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Matt P.

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Blog Comments posted by Matt P.

  1. OMG I loved this episode. I was on the edge of my seat throughout every scene. When Mona burnt Daniel I seriously cringed, that was so vile of her. TY is the biggest prick ever but that's why we love to hate him. The qudrangle with him, Jenn, Jodie, and Mike reminded me of ATWT's Craig/Rosanna/Paul/Meg which makes me miss the original Jenn. Poor Santinio is Ty's bitch but if he were smart he'd get out as fast as possible.

    Can't believe the ending. Daniel sees Ashley and accidentally shoots Jenn. Awesome! Seriously can't wait to read what happens next. There is so much going on with STEAM, that it's becoming an addiction.

  2. Awsome episode. There's so much going on in Salem. Saddened to see you killed off Alice Horton but coming from someone who's slashed tons of cast members, I understand why you have your reasons for doing it.

    Gina was always a fun character and I like how you turned her evil. Looking at the cast list, you have tons of characters who I liked from the past. Like Rex and Kristin. Very much a dream cast and if this were only real then I would definitely tune in to DAYS more.

    Can't wait to read more!

  3. There is so much going on and this was such a fun episode to help write. I really liked the ending because it's about time Alexis does something to get back at Sabryn. Where's Dahlia been? Is she in a coma or is she dead? Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the Season Finale because I'm sure it's going to be breathtaking.

  4. Redd! It's awesome to see you back. Of course NOVI was great again. I really like the rivalry between Cassandra and Yvette which I'm sure will come to blow up in someone's face very soon. Jim and Lynette are growing on me as a couple and I really want Edmund to have his kids. Anna reminds me so much of Stephanie Forrester from B&B, so much that I'm hoping she'll get involved with the situation somehow. Good episode.

  5. Can't wait for the next episode for obvious reasons. I was shocked to find Alicia Silverstone as Jenn...I'm sort of on the fence about that. Loved the fight between Alexis and Sabryn but the way it ended was both morbid yet halarious! Very Desperate Housewives-esque.

    For once I was actually into Ria/Dondre/Sharan story plot because it moved at a very fast pace. Plus any scene with Ria & Natalia is great. Ria's line about Alexis definitely made me laugh.

  6. Carrie's realization comes next episode and it's quite funny. I'm sure you'd get a kick out of it. So thanks for the heads up on the orderly and Blake is London's husband and John's the baby's father so the only person who would've been left out is Alley but she was there for John so that's why Dr. Harnlo told everyone. Which was the secret she didn't tell them way back in Season 3. Things will be picking up soon though.

  7. I'm taking an early guess and say that Ria is Mona because the way Mona was talking sounded like the things Ria would say. Plus she was talking about Sharan and who hates her more than Ria. I don't know why Monia would play with Daniel's life. Ty seriously needs to know who to pick his battles with. The drug drop of scene was very intriguing because it only adds to the drama...sort of The Sopranos/mafia like.

    In speaking of Daniel he truly is messed up. Hitting Lauren was very unexpected and sort of shocking. Poor girl. Now I'm baffled to see if Daniel and Lauren belong together because this "supercouple" or "couple" in general is definitely being pushed back further and further. Loved being a reader/viewer who knew what was going on when the characters have no clue (Mona's affect on Daniel). It was pure soap opera.

    Now I'm thinking that Ashley is alive and is purposely playing tricks on Bryan to get revenge. Scorned loved crazed vixens are insane like that. I'm sure Sabryn wanted to get an eyefull of Bryan which was another OMG moment/scene.

    Natalia is in big trouble because we've scene Suga's violent tendencies. Surely enough some action will be taken against her for what she's done. Nice episode.

  8. I really felt sorry for Carol, especially over her lamenting prayer for her family. The whole time I'm thinking, I bet it's going to end with Cody fighting for his life or Doctor Claiborne walking out of his room with important news but I enjoyed the sweet ending.

    I was weary about the Lynette/Greg pairing because it seems unprofessional but that can lead to so many story plot options and it looks like it already is. I also enjoyed the fighting between a broken marriage. Nick work!

  9. A little slower but enjoyable. Ria...boarderline racist? It still was funny because I could see Victoria Rowell as that character. I'm also really enjoying Mike/Jodie's story plot. It's being written very truthfully and as a writer/viewer of soaps, sometimes we try mimicing real life in everyway possible. Keep up the great work and you know I can't wait to read more of Mona! Plus these phone calls...Natti's going to be getting a bad wrap for it I'm sure.

  10. Thank you for all of the comments! Afte re-editing this episode, it really felt like Season 3 again. I know that this season is a bit slower but it's only to make for better drama and to flesh out the characters more. I'm always trying to stay away from having characters talk the same or act the same. They all have reasons why they do what they do to who they do.

    In this episode, Ava really shined. She has been hurt way too much in her life so she saw no other way to console herself except for drinking. Though Nan is gone (however it's a soap opera and Nan is Nan so do you really think she's gone?) C.C. has sort of stepped in to take her place. The diva will definitely be sinking her claws into someone who Nan used to fight over as well. C.C. relies on sex whereas Nan relied on explosives, lies, and anything else that's unthinkable for revenge.

    I can also tell you that in the next episode the GOT love triangle goes into motion even more when the girls square off. Alexia's lying/keeping secrets takes its toll on Owen. Onto another love shape, the Nick/C.C./Carlos/Jenny plot heats up when Carlos returns to find Jenny brainwashed but of course C.C. does something very drastic.

    The Carrie plot is a huge mystery that I had fun writing and the end twist will leave y'all breathless. As well as Mika who's agenda isn't sought out until later episodes and we all know what Nate pretty much wants. Power and another 'p' word.

  11. Very touching episode. This was the first time I was really into the Ria/Karim/Sharan/Kevin quadrangle. I really felt Ria's desperation to keep her man but of course she deserved it which will only complicate things even more when Karim goes after Sharan!

    The Jodie/Mike plot is very dramatic and I was worried how it was going to be written but it's very classy. This raises tons of story plot oppertunites about Mike wanting to get closer (physically and emotionally) to Jodie.

    Last but not least, my favorite BIA herself was amazing. Which is funny because another character on PP will be pulling a similar stunt. We must be telepathic or something!

  12. Whoa chilling ending! I was really happy to see Ashley back alive because she's such a fun psycho to read about. Or this could be Bryan's mind playing tricks on him out of guilt.

    Daniel's in even more trouble now that Mona will be "taking care of him." I can't believe how much toruture he's endured throughout the series. Seriously Jody and Ty make a better pairing then Jenn and Ty. Jenn's too goody-good where as Jodie's a whore. Literally.

    Awesome ending. Sorry I've been distant on my postings, I was blocked from the blogs for sometime but I'm back.

  13. Finally Chris and Lauren hooked up! I was so happy to read that and when I did read it, I had my mouth covered in shock and said to myself "oh my god!" Then again, it is geared towards Cinemax.

    Poor Natalia, everything seems to be against her. Mark, Dahlia, now Suga! Suga's not one to be messed with and on top of that Diego's going to be blackmailing her. I'm sure she's going to up and kill someone because that's too much stress for a scheming vixen to handle.

    Who I also feel bad for is Daniel. I imagine his desperation and how he feels tied down to insanity because of Mona. Plus on top of that the one he loves is smoking stogies. (Which I've never heard it called that before).

    Awesome episode! Seduction definitely!

  14. This episode was the best so far! There was so much action and drama behind it. I really felt like Chester should've been there more for Yvette but surely this could be signs for love falling apart because Yvette is a woman on a mission.

    Definitely like Cassandra's character and the casting of Marj Dusay was emmy gold. Can't wait to read what happens next.

  15. Redd I was so worried that you weren't coming back and I'm so glad you did. I like the B.P./Detective Lewis plot and I'm loving Anna. She's a true patriarch and reminds me so much of Stephanie Forrester from B&B.

    I'm actually thinking that the tantalizing relationship between Lynette and Greg can go two ways: work out well or turn out sleazy! He's a professional and she's in need. Can't wait to read more. Our team is complete!

  16. Wow! Wow! Wow! I knew something was going to happen but I never thought that it was going to end like that! Great job. I loved all of the confrontations espeically between Jodie and Jenn...it was about time. It was great to see Natalia again, I sort of forgot all about Dahlia and Suga so it was great to see them too.

    Can't wait to find out what happens next.

  17. Thank you so much for all of the comments and of course I always have to explain myself to M.L. but it's well worth it. The reason Blake and London think that it's an accident is because Bryan accused Blake so they're already pondering sabotoge.

    The next episode is very tragic and the cast really gets refined in the next few episodes. You'll have to stay tuned to find out who returns and who goes.

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