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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. Love the Nicole and Eric drama. How soon will Eric be rushing to Carrie and asking about that baby? It rocks. I love that Nicole assumes she has the best job and is more secure. She was a porn star!

    I hope Phillip gets his just desserts for what he did. He deserves it and then some.

    Love that Steve is going to be in the MCF plan. I still have my ideas on who it is!

  2. I love the length of the episodes. It's clear and concise and it leaves me wanting more. I can't wait to see what will happen next. You have completely turned Noah around in my eyes. He has so many layers and conflicts that it is amazing.

    Poor Brandon...that he only had Lucas as his family. If Brandon dies, he should haunt Maxie forever.

    Excellent episode!

  3. Well, you can always have two Shanes, but with Kim coming back, I can see where it would get confusing. I like these names





    and if I remember correctly the last name is Moore. So for all the Democrats....Michael :)

    Those are just a few.

    Hapy that Kim is coming back, not happy that she has ALS. Reminds me of Michael Zaslow

  4. Once Steve received the note, I knew the MCF was targeting him. Strengthens my therory on who it is.

    Wow, when did Phillip get so cruel and brutal. I don't like this Phillip. Then again, anyone who hits their wife I don't like. Just glad that Kate saw it too.

    Great balance in this episode with the antics of Jack and Billie with the seriousness of the situation with Belle and Phillip. ALso nice to see Eric and Nicole come to a head, it was bound to happen. Excellent episode!

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