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B&B: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I really need for B&B to step up its game. I can't believe it has been 38 years since the series premiere. I remember how excited I was to be watching a soap from the beginning. It is similar to the recent excitement I had for BTG. 

Someone recently pointed out that B&B is about the fashion industry and has NEVER had a male gay character. How is that even possible and how have I not realized that??? I vividly remember the lesbian characters Karen & Danielle and of course I remember Maya, one of the few trans characters on daytime, but the fact we haven't had ONE male gay character is quite disturbing to me.

I need Brad Bell to have a come to Jesus moment and start writing the show the way it should be.

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Brooke embarrassed herself to Ridge today. AGAIN.

She told him to "come home," saying she misses his kisses and lying next to him. She said she knows he feels the same. She topped it off with saying "I still want to be your Logan."

It's all wretched and pukeworthy.

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Hope did not use Carter.

Hope and Carter were two vulnerable people who bonded over feeling under-appreciated at FC. Was it a good romantic foundation to get together? No. But Carter was in a position where he promised Hope the world and the end of her problems, and of course she would naturally look at him as her knight-in-shining-armour. They dithered about taking over FC for a few episodes and Carter finally went forward with it. Hope and Carter also constantly reminded each other that there was "no turning back".

Guess what? The man turned back. And in the process, moronically threw the girl in the line of fire he was supposed to protect her from. Between this and the kiss (which, let's be clear, he reciprocated) Hope's misguided illusion of Carter was shattered. The girl had every right to dump his spineless ass, and it's certainly not because he's of no use to her anymore.

What Hope feared the most ended up being a reality, only this time with the added consequences of her being even more of a pariah with the Forresters, and her mother losing her relationship (I mean whatever Brooke is better off without Ridge anyway lol). I only blame Hope for letting herself be swooned by Carter so easily. She conflated Carter's feelings of protection with "love".

I don't think Hope is a victim in this and I don't believe their character's rhetoric of "we had no choice". They could've separated out of FC and built HFTF independently. I do however, believe she is getting the shortest end of the stick out of this situation. Steffy on the other hand continues to somehow pontificate, without interruption or intervention, on morality, ethics, and "tHe LoGaNs" - when she not too long ago has made some moral and ethical transgressions herself.


Edited by ChickenNuggetz92
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I felt the same way. It was sooooo cringe. Why in God's name is Brooke still attracted to this man after he's tossed her aside like trash so many times? I really wish BB had the guts to have Brooke FINALLY move on from Ridge and grow as a character once again. KKL deserves sooo much better.

As bad as the takeover story was, Carter "coming home" also felt very...cringe. Why does Carter care so much for these people who treat him over and over as a second banana?

IF this story played out properly, Hope would leave FC and start her own fashion house as a rival.

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I haven’t seen it since - Luna was cut loose from Bill’s?  I saw that scene and I saw another day with Sheila and Poppy. 

this scene of Brooke begging is pathetic.  They need to keep Slapping Brooke around permanently 

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