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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

Entries in this blog

Episode#371: The Nightmare Begins

Episode#371: The Nightmare Begins -Victor is down at the hospital, as Mike operates on Dorian...he constantly curses and says he can't believe this, and wonders where the HELL Suga is....he says that he may be cold, but he may be killing someone, even if he hates Dorian, for something they didn't do....he decides to go see Celeste... -Suga is at the hospital as well....she is in the nurses station and slowly puts a nurse outfit on...she says that if Dorian doesn't die from that gunshot, sh



Episode#370: Sami's Innocence

Episode#370: Sami's Innocence -Lucas tells Jan that she was telling the truth all along....and apologizes....and Jan tells him its alright, as Eugenia watches....and she says this changes everything....she tells Lucas she'll have her bags packed and will leave Salem by tomorrow...but Lucas tells her NO, this doesn't change much of anything...much to Jan's shock! However, Sami comes forward and says: Sami:You all can sort this out later...because now I have something to announce...or I sho



Episode#369: Greta's Downfall

Episode#369: Greta's Downfall -Dr.Stansville is still in Celeste's hospital room...and tell the nurses to try to call Lexie or Victor Kiriakis AGAIN! -Suga stalks Dorian around the Spears Mansion....Destiny comes up from where the Secret Room, and asks her if they can talk now.....she needs to get away from that craziness down there...Dorian says of course and Destiny takes her outside, and Suga quickly follows....Alexis also decides to go down into the Secret Room... -Greta mutters tha



Episode#368: Greta's Lie

Episode#368: Greta's Lie -At long last, the car that Sami and everyone else is in....pulls into Salem! Sami looks around at her home, as Nicole also does for the first time in months, and Sami tells Brandon to go STRAIGHT to the Spears Mansion, as everyone knows that Sami may finally be proved innocent.... -Suga watches Dorian in the living room of the Spears Mansion, as Alexis, Jeremy, Cassie, the Galore's, Valentine, and some others walk around....she wonders if now may be the perfect ti



Episode#367: Baby Josh

Episode#367: Baby Josh -The car that Sami and co. are in gets even closer to Salem..... -At St.Luke's, Eugenia tells Jan NO....it is time for her and Lucas, who love each other DEEPLY, to get married! Kate agrees, and Lucas says they're right...he can't play this game....Jan tells him NO, she has to show him...he has to believe her...and she won't take no for an answer! -At the hospital, the nurse tells Dr.Stansville they can't find much on Greta Von Amberg....not anything recent, anywa



Episode#366: The Crashed Wedding

Episode#366: The Crashed Wedding -At the hospital, Celeste continues to randomly say to stop the wedding before its too late, and how everything is not all that it seems and how Greta Von Amberg is behind this...Dr.Stansville tries to ask her what she's talking about as a nurse says they STILL can't get ahold of anyone, and Dr.Stansville tries to get Celeste to explain what she means.... -Brandon tells Sami, Carrie, Nicole, and Travis that they are coming upon Salem...they'll be there with




Episode#365: STOP THIS WEDDING! -Jeremy says he's not...he just thinks its inappropriate for Alexis to be here, number one because of her short but odd past with Lucas...number two because of her history with the Horton's in general! Alexis tells him whatever as she goes to sit down, and Jeremy sighs as he walks off.... -Kate gets up and walks over to Crystal, pulling her aside and away from Benard....Crystal is STUNNED to see Kate and Benard asks who this is...Crystal asks him to excuse t



Episode#364: Wedding Day Part 3

Episode#364: Wedding Day Part 3 -At St.Luke's, Tony and Victor try to calm Vivian down as they tell her Valentine's not worth it....Vivian says they may be right, but she HATES that bitch...Valentine grins and simply goes to sit down, as Vivian tells Tony and Victor they are both such good men...Tony is distracted as Anna walks in, but she only glares at Tony and goes to sit across the room...Tony glances to Kate, who also sees Anna and sighs, but unknown to her Dorian is keeping an eye on Ka



Episode#363: Wedding Day Part 2

Episode#363: Wedding Day Part 2 -Vivian and Victor both greet Tony, and Tony asks how they've been....Victor and Vivian both say they've been fine, though Vivian then tells Tony about Valentine being Andre's husband...and Tony is STUNNED and asks how that can be as Valentine approaches and says: Valentine:Did someone call my name?! -Lucas and Eugenia both seperately get ready for the wedding....Eugenia is with Lexie, Laura, Belle, Cassie, and various others as she puts on her dress, and



Episode#362: Wedding Day Part 1

Episode#362: Wedding Day Part 1 -Its several days after Nicole decided to go back to Salem....and also the day of Lucas and Eugenia's wedding! -At St.Luke's Church, which is fully repaired after Elvis nearly blowing it up with a bomb last December, many are there for Lucas and Eugenia's wedding...as Eugenia prepares to get ready with Lexie and others at her side, Lucas gets ready with Will and others as some stand out in the main Church area....Dorian arrives as she thinks about how this m



Episode#361: Back to Salem

Episode#361: Back to Salem -Maggie says that she doesn't necessarily think that...it just seems odd. Faye tells Maggie that while she may seem like that type....she's not, she really isn't...Maggie sighs and apologizes, saying that she just had to put up with Bonnie Lockhart several years back trying to steal Mickey from her, then they had problems with Lexie when she first grew close to Abe...she just doesn't want another woman coming between her and the man she loves! -Jan tells Josh tha




This week, on LIS......the biggest week in months has arrived......... "Someone finally is able to prove their innocence to the world...." *clip of Sami, Carrie, Brandon, Travis, and Nicole all at the place where Sami is staying* Sami:At long last...everyone will KNOW I didn't kill my mom! "And a wedding finally arrives....." *clip of Eugenia and Lexie outside St.Luke's* Eugenia:I wish Blake could be here today, but I know he's watching from Heaven and is probably happy for me.



Episode#360: Nicole's Decision

Episode#360: Nicole's Decision -Jan continues to think to herself about how she WILL escape this Secret Room by the time that wedding takes place.....she's not going to let Greta or Eugenia win... -Faye knocks on the door of Maggie's house, and thinks about how great its been speaking to Abe more lately...Maggie answers it and Faye asks if Abe is inside...Maggie says he is, but she wants to know something first....she tells Faye she wants to know why she's constantly hanging around Abe all



Episode#359: Sami Loses Her Patience

Episode#359: Sami Loses Her Patience -Down in the Secret Room, Greta is there, as Jan eats and gives Josh his formula...Greta says that in just a matter of days, Lucas and Eugenia will be getting married....Jan laughs and says to not be so sure...anything can happen. Greta snorts and tells her she's dreaming if she thinks she's getting out of here before the wedding....Jan tells Greta that she doesn't mean anything like that....she's sure Lucas is going to remember his love for her and back o



Episode#358: Dorian's Information

Episode#358: Dorian's Information -Bo is at his house with Pamela and Addie, playing and spending time with his beloved daughters....however suddenly, there is a knock at the door...he opens it to see Ji'Min...who serves him with divorce papers! -Lucas and Eugenia continue to have a romantic time together, but the doorbell rings...Lucas answers it to see Belle! He happily greets her and she says she came to congratulate them on their marriage...they both thank her, and she then asks Lucas



Episode#357: Searching the Hotel

Episode#357: Searching the Hotel -Kristen yells "WHAT??!?!" and Vivian tells her she couldn't believe it either...but its true! Valentine steps out of the limosine and greets everyone, calling them all her family...she tells them they are going to have so much FUN living together! -Lucas and Eugenia are spending time together at the Spears Mansion, kissing and being romantic....Lucas tells her that in a matter of days....they'll be married! -Benard leaves the hotel, and Crystal decides



Episode#356: Tony and Kate Talk

Episode#356: Tony and Kate Talk -At the Horton House, Alexis is seen knocking on the door...she thinks to herself that she knows Jeremy may still hate her, but she has to talk to him about Robin accusing Laura of trying to kill her....Jeremy answers it, and asks Alexis what she wants! -Mike asks Dr.Stansville what she means....and Dr.Stansville says no offense to him, because she's worked with him for awhile and knows he's been the COS for over a year, and is one of the best doctors in tow



Episode#355: Nicole Tells Brandon About the Secret Room

Episode#355: Nicole Tells Brandon About the Secret Room -Jan is down in the Secret Room....she tells baby Josh that daddy's wedding is approaching all too fast, but tells him to not worry because she's already got a good plan to get out of this room in time to stop it! -Robin's monitor starts buzzing, and Mike calls for nurses and a crash cart...and soon they rush in there, and he says Robin got too worked up, she MAY have had an anxiety attack or gone into cardiac arrest or something....h



Episode#354: Brandon Talks to Nicole

Episode#354: Brandon Talks to Nicole -Its several days later in Salem and the world! -Eugenia walks into the hospital, where she goes to Lexie's office...she knocks on the door and Lexie says to come in, and Eugenia greets Lexie...she asks Lexie how she's been, and Lexie says she's been fine...Eugenia asks if she remembers her....Lexie says she does, she worked with her for a time and she was involved in the crazy fiasco of Theo's paternity....Eugenia tells her that she is engaged to Lucas



Episode#353: Nicole's Resistance

Episode#353:Nicole's Resistance -Will and Destiny are walking through Salem Place, Will saying he can't believe his dad asked him to be his best man...Destiny tells him he should be honored, and Will says he is...he's just been to enough weddings to last him a lifetime, and with this sudden engagement between his dad and Eugenia, its all sorta weird...suddenly they bump into Crystal, who begins telling them about how the custody hearing is beginning soon...and Arianna will be HERS! She taunts



Episode#352: Returning to Salem

Episode#352: Returning to Salem -Greta enters the Secret Room, where Jan is cradling Josh...Jan looks up and asks Greta what she wants, and Greta tells her that she brought her and her new son a little update on Jan's ex-fiancee...Jan snaps that he still IS her fiancee...but Greta simply ignores her and pulls out a tape recorder...and plays the entire conversation between Lucas and Will! -Kristen pulls away from Megan and asks what the HELL she's doing, but Megan keeps the knife to her nec



Episode#351: Frenemies Reunited

Episode#351: Frenemies Reunited -Lucas is at the kitchen in the Spears Mansion....Will walks in, and tells his father that his wedding date is fast approaching...Lucas grins and says he knows...Will says he still can't believe he's marrying Eugenia Willens, its all so fast...Lucas says he knows, but he loves her...Will also says that the custody trial date is coming soon...but he doesn't want to think about that...Lucas then says he has a question for Will...he asks if Will will be his best m




"EVERY single month this year has been action packed for LIS," Tara Smith says "But May will probably be the craziest month yet...or perhaps the one you'd most want to tune in for. We'll see pay-offs to some stories that have been going since the Fall of last year, and also plunging into new stories." The Secret Room/The Baby Switch: "This story will be the highlight of May...at long last, Jan will get out of that room and Greta's reign of terror will come to an end, that I can tell you. Also



Episode#350: Face to Face Again

Episode#350: Face to Face Again -Travis and Nicole are still at Travis's house...both of them are just getting up, and Nicole continues to take in the joy of being in this wonderful place and OUT of the Secret Room...Travis then asks her if she'd like to go get some breakfast! -Bo says sure...Kristen again apologizes for avoiding him until now, but he says he understands...she says that night, them having sex felt so right...but Hope walked in on them...and then he ran off after her when s



Episode#349: Innocence

Episode#349: Innocent -It is a new day for the world! -Lexie is down at the hospital....she gets the DNA results back from the test Steve and Kayla wanted to run before they left town...and it reveals that man is NOT Benjy DiMera! Lexie sighs and says it just must have been Lawrence trying to pull one over on them to further torture them....but its good that man isn't Benjy, because her family doesn't need anymore craziness.... -Andre is at his hideout with Valentine...he tells her toda



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