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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. I don't know who it could be. Like Drew said, it could be Frankie. He has been around some of the murders and if Greta was killed, money was a huge motivator. Now, it could also be a woman. I have no clue, but I am thinking it is a woman.

  2. What's funny is that so many flights in NYC are being delayed today because of weather. Nice touch. I love Augusta. I can't wait to see the fallout of Ted's trip when he gets home. Lily will be right there...

    Joann is quite the enigma. I am not sure what to make of her. I wasn't surprised that Kirk was there, but I don't know if she wanted him there.

    Oh Eden, I feel for her. I hope she kicks some serious ass. I can see her going into Mama Bear mode. Great episode!

  3. HOT DAMN!!!!

    OMFG I love it! This is just amazing. I love it. Seriously on the edge of my seat knowing that Mimi was going to die but just waiting to see how you would do it. I remember you telling me that your major in school was writing and I can see exactly why. Perfect balance in this episode.

    12 days until we know who the Fury is? Do we know before all of Salem knows?

  4. Good, I am glad you aren't taking it off forever. You know what I do sometimes? I write like ten to fifteen episodes ahead of time and then outlines for the next ten. It helps for me. Everyone has different ways.

    I am just happy that you are coming back

  5. Hope is many things. She is loyal to her family to a fault. She is also stupid to run into a burning building, but that is Hope! She is being written exactly the way Days writes her.

    Marlena gets busted! I love it! She is going down!

    I have the MCF narrowed down to two people. I have gone back and reviewed all the appearances and I am leaning towards one, but then a dark horse appeared. So now I am not sure. I am so intrigued and can't wait to see who it is!

  6. I have to say this, you have done the impossible with me. I am not a fan of Zander or Ric. You have made me like them. I have finally caught up today reading your blog, I apologize that it has taken me so long to comment.

    When Zander was on, I never liked him. Now, I love that he is going after Sonny and Jason. I love how it pits best friends Elizabeth and Emily against each other. They are both feisty and standing by their husbands. You even made Emily likable and I like Amber in the role better than Natalia. Seeing Emily interact with Monica and Alan brings the whole family relationship together and strengths it.

    I think you are doing an excellent job and bringing a new and different spin to General Hospital. And again, I am amazed that you are making me actually really like these characters and feel invested in them. I really hope that you aren't offended by this, I mean this as really good comments

  7. Great episode! Kirk gets around, he has something on everyone. I love that Eden and Cruz are going through some angst. If they were always lovey dovey, that would be boring.

    I also love that you have Julia helping her. Julia's life is in a shambles yet she will always be there for Eden. Great job portaying their friendship

  8. I thought I responded, but I didn't. I am loving the start of the Storm. I love the focus so far on Elizabeth and Emily. Jason seems so much hotter to me in your blog. I really like how you are writing him. I like how Liz reached out to Sonny, nice touch.

    Zander getting shot opens up a lot of possibilities. Of course Jason seemingly has no alibi. I can't wait to see the fall out.

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