loved ones is his son! It doesn't get ANY better than that. The way you two write this, you could tell it for the next few years and it won't get old. Throw in the Cassie drama, its just awesome. I love that Nicole is teaming up with Orpheus. They are both outcasts who need something.

    Billie and Jack....Jack is being a prick. I love that Billie is a Dimera. I am starting to dislike Jack, but it adds layers and it sorta keeps to his history. He is self absorped and that is how he always is.

    I can't WAIT for a Maggie and Victor wedding!!!!! I can't WAIT!

    I ran out of things to say, you guys are just doing awesome

  2. I could see this episode play out. Orpheus is the perfect enemy. You hate him and you want him dead. But he is written so well that if it does hapen, you will be upset that he is gone.

    The dialogue was very sharp in this episode. You could tell that there was so much love between the family members, like Roman and Bo, Victor and Bo, Kate and Billie, Sami and Marlena and Sami and Lucas. So much can come from this storyline and so much has come from this storyline.

    Excellent, excellent show

  3. Great episode! You can tell its sweeps month! The twist that Greta thinking it was Nicole was excellent. The writing for Nicole is always spot on. She must be so fun to write for.

    The ending. Wow. Edge of your seat and I love it! Simply amazing, great pacing and great wonderful read. Excellent job all around

  4. House of Madness!!LOL

    Very good episode. I loved the Lulu/Serena/Lucy stuff.

    I loved Luke and Tracy too

    I know enough about GH to piece together what was going on and who was who but I have no idea who Barb Jean is

    Thank you for the comments, we always welcome them. To answer your question about who Barbara Jean is, she is Bobbie, Luke's sister and Carly's mother. Luke calls her Barbara Jean which is her given name, but she goes by Bobbie. I hope that answers your question :)

  5. Good episode. I like that people know about Sami especially Roman. Nice movement there.

    The scenes with the Billie reveal, fantastic that Billie is now a DiMera. Great idea. Perfect pacing throughout the episode.

    I know a lot of hard work was put into this episode. I write in a diary and I don't write like that in them. There can be a lot said, with little words. I know in the beginning you said it would be a long episode, but this was kinda pushing it. It took me almost ten minutes to read and I am a fast reader. I hope you don't take this in offense, I really don't mean it to be.

  6. Great episode! I loved the Hortons together and that story. Not only did it give a great balance of history and brought out the younger generation, it also gave a better balance because you have a lot of drama and this was a nice comedic touch. It was very nice.

    You know as much as I should hate her, Gina is starting to grow on me. I love that she is a kick ass woman who takes no prisioners. I would love to see some of the other women, like Billie, Hope, Greta, and Kayla because Gina deserves it.

  7. Great episode! So glad that Nick met his maker, because he needed to. He was such an !@#$%^&*]. He deserved it after what he did to Jenny and to Agatha.

    I'm still intrigued with Ava and Sky. I like how they are unfolding

    I think it was very stand up of Blake to give up LJ. I dont think that Alley knows what she has gotten herself into, raising another woman's child. This is the story that I am really interested in. Alley and John have lost some bonding time that they need to get back with LJ. I am anxious to see this unfold.

  8. I really liked seeing the Gina/Patch relationship fleshed out. I love Hope and Steve together.

    Why is Alex even on the search for Abby? The woman who raised him just died. It doesn't seem like he cares. It was just brought up that she may have been s twin (I won't even go there) but wouldn't he want to find out who the woman who was raised him is before racing across the country? To me it doesn't make sense.

  9. Very sharp episode with great dialogue. It moved from scene to scene very well. I love the Billie/Lucas scenes with Kate and how they dealt with their grief. Sami and EJ made me smile, which is a rarity with me. Great line, "I'm not any Brady, I'm Sami Brady" Loved it.

    I like seeing the background of the Cassadine/DiMera war and hope you continue to delve into it. Great episode

  10. I said I would be back and I am. Loved the episode. Scary and on the edge. I loved how you wrote Steve and Kayla. They were both very strong in what could be viewed as a stunt. It's not written as a stunt, it's written very well. I hope that makes sense. You make us feel for all the characters (ok most of them) and you write them all very well. Excellent job

  11. LOVED IT!

    Reading into the last paragraph I was just stunned, I was just like, "Oh no you didn't" Again, you two continue to amaze me. Overall the beat of the episode was smart and smooth. It was well paced, not too long and not too short. The dialogue, especially from Marlena and Hope today was awesome. I cannot wait for tonights episode which I know will spook me!

    Thank you both for writing such wonderful material

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