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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. Holy [!@#$%^&*]. I am stunned. STUNNED!

    Honestly, I didn't think that you two could shock us anymore, but congratulations. You have done a marvelous job. I knew that someone was going to be Stefano's son, but I NEVER thought it was Orpheus. Great buildup and great dialogue.

    Great balance between the romance and the drama. These two storylines leave me wanting more.

  2. This is the Stefano I like. I love that Anna and Marlena are working together.

    Hope and Steve...So hot. I love them together. Excellent pairing that could have huge ramifications down the line. You can definatley see the passion between them. I like them better than Steve and Kayla and Hope and Bo.

    Great episode. Short and sweet and to the point. I can't wait for tomorrow

  3. Love it! It's so good!

    By far, I am loving Victor. He is my favorite character in this blog. He is so fleshed out, so ruthless and cunning. I love what he will do to that little twit son of his.

    The ending is like a classic Friday cliffhanger. I am on the edge of my seat. Great thinking by Sami and I so hope that Kate will find her. Why do I think that Orpheus will whisk Kate away.

    Excellent episode.

  4. Holy craptastic! (which in my book is a really good compliment)

    Love the play on words, the two Lena's. I never in a milion years would have thought of that

    Great to see Stefano in full force, and nice scenes with Marlena and Sami. Great bonding moments

    When it was mentioned a man in black, my thought was Stavros. I didn't think Nikolas. LOVE it!

    Great great debut Jay!

  5. Good episode. I love the chemistry between Hope and Steve. It's palpable. I love them better than Hope and Bo and certainly better than Steve and Kayla.

    Joelle. I'm indifferent to her. She could never show up again and I would be happy. I don't like her and I want Sami to beat the ever living [!@#$%^&*] out of her.

  6. I knew that there was a reason I hated Joelle! I have hated her since the moment she came into this blog. She must die and I really want Alyson to do it. I want to bitchslap her all the way back to whatever rock she crawled out of.

    Great casting with Marky Mark. The hot man quotient just went way up *grin*. No seriously, he will do awesome.

    Love the interactions with Maggie and Victor and with Steve and Hope. Steve and Hope are fast becoming my favorite couple and there is so much sexual tension there. I would love to see you guys capitialize on that.

    Great episode and great dialogue.

  7. THe one thing that I have had a problem with was addressed and I thank you. Victor said to Roman "If you have Orpheus or Stefano in your crosshairs, you pull the [!@#$%^&*] trigger" Thank you for addressing it.

    Great episode with my new favorite couple, Victor and Maggie. What a wayto revitalize them

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