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Blog Comments posted by Tishy

  1. I love the vulnerability that Tracy is showing. That is her true colors. You showed them perfectly. I love that she is able to show it with Luke who probably is her soul mate, but Laura will always be his (at least in my mind). That is just amazing.

    Like the pairing of Ned and Jax. They have been off the canvas for a while. Now that Brenda is coming back and Ned is her best male friend, it gets Brenda in Jax' orbit again. Inspired.

    Not sure if it was intended, but I liked the citizens of Port Charles says goodbye....cause my blog of the same name is as gone as Brandon Wexler.

  2. Roman writes the blog too Rudolpho. They cowrite.

    Damn! Love the ending! Never saw that coming where Belle finds the results. I would have figured Sami or Lucas would have but excellent choice. Plus, Eric right there, Makes me so happy. I am loving it.

    One thing I love about your blog is how strong the women are. Go Kate! I love how she tracked down the MCF.

    I am jealous of Carrie. She has my honeymoon. Excellent job you two :)

  3. Many reactions are going through my head right now. While I love me Brenda and I totally respect your casting choices, I am just going to pretend in my little Tishy world that it is Vanessa Marcil as Brenda. I love Gina, don't get me wrong. I almost cast her as Carly. So all is good in Tishy world.

    So let me SCREAM OUT IN JOY THAT BRENDA IS COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me some Sonny and Brenda please!!!!!

    Ryan Chandler is still my hero

  4. Great episode! I was liking the Sonny getting into action, going after Lorenzo. I must be the only person lefton Earth that likes Sonny, but that is because in my heart, he will always be with Brenda.

    The tone of the last few episodes have been on target. Nice and fast paced, and you are telling great stories. Excellent job with really catching the characters as well

  5. Great episode! I loved that Scott called Lucy, you know how much I love Scott :)

    Awesome that Carly set aside her problems and wants to help Jason. Really in tune with what she is made of. Nothing stands between her relationship with Jason.

  6. I knew Carrie would be having those second thoughts! I could practically see it happening. Love seeing that Sami and Carrie interaction, what a change of pace :)

    Bo and Hope were so cute together. Excellent job with them. It's nice to see that JT was remembered and not like in real soaps, children are born, shipped off to boarding school for a year and come home and are 16.

  7. You know, I thought knew who the MCF was, I really did. I was positive. Now, with the introduction of Forrest (excellent casting btw) I not only have one suspects, I have three! And I am probably wrong! You two are doing a masterful job at keeping us on our toes and damnit, if I die tomorrow, I will be so sad that I didn't know who the MCF is. You must clue us in. Even the clues I have received can fit to the three suspects I have in mind!

  8. First off, Happy Anniversary. Hopefully we will have at least another year of Salem Lives if not more :)

    Wedding was great, very sweet.

    And HOT DAMN!!!! What a twist. I never expected Forrest Alamain. I was thinking Lawrence actually. I love that you cast Peter as Forrest, perfect casting. I loved it!

  9. I see some [!@#$%^&*] hitting the fan when Alexis finds out about Sam. I can't wait to see that happen. Loved the Bobbie and Mac interaction. She is so deserving to be nailed. I loved how you made Elizabeth real, not sure how to explain it. You could really see her feelings come through. Excellent job.

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