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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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RE: Stefano.  Yes. but then it changed and he was on all the time and normalized to eating lunch at the Brady Pub and being a fun grandpa.  That's what I objected to.  That's not who he was.  His only use for his family was as chesspieces.  Despite what current characters might say.

Yes Leslie/Dana works for now. The actress is wonderfully mesmerizing.  I just want the character to have arcs and not be a constant presence.

Edited by janea4old
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i’ve never watched days…, so i can’t speak to stefano. nor have i watched much of the bell shows, however, i really don’t like villains like shelia. 

but, i can tell you about roger thorpe. as played by michael zaslow — one of the best soap actors ever — viewers could see all of roger’s internal conflicts and emotional layers  

when roger came on guiding light in 1971, it was not as a villain. he was a user, a manipulator, and had a troubled relationship with father. he wan’t running someone off the road, potentially killing someone, his first week on the show. he grew into his dark side  

i know i’ve said this about these first weeks of btg: too much happening too fast — no buildup, no chance for viewers to anticipate! — to too many characters we’ve only just met. 

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Yeah, that was odd to me. I'm glad there was a lot to look at, because the dialogue in the Nicole testimonials was really generic and cliche. Very few specifics about any accomplishments.

-- Had to LOL at Dani being the MC, so soon after hitting the national news for threatening to kill her ex at his wedding.

-- Would love to have seen Anita eating at Orphey Gene's, keeping her gown and  cleavage clean.

-- I'm getting used to the Martin actor, and I do like his looks (and build). He's pretty despicable, though, and I still find it ridiculous that he's thinking of running for president.

-- I'm content to enjoy Leslie and whatever damage she creates. Why worry about the show ruining the villain character and making her "too much"? That makes no sense to me.

-- Overall? A strong soapy hour.

Disagree completely.

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not a problem. i suspect some of these differences of opinion are generational

for the record: i was in kindergarten when ‘world turns came on the air in 1956 — you can do the math:) — but those early soaps (often dismissed as “your grandmother’s soap opera” were a very different animal from what the genre’s become over the decades. 

Edited by wonderwoman1951
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The “event” for Nicole so far is underwhelming, and I really wish they didn’t try to do this so early on in the show’s run. As others have mentioned, this was just another Dupree family gathering with some filler to make it seem like a big huge deal. I still feel like the show exists in a bubble, and I know everyone mentions how many extras there are and how nice the sets are, but Fairmont doesn’t feel like a real place in the real world yet.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like what the show is depicting in regards to wealthy, bourgie black people vs. lower middle class black people. I think a major opportunity was missed in not having a more down-to-earth family to balance the Duprees.

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She should be so lucky. I will admit it. I'm not there with her. Sure, she's fine, hitting her marks, knows her lines, is at least to some degree, able to emote but I'm not seeing layers or nuance. Leslie to me is more of cartoon, or caricature, def not a classic villain but that doesn't mean she can't get the job done. Also we have seen zero vulnerability.

By now you will have seen that Stefano had a good period but it didn't last.

Thank you for this. I'm thinking Zas's Roger may have been the exception that proves the rule. Different, definitely not overexposed. Used sparingly or just enough. And also we got to see him as a regular person, a father, a friend, and yes, vulnerable.


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I agree with this.  Say what you want about Passions, but they got it right when it came to the having core families - having one rich family and three middle class families.  The Duprees/Richardson family is just way too big.  You could've taken 4-5 characters out of that family and create another core, and poorer, family. 

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