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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. Good episode. I like how all the Brady kids were incorporated. Great depth there. Caroline wanting to keep her family together is exactly what any mother would do. If I was Sami, I would slap Carrie for ever trusting Alan. Carrie opened the door to let Alan in and that is unforgivable.

  2. Hmmmm. Are you going to let us know who the Associate is? I have a feeling I know who it is, but I can't see a link between who I think the MCF is and the Associate is. Except that they are around the same age. And with one of the clues I received it does make sense.

    ANyway, regarding the trivia. Either way is fine for me. I'm easy.


    What an awesome job, I never saw that coming. Edmund is Warren's father! I am constantly amazed by the twists you have. I really didn't want Warren to be CC's, please don't ever let him be CC's. Someday, I want Kelly and Warren together. HOT DAMN!!!

    Oh! Wait a minute. Dr Alec Davis? Any connection with Julia? Does Joann have a connection with Julia through this Alec Davis or am I just way out there. I just don't think its coincidence that you named him that


    What an awesome job, I never saw that coming. Edmund is Warren's father! I am constantly amazed by the twists you have. I really didn't want Warren to be CC's, please don't ever let him be CC's. Someday, I want Kelly and Warren together. HOT DAMN!!!

  5. HEHEHEHE love the shout out about AJ working at Capwell. Makes me laugh because recently I named two cops Officer Cruz and Officer Castillo. In honor of his alledged passing. Because he will be back

    Can I tell you how much I love Keith? I could see the expression on Gina's face when they were going at it. Loved it! Excellent episode my friend

  6. YYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a divorce! I never thought that Liz and Lucky had enough to maintain a grown up relationship. I loved them when they were in High School! Now, I want them to move on. Great episode! I want Jason to kick some Lucky and Nikolas butt for what they are doing to Sam, keepinf her away from Alexis

    ETA: In the opening, is that a clip, of dare I hope it, Sonny and Brenda or Jax and Brenda? It looks like Sonny and Brenda from the Puerto Rico days but I can't stare at it any longer. It's right after Ric

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